Welcome back to mxr plays today we have another special guest. Her name is ali. Cakes is how you say it: yeah uh. You can call me ale too.

I like cakes, it's because she's french we're very close, though almost almost there. I am from guatemala she's chinese squandered you're, not you can't say that he's honestly, like sweating, very scared, he's like please don't let me get this wrong. I think we first saw her when she was in a tick tock. That was in one of her videos and then she posted on her reddit.

Oh my god, you have no idea like we were just like chilling like on a normal day like having you guys like up on like watching this video and then suddenly. Like we see me pop up and i'm just there like well that just looks familiar. Oh that's me. I made it mom mom, i did it you made it on.

Mixer plays, oh, my god. How many views did you get on this tick? Tock? I actually don't remember because my tick tock got taken down, so it's like, what's going on, there's so much content there. I'm still sorry for worrying you about about my shirt. Did you look so concerned in this video? Are you okay, yeah she posts on reddit and she got 3.8 000 uploads, which i think that was like the highest up voter thing of the month? This is the first thing i saw yeah and then i saw her like interacting with the comments down below someone said like confuse crusader noises.

She's like are we crusading? I go get my helmet. Oh my god yeah my helmet's on the top right now. You know better get it shined up and i i knew she was a true fan because i remember reading somewhere down here that she actually had our hoodie that we released not too long ago. So today i have two choices for you.

Do you watch anime at all? Oh, yes, i love anime. Okay, perfect. Would you want to do our enemies? Maybe let's try the anime memes and then, if i like, don't recognize enough of it all right? Oh my god. That's the first one! Already, though wait.

It's impressive: the man strikes again the legend. I love these kinds of memes they're, my favorite ones. That's the titan, i'm pretty sure. That's the ugliest titan i've ever seen.

Sorry, i feel kind of bad because, like she's kind of hot and like normal, oh that's a girl, yeah see she. She already watches more anime than me like you, shouldn't worry at all. I know nothing can we know the name of the i just binge attack on titan she's, the target, the cart titan. She like carries humans on her back and like, oh so, she's amazing, oh my god, she's literally a carriage yeah.

Like that exactly wait. She looks pretty right. That's what i'm saying yeah what the is this! This is really disturbing. I feel like attack on titan and elder being same shared like the same brain cell.

I haven't, played alden ring yet, but i've like seen a couple of boss fights. It looks really intense you must. It is intense, it's so fun yeah. I asked chat.

I was like hey chad like should i play elden ring and they were like? No don't torture us with your gameplay. Oh no! Oh that's so real! Oh my god. There's another one he's been productive holy. How did he do that? He shaved it like perfectly at the shape of his body, all right, ally, cakes? Who is this wait? I think she got it.
Did i get it? Oh, my god watch us all be wrong because we don't even know we could be wrong. I don't know what mama bird sees when it's feeding time. Oh, what are they doing? They're jumping up and down excitedly something they're hungry. So one thing about cosplay that i'm like kind of sad about like no matter how good you do it.

You can never be as cute as the actual character. You know no, there's there's just one girl that would prove you prove you wrong. Oh yeah me this girl. I think i saw that yeah this girl right, that's true, that's crazy! It's uncanny her eyes are gigantic whoa.

Is she real? I know right she's, definitely animated. It's not real and those are color lenses hundred percent, but yeah it's it's possible. Just got ta try harder, wow i'll, try harder! It's like don't be sorry, be better makes me better next time hard work versus creativity, cosplayers, giving their best to make the perfect outfit, and then there's this guy, oh yeah, but you can't help but just disrespect. It 10 out of 10 cosplay yeah he's sitting at the top man, anime intro, sad john wixie, in the rain anime outro.

That's true, they're, just chilling they're having a party, that's crazy! That's dicaprio! I thought they're like usually looking at like a sunset or something have you ever seen like your line april, i watched like couple episodes and i cried too much so i couldn't me too. Oh, my god, literally, like emotional damage, emotional damage. This is what you imagine right: yeah yeah um end of the day, a little bit of sunset action i feel like you can really do whatever the you want, like nobody's really sitting there watching the outro right. True right guys.

To be honest, i don't really watch the intro. Sometimes too just skip it. The anime rule 34 artists. I can do something with this.

My artistic senses are tingling, so hard potentials out there limitless. Have you guys watched jessup darling that one gets me sweating like sweating? Sweating i was sweating like oh, this is the this is the one with the girl with the crazy we're gon na make a chest. It's like stuffed animal pillow and inside we're gon na have like giant tits and then we're thinking of like what pattern we wanted to be on the bikini. I was thinking of like taking her pattern.

Then we just end up going with the what the cow spots: yeah cow, mommy, milkers, oh mommy, milkers. I love mommy milkers. What if you got it to like squirt, the price would rise, we'd have to charge 100. For that we need to do that.

No, no! That is, that is a brilliant i think, you're on to something we can go to shark tank with that one. How do you stop gambling addiction, how to stop gambling addiction, i'm feeling lucky? Actually i don't even know what that button. Does i don't. I don't know either what if it like, like gives you like a random page based on your uh search history? Oh, but there is no idea, oh okay! In that case, i'm not clicking that button yeah.
I was gon na. Say that's! Okay! You know what maybe this isn't the greatest idea: tanjio congratulating zenitsu for defeating the demon zenitsu, who just went, look up he's like what man, if i could do like half the stuff that he does while asleep, like man she's the only one that gets the meme Man, do you guys not watch? We haven't even watched demon slayer. We only know the memes, i think a popular opinion, but it's kind of meh wow, bold words it's too slow for me start that one in the comment section: let's go this video gets. 5.

000 comments. I mean, i love it. It's great playing video games as a kid playing the same video games. Now, oh, like you're, better at them as you're, older dude.

Legend of zelda was like so hard for me when i was a kid and it's still hard for you now i've seen you try, puzzles and i'll just be like henry to be fair. I never played rather games growing up. So this what yeah? Really i didn't? Um have a computer or like anything to play games with so i did puzzles. Instead, i played a lot of minesweeper.

That's what i'm saying you can only pick one choose wisely, a cat girlfriend. She loves you i feel like this is always a staple choice. You don't have to see any more of this stupid, meme template. You were saying: i'm going to choose this we've seen too many of these memes cat.

Girls are always the best. You would choose cat girl. Oh wait! I'm wearing my cat ears right now: blue extra cute. Oh it's! The best woman and anime, make slightest movements, they're titty physics on your screen, video.

What the is that what kind of bird is that is that his titties? Yes, i'm so strangely turned on right. Now. Oh henry, i'm kind of jealous how to drink water. Tutorial 1.7 million views 1.7 million people before this video.

I am really curious what this video actually is, though, no i've been thinking about, starting my own youtube. Maybe i should do like how to drink water and how to do jumping jack tutorials. Honestly. This is like pretty solid clickbait, because it's like what, if i've been drinking water wrong the entire time, and then you start questioning yourself and you're like i need to click in to make sure that i'm actually doing it right is gaslighting.

The new clickbait gastline is the strongest form of clickbait it's not even in english, too. Oh we got ta relax before we drink water. Oh, you have to relax. I've been doing it wrong.

The entire time. Oh you got ta stretch out your face. Exercises. Do the like? Okay, all right, i have boba.
Is this the same thing yeah i'm testing this out. She's like all right, everybody get your cups, ready, ready, i'm gon na suck it. Oh my god, i'm failing at sucking you're feeling it's! Oh! She just spilled water. All over the place, okay because she never specified what to do after the water goes in the mouth.

You got ta suck it. I think, that's gon na be part. Two part two. You need to sign up to my free course of how to drink water.

Actually i sucked at that i couldn't even get the like the liquid out of the cup. Oh, my god, i've been drinking water wrong this whole time. Top 10 anime of the week, my dress-up darling attack on titan final season. Part two demon, slayer comments, entertainment district arc.

Wait is my dress of darling that amazing, it's so good. Oh my god. Can you explain to me like why do people like it so much and what's the attraction i like to see jessup darling as like the prequel to a hentai, you know what i mean so, like you know like lead up type of stuff like get it you're In there, so people want to get blue balls super hard, and then they want to head over to hentai even afterwards, and just it's edging. I've invested.

Waking up at 8 am for work. Waking up at 5 am to play a game with the boys. Wake up tired or wake up like oh ready to go if i could ever get my boobies to do that. That would be so cool i'm confused! So if you want to play a game with the boys, you're going to grow a huge pair of tits to go along with it at 5, 8 at 5 am either do it faster or get a boob job.

Wake up the tits before you get up a perfect weeb girlfriend doesn't exist, oh my god gorgeous sociable, weaving and cosplay rude app, and that is from dress-up darling. Oh you hear that. Ladies all, three of these that's, the combination can't count miranda's pretty elite bro. She is my god i wan na cosplay, her so bad, but i don't know how i do and blonde you can try.

Oh my god, panda queen says she wants to see it all right. Yes, she's, like all right, it's on my agenda now, all right here. We go it's on the list, i'm doing it me wondering if vegans can drink their own breast milk, so random on cure. Wondering the same thing.

Two years ago, i've been wondering the same thing like if you swallow while you're vegan. Are you still vegan? It's an animal product. Are we animals? Yes, we're on them? Oh my god. These are not true vegans.

I think i asked chat one time. Oh it's because of consent. They were like yeah you're consenting to some people didn't ask for consent. Well, you he heard it here.

First vegans go ahead, swallow as much normies, there's no good anime with 3d animation me. It looks like an anime game. Only anime games, i know, are hentai really exact ones. I'm talking about what did you think i was talking about normal anime games.

I drew kitagawa marine while cosplaying as her. It's the ultimate form of love. Oh my god, that's amazing! You could pull off the cosplay 100. You just got to get the eye.
Color contacts. Look if any eddie girls trying to look like martin, no one's gon na, say no, i feel really confident you guys heard it and it's totally not because i just want to see you genie society. When boy has one fl flight society, one girl has seven deals. I wonder what a flashlight feels like people have sent those fights i just posted them right, yes, they're gone now, threw them out for sure you know.

Opening the packages like, oh, was utterly disgusted surprised gross, would never want to try that toss it straight out when you max out your attack, speed, but completely ignore your attack, strength, stats, oh she's, she's, the mood i'm doing him wait, but nothing happened. She's just like introduced me: wouldn't that hurt your titties. I feel like that, would hurt your titties. It's like what's happening.

She has any titties, sorry that was henry just cause. An anime decided to be more wholesome and not over exaggerating. No, i respect that. I really do japanese voice actors - okay, let's it's like the motherly tender voice right.

I feel like she's, going to start out out at any. Second wait is that a guy or a girl? That's a guy, oh with large brush, wait! Wait! Oh the voice! When you hear the voice, if you have larger practices that change oh he's like all right now, you're getting to fbi territory, relax there buddy now, can you say yamatee kudasai, please, oh my gosh. Also the ability to like differentiate breast size is truly a talent. You know you must have like observed it from real life yeah that, like people of bigger breasts, talk like that, maybe i'll have to do some research on it.

I mean okay, listen to how i like cakes, talks right, yeah and then how i talk. You can clearly tell she's got the bigger boot. Did you know in the second ending theme of konasuba aqua can be seen hanging various washed clothes, but no panties. This is a reference to her, not wearing any.

Honestly, though, like i feel like panties are really like constricting. Sometimes you just need to let it breathe. Do you, oh my god, okay, stop me! If i'm probing too deep, but like do you occasionally not wear panties with pants yeah, i'm not wearing any right now. Henry henry is having a moment right now: anyways wow, look at the meme, really good meme.

She clearly doesn't have any panties on so does i like cakes? I finally did it. I had my nipples surgically removed, so i can post on instagram such a beautiful job. Can't even see the scars think these will fly on instagram. If that's the answer like i'm, i'm going no nippies wow.

They look really good, though, does it still count as boobies if there aren't any titties on it, because if you were to put on like a super tight latex over it, the only thing that it's hiding is nipples and that's okay. She may have just found like the cheat code to social media, but i feel like people will miss the like hard nips. You know, that's that's another question i was going to ask like for a guy to appeal that that that part has to be there. Otherwise, it's just bags of fat right think about your offspring, though.
What if he comes over to your boob and tries to you know, get a little suckle. It's like water, if it's just like what am i supposed to do here too bad, not too bad. Sorry, just like leaks out of the titty and just like, oh, she said apparently there's an anime. Could this wound be one of our people, apparently yeah? It does look kind of weird, though i'm not gon na lie.

I guess nipples really are that important huh? That's the only thing that like separates the boob from the rest of the the body, i think yeah, you put the nipples there and boom the entire channel shut down. Everything's gone, live! Take it away all right! Well, that's it for adam and memes. Let's, let's thank uh ollie cakes for coming on here. We really appreciate it go check her out at where would you like people to go? I'm i'm ala kicks on twitch allocates underscore on instagram, i'm just out kicks everywhere on twitter, only fans, you know holy fans.

Let's go. Thank you. Thank you guys for having me yeah. It was a lot of fun.

We appreciate you coming on here. You actually knew a lot about anime. So exactly thanks all right. Thank you.

So much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace.

13 thoughts on “Model surgically removes her nipples ft. allecakes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Gibson says:

    Man, I'm really trying to figure out what they meant by demon slayer being slow. It's probably the only anime I've seen that moves as fast with the story.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wrath4not says:

    I dont watch the intro because of da,mn spoilers every single time just let me figure it out for myself stop showing me what's going to happen

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SebastianTheGreat says:

    Alliecakes: *Guest stars in a video*
    Henryโ€™s Dirty Mind: โ€œFinally, a worthy opponent!โ€

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bridget Canning says:

    Actually in ancestral mammals' mammary glands were originally modified sweat glands. Monotremes like the spiny echidna and the platypus don't have teats, just concentrations of secretory organs that do indeed "sweat" milk.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nx Reacts says:

    Quick tip:
    Find a girl like Jeannie, she'll make you genuinely happy.
    steer clear of girls like Allecakes unless you've got Bank

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beelz Helheim says:

    What is boobs without nips?
    Men of culture: pointless, both physically and figuratively ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim abel says:

    I have a feeling if your guest ever found a genie and got a wish It would be to give her tiddies super powers, even tho they already have powers.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Myers says:

    If anyone is curious the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button automatically opens the webpage to the top result

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcho says:

    Fun fact! The reason Aqua doesn't wear panties is so that no one can see them thus avoiding panty shots… truly the intelligence of a goddess in action…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pad Solo says:

    "She never specified what to do when the water was in your mouth"……………… SWALLOW!!! lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ananth Sundaram says:

    Love them all but they are a disgrace to anime community if they consider themselves part of it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROWDYtheCAT says:

    Jeannie is much less of a judgemental prude when the scantily clad lady can actually hear her.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TexasDad says:

    Alle-Apologizes for the shirt in the past vid..
    Also Alle- Wears a bra and shorty shorts on new vid lol.

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