Daraku Gear—Where you'll find the best waifu of your laifu!
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Alright, today we're doing subtle asian dating date, my bait, but do you know what else is kind of asian? What a brand new game called daruku gear by arrow labs? Oh, my god, tired of whips and cuffs ready you'll be hooked after just one taste of device, age, brainwashing and electroshocks nice. Why are you giggling wow? Look at look at all those beautiful characters. Look kylo wants to serve you. Let's, let's go over to the safe for work, landing page, oh so much safer.

What is that in the first image, she's stretching she's she's doing some warm-ups? Look, it's basically just a depraved adult mobile game with hardcore discipline scenes girls in mex. What happens when you strip them out of their armor and violate them, find out in director gear plus a new girl randall is coming at daraku gear. On march 22nd, try out daraku gear today, the most depressed. It's a mobile game.

There's a link down below wait. Let me show you something: can you show me something good is it here? Let me show you something here: why have we sold our puppy, which one's our baby he looks so grown up? She looks so grown up, which one is it this one which one's ours? I really wan na. Let's just say it's this one all right time for some subtle asian memes i had for three hours last night we roll played as a doctor and patient. I was in the waiting room for two hours and 57 minutes.

Don't be ashamed! Three minutes is pretty normal. You want to say something. No, i'm just saying like. I wonder if there is an average time that guys last six minutes, i love how like i didn't, have to specify, lasted what and internet exactly knew what we were talking about.

You're about half of the average, it's fine! How did they test this, though? Did they like have a stopwatch as soon as like it was inserted like dope, because if you survey people they're 100 gon na lie yeah, so this can't be accurate, stop, watches and diaries. So they did have stuff. Did you stop watches, wouldn't that affect the person yeah right? If they have the knowledge of exactly yeah, it's official, not enough, can kill you having too little increases the risk of heart attack by more than two and a half times but like what, if you have with like your inflatable vibrating, you know sex spot 3000. No, by by this definition, you can just map and you're fine, like maybe the body knows that it's your hand, it's like this doesn't count like you're still dying from heart like heart attack.

No, it does count. Just saw this on my girlfriend's phone. Their customer service is like no other pizza good night. I have some bad news.

My friend, that's not pizza hut. She named him pizza hut, so he so he would. He wouldn't suspect, because why would you ever look into a text if it's like pizza hut? You know versus like a random dude's name. Why do i name it a girl's name like jessica? That's true, i don't know yeah.

This is hella sus, maybe she's trying to get a hot and steamy pie tonight. Okay, okay, you don't need a perfect relationship. All you need is someone who loves your weirdness wants to spend time with you and respects you. Oh wow, that's crazy! I love your awareness.
I want to spend time with you and i respect you. Usually i mean all the time all the time. Yes, what the heck is happening near her like she's fondling, her breasts, oh, he is playing with the mommy milkers. It seems like in every relationship on sad men are always groping.

Woman's breasts like why it's the optimal position of existence for men. You never do that. All right editors, black out the video. Now don't let anyone treat you like free salsa.

You are cheese, dip baby! You are cheese dip! I don't like the cheese yeah. I don't choose to be there honestly. The salsa is better yeah me after a bad break. Oh, my god, someone help me yeah somebody help jesus christ.

These people have no feelings. No empathy before things suffering. You left him quaking her. So how long have you been single? Oh god, what do you think this is furry pants? Why would pants have fur fashion? It's his forest he's got a shave, he's got ta mow his firestone, a guy's forest does not grow that big.

All right, you'd be surprised, like some people have like amazonian rainforest down there, yeah there's little like civilizations down there. For some people hurt me, your obsession with books doesn't make you quirky or intelligent. You just seek fiction as escapism from your own life. Wait you root for character, development and relationships and stories, because you're unable to cultivate your own.

It's too much truth. I mean. Isn't this the same reason why everybody reads like especially fiction? Oh yeah, is it not for escapism and relationships that, because you don't have those and that's why what about people are trying non-fiction those are just like dudes trying to like get ahead in life. You know like this: the self-help books like how to socialize be charismatic five-year-old asks his classmates via valentine.

Oh, my god, my heart yeah, oh no, she's gon na, be like no. What is all this lila is very pretty ginny she's five for a young child. I would see why other five-year-old boys would really like lila ginny can say that i can't why not. I would understand why a five-year-old would love that she's.

Looking kind of good for dude's got balls of steel man at five years old. I didn't know how to like even interact with a female, because, even if you thought like a girl was cute, like you couldn't say it or else like all, the guys will give you like ill gross. You know that girls have cooties right like what's wrong with you, but meanwhile, like he's also like yeah, i would smash smash 5. You guys have the concept of smash.

No, i mean like share a cookie at lunch, new grabbers. That means new guy for new set. Oh, my god, new coochie, please wait is that a new speaker. I would think if guys saw that they'd be kind of terrified, because it's claws would you want claws around your, not exactly not exactly also, maybe why i am addicted to goth.
I wan na see the full presentation honestly, you don't really need to explain like just look up like goth. You know, okay, how about? Let's add something to that? Oh god, i think what you added just did you see my dog again? I thought they were like filters for that stuff. Can we go to the gym tomorrow? Sure abby, baby, oh boy, here we go and he will die in five seconds who is evan? I like how like, even before she replies, he already knows this game over here. Gon na spend the rest of the explaining that now no i'll take abby cause that is similar to baby, but if it's like sure, jessica and then corrects it to baby, that would make me be like who the is jessica.

It's gon na be like. Why is it correcting to abby? Your phone must know that you know someone named abby and you must be texas all day or else. Why would it choose abby out of all girls? I don't believe you wow. I didn't even think that far you're sm you like a god and her mentality, no that's totally what she's gon na say.

100. I was best man at my friend's second wedding. I started my speech with welcome back everyone and he was not happy. It's pretty funny, though, let's be real, and then you end this video thanks for coming i'll, see you next time, hey, i'm sorry, you got to be able to take a joke yeah.

I don't know he also has to accept the fact. This is your second wedding. It is true he's not there's going to be some jabs at this girls. I wore this yesterday and now i don't have anything to wear for the party boys for 19 years.

I mean you really don't need to wear anything else. When your looks yeah literally henry is at the store being like this black shirt or this black shirt like they're, both black dude. If you look like toby maguire, you don't need anything else with a shirt your girlfriend after she told you. Nothing is wrong.

Oh, my god, that eye. It really do be like that, though nothing's wrong, but you can just look at look at them in their eyes, something and there's something wrong study. Women need more sleep than men because they use their brains more. That's not necessarily a good thing, all that overthinking and jumping to conclusions like you guys, use your brains more you're running through the same thing.

Over and over again, it's not even like getting anywhere it's just making situations worse and worse i'll, just turn it off. Rare footage of women learning how to jump to conclusions. You guys are so good at that. It's great i'm just kidding honey girls are really irrational and they think think things through and okay wait.

A second men jumped to conclusions as well. We jumped to the right now: i'm kidding girls be choosing their wedding outfits before they even choose a man yeah. I never really like understood wedding dresses such a huge deal to a lot of people. When is a girl ever gon na wear something that looks like a ball gown ever in her life? If they ever go to a ball, where can i go to a ball? Find squire sign up for one? If you want, where is a ball in this modern day? You'll find a ball, especially with coping.
Well, you can just wear a wedding dress to like you know, mcdonald's or you could just wear one at home. It's fine! I won't judge. What's one thing your partner doesn't know when we watch movies together, we always snack one of our favorites to munch on during the movie. Are the sour punch bites? She takes off the blue ones because i don't like them and they're her favorite always says how lucky she is that worked out like that.

The blue ones are also my favorite, but you can have them, but he basically lied to her. What if the red ones are actually her favorite and she's, also lying as a form of self-sacrifice, now you'll, both god play for not having truthful communication? Well, i mean i'll tell her that, like hey, i still like it, but you can still have them. You know. I think that's been like our way: it's a fair trade-off right genie.

Oh my god. This reminds you of the conversation with the airhead you're like do you like this? What about this much and i'm like all right? Fine, you could have the airhead. I saw an airhead in her lunchables the other day. I was like well how much do you like it, because i like it this much and if you like it a little less than that then i'll take it.

I feel like like this much, but it's funny, because i i extended it to be like i like it that much she's like you have to like this, but the thing is like genie is shorter than me, so she can't reach my arm length. So i just have to say i like it this much and it's mine sex before marriage is a sin. Unless you do a doggy style, because all dogs go to heaven follow me for more loopholes into heaven. Did they say that all dogs go to heaven yeah right? What dog doesn't go to heaven, the ones that had sex before marriage? Okay, that's true! Technically a dog can't sin because, like they eat to survive, so they can't have gluttony.

They can't have sex before marriage because they don't get married anyways. So technically, yeah dogs can't sin unless they have like threesomes. You know, then that's degeneracy now you're making me think of the pile of shivaji. Yes, when you said a dog threesome like, however they're all like piled on top of you when you're talking to a guy and thinks, and things start to get serious, is this like a wikihow of how to shave your cat or something? And it's not even a well done shave.

What is it? Oh, my god, why would you ever want to shave your cat? I like it when it's stubby, it tastes better, yeah, it's just tone of voice. It's like when you look at restaurants, like a font, will tell you like what kind of a restaurant it is. If it's like mcdonald's and it's like really cheery happy. You know it's fast food, but then, when it's like super fine, dining like the font, gets skinnier and skinnier and like simpler and simpler one day, my boyfriend is going to accomplish everything he's ever dreamt of, and i really can't wait to be the girl by his Side supporting him through it all what if one of the thing he dreamt of was having a harem right there, part of the hair.
What if one of the things he dreamt of was being like the king, a slave driver? No, i was gon na go drug. Lord, can you wait to be the girl by my side as soon as i accomplish everything i've ever dreamt of? Haven't you already done it you're right, it's all downhill from here yeah. I can't wait to be by your side once you accomplish everything. You've ever dreamed of you have dreams right genie.

You have dreams, you haven't listened to a single word. I've said to you, have you what a weird way to start a conversation? No, no. She said words, but inside of her head to you, it's just you're, not telepathic, which is an issue. No, i think it's more of the guy started, having inner monologue, thoughts, genuinely zoned out and then came back and be like.

Oh, i swear nothing in this whole entire world smells better than the person you love have you ever walked by a cinnabon yeah. I think there's many things that smells better than the person cinnabon does smell, pretty good yeah. I bet that they like pump artificial, smells into the air so that people are aware of the cinnabon around the area and then they all go and chop there because honestly, like auntie anne's, i could pass by that. It's like i'm just fine, it's like convincing, but fine cinnabon you're like i need to go gee, let's go on some dates.

Here are three asians. Who would you go on a date with asian number one? Do you think she actually like did any running that day? Like for health, or do you think she just came outside put on this outfit jogged for a little bit, we made a tick tock and went straight back home, but do you think any ounce of exercise was done today? I don't know how she could with those okay. That's date number one in date, number two haven't we seen this girl before. I think we have oops got ta, get a new girl i'll pass because she has the claws of a witch.

Oh, you mean the the dick grabbers yeah. Her drivers are actually very terrified subscribers yeah all right and then henry no henry. No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! The last girl! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No, it's this one. What do you say to that? One genie? No, what is she like bane, the female bane when he's five, six, five to six? What are you waiting for? I don't know something amazing.

I guess wow rude yeah, so she's essentially saying five to six inches. Isn't enough, like just didn't, do anything i'll, take the first girl at least the first girl? Okay, it's the lesser of three evils. It's true that she's faking her activity, then good, we'll both just stay inside and be lazy. All right, that's it for this video smash like if you agree with genie.
Thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time, peace. I thank you so much.

16 thoughts on “When he’s 5-6 inches”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripple See says:

    7.5 inches here 🙂 happy with it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arctic depth says:

    I've heard of that game already
    I've been to some sites

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crimson Creates says:

    100th like- there's also 11 comments that I can't see-

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Talhah.M Asvat says:

    Love you guys keep it up❤

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BANGARANG says:

    Huh 5-6 inches I can't relate I've got more

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That one guy Nobody likes but he’s there anyway says:

    Ive just recently gotten into hentai games bc of Henry lol, i do not regret it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Serenity says:

    Day 336 of telling the panda queen that i am her most humble female servant

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Ali says:

    Nice thumbnail I like it

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PaPa Frankku says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RoboNinja09 says:

    22 comment. or am i the first?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Brooks says:

    These videos always cheer me up

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshaun Fenton says:

    Feels illegal to be this early

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kingforlife01 says:

    First for the first time ever

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DabnDab says:

    Let's gooooo our fav Asian couple

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ego fluff says:

    Finally first to the feast

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Small Dick Big Attitude says:

    First to comment finally

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