Today we're looking at people who attempted to do things. Here's a boyfriend trying to expose his girlfriend's boots. She's very happy about that though. I mean she accomplished putting the thing up and covering her boas an attempt to hide a reason for your recording it.

By the tail, he caught a shark. Wow, Wow, what a shark. Oh my. God Henry Look at me.

Okay, look straight at me. don't look at the screen. The shark was Cay This estrich attempting to intimidate a giraffe doesn't work. Unfortunately, it's another animal species.

So of course Becky will never take me now. This woman attempting to film the greatest video in the world. her breaking her spleen, This man attempting the longest range bottle flip ever. No, you not allowed not going to work.

This man attempts to get away with crime, but he's not going to get away as long as Spider-Man's here in town. He's going for the mass cheeks. This kid attempting to intimidate his teacher. Oh what he played the Uno reverse oh son GG for this kid in front of the whole class in front of Becky Bro just came running to the rescue without even thinking twice.

Oh, that's not a gun, that's his wallet. his wallet trying to pay. Who pulls out the wallet? You know what? That lady with the yellow shirt is really filling out those breaches. Oh my.

God You're right. Yeah, her butt is big too. I bet she can poop. She probably lets out a big old mean poop and a big old fart.

Internet is weird. Men are very. This is the greatest sandwich I've ever had. and I'm not not telling you where it's from.

I will. It's an egg, cheese avocado bagel from Bagel Market on 168 Williams Street in New York City you walked approximately 300 fet. North and it did at this table. He's evolved.

He not only knows the locations, he knows where what you're eating. She told him not to cut her hair short. but he did it anyway. Oh oh, that's like years worth of hair and in a straight line too.

It's not the end of the world, but yeah, that sucks. What the they just tackle her. She going to die. What is she passed out on on television? Why did they tackle her? She clearly wanted to leave and the lady was like no sh sh.

If you're going to have a breakdown, you have to do it on camera. House party causes damaged to downstairs neighbor. What is that? The roof? Holy wait. are they going to fall through? Oh my.

God Oh my god do they. They don't even know that the floor is literally falling. Remember that video like turn down for one. They go down.

That's basically what's happening. The building is alive. It's pulsating. Is it illegal? right? If like, just I happen to have spikes right where that area is.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's illegal. How is it illegal? It's my property because you knew they were going to fall. No, it wasn't Jamal won $30,000 on the Michigan Lottery Bought himself a $20,000 necklace. so I was just like just looking around making sure nobody trying to get my chain.
but but they did get his chain. He walks out the store the suspects were waiting. A particularly vicious attack, ripping off his gold you ever heard of like you know, tucking it in you. see this like this.

it's like God saw him make such a stupid decision and it's like let me teach you a lesson sir. Yeah, yeah. Mya keep going a little bit. Oh back back back.

Perfect. Yes. long fortold a kingdom. The journey every man aims to make at some point in their lives, but they butt inside of their own butt.

Yes, what kind of customer service is this? Um, this is the number two, right? Yes, um I meant to say number three I don't want this and um yeah, can you change that to a number three matter? f um a number seven or number three. You pick one. Oh what you mean I pick one. You just ordered a oh my God What kind of customer service is this? What kind of customer are you? Oh, this is I'm sorry this, this is just poor quality trolling.

And then she said you pick three or nobody does that to be 23 on a dating app. 23 and the Twin Towers are still up. That's you're not 23 What? I Think this. This is a bot account.

There's like male bot accounts. Are you sure that's a bot account or a guy lying about his age? I Mean you can't be that stupid, right? when the last tram of the night passes right by you? Oh I Don't think that's going to help though. That's a little bit of a dramatic reaction. Why would they ignore him? Yeah? I mean you can get a taxi right on? Uber Well, it's expensive.

Henry I Mean the hand surgery is going to be real expensive when you break your hand on that sign. Might as well just pay the Uber Bill to ensure cyber security today. And how safe people's passwords are. What is one of your online passwords Currently it is my dog's name and the year I graduated from high school.

What kind of dog do you have I have a chih Pon and what's his name? Jameson Jameson And where did you go to school? Um I Went to school back in Greensburg Pennsylvania What school? Uh Hfield Area Senior High School Oh, when did you graduate in 2009? This has to be stag. No one's that stupid. I Mean here's the thing. You don't know what account she has though.

Yeah, and you don't know Like you know, like if there's numbers you don't know, like what's capitalized. but I'm also like, what kind of an interview is this where you're actively trying to leak people's passwords on? TV Boyfriend got a rash like flare up out of nowhere, Checked the bed to see if anything caused it and I found these. Those are worm eggs. Tape worm.

Uhoh he has tapeworms in his ass now. e oh what the F dark in my room? Open this bag. Brand New Bag Ate a piece and looked at it because it tasted weird. Yeah, so what is that exactly? Oh, that's beef jerky.

Why didn't you just say so. Also, finish your other chip bag to install a lock. Install a lock. Nice.
No, that's stupid. Why the wait? Papa Papa when the wine bag bursts? Yeah, that's kind of scary. Oh okay. okay.

quick drink it before it's too late. Also, yeah, I kind of was hoping for the cartoonish explosion of water and he just like gets Carried Away by the current I'm stuck in an elevator and I'm the only one in the building isn't there. The emergency hit button I Work security so there's no one else here. Bonus: The emergency phone in here doesn't work.

Double bonus: This isn't the first time it's happened. Oh do you have a phone? Yeah he has his phone because he uploaded this picture. Yeah he has internet. so again, why don't you like message like hello I'm stuck.

It's time to watch some por learning how to ride a bike on a highway. Oh oh what is that sound like Fake fality? This one, however, has cuts on the sides as well because it needs to set pins in three different directions at the same time. To pick this lock, you would have to set five pins on the top, five pins on the bottom, and four on the side to do this. I'll apply attention to the side that doesn't have pins and then carefully insert my dimple rake.

What did he say? I'm so confused. He picked a lock that was unpickable. Oh no. spotter.

Four plates on each side. Okay, do you think a spotter could have even saved that? Of course. I mean it just slipped out of his hand. That's 400 lb.

Do you think he would have just okay? No. I I Got you? Just put it back on the Ra got a bird's eye of view. Oh good. Stob oh my.

God St bro you ran the stop sign. it's literally on you I don't know what else to say I Guess he thinks he's a bike so he's like traffic laws don't apply to me. I Thought that red car was going in for seconds. like finish him off.

What could go wrong raming a cop car with a 750k tractor? Freaking hitting the cop. Yeah holy oh he thought cuz he was a tractor. He' just like run everyone over. Yeah, but actually tractors are easier to topple because they have a Wor center of gravity.

This is crazy. This is the second runaway Tractor video we've seen. What is it with runaway tractors? It's those goddamn Farmers those rule Breakers to cut through traffic. Oh, he's not letting him.

Oh oh no, We have two real stubborn asses here. two psychos willing to cough up hundreds of dollars in damage. Okay, so they didn't make contact inches away. probably.

They're both like I'm ready to go to court over this I'll trade paint before I Give you into you trying to cut the line my friend and you'll be a fault for it I am not getting into repainting my car even if he's paying for it like I just want to go home dude to finish together and then third place. but never mind. Yikes. Ouch.

Do you think people shat on the third guy? It's fair game. You know they chose to do that. but yeah, like a celebration like yeah, fck those guys I'm better than both of them, you gay and then he left. Well man, oh he's in a well.
what the it's being filled and he still inside. Oh cuz he's a Wellman he looks like he just tried to Superman out of there yeah did he rise or did the camera fall I'm so confused. He's like up, up and away and then to have an interview that doesn't expose you as a criminal SS Pretty hyped. Oh no.

What does she do? exactly? She milks the simps. Probably taking advantage of the lonely men for money. Isn't that just what every only only fans girl does? But then oh no no no. she admits to tax evasion on camera.

Oh tax evasion. but yeah, that is. That is pretty Savage She look for the guys with no hope. She targets you when you're weak.

when you're down on your knees. Have hobbies. Go travel, Have fun. I Feel like that's almost like life advice.

like get friends, have hobbies and then you won't stoop as low as talking to me. This is what happens when you don't pay attention to geometry class. I Thought 3x3 would equal to 2x two and a 1x one. Oh my.

God You're right it 2al 3 What? I Feel like I've done this too. like when we were filling out our gym floor like I needed way more than I bought I feel like I might have done this as well playing with girlfriend in the kitchen. Oh God is someone going to die What just exploded I think that was hot water? Wait if you knew there was water on there, why did you go there? Yeah she's still laughing too. Yeah funny, that's horrible.

What is it? Cuz he's a man. So like like he can deal with it like be a man. Get over it. dude.

No I don't care if you're a woman or a man. that's just disturbing if Genie got hit by that. oh my God you would laugh. What can go wrong if you lose s of your child at an airport? Oh no, nobody sees that.

How does not a single she about to be processed? What do you think happens to luggages H to get processed? Oh there goes the kid. Wow. I like how he's going along for it. Oh, finally noticed he's like Ah that's not luggage.

It's crazy that this kid just kind of goes along for the ride. He's just chilling. He's like man, this is Best Line in the world he keeps on going Winer takes it all. There's so much candy in there.

monsters, vultures. who are they are they part of the same group? Yep. Savages Looking for more? bro? you just took all of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. You're like, how come there's not more at the bottom Tom Hanks drops the F bomb on Good Morning America Speaking that accent.

yes we have. We have mic issues. Mostly it's swear word so that's that's that's that's a little bit. Well, if you say it with an accent like that, they won't sound like swear word.

I Want people to buy me Boo and we are so sorry. uh Good Morning America man oh man. I'm sorry I slipped into a brand of acting oh my God it's just it's just one F word that's not a very good morning America like Housewives Across the Nation just Dro their toast and little Jimmy started saying the effort every day after he watched that one airing of Good Morning America and now he does drugs and he's in a gang thanks to you Tom Hanks you they reacted like someone just got shot. it's said Jesus Christ it's just an effort guys like oh oh my my God someone said Voldemort don't speak name in vain What could go wrong if you don't follow the guidelines at a dangerous beach in Iceland better run Oh that wasn't so bad.
Little life lesson. Little bit of scarring I Drove 2 hours there for a good deal on a coffee machine only to end up with this attention we are not selling anything on Facebook Marketplace if you are here to collect an item. unfortunately it is a scam and our address has been given out as part of the scam. Please report the seller on Facebook The police will have been notified.

What did they get out of the scam? Usually people would like order pizzas to to their address or like SWAT them. oh no yeah yeah yeah. order pizzas to people's address. Give them Pizza that'd be great Dad walk so uh Applebees come back from Applebees yeah I Had a drink on the 28th of DEC Wa that's a traffic light.

A witness had observed a white vehicle strike a traffic light and then oh what a did you hit that pole that's over there yes theity oh she Li then where the how the F that fall your car is broken. the street lights on the floor like dude, your bumper in the road over there. the bumpers in the road like it's it's GG okay did you just hit that pole? no I Proba no I thought you could actually get away with it. What? No Back in the day they used to give you cards if you're friends with a police officer.

Yeah like they would give you cards if you're caught speeding. you just have to pull out the card and be like I'm friends with this I Think this Monopoly not real life. Are youing kidding with me right now? And the checkout is at 11:00 a.m. but your flight doesn't leave till 7:00 Yeah, do be like that.

You know only technically nobody goes to the beach while waiting for their flight. This is why people just go to the airport and sit there for like 5 hours. Just sat down for a 6h hour red eye flight. Oh the feels did you check your ears might be in there, no blue one the red one out.

oh whoa that whoa I Can see some creases Daddy wait is this like the budget? Way to get like a really nice tight like latex outfit. We should test this. Glad to see my paycheck covers my rent, pay, payroll, payroll e transfer. Oh wow, you get to keep 27 cents.

Let's go. Can you still buy like a gumball for 27 cents? 25 cents? Yeah! if you could use a quarter. Is that still a thing or has inflation hit? Is it like 50 cents now? No way. I bet you $20 I buy the chip.
Won't even make a face bet without making a face. Is that like Ultra Spicy No water yet brother. Yall must not know what fraternity I'm in. Tell them at here Omega SciFi till we die it's nothing to me I'm not making a F cin this should be making I'm not making a oh it's hot he made face.

He made the face he made the shack face the face of oh yeah, where's the shack face Everyone knows what face it is. Oh never mind Jesus To hijack a car yo Oh those guys on the bike were trying to hijack that car. Step one: Kill yourself. Yeah.

Step One: Step Two: Question Mark three. profit. We out of the car Now by who who are these people, hundreds of villagers byy to a Chinese herb that grows on her land. Worth about 1.4 200k USD the machine Mal function during the process so she left briefly to find help.

When she returned with more than 20 workers, she found hundreds of people picking up the herbs. Oh my. God I Actually like feel so sad about that 200k. It's probably like her life savings right there and literally watching the people take it from you in front of your eyes and you can't do anything about it These people have absolutely no care.

Now it's time to be racist. Them chin, what are you doing? Yeah, that guy's just like what am I watching yo is anyone going to do anything about this? Yeah, that's highly illegal, right? It can catch fire, take the whole plane down. You cannot smoke aan oh my. God against the law You do know, right? Oh, do you think he's just like chronically addicted to the point where he doesn't even notice when he's pulling one out Or this is the his first time on a plane? But they also have like 17 signs.

They're like no cigarettes, no guns. They repeat it over and over. Yeah, what are you guys going to do about it? Oh my god oh oh my God that's too cute. Well actually it might have actually hurt dogs just like they get hurt and they're just like I'm over it I feel like Aon smacks her head like soing hard against the kitchen all the time and she just like yo what's up.

well that's cuz she did it to herself so she's embarrassed. Oh God damn it. I no he's just listen brother, you don't on the bus mate I Don't care if you're homeless, don't on the bus I don't care for got autism. It doesn't mean the bus, get the fu off and go in the park or something.

you chats Oh I Love Australia Just God got to love Australian Communication Man I have autism The greatest response to being caught having the bus. Okay so they're toone in the plane. Oh you can tow planes like that. Yeah uh uhoh and it's Fallen uh Well and now the plane is loose.

That plan is loose. Oh no. Oh, this guy better be a billionaire or else I don't see how he's going to pay for the damages. These planes cost $400 million they just sold that plane to Spirit I don't want to take spirit anymore man I'm scaredy.

That woman went feral. She keeps saying like pull it over here I need to take more pictures I don't know what this meant though JY Again, just FAL it's fine. oh it's it's a Bears fan. It's a Bears fan.
We have some common ground. We have some common ground. We got to start talking oh hi, how you doing you nice to meet you go Bears Go Bears Gos Yes Yes sir. Have a good day all right man.

Oh okay I am so glad that these guys had the IQ to not go through with well. I mean obviously you see him and he's like the nicest, gentlest guy in the world like Jesus Christ Did they PL him here like that? Could not have been more perfect. Hello! How are you good? How are you you guys residents here? Are we bothering anyone? Make is supposedly for residence only? Thank you for filming. I'm not giving you permission to film so she's take a picture of your license plates and forward it on.

Hey so y'all hear what? I go through right? This the third person? This the third person. I'm in my own neighborhood and a white person came and bother me while I'm fishing. Oh no, A black person can't be from my neighborhood. It's only white.

good old white folk here. Black person? You must be out of town. Oh well. don't don't leave now.

Do you want to say hey, do you live here? Where you live? Where's your address? Where do you live? Where do you live? This is unbelievable. Where do you live like you? You must be from the hood I Think that's what we call racist. Go back to the projects. If a guy has a problem, he's usually just a complete dick about it whereas girls have a problem.

They say it with a smile on their face. Hi H I'm like, don't fing even. that's a woman. In a nutshell, they got Pure Evil inside, but on the outside there's like I'm being nice and polite and I'm a lovely individual.

Meanwhile, just pure evil. Inside represent all men in the chat and I will not look at a single boob and I will not look at a single. But in this video, let's go come on man, you lasted two seconds. after all that hype talk it's like no no it just it just happened that when he turned to the screen that was just about in the middle of the screen, he wasn't actually trying to look in air in air must be Texas Is this the South damn Graham's got aim Oh my god dude I can't tell if like he's jokingly screaming yeah cuz I don't see blood What? The shopkeeper had a heart attack and died died yeah I mean I guess if you're in that situation you're that old you can probably get a heart attack.

What could go wrong buying kitchen utensils? Oh I see what he was trying to do though? yeah it's like the sunny like she wanted to present the husband like oh good morning is he just playing with him wait the security guys like fight him. yeah why oh he's getting arrested. Oh my god dude the owner is like stop, he's like no no I have a Personal Agenda with this guy Yeah like those dogs are meant to take people down. Oh he's taunting a cop.
That's what he was trying to do to Offroad with a Tesla cyber truck. Is he going to get like stuck because it's so long? Yeah the wheels does seem very grippy. Oh God Oh God oh no. This is like that friend that says they hike all the time but when you actually take them while I'll make it and apparently this is actually a very difficult obstacle that's steeper than it looks.

and also he got up too. also. I'm not just saying that because I might have pre-ordered a cybertruck. Where are we parking a cyber truck? That's why I'm saying I don't think we're going to get it.

oh it's says do not pass but sir, those are pretty big letters. he's like ah oh he's going for it. don't do it bu don't do it oh like you shouldn't pass because it's dangerous cuz there's other cars but I like how he's like I have a massive sign in like 100 font and you're still trying to pass. Oh that kid going to be traumatized I think she qued that was gnarly one I Think this is the first scientific evidence and proof that a woman does fireart.

He had an opportunity to see a real woman fart for the first time and he didn't take a giant whiff of what was there to dump leaves on your neighbor's yard and get away with it. Are you serious? Those are yo a he's going to get revenge. Oh yeah, Blow. All right.

let's go dude. this is some like TV you know, like neighbors having Wars over this stuff y it's like an episode off of SpongeBob What aing battle dude and then is he going to bring a leaf, blow and do the same thing and just going to stand there like all day. Is this what it means to be a dad? Oh I mean but we all knew this. Oh it's the same cuz my family used to go Black Friday shopping I would look at the stuff I'm like there's no way this is a sale.

This is like about what I remember this costing but then my parents would buy all this crap I'm like but these aren't sales man like. Look at the price of this, it doesn't make any sense. You were so wise for someone so young I know I was such a wise little. All right that's going to do it for attempt.

Now show me your attempt to smash that subscribe and hit the like or else I's freaking out to leave. All right, we got to go guys. I'm sorry Peace bye All right thank you so much for watching guys.

9 thoughts on “Man films a beached shark”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @trysin4704 says:

    I worked a black friday at walmart a few years back, they are definitely crafty when it comes to sales and it's right out in the open, but the average person doesn't see it. Most the Tvs and consumer electronics are specific models that come in exclusively for this sale. Likely those models are made with significantly cheaper components than the normal inventory so they still make a profit.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Fuckaroundandfindo says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JamiePineappleWyatt says:

    I've pulled out a smoke to have on a plane before, totally forgot where the hell I was for a moment and pulled out the lighter, luckily my partner caught me before I sparked the lighter.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @0815- says:

    Why doesn't he take a taxi or Uber? Bro

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @g4m1ng4life says:

    Only in Amsterdam you see such low iq people challenge a German shepard… What did he expect to happen?!?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AVBRIZE says:

    turkish tv shows…. everything can happen.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheJuggalo1491 says:

    They did not think that Tesla Truck threw very much. Bigger off road tires would be the first thing. Some weight on the front axle would be 2nd.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GreenPoint_one says:

    Great western people are racist and asians just straight up cheap 4ssh0les

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @meenism says:

    "Jamal won $30,000 and bought himself a $20,000 chain". That story sums up the "black community" SO perfectly 🤣🤣🤣🤣What a fkn m0r0n. Those people will buy 20 Gucci belts and a set of rims before they pay their bills or move out the hood🤦‍♂But remember guys, its "the white man" that's holding them back😏

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