You want to check out some stuff that are very interesting. This is a brand new invention. Genie Oh god oh oh no. I believe it's called The Sea stream.

How does it attach? Just like suction? like? check out what you can do with the world's longest driver that one's going to Mars Forget about foosball. Genie You ever try fishball? Fishball. Isn't that a food? Isn't that? That's so cute. so so cute.

This technique for getting up a ladder. You seen this type of agility before. She didn't even climb it. She's just like I'm over she Mario that Genie for fish.

It's truly about surv back take covers the Gill sinks it in squeezes, easy finish. This proves that evil always wins. The black one always wins. Henry You're racist.

This is the Kaa Tower world record. What's Kaa Kapa is Kapa But couldn't you get the same effect if you just threw something at it? Cap on these nuts. Here's a 2,000 lb pumpkin drop into a pool from 136 ft. Why? Because Halloween Spirit Woo! Talented artist skillfully crafts a cartoon.

Oh that's genius. It's like a Jojoes anime. I Would say it's a very attack on Titanes anime. Yeah, maybe yeah.

like the art is amazingly well done. Is that cat? Oh yeah, the the final season was out. still haven't watched it cuz that anime traumatized me Genie would rather watch Ratatouille and Disney Maybe I should just find another man who likes watching those things with me dog next door creating a path from walking the same every day. So he's like an NPC He has a predetermined path that's scripted into him when we take a out to pee.

I Feel like Aon has a predetermined path as well Dart to the corner with potential B start to Second corner with potential second Bunny Run Back spider collects air to make an underwater habitat. He's collecting air. Oh he did he. just he got some air and he's collecting it.

He's putting it together for one big air and then he just chills in the air. How in the world I Don't even know anymore. What is this? Like zoom in at the end cuz it's freaking weird. That is anything can do that.

It's like my guy, you're supposed to be doing this with your butt web. oh my God that spider is like the seaweed is always greener under the sea I Don't think you get the song Under The Sea get the eyes of ACH Ew they have eyes. That thing oh my God please say no, those are its eyes. no no that's Gary wait this is Gary that's it's Gary from SpongeBob you're lying, You just put Gary in there.

What the fu why does it need ice I thought like starfish and cot is just kind of like like quw on the floor sea without any Direction no no no this can't be my. my entire existence is like null now like I don't know how to move on with this information creating a Dusty Top Hat oh my God no Okay yes but why does it have to be Dusty I Could feel the maladies coming oh oh my God that's hard. Oh lady, good day. s Is this why you wanted to do this reaction so you can constantly my lady no no no I've got more by you.
You want me to move? No no I have more I have more. Okay dude, it's on fire now I have more. It's on fire I have more je this video is like 2 minutes long. Yes wao oh I've got one more what I CH In with him and band making competition, this guy looks like he works for like a festar hotel.

Oh even he tucks it in with almost no creases. oh my God I Understand why this is a sport though because it's actually hard whenever like I put a mattress thing on like it's always soing wrinkly and uneven. When's the last time you did I don't know, it's been a while. They duvet skills.

Is this how you do a duvet? What? the what? Me and Jinny like We crawl in there and then we get lost. We're like where's the stream and then like 30 minutes later we're out of Narnia Finally! so this goes to show at most it takes 2 minutes and 20 seconds right? Why does it take us like 15 minutes to do this meteorite? Hunter I'm from Bristol Connecticut and I'm meteorite Hunter So usually I'm AED that something has fallen or that people have seen a fireball through the American meteor Society I book a flight, go to wherever it is and then I start searching. What? I Just walk around and use my magnet cane to tap rocks. Oh I thought these were just crazy people I have found meteorites that are 100,000 Wow I don't know if you've played Zelda enough.

but basically you see like me, rifle, you run, do and get the star. that's him in real life. Light painting, photography. What is what's light painting? Oh just I got I got it? Oh you got to.

Could you flip your camera though? Oh no. my neck, my flexibility. wow that's super cool. It would have been extra cool if you just yeah that that my post the video Sideways CT scan of air Apple airpods versus two counterfeits.

Is this a oh no, but which one's the counterfeit? They all look pretty good. the one that has a face. Why is that a counterfeit cuz it's like uh oh oh okay. oh okay, this one is the real one cuz there's more stuff.

No, there's a ton of stuff in the shaft of the one on the right. It's not about the shaft Genie it's about the tip. The Valley Robot is low extendable cart with grippers for the Wheels police in China are now using to rep Park illegally parked carts to the nearest Legal parking space instead of Towing them away. Oh that's awesome.

What? Wait, that's that's so nice. Yeah cuz basically they're like don't punish them just I Yeah, they made a mistake, but ultimately what we want is to do. They still get a ticket though. Yeah, okay I would think, but that's still pretty nice of them right in a way.

Wait. but what if you come back and you're like wait Where's My Car well that's your fault I Feel like this is what spies would use like James Bond or something to like move people's cars. Wow. So diabolical.

How come the tires didn't explode? Okay oh, this is terrifying. Who signed up for this? Like who signed up to be on this bike? That? yeah, like how's he not like just you know and then just dying. Crazy stability. Damn for tires that thing.
Why would you let go? Now do this with a skateboarder. You'll be like dragging his dead body on the on the ground, hits a rock. Go. a zillion miles away.

A family of gorillas crossing a river one by one. Their body structure makes them virtually unable to swim, so they need to be extra careful. Wait. So you're telling me gorillas have drowned Mhm and died Mhm.

Oh my. God that's so sad. How come they don't wait on the other side with a hand out and be like yo I Got you brother? You know, just in case he slips. Or do you think that would be too? Planet of the Apes did you just drink some of water? Yeah, he was thirsty.

He's like I want to take a gold? They're just like dogs when there's water. Got to. So by simply coming up having the door closed, opening the door, what do we do? We create a ventilation induced flashold I'm going to come up I'm going to close the door and I'm going to put moisture around that door. Okay, so I'm going to have my door firefighter.

he's going to crack the door I'm going to put moisture inside and then I'm simply going to close the door to wear. Now the gases are going to ignite, but you can see how drastically we slow the environment down by putting moisture around the door and putting a little bit of moisture inside. Oh sank. That does make sense though.

Like yeah, adding moisture and water to fire does kind of kill it. What you want to do like take your around the door, then get your doorman open and shoot water inside behind the scenes of flying a drone through a boat. Che Got to have the group 10 girls in the The Yacht oh God how come they always like want to film the girls having fun? You know they never like film the guys. Also I can tell who the boat owner is.

that white guy, the one white guy, the one white guy. oh my. God DIY Bluetooth speaker and a walnut. 6 minutes J Oh can I see the end? just very very end.

Yes that's a walnut and now you go play music through it wo then to be truly diabolical, you put that out where squirrel a squirrel eats it and dies. No a squirrel puts it in his mouth right to put it back into the horde. Yeah and then just all of a what? the in 250 million years, a single supercontinent will form, wiping out nearly all mammals. Isn't this what happened at the start? What were they called researchers used computer climate models to simulate the environmental conditions of Pangia Ultima a super form 250 million years from now.

The result shows that the Earth's temperatures are estimated to rise drastically, making this new supercontinent uninhabitable for Life Specifically mammals. I mean we'll be gone by then, we'll be in different galaxies, different dimensions. It's going to suck for like the animals that are still here. The fishes.
yeah at that very time all the fish like the so quiet Nickelodean studios in the '90s we the same building today. oh it's lost. its Soul it's character dude I feel like it's not Nickelodeon it's like Nickelodeon okay you sound like Dan Schneider Why does this sound so wrong I Used to dream of a trip to this building in Florida just to get slimed. Yeah, some girls take flights to far away places just to get slimed.

as well. Homeless guy shoots a shot and spits a freestyle for Rick Ross as he's walking at Venice Beach Rick Ross Was so impressed he signed him to a record deal on the spot. Who's Rick Ross you know Rick Ross no yeah, this might be his Wor famous thing. Oh dear, they bring your Jersey if you leave if you go hard to tell friend.

Henry David the that likees green to find a man that's considered good I can't even hear what he's saying. wmart brand weekend like you know this guy rapping nice and all but I think the alien behind just trying to find a way home in 1971 Nike Hired a student to create a logo. She was paid $35 for her design. oh that like she made their logo.

Yeah for $35 hold on she basically was like I don't know what to do and she was falling asleep and like and then she made it Nike is like the only one that's like never changed her logo. it's just a check I'm looking at you patreon I Could also see why Nike maybe didn't pay more than $35 cuz a logo really is just a check. but I don't know. maybe that's F hard to come up with.

you know exact. It's not exactly even a check. it's like a a Sus check. Barcelona Spain From above.

Oh wa what the heck, it looks like my computer processor. It's a computer processor. but then your ex-girlfriend came and slashed into it. I Mean it makes it look less like dystopian like.

I Think if that slash weren't there, it literally just look like a dystopian. Society it's called Queen balling. This is when honeybees make the decision to kill a queen because she is not laying eggs any longer or is an impostor from another. Hive They do this by forming a tight ball around the queen and vibrating their wings to turn up their body temperature that will inevitably suffocate her.

They're also biting and stinging her along the way. How are they not biting and stinging you? They're just like. kill her. Kill her.

Oh hi, human. Kill her. Kill her all the snoo Sno that she gave you and this is how you repay her. A cat being rescued and turned to life from a fire and turkey.

Oh no, he's dead CPR Give a C CPR Please Mitt's dead. Yeah yeah. CPR CPR Is that a gas mask for a cat? Yeah, they actually have a gas mask I Don't that can't be real D Dude, how does this fit on a cat? Come on. Kitty Oh, he's alive.

He's good. Yeah oh my. God What? He's just a little out of it, but he's okay. Meanwhile, there's like people burning inside the building.
Is this cat breathing? Meanwhile, firecracker brands in India Jesus Christ India Yeah, they have no chill do they? Yeah, they have no chill Is the hydrogen bomb really controlled by like a PS3 controller man protect bees from giant hornets with a rat trap. These are bees. I Guess that's a hornet. Oh they're both Hornets they're all Hornets but this one's stupid cuz now it's stuck.

Yeah, get fck. Wow, it's a terrible way to die. Well, they're Hornets though. What are you okay? imagine if you saw cockroaches, would you be very happy cuz you hate them.

Isn't this kind of up though? Like shouldn't you judge a on his character? Not who he was born As like, just because he was born as a hornet doesn't mean he can't be like good. Are you saying we should have a jury for every Hornet that's on there. Yeah, like maybe some of them are like pretty chill. You know, like he was born that way.

like he couldn't help being born a hornet? Yeah, they should all probably just die. Huh? Dory Leing reacting to winning the Nobel Prize you've won the Nobel Prize for literature. Oh Christ She'd also come into a check for 34 of a million I've won all the prizes in Europe every bloody one. So I'm delighted to win them all.

It's a sort of the whole lot. Okay, it's a it's a royal flash. Okay, it's a royal flash. Why does she seem like a woman who's like please leave me alone Yeah, she's probably like old near the end of her life.

just wants to live in peace like I wrote a goddamn book Now leave me alone. The customer from Hell the worst customer on Earth is the customer who's decided beforehand they're already miserable the minute they walk in the door and they've decided that they're going to feel better if they bully, uh, speak condescendingly to or mistreat floor staff. This is an unforgivable act to me. I mean you if we go out to lunch together and you're rude to your waiter and treat them like a piece of talk down to them or blame them for the kitchen's mistakes, we will never our relationship is dead and will always be dead.

I mean I think that's to everyone Yeah. Also, apparently not telling the staff or not telling the chef what was wrong with the dish is apparently also horrible customer. She likes getting people fired over small mistakes. oh my God no I don't nervous gorilla attempts to reconcile with his brother after a fight.

bro shave my head. you know it was just a mistake I Know, come on, don't feel like that biggest nervous face oh my God I Can feel the social awkwardness his facial expression. this is how men Recon as well men just go you good bro whereas woman are like so you made me feel this way at this moment and because you made me feel that way I need to know how you feel about the way I felt. so I know that I was justified in the way I felt you know you're laughing cuz you know I'm right.
Yeah, dead on Ocean Cleanup project completed its first successful trip. This one isn't real cuz that's computer yeah I can't can't tell. they both look real. so this is what they thought would happen.

This is what actually happens. Yeah, there's less trash. Yeah, think they were definitely very ambitious, but that's still a lot of trash that is. That's a lot of trash.

Where does all that trash go? They dump it back in the ocean after this video. oh oh no. actually sorry. they they burn it and send it to the ozone layer.

probably land so they do just burn it into the ozone. it goes then artificial stone process concrete. oh so it's not real. he just draws it in oh my God and he chips at it I would have thought that was like some classic Roman architecture don't oh he's even donating to the poor Do you think he goes to the Satan girls and go like I'm must take you back to Hell follow me like you back to my apartment and then he hell hole bangs the Halloween US Army Personnel at Fort S launched Halloween candy to kids using M142 Haar's rocket system oh my God this just sick like they just accidentally load up like one of the actual missiles like hold on in Germany There is a completely functional train that has been converted into a techno club.

Huh? The government Just just like yeah, just turn one of our trains into a club. why not that's so lit. Didn't you say that? Germany has like the lest clubs they really do. Yeah, like I Went to a junkyard that they converted into a rave when I was in.

Germany It was. It was insane. If you put glasses in front of your camera, then focus and take them away. This is a pretty accurate representation of what a person sees without glasses.

Oh yeah yeah. I mean I kind of figured eyes are just lenses. if you have shitty eyesight just it just means you can't focus. Why don't we just turn our eyes into camera lenses so we can just refocus right? The final exam for Police Service Dogs To remain calm in front of a cat Germany in 1987 yo this poor cat.

they Place him here on purpose. They're like. you better hope our dogs are well trained or else you're the dinner for tonight. You know what the true test is.

A squeaky ball put a rabbit down now that that is is impossible for a dog to not. Chase Yes, A museum demonstrating what happens when you let visitors touch marble. Museums have good reasons for asking people not to touch things. The vase is made from carved marble.

If every visitor to the gallery touched it, it, would soon become dirty. We want you to touch this piece of marble. Look at the difference between the Surface People have been touching in the area that hasn't been touched. They should have like left this unscrewed and left it open.

Oh yeah, so that they're both like ugly. Yep, so you see the difference. You see it. There's no difference.
Seth McFarland and Mark Wallberg. Both were booked on the AA flight 11 which crashed into the World Trade Center Wallberg decided last minute to fly to Toronto and McFarland missed it just by 10 minutes due to a hangover. That's crazy how there's just like probably like a celebrity in your plane and you would have never known cuz they have to go places you think like death will come for them soon soon enough because they kind of cheated them. Death comes for us all.

Henry Fly catcher spider and it's quick and precise. Attack: one of those cute spiders fly dude bro he's going to get that's cute. So oh we're so proud of you Little Billy the speed he like teleported on him. you know like those anime moves where like they kind of like disappear for a second and all of a sudden they're behind you and then nothing personal Kid? Yeah and then nothing Personel Personel.

What? That's exactly what he did to him. Yes he nothing personal. Him: all cats are cats I mean all living beings are living beings They just want to be left alone. She's just asking a diet man if she continue this video for another 20 seconds.

there would be no video to upload. She would be dead. Water droplets don't sink immediately when they hit the water. Oh, they bounce off the water because of the meniscus.

The oh, it's still not combining. He's resisting. Oh I guess that's called splashes split Splash you was taking a bath right around a Friday night. This laptop from 1997 has a built-in Mouse Oh my God cute.

It's literally a mouse I think it's in case if you like, uh, forget your mouse which I guess a lot of people did back in 1997 because they were. you know Dumber back then? Yeah, that's right. Take that people from 1997 Henry's decided to choose violence today. Visualization of pie being irrational.

Fing pie. dude. make up your mind. Pie: stop being so irrational and just do something predictable Pi's just like Focus P Focus no Why you always got to be so Random all the time get your together.

No Pie Pie: Be rational. Reasonable: Yeah, just finish the. L Why why would you keep doing this. That's actually more rational than I Thought though.

this is like wet. Okay, it might seem this way, but if you look at it in the bigger picture, it's a predictable pattern how women argue woman logic. See in the End Circle Where's it going? Where's the circle going? Oh the Falcon thinks the eagle is his mother and ask the eagle to feed him. Oh no, mother, feed me please I hunger.

He's like this is not my kid. this this the sidest stepping. he's like I don't know this. Ah classic dad move.

Yep, just kind of walk away. Yep, it's not my issue I'd be like oh hey, could you like do something for iron and you'd be like oh like that's funny I actually um oh and then you just walk out it appears I have an appointment with the doctor for what for cancer again? Yep. an underwater icicle called a ble or the finger of death that freezes everything in its path Patrick Oh my God Is this Mage hands from Balers gate Patrick No it's like a spell. How did they like? decide where they're going or what they want to do.
Like they're just stars in the floor. Oh wait, they're fine. I Thought they'd die. Wow, that's stunning.

Oh my. God So is Patrick dead or what? No, he's chilling. They they're still just chilling. Yeah, they're just chilling.

Wait, they did die. Oh never mind. They died. Oh my.

God I Think they did die. They're not moving anymore. Well I thought they're not moving cuz they're chilling. How to get rid of toite swarmers? Wait.

But now you have to throw your phone away. Oh, you bring them to another light source. A brighter light. Yeah Oh my.

God the Merlin child getting out of here. That is flat out true. You always do that. I was like this feels like Harry Potter when lifting up the forest during storm in.

Scotland Oh cool. The floor just casually peels off. maybe glue it back down. oh holy sh you can you imagine just like crawling down there.

Oh pH don't no just as I say that fo's like I volunteer F why would you go on top of that? Can it still lifted up? oh fo's going to fly fo's like oh my God this is I this face I feel like the dog really improved that video? Yes a lot yes looks like Trump's like car woo Cross Country Motorcycle Racing Pi they have to like clean him completely. no it's to fill. it's just filling. No time for bath.

oh it's just for his number plate. So like if you do this sport you just resign to being covered in like 24/7 Oh yeah nice. he lives that pig life. Yeah this is the slowest like pit.

Stu I Would have died laughing if it was just like five people just lined up with a hose and just like like Go kid experiencing strong Crosswinds at a NASCAR Race What the are these sound effects? That is definitely not what it sounds like. That kid probably got a video. yeah, we learned about this in physics right? That's why you don't stand that close to a train Al it like sucks you in. How is it? That guy staying perfectly fine cuz the kid's weak.

Ah Matthew Mccon said his big break was being in this episode of Unsolved Mysteries Larry He was home for a few days and he was cutting our lawn for us. Shot it in the air. He's shooting Larry it's not a C gun I see blood he's shooting Larry Larry No the police. Go Go the police I Could see the acting skills hit head with a 22 pistol I could see the flashes of Brilliance oh my God that's an Oscar award winning performance right there True Detective Season Zero He was cutting our lawn for us.

Oh what? Swe this can't be real you. You normally go like this or like this. Who goes like entire house built in 2 hours and 45 minutes in 1983 I would not live in it. It's about how fast like the Chinese build skyscrapers these days I would not want to step in it.
The camera quality is so bad. just looks like a bunch of ants. Damn a big house too. This is what we pay million ions of dollars for.

It could be made in Just 2 hours and 45 minutes. This looks like a preab pre-assembled thing. They just likeing air lifted in a roof. Dude, did you set any wallpapers? Did you set any like the plumbing done? Plumbing Electricity Imagine The Neighbors Coming back home from work and they after like what the have neighbors now they did that.

They did the plumy and electrical as well. Turtle playing and winning a game of tic tac toe. where's his marker? How does he play? Oh he looks pissed I'm done. You're moved.

Now it's a lot of work. just like play. Oh no I think the turtle's going to lose. Yeah, how you going to do my turtle like that? Oh wait no.

the turtle one. You're literally stupid. Oh wait, what? whose turn is it again? Yeah, that's why actually we're stupid. The turtle one man.

my poor man's got nothing in his home but like One log. it's not even a good log. Funny people are like oh human lets Turtle win I'm like no I missed it dude I would have lost the game. speed of glass shattering versus bullet.

Damn nothing beats glass shattering huh? Wow that bullet's slow off Yeah right I could run fashion that bullet. oh yeah 768 mph look how slow he's going. she is deaf but Santa knows how to speak a a he's telling her Hey kid me this beard fake I'm not real you CHR is not real yeah she was like what about the ranger this Ranger's fing fake. Go home kid.

This man enjoys a once- in a-lifetime experience when a couple of Al Come to the River to drink. Wow what an experience huh? I hate that sound? Yeah, reminds you of horror movies yeah I I don't like the screen Wow this is what the Great Outdoors is all about. What a bunch of peaceful creatures. eh as long as there to there I'm not stopping fishing switching MREs between an American and Italian Soldier Dude I want an Italian M I bet they have the best MREs Spaghetti I have a present for you I have Italian to exchange I saw American have pizza.

Okay we try. Hold on, you're going to give Pizza to an Italian an M Pizza yeah oh no, he's not going to like that. Okay, we can survive with them. It's doable.

We can survive yeah cuz it's an insult to Pizza good for Italian man you dare call it Pizza thank you I appreciate He was very nice about it but what he really wanted to say was what is this pathetic use you call Pizza Americans should be ashamed. the Italians get chicken in. it's not bad, it's just it's like a weird consist a weird texture. ew you that.

So we have the pizza maedon and they have chicken and jelly. oh wait ravioli B sauce. Why you just be like Chef boy pretty good it tastes I don't know if you have ever had is it mindstone or ministr soup m but the sauce kind of tastes like that and then it's minr should just been like uh have you ever Had like you know, pasta Fagioli pass past the Fagioli can I make Fagioli tomorrow. it's foli Jean damn it.
I Thought you were being serious. 18,000 people live in the single building in St Petersburg oh my God wo it doesn't look too bad. feels very dystopian you know? Dude, how does it feel to have like 18,000 neighbors? Yeah I bet they throw like all kinds of cool parties. oh my God mail would be nightmare.

All right that's it for damn that interesting damn hello what do you mean Hello the video's over you. You don't start a end. A video of a Hello damn goodbye goodbye Thank you so much for watching guys.

13 thoughts on “Company unveils newest innovation in women’s underwear”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @triplemillionseller7454 says:

    First one WTF

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VeteranVandal says:

    No. The consumer that already knows what he wants just know sales are entirely based on bullshiting. I get that the guy selling me stuff has to make a living, but I don't have the funds to simply consume to pretend that's what really makes me exist.

    People that treats servers poorly are another type of people, mate.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Pythonhier says:

    That moose was trying to pick up, but the female refused.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Salt_Miser says:

    An elk scream has got to be as close as it gets to dinosaur sounds

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Pythonhier says:

    So Conch is a common name for a lot of different kinds of sea snails, but they do – in fact – have eyes. Like most other snails.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @L337Dratini says:

    That is what NASCAR races sound like XD

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cristianonunes8551 says:

    Some people find 100$ to be expensive for a logo, what they don't realize is that the price is not about the logo itself, it's about the originality of it but also it will be the company's image, trademark.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cas4611 says:

    Talk about squirrel, shows chipmunk

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mishrascustoms9832 says:

    hornets are actually quite chill

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @agnorofejiro says:

    Love this guys.thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeremyjarvis4649 says:

    Why tf would you put the roach on screen bruh??! I watch this when itโ€™s my designated YouTube time when I eat

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-pn1bq2iw4z says:

    Hey can you do a 24 hour hypnosis vid with genie where she does whatever you want?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zmokeu says:

    excellent as always

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