Have a tremendous new adult game for us to play? Oh this is the highest budgeted adult game we've had so far. That's not from um the creators of vr cano joe. Can this be my ball? Camera they're, independently funded on patreon they're, one of the biggest patreons out there, with over 124 000 a month raised, and it's called wildlife. I think it's about like wildlife, yeah like the earth, safaris and then uh.

Maybe you'll have uh some little sixers once in a while with the lions. No, no, no, no, no, i hope not with other humans, but then you get to just enjoy the wildlife. I mean. Why would anyone want to have sex with watching the lion? King? Basically, people have sex with animals and lion king yeah.

It's a must wow wow. Look at that look at the graphics unreal engine, amazing, patreon, adapter steve. This is the future of adult gaming ginny. I have extremely high hopes for this dang.

Look at that title screen. This looks like a triple a title game. This kind of makes you think of horizon for venom west, it's like horizon, except instead of sticking the spears into like animal robots. You stick it in other people's vaginas to kill no combat range.

Wait that doesn't look very wildly whoa. This isn't very wildlife like whoa, oh my god, oh my god, except she's hot hold q to block i'm not blocking the right direction, very black. Just before the enemy attacks, you, okay, that didn't work! No! No! Stop! Stop! No! Oh, my god, oh my god, okay! I like this game. What the did you do i like this game now you can shoot yo.

That's that's not what it kills me. Every time they die, they just fade into existence. You murdered them all. Back to my my church in my jesus christ - oh my god! Oh my, oh my this is el dorado ring.

That's the boss! Oh my god, he's got the full hp bar. Can you do it? Ginny? Oh ginny, come on. You beat ronaldo, you damn it. I died.

This is all dinner gone at elden when she died in wildlife, nice nice time to keep doing this. Yeah just keep dodging, keep dodging keep dodging. Oh okay! I'll have you know it only took me 50 attempts to kill margaret whoa. Let's go, i don't know the gear, that's it that's it.

Where do you need this? None of that! That's it i smell greater than any. What do i get as a reward? What's what's my price, the feeling of satisfaction, i get it all right. Let's try the fisher village. This is sick, i'm getting some sonata vibes.

Some fire swipes i can see smoke. Is that you, what you got the voice acting is also so good. Look at the landscapes at the back. It's amazing.

This is just straight off of patreon funds too right. Who are we? What are we doing here investigating? Are we here to have sex with the animals there's so much mystery? Why are there werewolves? Why are we killing werewolves? Are we going to have sex with the werewolves? Maybe oh wait what's happening off about you heard the lady wait. They talk quest success, fight, jenny anyway. Do you want to sit here for a little while and just like check how ron is doing i'm gon na look at the deep blue sea far away ron is currently his preference are visitors from another planet, so he likes them foreign huh.
That is great to know. Ron, jenny, she's, also working and her preference is style. Oh look, that's exactly what she's doing now, i'm glad they're both having a great time genie, i'm glad their needs are met, i'm afraid to walk in here. I feel like i'm going to see some things.

That's desperate, hey i mean if you're desperate, you know hole is a hole. I have a hole. I could dance like that guy over there. I would join the crowd by the fire.

Oh, so sad goodbye, that's so sad! It's not my problem! You got a crush on that dancer. Just look at him. Oh, so he actually does want some booty yeah. We can get him some booty.

It must be sam over here guys. Looking at samo, you got ta stay still the camera. The camera is trying desperately how your sexy body moves, how your sexy body moves. Sorry, i'm into bearded guy, like that one over there i've been teasing him for a while now he's into him he's in.

I just had to she's been flaunting that that man is ready for what what are they going to do? Oh, my god, i am so happy. I'm a huge proponent of gay rights. Genie continue talking with them. Can we just talk about this man's tease right now? Can we talk about how smooth voluptuous yeah he's got some man, please that's where the most the most woman's? I agree honestly at this point.

If he like took his face out and just like kept it like. This maybe took some of the arms out honestly, some dudes could just yeah nice and both heavy nice henry wow. That is actually look at the detail: yeah the textures, what the it's a little veiny too, all right kim what you got! Why are you still wearing playful bossy? Take off your pants strike strike one take off your pants before she gives you strike too good. Oh, not good! All right now talk to her.

I'm sorry editors. I apologize there's going to be a screen for the next hour or so. Oh i see man, i see peener how come her pants are on. It might have to be off.

It's not a fair trade offer. I might just put you right here, oh right here. Oh, meanwhile, that little drone over there just filming the entire thing, let's swap ribbons, i don't have one we already swapped liquids. Why do we have to swap ribbons now? What the? What is this ribbon? What a quest i had sex with somebody while 70 people watched yep - oh my god, that is death by by snooze new material.

What? If what if she could give us death by snoozier? Maybe shay can like give us some you're you're gon na break the game. Oh, my god, i'm literally coming out of her ass right now jimmy watch. This watch, this split, the cheeks. What i'm coming out i came out.

Are you happy? Are you? Are you proud, yeah watch someone come out of here, ready three, two one whoa ghoul rock. What is she doing to his nuts, which means that today, you can lay with anyone who will have you? Oh, you will not touch her nor speak to her in an inappropriate manner. You mean the girl, that's your nuts. Should we speak to her? I'm scared.
He might, he might feel the lar nuts. If we speak to her - and i don't want that to happen, i can see why gulrog wants you all a bad move. Brother. Oh she likes us she's.

Oh no, she's leaving him for us. Wait, wait! Wait! Okay! Now we have to pursue this, we're literally hitting on the village leader's girl i'll. What, if henry wants that? My lady? Yes, my queen, how about we take our pants off my queen yeah yeah, yeah, you're, right, you're, right right, i'm looking for some nice shelves to make a necklace okay, so she went from filling a dude's nuts. Let's get a shell necklace for her.

Does this make us a bad person? What do you mean? Are we not stealing somebody's girl right now, he's explicitly told us not to flirt with his girl and that's exactly what we're doing. Well, you said you wanted a horn shoved up dude these cut scenes are a different level, told you. I can't talk huh, don't leave me behind. I want to join the others.

Is this chad or is this cringe? This is chad take a closer. She has an anchor. Do we have a deal? We have two hearts now he's going in he's watching. Oh, oh uh-oh, we just got bonked michael rug.

He actually killed us so hard. Our game crashed too. We we kind of deserved that i'm not gon na lie. We kind of deserve that.

Yes, we do, we can also just do it with someone else. If you want to go faster, okay, fine, alyssa, wait what if we fight and kill him you sick, you're, gon na steal, somebody's girl and then you're gon na murder. Him, no, no we're gon na you're a psychopath, we're gon na become the lord of this village. I can't become elden lord, it's all become, let's go somewhere else.

I know a place. Follow me smart, wait, but then we don't get to kill him later. Well, i'm pretty sure you want to assert your dominance in the village, he'll stalk us again and then he'll know and then he'll come after us. Oh that's, beautiful, wait! A second! This is so wrong.

Just keep the pants on ginny. I think you don't need to just keep the pants on gee. The editors are literally, oh, doesn't matter glad to be of service. I will take the shelves instead of your ribbon, to remind me of you.

We have two ribbons now. I understand the game now genie. Instead of collecting elden shards, we collect the ribbons. This is completely the equivalent of eldon ring.

This is adult elden ring yeah it might, it might even be better than eleanor jeannie. Oh hello, moana, hello, molana! Hendrick. Can i stop these nuts on your face? Oh, my god, henry what you just t back the poor girl. Let's try the water! How about that? Let's try the water green! Will you go ahead? I'll, join you in a bit.
It's like! Let's try, the water, i don't know how to swim. Oh, he does. Okay, lana i'm in the water. When is the time to swim in your waters? Fine, how about we dance, wow, she's, actually good at dancing? Oh my god! Oh, but i don't know how to dance.

No max is doing great yeah. Oh, oh! Oh! That's! Really! Forceful! Oh, my god, i can feel the tension. I can feel the heat the way she walks away. She just left she's like oh, she winked at us.

That's a sign we're in boys we're in what's the deal with this place, no idea, but i like it so far. It's awesome. I don't know if this girl wears underwear or not, i don't think she dies straight up. James bond genie.

Haven't you did they ever face each other and talk for like one? Second? Probably not. They just keep walking away from each other, ah be litter, milano, anything that could top. This would be a massage. We got ta give her a massage.

You do it well, we might even swap ribbons okay, i don't know who's. This is better genie, miner. I know right that was nice. What a lovely young woman she let us give her a massage.

We rubbed her hot dog in between her buns they're, very colorful, with their language, and that's it and we'll never speak to her ever again. Does rhino guy know he's just like enjoying the festival, but he doesn't know what we've done. Oh yeah, i can't live like this. My conscience is too guilty.

I see something going on in the back statuette yeah. Let's go talk to him. Oh yeah, that's what i saw too. Where were you going nothing, but what do we do with all these thick statues? I don't know: oh yeah preference, oh that's so, sweet.

If you middle mouse clicked me my preference would say genie. No, it would no, it would say: that's it. Nothing else. Oh and her preference is only gun jar that is so wholesome.

I want a relationship like that: what the f, what the are you doing? Sometimes these claws can get annoying. Oh no, she has sounds like a corporal issue. I don't blame my pc. I thought they were going to make us have success, jadeem and the rich jadin.

These nuts, you sound a little a little upset there. Gene i feel, like jadin, isn't really feeling the friendship, fest she's feeling like murder, fest dude everybody's out there like having a good time, she's she's out here, trying to summon cthulhu. I am preparing for the hunt. What are you hunting? Mostly let's hunt together, you need a proper weapon.

Oh my god, yeah we're, finally, getting some action. All right all right, awesome, hell, yeah, let's go jd to an area where we can find space there, i'm so curious to see what space deer look like. Are they like ephemeral? You can look at yours for a change. Oh giddy, aren't you you got me.

I was not looking at this genie genuinely. I was like thinking about how to use this bow right. Here i mean why would you look at this when the the developers put so much work into everything else? Look at the environment, you're, so good for middle skills taught me well come on she's like now. You have to do me next.
You have to shoot for my. You have to shoot your arrow in in my uh deer - oh, oh my god! Oh oh! Oh! Oh! Okay, i don't know, that's pretty brutal, stop stabbing those guts start stabbing mine. What are you doing with that blood? Ma'Am disgusting? Oh, did you wash my face? Oh hot super hot! Oh really! Oh, you forgot about the part where you're supposed to sit on my face. You didn't sit on my face.

She did but my face my face my face. I thought i made it obvious how about we go find jenny again. Maybe jenny's done with her dog capali yeah. Maybe jenny's like no.

You know jenny. Do you want to go back to your friend, jenny come on jenny, jenny, jenny, you've been at it for like 20 minutes now jenny you got to go back to your friend jenny. You have to speak to your loved ones. At some point jen.

You can't just keep going like that forever. I haven't seen you for five years: people miss you jenny, your mother is working, but they haven't heard from you in ages. Don't tell anyone, yet you don't think frank is actually thinking about it. He's like it's too good here, a warm mission aboard mission, there's too much around here.

What island, yeah they're like women? All of them want to hop on my place for no reason. Why should i go back home cocktails and weed and dancing around the fire at the beach perpetual daylight? I think we got ta fight ghoul rank. That's the last step. I don't think he's killable, no he's going he's coming he's going.

Oh no he's coming at me with his erect piece. All right, i don't! Did you notice the fight? That's going on. Meanwhile, copious calculation on the side, we just keep smacking him and he can't ever 72 hours later. I think i have him in a sunlight genie.

I think it's over from oh strike. Three, there we go he's not gon na have sex with me anymore. No, no! No! No! No! No! Wait! There was one more we lost theresa. Oh we missed out on one huh yeah, oh see.

We get like a new wildlife map, i'm a girl. Oh i'm, a harpy is this legend of zelda. Am i playing breath of the wild, but it's even cooler. This is the game of the year.

Am i seeing straight down her hole? Do you think guys are playing this game like for the view or like for the view? You know i'm saying like because there's two kinds of views we're seeing right now the world view and what and the dark abyss of her whole genie? Oh my god, henry! Let's go sit on those eggs, let's see if we can fit one of those upper henry i'm just our character is beautiful. She's kind of cute, like she's, like she's, hella cute kind of short uh, six pack, abs. You know little warp stone. Sure, let's go! Oh wow, all right we're straight back to the beginning.
What if we just jump and die dude i can fly sideways, she's, fine, she's, okay, all right! Let's see what else we could do old wildlife map. There are people we can talk to people here, hi, let's, okay, let's just cheat possess. Yes, go back to the girl. You don't want to be run.

No okay, come back to me. You don't want to do anything with ron. I mean. Would you like to do a front mini game? You mean sex, mini game yeah, let's mate, okay! Okay, so i wonder if we'll get to meet like simba here or something you know and just like show him the jungle and like this is your jungle? Oh, my god, henry look.

I was a little traumatized to the last thing i saw. I know you're doing great. My brain is not in full function. I understand wow holy.

This is huge symbol. Wait is this simba? Is that symbol genie i see simba. Aren't you going to show simbo the world wait ron? Why are you here ron? I thought you were back there wait. That's still ron yeah! That's still.

We just saw ron. I know ron ron ron, weasley old, archaic, meme genie, russia, i'm actually kind of cute, though yeah russia. She has the eyes of like hello. She does look kind of cute yeah she's, like she's kind of giving the side eye too, like hello, she's, she's kind of charming, she's adorable that doesn't send me to jail or anything right.

No, you say that about your dog. Your eyes are charming. Oh, what is that diablo? It's a little uh. It's a little house spawn cheap menu.

I am curious. You can have sex with this thing. We should do it together. What is this all right? Well, that's it for wildlife youtube.

You have a patreon version, i'll probably be like two times longer than the youtube version. Yes, there's a lot less gameplay here than i thought, but again it's an early early game, but uh. Most of what we saw is mostly on the part that goes on the patreon version. You will be traumatized if you see it after you're done playing this game.

You'll have as many tissues as i have on my table right now: okay, that's kind of disgusting! Okay, sorry, that was that was really wrong. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time, peace. I think so much.

14 thoughts on “Should you play this adult wild life game?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Serenity says:

    Day 352 of telling the panda queen that i am her most humble female servant

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redd Redson says:

    As a Patreon of this game for over a year. I have looked forward to MXR playing this so much.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theULTIMATElife50 says:

    I almost forgot this game existed.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarthviderL7 says:

    Almost part of the early gang😅😅

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WayStedYou says:

    Bonked by Jeannie within seconds.
    Henry speedrunning this

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unbound Soul says:

    Well concerning the thumbnail it looks like a lot of wild things are gonna happen in it 😏 Also, Henry’s too impervious to the the BONK Jeannie 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WALL CRAWLER says:

    I’ve been wondering when he was gonna play this

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lawd Paradox says:

    Wholesome family friendly content as always

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Little says:

    Day 379 of telling Henry and Jeannie they're both cute

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElAbdul says:

    Henry contemplating some man tidies is a ver MxR thing to be doing

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melania pintus says:

    Started playing skyrim recently and i'm loving it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Speider-Teen62 says:

    I love this guys so much ❤️

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars live_possesion_519 says:

    Yay, me happy😺.
    Edit: wait… I recognize this… I'm disappointed in myself.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toasty Plays says:


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