Ginny, how do you feel about doing our tick-tock cringe all right, yeah, our tick-tock cringe is a reddit. You shouldn't sleep on ginny, it's straight fight, just like you shouldn't sleep on man to sleep or sleep with, i should say: madison makes the world's best sleep, mass and functional sleep accessories. Everything they do is fueled by the drive to enable better lives through better sleep and regular naps. I'm personally a huge fan of sleep masks.

I've used a bunch of them through my life and manis sleep's, the one i've settled on personally, because for me it's the most comfortable. It also doesn't hug your eyes because it creates a little encapsulating socket for them. This is like you're getting nice tender hug from mother, except across your eyeballs. You can basically adjust each cup to make it extremely comfortable towards you.

Just the fabric and the material is ultra soft and very tender. It blocks out essentially all light, probably the best coverage of any sleep mask i've ever had and for me, sleep is just so incredibly important. If i don't get my eight hours, sleep honestly, like the day just doesn't go as well, i'm not as productive. So if you're interested in getting your own mana sleep mask make sure to click the link description below.

What do you think he's doing? What do you think he's working? I don't know either he's probably working his rear delts a little bit of bicep as well, but he's working his biceps he's doing. What's incorrect he's doing biceps, oh actually yeah, he is really, but wouldn't this be biceps he's going like this he's doing reverse the reverse. Bicep curls he's doing what's called a drag curl now granted most people do them with a barbell he's doing that with dumbbells. So it may look a little strange a little awkward, but it is a great movement, but what's most important, what he's doing and working most of all is minding his own business.

The fact that people at the gym take videos about people to try and make fun of them blows my mind, be better than that. Yeah, i'm pretty sure. That's like the number one rule of jim's right, you're not supposed to record other people. He could be flagellating on the ground with those doesn't matter.

It's none. Your business but yeah way to just blast. The random dude on tick. Tock was just trying to better himself in his fitness.

My work gave us reflective jackets for christmas. They neglected to tell us the jackets would give us magical bathroom powers. This is the sink's all turned on. I am the wizard of the water.

What does it do, then? That's pretty sick, all new faucets. This is the very classical like. So, what's your superpower, it's like! Oh, i turn on all the foxes i activate all of them. I waste a lot of water yeah, dad the professional cameraman.

Oh whoa, oh no, the way he stares at her he's like honey. I am judging you so hard, but at the same time, like you're, my daughter so i'll help you out did she ask him to do do that, like maybe like when maybe she's like dad dad? I need you to like come up with me, because i'm gon na transition to something else and he's like okay, honey, show you a scary, video. Oh all, right! Okay, wait! Oh, i think that guy's a scarier video. Why did he do that? To that baby? That baby had nothing to do with this yeah.
Why is that dog condoning like baby side yeah, the dog's like nice? You killed babies. I like that, but this is actually like freaky though yeah. What is it? Why is it always falling your eyes? What is that us or ps5? It's us or ps5, ps5 or ps5? What is your decision? Playstation file? Gameplay yeah holy? This is that's lit. That was fire.

I felt like i needed a club. Oh, my god, he's literally sounds like the the generic chinese character from south park. Yes, yes, that's yo. Your boy's got great imagination called four doors more horse.

I like that one too, she says she'll divorce him, but like deep down inside she knows that's the greatest username ever made. Girls always like act like offended by this stuff, but i i know y'all secretly, like it too. So obviously i'm in the military and i'm thinking about getting like a lion on my shoulder and you know, uh starting off the wrist with like a black line and then having some pine trees go up into it and then under the line. I want a clock and then maybe some roses around it.

Okay, i don't know who you are or who you think you are okay. What huh? I don't think your games are funny and i will end you. No, no, no, no! That's way too specific, no way. She saw that first before she made that tick tock, it has to yeah wait.

This is this is an actual thing. There's there's like 70 of them. I mean they do look pretty cool, though i'm not gon na lie but like, but why? What is the symbolism? Oh yo, these looks this looks really nice holy. Now i want a tattoo yeah, i'm actually thinking of getting one of these now yeah.

Oh, we got ella now tattoo. How would you react if i got this tattoo? I don't know if it would fit, but rather than like generic ratio would have to be very squishy because your arms, your arm, is more on the slender side. That's all i'm saying ow. Meanwhile, in australia, hey mate heard you could help me out.

Yeah man vic new south wales, i got rat tests from all over the country, 95. Actually you're, not getting this anywhere else whatever i'll take anything. Oh no! Wait! What's going on here! Oh no! I'm selling drugs hit the top of the car like five times there wait. Is that a rock test? That's the best part of the entire skin.

So many times this hack, you see in the car, i'm positive. Oh wait. Stay six feet away, stay back! 1.5 meters! I know this. This is actually illegal, though.

How is he running like that? No that's easily the best part dude. I love how he runs. This is amazing. It was a movie like there was just so many qualities in here.
It's like. I want to see him hitting his his hat like five times four michigan dads hanging up in elk mountain yeah. I love it, but you love the home depot museum. Let's get it violation! Wow! Oh, that's! That's! Absolutely sick got ta.

Look at it! Yeah! You got ta, look at it from every angle, more by your bushnell, you got ta satisfaction and then they all pop a cold on the bush and go the home depot muse. Just kills me every time you put that over, like anything involving dance and it'll. Just be funny, so if i found your dad just lying on the couch and like going on his ipad okay, so we start cuddling and i was the little spoon. Do you guys see this? Do you guys do this? So after our third date did you go to your guy friends and be like all right, yeah, totally shitty, the movie was nice.

She held out her hand first, and i was like, oh my god, 100 yeah. This is what all guys do after their date. They cannot wait to describe in detail everything to their best bros they're, just so good at like reenacting, like woman mannerisms, i should have known because there's vines who does that except there's a candlelit and another thing is like a guy was just reading this yeah. Really you get into the bathrobes with the wine as well.

We should have seen them coming. The set design was perfection cnn, fake, nye tweets. These are all fake, tweets, ben dover. Now look at the next one cnn's throwing out fake twitter names mike coxlong.

This is cnn. You think that they'd have someone screening this who's, this one. I need a black man. What the that's so funny see you didn't get trolled the out of that's so good.

How many of these went through my house? What are oh, it's taking a while to press a huh. Oh that's hilarious! We probably like shake the the npc's core foundation. Every time we come into their house pov, your dad doesn't understand why you live in nyc, free chips in ohio, new york, city 30 dollars in new york. You don't even have dishwashers, realize camille how many thousands of dollars you're saving hanging out in warren ohio.

You know how i'm gon na pay for that barn, bushel, corn and a handshake, but no that's actually solid deal right like how is how's the bushel of corn worth of barn, because you can plant each colonel and get more corn. I like how he says, like the handshake, as if, like that's also a currency in ohio as well like. Yes, this will lower the price. Looking from a fire is interested, but knows you'll feel unproductive if you watch this thinking about it debating sitting but not fully committed hand on knee for easy get up ability.

Okay, final watch run just through the papers to feel productive, you're watching a movie. You can't work, i feel like this. This is how like everyone is, but this makes me like reminisce of the days when you know i had a family same, i mean we still have a family, but we're like, like living with family family yeah, every husband in horror movies. Why are we up here? Babe, there's a ghost in our house: no there's, not it's an old house.
We got it for nothing. A family died here, birds crashing into the windows and neighbors, don't look at us and our dog died. But it's it's not haunted. It's a steal.

Aidan's talking to demons, he has an imaginary friend, a chair floated across the room. Earthquake who's levitating duck you're, not well shelley. Just like your mom, oh right now, no there's not! Yes! There is not oh yeah right like it's. It's always like the the husband's job to be like everything's fine, but i feel like it's not even like horror movies in real life too.

I feel like genie is always the one that gets scared by sounds, and then i have to be the one like to get up and go to wherever the sound came from to confirm that there's nothing there, even though i already know that it's nothing, it makes Genie feel better bought my wife, a hoodie but wearing it first, so she thinks she's, stealing mine day two day, three, what she's not taking it yeah. She still has it or you still have it ah day. Four here we go, oh plan succeeded, didn't take long at all cj they wear the same size hoodies. Do you think she complains genie is mad because when she steals like hoodies, it actually fits decently.

Well, on her genie has a long torso. She can wear like a men's medium like it's. It's all right. My issue is that you'd be like: why don't you wear your own clothes, because i want my hair yeah, which to be fair right, she's, literally wearing my clothes right now.

This is this. Is my jacket? No, you did it. I actually asked yeah. I just asked to try it on, but see you don't even offer it guys usually like to see their girlfriends in their clothes, but you're just like get out how people think you will react to their spotify rant.

Dude william. I just saw your spotify wrapped on your story. You renaissance man, hell yes, kanye, drake, jack, harlow, tame impala. What don't you listen to sorry, i shouldn't even be looking you in the eyes, a top one percent listener of drake congrats bro seriously.

Congrats, like you earned that i thought like for for us, it's just more interesting. It's just like. Oh wow, you listened to a lot of like blah blah blah right like i never saw it as like a flex kind of thing, yeah. In fact, it's more like sad, like i'm more ashamed of how much i listen to this and then henry will be like genie.

You listen to bo burnham's inside album how many times, i'm just like. Don't look at my phone sticking a suction cup on their co-worker's head? I can't do this i'm. What are we gon na do put this to his head? Oh, oh! No! He can't take it off, hey see! If you can pull me in the chair, i like how he goes with it. He actually was like i want to test something out: wait.
Does it even come yeah, i think it's going to be. It's got to surgically remove that now. Oh there you go master vader, oh my gosh. These names master v, you're good, that's uh on level with conquiftador kim kardashian has a very talented pianist, come every morning in the month of december to play christmas carols to wake her children.

I think this is beautiful. So i decided to do it, although i don't have a piano or kids, but i do have a brother and a ukulele. His bedroom is all the way in the back jingle bell, jingle bell jingle all the way. That's just annoying honestly.

I just think no, please don't do it. You have a music bed. I was waking up with christmas carols for jewish dude. I think that's the kicker.

I was like fish, we're jewish. Why are you seeing christmas socks? Yeah fam? You just got too much money if you're you're doing this right here. Have you ever heard of like just having speakers and plates, maybe like he doesn't need a paint. Maybe it's just for like the pleasure of like chilling in their house for like like a couple hours in the morning genie.

Let me show you some real tic toc cringe. Okay, one of the likes you've never seen her and her oh fat. So bad! Oh! Wait! No we've seen this trend yeah, i think, what's really crazy. Is that title divine thought? Oh, my god.

It is a divine statue. Oh my god, i'll move, the camera faster baby move it faster see these girls are a little disappointing, they're not doing the face. Oh yeah yeah - these aren't good enough. She at least, is like at the very minimum like putting her legs up right, so she's, putting in a certain degree of work here like a level of effort here.

What what were you looking at nothing? What was so distracting in that video that you didn't notice three gashes across her back there's two other things that i saw the the towel and the thing on her sleeve. I want all the comments to be. Like be honest, did you even see the scar on your back? That's it for tick. Tock cringe smash like if you saw this the scar on the back.

Oh my god, one person saw the scratch markings yeah, i feel like you deserve an award for that. Meanwhile, this guy right here this this right here, gentlemen, is why i want to give in to losing nona november. Like my boy all right, thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys next time all right, thank peace. So much.

10 thoughts on “Try not to busss challenge”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knight's Games says:

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  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Serenity says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colton Gilbert says:

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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Monky says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Little says:

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