Hmm, it appears it's time for hmm i mean that is what happens in this game, though, like his legs go so fast, it looks like a wheel because he really got ta go fast. The only way you can respond to posts in this red is by going hmm, that's the rule. My response, accurate, oh tinkerbell, you look very different. Is that a photoshop or the actual leaves that's very impressive? Maybe i can dice up it.

Those are some thick cabbage salad and make caesar salad toss her salad, like its name romaine. Oh god, are these gon na give me pink purple and red. This is like what uh mcdonald's try to sell, except like this is black. Oh yeah, it's burger, king yeah.

Even if those were the most delicious burgers in the world, it wouldn't taste good. If you're that color - i don't know you, never know your eyes first genie. Damn adidas is giving bags for your snowboards. That's pretty cool.

No, that's not a snowboard genie. That's a snowboard! Henry yeah would you ride. That seems uh pocket, not very uh flat for snowboard. Oh it's because the shoes are on top no geez, it's a corpse.

Why? Because the candy is cheating, that's wine! What if it's a man cat with those hips, i don't think so. Can have those hips henry yeah, you think i could have those hips. You already have those hips. It makes you look so feminine um.

I feel like he's, he's really missing the real moment to be captured here. Well, maybe he's watching two hippos doing it so he's like two rhinos are two hippos. So what did he take? Then? Oh okay, gotcha, clearly more spectacular than this. What that's a pancake toad! I just want to squish him.

Hmm! I wonder whose car part ended up. What could have happened here? I wonder maybe they're just like best bros, you know and they wanted to have a piece of them with each other yeah. So i'll, take your front end. You take my back end very romantic, bro ship there, it's a hamster roll.

How does he even get stuck to that degree? Why does it feel like this has elongated his body by like a multiplier? Four? Is that possible is how how that works? Hamstrings, oh yeah, you get elongated hitting them, and then they like squish, they squish their body. They're kind of like cats, you know they can squeeze their back. If i squeeze hard enough, i can make them a foot long if you roll them out like that, the revolution, i wonder why these boys joined the revolution, definitely something worthy to revolt, for hun anime waifu worth risking your life. Where did the rest of the sesame seeds go? Actually, maybe it's supposed to be a seedless bun, but one sesame said: why did they put sesame seeds on buns? Do you even taste it yeah? It's pretty good! Really, i don't even taste them they're, not even like toast or anything are they.

It adds a richer, deeper, flavor, really nope. Oh no! This is sadism. Why would you show your duck like hey, ducky, look at what's done to your kind, mmm yum, but as he tasted them, that would make him a cannibal enemy. Where are we headed the blind convention? No to go see the manager i'm just kidding, not all blondes.
Only came hmm, i plan to die out in the sea. Thank you very much huh that might actually be fun to you know like take to the sea. You kind of feel like uh, one of those people from game of thrones to get set of fire in the sea. Is that a cross? No, that's a cucumber she's, fine, dining and winding with cucumber honestly.

That cucumber could probably provide for more satisfaction than most men. Anyways, so control control, alt delete is that delete yeah that is delete, oh my god. People click on that delete. I just clicked on the delete.

That's up there. What does that? Do general control alt delete? How long have you been using computers for one year since one year, yeah ctrl shift escape? Oh wait! Really! That's another option! Yeah! Oh! That automatically launched the task manager. Oh my god, geez you're, more advanced than me. You, oh my god.

Oh, my god, you're making fun of me what the what is this i'm hitting it, i'm trying to figure out yeah pickles! Oh that's! That's spam with like like anchovies on top okay, that's not the worst part in the worst part. Is the fish? Hmm! Oh! Oh yeah, that's a that's a stall. She has a penis, that's a cell phone. That's a stall fo hamster sushi! That's the freshest meat! You can get gin, it's still beating still alive! Oh yikes! Oh you straight up.

Turn that shoe into a spider cave a black hole. Oh, that's, amazing, a veritable! Imagine how big that spider is if it needs that big of a hole. What is the hole for finally managed to get my hands on this card, but what did it cost? My friend - and i bet you in like five years time - it's gon na be a new one coming out, but that's why he has the second kid he can't survive without his second kidney. I didn't what jesus whoa.

Why is this? Not the part that i'm disturbed about, i can't show you this, but but back there you just see like like hitting the ground. You know you, can you can murder a guy with that gene? What is that? Does that actually work? No, it's kind of like a modern crossbow of sorts. No, how are you gon na aim because they both shoot right, but if, for one it's too much to the left - and one was too much to write like you - can never hit your target still think too hard about it? It's badass! That's it! What an ass! It's as if he knows what he's just done, it's as if he knows that he has a dick wand. He's like you, won't do the chinese do this and then hang him up.

Peking duck. Hmm! Oh my gosh. He is a clown. When did ronald mcdonald? Have a younger asian sister: there needs to be like a rule 69, where it's like anything can be turned into a hot asian waifu.

Isn't that rule 34? No i'd say anything can be turned into. Oh my god. So this guy is tricking the weight by lifting his foot underneath oh yeah, the weight's, probably gon na keep changing, because you can't really keep it consistent, he's going to jail genie. What i am so down what? Why is why are the toadstools not represented by a toad, why doesn't peach ever uh give it up to mario? Also, why is it always that their nation's queen gets kidnapped, endangering their nation do away with the queen? Then nothing can threaten their nation whenever bowser comes over to steal peach away.
How come mario never gets her ass viva la revolucion henry. Why are you so insistent on mario getting someone i'm trying to stand up for toad rights? Oh my gosh, hmm! Oh, my gosh bro those legs jesus which sailor. How did you choose to cosplay as this like out of all things? You know like he'll, be thor. He was superman even batman, i'm gon na be sailor moon well because he wants to be a strong female, hmm.

So they sell a table in which your cat can peer out from the body and then be like what are you doing and he just takes a look around you're like okay cool and then he ducks down. This is not the milking table. I ordered. What do you mean by that? What does that mean? It means i lose faith in humanity.

That's a pretty floppy looking plane. I feel like you just like you just like flop around you know, or maybe, if you pet it, it becomes like straight yeah. It starts stiffening up being straight, then you can fly, but someone needs to regularly pet it or else it starts going. Yeah, oh hi, ironic, a store that sells.

I robot refuses to use an irobot and instead clings with the mop. Why would you do that? Is the integrity of your cleaning device questionable? How dare you question that? Oh okay, hmm, what did this girl get into trouble for that's dedication to the job genie should be in prison, but here she is. Oh, it's an audio box connected to her earpiece. That's a very conspicuous place to hmm.

What game is that? Oh, maybe it's hockey. Would you play that with me? No okay, because we would never be in a bathroom in this situation unless you came to the females restroom for some reason now i've packed it all gender bathrooms we could be next to each other yeah. That would be a little weird maximum cooling tryptophobia. Oh no! This is great engineering tryptophobia.

Oh my god. That's awesome maximum um. What is it called like? The the air just goes right through it. There's no resistance, yeah yeah! Why don't they do this for all cars? Well, henry! What's gon na happen when it rains it's fine? It's waterproofing, it's basically just a huge wiffle ball.

Hmm yeah, i'm not liking this one. I don't ever want it. I really like it. I don't want a gum thing from this thing.

No, no! Thank you. I know what you guys would do nasty thanks to this genie. Wait is that a dog or is that a full man? It's whatever you want it to be? Oh, my god. Hmm, i just think of the uh world of warcraft episode is how fun you never have to leave your computer again, you shouldn't, because you have to be grinding in world of warcraft, so you could beat that redneck guy who doesn't leave his space at all.
Oh wow, oh wow, look at that collection! Oh wow! Oh my god! What's this most safest for work, one? Oh! I guess the answer is none of them: yeah! Okay, let's just save the editors somewhere here, my god hmm! Well, he loves his donut yeah. It's probably not the only hole he's put his tongue through. You know a lot of girls be doing some sick. What if his owner's a guy guys still have holes? Oh no henry's response how much to win that prize.

Finally, one of those machines worth playing bring me my piggy bank bring me sell all my stocks, i'm going to get me a cat. Waifu tonight sell the house, god damn it. What okay? What the is that? Oh, my god, those are just balls wow, that's wow! How would you like, if someone chopped your bones off and showed it to you, while you're under anesthesia, so you can't even move? That's yeah, that's pretty smart right cause. They got ta drive all these long hours find an armrest.

Take me home to the place, although he has a lot of trust on that guy who's gon na be aiming the ball to make sure he's dead. He doesn't die how to suffer debilitating spinal cord injury. This picture, oh no, he's first off she's she's. I think because he doesn't have a mane, she doesn't have a mane.

You know. Instead of climbing the floor, you can just claw his eyes out. That would get you out of that cage and shot. Hmm.

Let me just get this avocado in the sniper. Okay, wait! This one, oh this one, looks a little too much like the bird yeah. No, it's brethren. I definitely stick a knife in by accident honey.

So why is this avocado so red inside? Oh yeah, zuckerberg? He he suck. What is it don't get zocked by the zuck? He was asking your honor if i back it up. If i speed it up, could you handle that why you get a smart tv on that? Oh you get a roku on that! It's incredible! Oh, my god. My nose cleared up without even lying down.

That's incredible! Oh, my god, i'm gon na drill your hole. Can you stop diddling my hole? What did that cat do? Oh, my gosh that must have been such a bad crime. They even had to cover his face to protect his identity. He illegally sold catnip genie to the other cats, the blue catnip, the blue catnip.

Oh no did they catch he's hiding meow termite. I am the one who nips holy. Oh no, bernie sanders is hot. Oh no! You're like you want to finish that.

No, you want to finish that. Maybe we should finish that put the bag over bernie. Let's go. Why do you have to say that he's like i'm more surprised at the one afterwards? That says, i think i think that's you henry! Oh, oh, my god downward doggy.

He is the alpha chat of all dogs ginny. The just just reveal that all their holes immediately and then what is that soldier doing in the back he's commanding the chadness he's like i wish i could do what you do woofers i wish would do that. For me, maybe we should name our dog woofers, because that's the most like that's the thing that you can come up with right now, oh my god. Yes, that is definitely road legal that just would take up both lanes.
It's actually so cool, though you you actually like, have a house party: let's put a stripper pole up there: no, no! No! No! No cars! 69! No! Nice yeah! That's strange! Yeah is halloween getting too sexy for kids fox! No, don't don't be here. Fox news! No irrefutable proof: ginny. We have to draw the line somewhere junior it's getting too. So, where does the line get drawn? Is that show even for kids like? What's the age rating on that show? You know the one where they like grind female robots e for everyone? Really all right, that's it for our hmm make sure you subs subscribe to the channel.

If do that again, do that again make sure you subscribe? No with the hand motions make sure you subscribe for that to the channel. If you want your next halloween partner to be zero too, but then that means you have to squat like this guy, so i don't know if you want to, but at least you get to control the robot chick thing all right. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace,.

9 thoughts on “Halloween Costume Ideas No Girl Would Ever Agree To”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Flanagan says:

    Henry you already have those hips.

    Makes me think of John mulaney: "look at that tall high wasted man, he got feminine hips."


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnimangaGirl says:

    Darling in the franxx is not a bad anime but definitely that way of riding a the mecha is problematic and awful also the end was shit…. I give it a 6.5

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Byrd says:

    That cat name was Meow Capone then when they took it to prison it escaped like Meow Chapo dinner later started a new catnip trade and made one of the other catnip dealers mad and they sent veterinarians after it then that cat got clapped like meow face 💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Byrd says:

    That car is going to break down so fast maybe even blow up because when it rains it's going to flood the engine or if you driving off-road the dirt is going to get inside the exhaust pipes as well as the engine from the bottom and it's going to cost your car to probably catch on fire and then whatever rocks happened to hit your engine on dirt roads then there's people that might drive by hit puddles even if you don't driving the rain with that car and the water can splash on your car and then if you take your car to the car wash or trying wash your car water going to get in your engine it's just so many different problems with that model of car 💯😨😨😨😨😨😨😱😱😱

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Byrd says:

    He's cosplaying as sailor Jupiter which is a pretty fitting cosplay because she's supposed to be the more physically fit out of all of the sailor scouts and she's the tallest 💯😤😤😤

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Byrd says:

    I mean technically that's where you probably first seen it but have you watched any Viking movies or study anything about Norse mythology that's what they always did for Kings and warriors that died with honor 💯✊🏾

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Byrd says:

    I think that's a bad example of what hamsters are hamsters are more like rats or mice because they can do that too and snakes pretty much any rodent can do that 💯😂😂😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xorn says:

    ctrl alt del is a 40 yr old command used to restart the PC.
    Only since Windows 10 has this been essentially removed while ctrl shift esc was not a command until Windows 7.
    In Windows 98 which that computer is booting it will Task Manager if pressed once and restart if pressed twice.
    ctrl alt del was spammed in frustration of a system lock hence the joke of that ancient ass computer meme.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reese Olsen says:

    I feel if Bowser showed up and learned the Toads had "removed" Prince Peach he'd just burn the Kingdom to the ground because of that. Be interesting to see what Mario would do. Maybe give Bowser the Super Crown for Bowsette as his new royalty, lol.

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