So today's valentine's day - and i want to do stuff for jeannie - you got a little more than that so yeah jean and i have been together for five years now. I've never really done anything crazy. For valentine's day. I made you lunch.

Oh thank you! There you go but um, oh my gosh whoa. Does it look so um instagram trendy? You did not make the croissant you burnt it, though a little bit, i burnt it yeah! Oh, thank you, though, that is so sweet. I was actually really hungry all right. I think i'll eat the banana wow.

Look at that look at this fire coming out. You try. First, no you go first, you go first, honey, wow yummy, that's really good! Actually, yummy yeah, all right! So i got some flowers delivered, but they always deliver stuff. To my neighbor's house instead of me, my neighbor has a as a wife, and so i hope she didn't see these flowers and was like.

Oh my god, neighbor were those for me. Oh they're, beautiful, look at that! Oh these will stay away for longer. What is this saying, dear genie, yeah, go yourself, oh no. Why would you why would you raise money so terrible like that? Why would you write something so terrible like that to me you know i didn't write that.

How would you write go yourself? I didn't write that you did look. This is dear genie, go yourself, you know they gave this to her neighbor's house and then a neighbor texted me saying, like yeah you're out your flowers are outside my house dude, you should have been like. Do you accept my love and he's like uh all right, so next i saw this thing on tick tock, so i'm gon na learn how to embroider henry. What why what do you mean? Why why do you want? You know you can be honest with me kind of not too honest.

I can appreciate the amount of effort you put into it yeah only because i know how long you spent in your chair just trying to put the thread through this meal. It's pretty cute. You are gon na make another one right, yeah, okay, what article of clothing does genie love the most, so i can go ahead and ruin it. I think i bought this for her.

Actually wait, really yeah. I bought this for her all right perfect. Do it ruin it yeah exactly so, that's it like. If i ruin it it's like well, i bought it for you right.

Are you good at because i'm not drawing? I ever mention that? Can i get a redo? Can i get a new hoodie or something you know? The imperfections is what makes it look nice right. This looks horrible. It looks terrible if you can actually sew along those lines. It might not look like that pool boy pool.

Oh, my god, i can see your hand just trembling, you're struggling so hard. It's almost endearing, i'm sweating right now it turned out so bad. It could have been it's so bad. This is my blood yeah wait.

Why is it still there? What did you throw it out? I don't know this is my huh. This is mine. What do you mean? This? Is my sweater yeah yeah, when you try it on why i don't know just try it on okay. Remember i bought this for you.
You bought this. For merch research yeah, but it was also for you. I think it was from richmond, and so you can't be mad. If anything happens to her all right genie, because i bought you got it for free right honey.

What what's gon na happen? Why are you looking up? Yes, what's gon na happen? Are you gon na throw eggs at me because you just said: don't be mad? If anything happens to him, no, no, wait! There's something on your face. I think up here. Can you get it yeah wait! Wait! It's it's actually left arm now, because you're scaring me okay: what's up, can you do a face on action for me? No! No! No do it slowly! Okay, hold on here is a west sound gift card. Can you look in front of your eyes when you grab it all right? Here's my um gift card, i'm so scared! Look at the gift card! Look at the gift card! Honey! Oh! Okay! Fine! Here i'll! Do it what pull those hands out look down? It took you that long.

I tried everything in the book. Oh my god did you do this. I don't think anyone else is capable of such terrible embroidery. No, i'm! I was gon na say because it's really good! No who's, i oh henry, and i i'm afraid i destroyed you.

No you didn't you made it better. Are you sure about that? Do you see how terrible that jay looks? No it's it's good. This looks so bad. I think the fact that you did you like look up a guide and stuff yeah.

Well, i wouldn't really like pay people to do this, but this is so sweet you're, not gon na throw anything at me right, okay, nothing's gon na happen. Thank you. So much. That's so sweet, so you know those video ideas where you kind of regret doing out for it for being the most gracious third wheel highest, the greatest third wheel.

That's ever existed in the world in the universe. Oh right, let's go wow, that's floating. Are you ready? Yeah men find yourself a boyfriend like henry. No, don't don't be like me, boys, it's just it's not worth it.

I don't want to say it. It's not worth it. It's worth everything: oh okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, but all right. If you're watching this, i need you to close your ears right now.

It's not worth it. Is this not the most cliche you've ever seen it kind of is actually it's. It's very. The gesture is very sweet.

I'm sorry jeannie your boyfriend's gon na die today valentine's day is gon na, be his death get away from me, yeah, okay, and now we do the petals. I don't know, imagine the cleanup after this just kill me now all right, that's when you have to do it tomorrow, when it's not valentine's day. You know what i should do, what she just get a leaf, blower and just just like ex. Are we using all 2000 petals? No, no henry tell me it, and so, even though, what's this guy's name, mr fat ass, no mr caddington, more like mister, will bless paddington.

Oh look he's blushing. Really. It looks like the petals are just like covering his nips or some. I think junior would appreciate that after 16 hours it doesn't look like there's that many more petals than what we started out with.
To be honest, oh just one more boom. I don't even know where you threw it. Bro show them from over here. What wow look at that? Oh, wait! We're not done yet about these things.

Why do we buy these? I forgot about those henry. Why did we go so ham on the show? What did we do? Wait, sorry? Why did you also him on this extra? Ah, oh my god. What is wrong with this? What is wrong with you what's wrong with me. Oh, that one looks pretty though i like that one.

I probably leave the tag on and then return it tomorrow. Okay, no i'm kidding. I found the picnic basket on amazon, so we're gon na put a bunch of genie's favorite, treats in here, okay and then we're gon na lay it somewhere in this room. So she can help herself, so we know that she's been asking for pocky a lot so holy all the different flavors.

Oh, i also got some stuffing paper too. Okay, i can make it look extra fancy. Oh, they kind of match the balloons that you have the black and red one black one. The issue is, i don't know how to use stuffing paper.

Actually that doesn't look bad wait. Actually, that doesn't look too bad. Okay, now you're, just not getting a okay. It looks pretty good, it looks more full now, so it looks: okay, yeah, yeah, okay, wow, nice, nice, nice, nice.

How do you do it like nice, okay, yeah, i'm done, and now i'm leaving i'm just leaving all right. Do you want to take a look at the bedroom? I'm scared. Am i gon na get a neck throw and have me as soon as i did eventually, no is there gon na be paint thrown at me. Is something going to be thrown at me too.

The only thing being thrown at you today is my love. Why'd, you hesitate, oh my god! Oh my god, you like it. Isn't it so valentine's day today way. Are those real what the petals? Oh yeah, we we got other roses too yeah uh-huh yeah.

I think you bought off the whole. I think i bought out the whole story. Oh, what is this? Why is there one missing, there's a very clear imprint here of dust? What is that i broke the other one? How would you break it? Is that why dobby went on union strike also, this is supposed to be for later. I wasn't supposed to have this out.

Okay. Well, that is very pretty. That is so so pretty! Oh wow! You love the pack, don't go in the bathroom by the way. We'll leave that closed.

My heart feels like this balloon. I feel like it's just gon na go pop. It you wan na pop my heart, huh. No, will you feed my valentines? Yes, no i'm just kidding.

Yes, you want to check out your um snack basket. Yes, i was pretty excited about this. Where did you get this places places somewhere you're starting to make me feel like there's more than just chocolate, and these like there's uh, you know they're good, yeah, good stuff through good. I know you've been asking for so i got cocky all the pocky that you wanted and every flavor that they have you ate all of it.
You gave me like no time to recover and he couldn't let me bite it stop swinging. The stick hit me run out of sugar whoa. Is this edible? No, that's plastic. No it'd be really cool.

If there were like a bed of chocolate, i, like the white balls yeah, you do sent my wife nearly hundred dollars in flowers for v-day. She sent me four chocolate bottles. What that's a thing i failed. I didn't get the greatest valentine's day.

They give me give me possibility this valentine's day was a failure genie. No, it was not chocolate. Butthole you got. You got all the valentine paraphernalia i've ever seen.

It how amazing would it have been? If i got you chocolate buttholes, you can still get me a chocolate bowl. How about you open your gift? Okay, oh, don't flip it over just lift it out of the bag. Please! Oh! What is that carefully lifted? You flipped! The bonsai to you, oh i'm so sorry, oh, my god, you flipped its rock out. You had a rock.

Where was the rock supposed to be? The rock was supposed to be over here? Oh okay! Oh maybe give me the warning ahead of time. Wow 69.99. For this, are you kidding me it's a five years sarissa because we've been together for five years, so this tree is as old as a relationship, and so as this tree as this bonsai tree gets older, it will be the same age as our relationship. So we'll never forget how long we've been dating, for that is.

If we can remember the age of this bonsai tree, this is also going to be really awkward. I hope i don't kill this podcast because as soon as you attach like it's our relationship, i'm like oh also, it's 69.99, it's so expensive. You know what that means that you paid way too much for this little bonsai tree. Do we get 69 tonight or sorry? I'm sorry nothing! Okay! Do you like the treat? I i do like the treat, but i i feel scared.

I think i'm going to kill it. What do you want to name the treat? We have to name it together? 69, for how much it costs i mean um hope i already have a whole plant. Wait. That's that's an actual plan, let's name it despair, all right, despair, hi, meet despair and hope, they're, brother and sister, so uh you're helping me clean all this up tomorrow, right uh, you mean tonight: how are we gon na um? Can you so now i'm making genie's favorite meal that i make for her? It's called i've spent uh the better half of an hour capping all the ingredients.

Setting up the miso plus she's literally been requesting this dish for a month straight. I smelled the cheese. What do you think i'm making? This is the best sauce i've made so far? Oh, my god, i don't know how to do the fancy. Uh, that's okay! Oh that looks so good.

Let's give you some salad, yes, please did it squeeze it. Oh my god. The crunch, all right, so i actually didn't taste the kind of everything. So i don't know how much salt there is.
Oh i'm also gon na give you a heads up, but um we have massage people coming in like an hour like. Is it naked massage or is it like? Is it gon na, be you at the door with like a mustache? I need to give you a massage. No, i don't know you deserve a massage because you work so hard on your twitch every single day. You deserve a massage because you cooked for two hours: okay, maybe a little bit how about i just give you a massage just as good as this massage.

This is a massage for henry. You used to speak in chinese, oh no, where you're from you look like an asian. Oh i'm korean, oh yeah! You have a husband in korean too yeah uh he's taiwanese taiwanese yeah sushi. I speak chinese a little bit yeah! So that's why? If he comes out, maybe yeah you are so beautiful.

Oh thank you so much. Why did you say that oh yeah, so i'm gon na ask them if they want us to strip okay go for it. No i'm. She scared to strip.

She said strip yeah, but keep your underwear on. Oh, my, oh my wait. This is a good quick, beat wait. I basically have my pants off huh, but they can't see underneath there.

Oh, they can't yeah. What about yeah genie has no pants on. This is hot steamy footage. Oh oh, my ginny's naked sorry.

Can i put a camera over here. Okay! Go for it! Tell me any hello. Are you ready? I am scared, but ready all right, jenny's naked right now, i'm butt naked she's butt naked. So how was that so? Relaxing, oh i i i'm like wow, okay, i need some assistance.

Why can't you help me out? Okay, that is the boss. I have so much work. This is your work now here, no, but why the massage therapists are wrapping up their stuff, so we're gon na make this the most romantic event. One could possibly ever experience here.

You know: do you need me to do that, for you? Are you sure you look like you're struggling you're? All i'm good, i'm a big, strong man. I can do it well we're just gon na have. Oh my god. Like seven.

Oh, my god. I know you said this is supposed to be romantic, but i don't know why. Looking at all this kind of makes it look like some kind of satanic ritual, it could be, you don't put anyone on the. Are you any of them in the front right uh? I don't know: do you want jeannie to catch on fire while she's stepping into the bathtub, because she's smoking hi? I think we bought two when he came back.

You think you think how many did you buy? This is the fun part? Okay, this is what i've been looking forward to for the entire vlog. Oh okay! Well, there it goes. Oh there there goes there. It goes.

I'm struggling. Are you going to turn off the lights when you guys took a bath? You want to be there in the corner, this isn't joke. This is a dark. Guy.

Dobby is leaving this. You know. If anyone looks in the trash, can they're gon na be like wow. It must have been a terrible valentine for this house.
Maybe we should have done the further ones first, maybe we should have just not done this at all you're right. Maybe this day was a mistake. You're right, satanic ritual done nutella chill number one. It honestly genuinely! Oh, that's nice! That is kind of nice.

Did the flower petals look any prettier in the don't people usually like put something underneath it, so it doesn't like drip. I mean it looks kind of nice from here. Yeah strike a pose henry strike a pose right there, nothing all right guys! Well, if our house burns down tomorrow, you know what happened well as long as someone fills them, so we still get content right. Yeah 60 000 likes for me to knock a candle over onto the carpet 70 000.

For me to wrap the vine around henry and set it on fire, she's gon na have to deal with the price tag. You're just gon na have to deal with it. You're not gon na. Take it off.

We don't have time, don't worry about it. Wait but just ignore it: it's pretty romantic anymore, goddamn, sweating right now. Now, whatever you do tonight, do not miss how's, your back. It's dying good job! Today, you know how you can repay me.

How did you like that massage i loved it so much? It was so relaxing you're right about like the stomach, squeezing thing, because the whole time i was trying not to fart too. I said that right and you laughed at me and then you know what she did. She would like: grab your butt and stuff yeah right. It was like, like their sole purpose, is trying to squeeze air and they ask you and then huh and then i'm like.

Oh no, no, no, i've, no one's ever touched. My ass, like the way she's touched my ass. Before i mean i mean like, we got ta rectify that situation and we got ta rectify it. Why won't you let me touch your ass.

You can do that later. Okay, before we started, i heard her say like shout swaga, which means like handsome young man. Okay, you ready for your next prize yeah. How about you head up head up the stairs honey we uh, i got the bath running for you, you know, is it real or is it fake and you want to try tipping one of them over and see what happens? Oh, my god, they're real.

Oh, my god, yeah just be careful not to uh. You know: when did you do all this on the stairs you get the jacket time is limited. Just make sure you don't step in the flames. Please wow.

This is kind of dangerous can like. Can our house burn down, yes yeah i mean, can we put up, but just just don't just don't knock it over and then, where do i go sorry, i got lazy in this hallway, like i give up on the whole, i give up there. Oh my god. Oh, my god, is it so beautiful, it's so nice, it's so steady.

You actually got a bag full of drinks and we got some champagne on deck. Let's go. This is so sweet, see. Remember when i told you i was going to do something with the rosies.
No way this is all real. This is a real yeah. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh yeah! That's why, when you're like, oh, my god, you got roses, can i have them like you got killed? I was planning on murdering them. Actually that was a gift yeah.

I know yeah yeah. We had that one, but okay, now take off your clothes. Oh my god feels so nice yeah, don't fight it. Just embrace the warmth of it and you'll feel good, seeing how much you enjoy it.

I'm gon na walk in one day, and it's just you in the past alone, with rose petals and you're, just gon na look at me, like. Don't trust me, isn't this what they do in all the movies yeah? What movie do you watch where they do this? Henry i've only been watching disney movies, so it's very unchristian what whatever you're applying wait for what five years almost six years, we got something even more romantic after this bro. It can't get more romantic than this. No, it cannot no every time, i'm like at the end and you're like nope.

I was like oh the end nope the end, so i got the chains underneath the what nothing, what the chains? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no change underneath the leg. What was that? What's that thing you said: okay, i need help with one more thing, just one one last thing all right boss. What is it all right got this tent set up over here? This is right outside of the backyard. I don't think you guys can see this, but it's pretty nice, so we have uh four tiki torches we're trying to burn our house down today.

That's the name of the game. I feel like i'm learning so much about life through these vlogs. You know i never knew i would ever be setting torches a fire in real life, but here we are in your backyard in my backyard. Oh, oh my god did you spill that on yourself? I didn't pour it.

I didn't work, but i was about to pour on the wrong side. Oh genie doesn't see us from the bedroom. I need her to just not look up. Go for it.

Oh uh, can you hold on to this yeah you struggling real hard there. I want to make sure it's really deep, so the doesn't you know, fall and burn my house in the ground right yeah! Oh, oh, i got one last surprise for you tonight. Oh god, oh it's cold. What did you guys do down here? Huh wan na go step outside.

Are you kicking me out of the house? No just go. Look outside. You want to go check it out. Okay, no, because it looks kind of like it looks kind of like you're, going to sacrifice the lords yeah.

What is that? I don't know, what do you think it is? Is that like tiki pools like what yeah it looks like the tiki torches, sticky, torches yeah? Oh, my gosh, you don't want to know how long it took to figure out how to set this tent up, especially in the dark wait. Are these real okay yeah? That's real fire judy. I really don't okay. I appreciate this a lot but foreign, your and you're like good night.
Oh well, we can count now. Oh genuinely! This can't be interactive. This stuff, i love. This is why i like pillow floors and stuff me too, you know, are you cold? No, okay! Isn't it so nice? This is the usb just yeah.

It is it's pretty nice wait. You know. What's funny, i didn't even notice you stealing my stuff from my room when you came to really yeah. I was like.

Oh, no, all the blankets weren't cheating through, and so i just like. No, i had no idea. What's what's this doing here? What's this doing here, i can't believe you didn't notice that no because, like we ran out of things to say - and i was still just like taking the blankets - oh and kai - donated her like big, blanket, oh okay, good night good night, are you sleeping under the Stars, yeah, i'm happy good night. That's what's happening.

I especially love this because my family would do this often, but we don't have a backyard. So we camp in the garage wait. Are you serious because we didn't have a bag in the side of the garage yeah? Because i want to be in the tent right yeah, but then we don't have a backyard. So my dad would just oh my god, that's so sad but you're, not even like.

Oh my god, you'll be great. What if we had like drink beer and stickers, we got to bring beer and snack us in here. No, no, no, i'm just saying like hypothetically, i'm too full from your kachoi. No, no! I want beard snackers, i'm gon na.

Go i'm gon na wait here for your poisonous goodbye. My lover goodbye, my friend, you have been the one. Oh, my god, are you okay, welcome back. How was the foraging and scavenging come back with some food, some sustenance? How was the scavenging you survive another night? Oh you do you do indeed.

You won't believe what i had to go through to get these chips. What did you have to go through? I had to go through our pantry and they didn't even have the flavor. I wanted, but i settled with barbecue flavored blaze. I think it's because kai ate their original shade.

All of it. Then our scene is gon na get more romantic. I mean okay, fine, i don't know about romano, but this is awesome. This is really really awesome.

Really awesome best thing of the day yeah. I got one more thing for you: okay, okay, thank you sweetie, this cane, that wasn't it are you serious yeah that wasn't it? Oh, my god, henry are you? Okay? Oh the lantern's gone. Oh, i let it! I got! Your letter, i let it look at the card you're, my butterfly, i can't do this. I can't do it.

Okay, dear genie, i am so grateful to be able to have you as my valentine for another year, although i don't mention it often. I attribute much of my happiness, health and success to you. You sacrifice more for me than any one person should to anybody else, and i don't take that for granted, and that is why i strive to see this is you're doing so good you're doing so. Well, that is why i strive to become a better person, not only for me, but for you.
I know that currently, i'm not the perfect partner for you and i probably won't be next month either, but i hope you can understand that change does not come easily for me and that i am still a work in progress. I hope one day i can be the partner you deserve, but i need you to have faith in me as you always have all these years. I know it sounds cliche, but though we are very different people, emotionally your strong emotions and love bring balance to my life, and without that love and emotion, my life wouldn't be complete happy valentine's day. You always do this to me.

The car. Oh you make me cry, you make me cry when you cry like that, we cry. You know you mean, i feel, like everything you've done for me today. You know, i don't deserve.

Yes, you do you. Yes, you do. No, i don't deserve you. I don't deserve.

You no you've put up with me for too long. Maybe you feel like you've put up with me for so long you've put out with me for too long like you do, and i see you like, i don't see you, but i can tell like you work really hard to prepare these things. To just make me smile today and each time i just feel worse what you deserve it more than anybody else. It won't deserve any of you if anyone deserves it, it's you.

You deserve any of these things. You make me happy all year, so i want to give that back to you in return. You made me happier than this day has made you happy. You know you made my entire life happy, so it isn't too much to ask for me to do this for you for one day we're gon na.

Thank you so much.

13 thoughts on “Trying my best on valentine’s day to get 69”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poetic Sadist says:

    I don't know if I'm capable of being in a relationship, but that doesn't stop me from being horribly lonely.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Bacon says:

    The only reason why that J was messed up was because Henry watched a bad tutorial but couldn't tell because Youtube removed the dislike button.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector Alvarado says:

    This makes feel like a bad boyfriend even though I am single lol.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Official Channel says:

    Are ypu gonna tell us why jeannie had a. Attitude a not so long while ago? Hope she didnt catch you and the camera girl in a compromising position?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Some Guy without a Mustache says:

    They're probably the most wholesome couple I've seen, they just seem to always get along no matter what lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KORERAWR says:

    Spend money on a woman that already has sex with me? Naw we are equals she can pay.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rianabi12 says:

    We've seen Henry do alot of these things for the Panda Queen by now… when is Jeannie planning a date for Henry?! Romance goes both ways, and i would love to see awkward Henry be on the receiving end.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francois Lacombe says:

    Why is Jeannie always expecting holy hell to rain on her when Henry is just trying to do nice things for her? πŸ€”

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyler Workman says:

    This called me single in like… So many languages. So sweet ❀️❀️❀️I love you guys

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mathieu Belanger-Camden says:

    LOL ! You wife can't support little surprise and sarcasm, she is too anxious !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blank Person says:

    Kai's Blue Samurai Theme and Rama is Chef's Kiss. Great Video as always!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobi Uchiha says:

    Ah dude, it's been 10 minutes since the video has been posted and there are over 200 comments already 😭

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AZ says:

    That was ducking adorable. Seeing such a wonderful relationship increases my will to live and love substantially. Thank you, you wonderful people.

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