Today we have gina darling with us hi. Thanks for having me, i was hoping that it was going to be in person, so i already booked my flight, but then they're like gina. What are you? No, you did to seattle. Yeah, it's okay, hey! If you like, wan na, come to seattle, someday, like you're you're, totally welcome, we would love to have you here.

I'm just kidding, i'm actually only here for like one reason. One reason only that's just to talk smack about hockey pocky, our mutual friend pocky is the curator of her channel. He uh saves reddit posts, finds memes he's the one that comes up with like the funny video memes that we react to he's the guy. Oh, i was going to say before we start.

Is this a rated r or rated pg? Can i curse? You can curse. All you want. Gina has not seen the front page of her channel, yet she does not know what kind of channel this is really. I know some like, i know what pocky works on and he's always like.

Look at look at the caption or look at the thumbnail i made okay. Now i understand i get it so today we're going to be doing a damn. That's interesting! One interesting fact that i learned recently is that when uh, when they select sperm for artificial insemination, whenever they find a good one, they bonk them in the head to knock it out and then that's how they take the sperm. Did you actually know that sperm is actually vegan? Oh, my god! I was wondering about this.

I wanted to okay wait, but why? It's because consent, oh consented to your consumption of this baby. I think that's it right. Okay, but hear me out if i had a chance to eat ethically sourced human meat, i would want to try so if somebody gave me consent to eat like a piece of their thigh, would that be considered? Vegan whoo! Oh, that's a great question: are we not gon na like question how gina wants to eat human meat? Well, but, like okay, would you know about you like you're, with our genetics? If we eat ourselves what if they prepared it in a way to kill off all those bad stuff, okay, sure, oh yeah, there you go yes, yeah, i'm just curious to be like a little bit curious. Well, that was interesting.

We don't even need the reddit anymore. This is very interesting stuff. Thank you guys. So much ukrainian authorities have informed citizens that you don't need to declare captured russian tanks or any equipment they pick up as personal income.

Oh that's awesome because then they won't get taxed on a 48 million dollar military machine. It's fun until you have to like register it and then like pay for the maintenance and the fees and the cost of ownership maintains. Like i don't know the windshield wiper fluid yeah, i can't see it's like. Oh mcdonald's, is permanently closing in russia.

Oh here's! My friend's stash, i thought it was a freezer, but there's eggs in there, so this is just in the fridge how fast you're gon na eat this before it goes bad. I could eat that in in five days. Okay, oh my gosh, and i i see no fries wait yeah, where are the fries? No fries, they're, no good after a couple hours? That's also true. So, if he's like, if i have to stick with something from mcdonald's, this is gon na, be the the whoppers.
I'm sorry i just said waffer. Oh it's like yeah, i love mcdonald's, uh, cheesy gordita crunch delicious. I'm gon na go to make you honestly get a baja blast cocktail for invaders. Molotovs, oh napalm, at like the local farmer's market, just making molotov cocktails seriously.

It's just the biggest smile on their faces. This is so pleasant and nice look at this. This community, getting together, styrofoam they're, making napalm dude hell yeah. This is so wholesome man yeah, sacrificing all of your liquor for the war effort and they have tea.

Even the kids are getting into it every time. I see these, though i wonder like what would happen if somebody accidentally, oh yeah, prior to one yeah, it's fun until like someone accidentally drops a lighter and then just yeah or like. If i was a russian, i found it i'll just set it all on fire at once. That would be very smart.

It's an easy one. Could you bear dropping a lighter on this and just like burning a whole community of kids right? It could stop the war, not not that way. The diver found a turtle that looks like it knows all the secrets of the universe. Oh wow, that thing looks old as yeah.

This dude got a biome on him minecraft. I think it freaks me out when there's like a biome on eyeballs holy crap like microorganisms living on him, like he's a whole ass planet for some people. He reminds me of the turtle version of that old lady in spongebob that screams chocolate. Oh yeah, he's kind of cute in like an ugly way like pugs.

His hair looks like you know, like someone, that's going bald and refuses to shave yeah, so they just leave it he's holding she's roasting the out of this poor turtleneck. His head looks like a dirty lollipop dropping carpet he's just chilling man. What are you doing? These are the buttons from world war ii, raf uniform when you put them together, they make a mini compass for use if you get shot down behind enemy lines. Oh, what that's so cool how okay, but, but how do you know it's northwest? Okay, now that's interesting! I like that one, that's so cool yeah! Why don't they just pull out their iphones and take out the compass app? Why do you even need a compass? If you can google maps exactly? Why do you need a compass when you can feel the earth's gravitational pull in each direction like come on yeah? I heard that if, if you just look at a tr a tree and there's moss growing out, that's north, so just look at the dumb turtle and follow him.

Russian prankster hangs a picture of putin in the elevator and films the reactions of the residents yeah. It's some real big brother, huh. First guy comes in he's gon na try and take okay wait. Is he considering taking it down she's like no thanks? No, i'm good! I'm good i'll wait for the next one trail camera video of an eight-point buck shedding his antlers.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, i've never seen this. Apparently it's very, very weird yeah dude. He got scared by his only antlers. Oh, what the was that i mean i'd, be freaked out too.

If a part of my skull flew off my head yeah. Oh my god. That's! What's happening, can you imagine the first time a human being has ever seen this? I would lose my nah. The first humans probably picked that up and was like how can i turn this into a weapon to kill more of these.

That's true use their own weapons against them. Parents in poland left their baby strollers in railroad stations for the ukrainian moms that fled carrying their children. Oh that's so! Sweet! It's so confusing. Few weeks of this invasion has shown so much humanity.

It was so beautiful. It was just so beautiful watching those kids build those molotov cocktails together. It's new, it's a new family tradition. Got this molotov cocktail recipe from your grandmother.

It's been yeah, it's it's a family recipe. It doesn't leave the family the trick. Is you put a little bit of cayenne, pepper in it? Spicy things up, pirates are broadcasting troll faces on russian military radio. What that's hilarious, not even the pirates like the russians - oh no buddy, dude! That's done so well.

The russians were getting clapped so hard. I would have been, i would have called him on the radio and be like you guys. Stop. Can you imagine in a history book somewhere? They show this check out specifically 10.1.

The troll face that pirates sent in the year 2022 perception of gravity in different celestial bodies: earth gravity; oh okay, yeah, mars, gravity; okay, oh not bad they'll, both bounce here moon gravity; oh, that still did something: pluto gravity: oh man. Okay! Eventually, on my way there you go okay, it's like a really light tap. You can still use the character. Uranus! Oh oh jesus, oh uranus, is very, very very.

Very heavy uranus is very heavy jupiter gravity. Oh my goodness. Sun gravity we haven't even gotten there, yet it didn't fall, but the car is just. The sun has excellent comedic timing.

Yes, that was so good. I want to log into her backup account for some higher rated screenshotting screenshotting screenshotting screenshotting screenshots close your eyes. Only fans toe pictures password, i love genie 140.. Lucky was right about you, guys yeah.

What does pocky say about us so much? Oh god, he hates you guys so much. You guys have no idea. I'm honestly granted you probably you should probably move he's coming. Oh god, no, he actually like he's he's like these guys are animals and they work so hard and they're really good at what they do.

Oh wow pirate bay response legal threats from dreamworks, as you may or may not be aware. Sweden is not a state in the united states of america, sweden is a country in northern europe unless you figure it out by now, u.s law does not apply here for your information, no swedish law is being violated. Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium, will result in soup being filed for harassment, a formal complaint lodge with bar of your legal counsel for sending frivolous legal threats. It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are morocco and then you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.
Please also note that your email and letter will be published in full on the Go yourself polite as usual and akana that's hilarious. I liked how he had to specify like retractable batons like it needs to have the ability to go in and out so that you don't just get sodomized once this reminds me of an article that came out recently and someone wrote how funny it is working with Gen z, people in the office because all their sign ups on their emails are hilarious. As a gen, z, here's how we sign off emails.

You you i'm out! That's all that's stupid! It's so creepy! That's about it! Um yeah, wait! Okay! Why are they so cute and creative all right? All right, wait, there's another one. I love that. Oh, this is the one that other one was far too tame. Oh, oh, was it it a new company and you hire only gen z.

You only hire gen z. I still love the poster thanks again, don't cross it don't cross me nicole, out talk, absolutely julia, just whoever apologies for existing you're, the best boss ever all jk and sir pleasantry. Here i love gen, z, man. I love him so much.

If this is the future, then i am looking forward to it. I'm gon na get my agent sean right now to switch it off to we're gon na lose everything you i'm kidding just putting this signature in the bottom. Don't cross me: yeah, don't yeah all right! Sean you heard her put in don't cross me at the end of all our emails from now on this little crab casually clearing the sand from his eyes. Oh, i love it so much at that.

He looks so polite. It's like a windshield wiper he's like hold on yeah. I used to spend like hours watching these crabs eat like really large foods, this one that eats chips. This is what you did for hours, yeah yeah henry just likes watching these.

For some reason he, like picks off the speckle of like seasoning and just like stuffs at his mouth. Oh did you hear that he made a little bit of progress? Imagine what's going on in a crab's brain when you pull from the ocean and give them like a lemon for the first time. So what the is this or like a nacho cheese dorito, it's like giving us like food from an alien planet. It's like going back to ancient egyptians and giving them a cup of mcdonald's sprite.

Okay. This is actually kind of comforting yeah, there's like whole channels dedicated to like crabs like eating like watermelons. This is all i have to do on youtube. Yes, i'm gon na go.
I wan na go buy a crab tomorrow. Nice, okay, 200 000 views man, i'm just speeding like random things. I also like combine my interest, so i feed him like ethically source human meat. No, do you know the human meat again, it's vegan, okay, guys it is vegan.

Not everyone wants to eat you and me an 80 year old who showed up to join the ukrainian army, carrying with him a small case of two t-shirts, a pair of x pair of extra pants, a toothbrush and a few sandwiches for lunch. He said he was doing it for his grandkids. Oh my gosh, i'm sure they won't let him we really appreciate it, but you're 80. For god's sakes, that's so sweet of him.

That's incredible! How can you say say no, when your grandkids like go to war grandpa? Okay, okay, it's all respectful! If you don't join the conference wow, i almost broke his hip on the way over he's like i'ma. Do it finland's olympic athlete dormitory in beijing today? Is the olympics? Still, oh, oh boy! Is that it that's true. Imagine if it was real yeah i was like are those the finland athletes. I don't think this is what they meant when they said hit the showers.

It's like oh wow. This is the biggest shower. I've ever seen the entire thing's the shower. I can't believe even the video camera is leaking water.

Where does it end? The uncensored library is a huge minecraft map where ever anyone can read sensor journalism from countries without freedom of press holy crap. That's so cool they're using a minecraft as like a someone built. This library of extremely important documents, you know how we look up. Ancient scrolls yeah get history they're going to look up each shipment.

This one was written in what is what minecraft they have to find the right server right. This dude demonstrates how he breaks a lock. He inserts belt well, this is like some old school locked jail prisons or something okay, just push down. Wait: oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah using leverage baby, oh yeah, yeah, the jail is like, oh god, damn it they're like you know what just for that.

You deserve to go free man. I wish, i hope, you're, embarrassing. I've been gone every night this week. The news from prison break really had it all wrong huh.

Can you imagine how short that show would have been if they just did this got out in one episode, all right, we got one last one. Oh, oh boy! Oh no! No, a real barbershop! Oh my god! Well what? If he actually like she yanks his head and like he's on a zero blade and it shaves like a hole in his head, but what if he gets pink eye that guy doesn't even look interesting, he's like man, i'm just trying to get a haircut well, because I feel like he can't because he can't move his head so he's like. I don't want to get cut. Does she get tipped for this? Like? Does she get part of the barbers too he's going to tip the barber and the stripper? Is this a real place? I want to know where this is and how the hell is like how and do they have any availability.
Where can i make an appointment for this? Also, wouldn't she get a ton of hair all over her and hair is so itchy. That's true and under a haircut it butt cracks. You got ta like pull her song out and empty out the cuts. Oh like do you think she at one point she's like hey.

Can you give me a trim also, and the bar was like yeah. I got you just like gets in there. She never has to worry about trimming her pubic hair. It's just like it's on the house baby.

You know what i mean. That's a win-win for me, yeah all right! Well, that's it for damn that was interesting. Damn yay, were you interested? Yes, i liked. I really really like the button compass, because i i really love like um war technology and memorabilia, like that, so that one was really cool yeah, but then this last one.

This is like the perfect. This was the perfect video to end on. That was super fun. Thanks for having me guys, oh thank you again for coming by yes and smash the like.

If you guys want to see gina darling, yes, but also go check her out at yeah, you guys can check out my stream. Thank you guys. I love you. I was so happy.

Did you guys tell them a story when we met no, i i was gon na mention it in the beginning of the video, but then i totally blanked out - and i was like all right - i'm gon na do damn that's interesting. Oh it whatever genie and i played a bunch of games, the other ones, and then i went to the streamer awards, which i wasn't even supposed to go to and then i look up, and i just see these two walking by and i was like what the What are you doing here and then we hugged it out and we took photos together. It was the sweetest now someday you have to fly here and we're going to make cocktails. We will do in-person hells yeah.

I make molotov cocktails, that's so so much fun! Yes, anytime, any time i make fun of turtles, oh yeah, i can just on turtles all day all right. Thank you! So much for watching we'll see you guys next time peace, love! You bye.

17 thoughts on “Dozens of men line up outside of this barbershop everyday ft. gina darling”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Caruso says:

    Surly you guys arenโ€™t the morons youโ€™re pretending to be . Humans are considered part of the animal kingdom. If you ate parts of a human you would still be considered an omnivore . Meaning you eat plants and meat. In other words your coniferous but actually youโ€™re sick human beings and are cannibals. Which if you donโ€™t realize you eat your own species which means youโ€™re sick human beings!!!!!.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Hedlund says:

    "Just look at the dumb turtle, and follow him."

    Ok, this girl is funny, I like this girl ยด^^

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaun carlos says:

    i went to a strip club once, and i got pink eye the next morning, LIKE WTF is that what sweaty vag does to eyes… if thats the case are women immune to their own pink eye vag particals??? hmmm

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThA says:

    Ayoooo wtf, it's so weird seeing two people I am huge fan of who are in different sides of YouTube collab together and I LOVE it !!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Salas says:

    When I have guests over I'm going to have a crab eating something video playing on the TV from now on

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noctifer Summanus says:

    this war, like the covid panic, has only shown me how far reaching the corruption is for all governments…
    and how people are so gullible to emotional manipulation

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Grates says:

    In 2001 two men met up to consentially cut off and eat the penis of one of them. He eventuelly died and the other one is known as โ€žthe cannibal of Rothenburgโ€œ.

    However, I donโ€˜t know if vegan or not. Although consent was given law enforcement here in germany wasnโ€˜t too fond of that.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creamer Of The Dairy Squad says:

    I used to know a guy named Pocky… he wasn't cool…. really weird

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Lambert says:

    Day 473: just men? What about women and non-binary too? Be more open guys (jk) ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. Day 446. Day 426. Day 421. Day 409. Day 400. Day two-hundred-ninety of telling yous that I love you both โค. Day seibzig of relearning German. Day 49 of praying for Ukraine

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jae Karr says:

    The mafakin Ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘แบนp/gamer girlfriend, Gina, is here !!
    What a pleasant surprise

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jackalope2u says:

    If Russians found that Molotov tent they would be like..Oooo Free Potatoes.
    Then start drinking

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saint Niculae says:

    They cut out the part where when Gina visit and they replay the last scene where Henry receives a hair cut from Jeannie.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bumble Butt says:

    Pretty sure this whole "war in Ukraine" shit is all bs.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris palmer says:

    It's just like any other red meat except for cooking temperature ๐ŸŒก๏ธ

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brewing Bear says:

    Good job playing into the stereotype "if it moves its food"

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FaultLine says:

    "You're 80 for god's sake"
    I believe there's no restrictions in war as long as you can shoot. lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Southpines Hooligan says:

    If veganism is because of consent, how are they alive? Ain't no plant matter able to give consent lmao

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