The best game so far that implements story with gameplay very well. You know, what's a good game that implements story and gameplay very well. Is it the critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy 14, which has this free trial? It's the critically acclaimed the headmaster. I feel like i've heard of this game.

I highly doubt that isn't that like wizards - oh, oh, oh, my god yeah, you know the game about wizards, it's like hogwarts, but like not really headphones are recommended. You have to do we're. Blasting this full-on on our speakers. Thank god, your family left.

No, i wish they could join us for this experience ginny. This will be a very educational experience. What is your first name harry? Why harry harry potter, we're going to hogwarts pooter, no pooter time to get to work? Oh, he does look like harry potter. He does oh, my gosh.

I head into office first and check in with my my pa, samantha. I love your accent attempt i can't do it. No, it's good because you sound very posh. Okay, nice campus.

Nice wait. My first order of business at this school must be to improve discipline. Why are they all females? I believe it's called an izakaya harem. If there's one thing i discovered last night at the dorm rooms, is that the girls are not studying after lessons what are they doing then.

I must clamp down on bad behavior and send a clear signal to the girls that i mean business. What is this clown? Music or like the bop wait. What was that that was a random side scene. Good morning, girls henry, i see rogue the sax at the x-men school of, like you, know, mutants, hopefully, once i've improved discipline, the girls will be more obedient and will study.

When told oh, my god, good morning, miss newman good morning, miss potts. What did i say? Ginny it's harry potter. Good morning, sir good morning, mr potter, the english teacher, miss potts is struggling to control her class. I should visit her apartment in the evening to give her lessons on discipline.

What like you're gon na discipline, her or you're gon na try and help her. I haven't met the maths teacher, mr wilson, there's a mister. There are men, they exist. What great news, what bad news, hopefully he'll, be on board with the changes i plan to make at the school board i'll need to visit his apartments in the evenings to discuss my proposals to also teach him some discipline, the old hard way and bend them back And just mr harry potter bends both ways the school's owners have promised to transfer funds every time.

Girls are punished in my office henry. Why would the school owners throw more money if girls are being punished in his office to pay for the oncoming lawsuits? That'll happen? That's actually a very legitimate reason, so i'm like oh okay, good morning, debbie good morning, cassandra. Well, these look like uh the mean girls. You know like the bullies, yeah we're about to bully, bully them local.

I mean we're about to be respectful, headmaster. Oh they didn't. Even say good morning, oh my god, can i read the line yeah. I should also receive a wage at the end of each week from mr mike my was programming the game and he's like what what what do? I name it come along girls.
It's time for your lessons, henry i don't like where this is going. What are you talking about ginny? Why are they all drones like in two lines? Is this the clone wars or something the headmaster? Oh, my god? Okay, so he's 36. I am an expert in educational psychology and the headmaster in all girls school i've devoted my life to the study of how to teach young people. I discovered a new method of disciplining students, which is hundreds of times more effective than traditional techniques.

Unfortunately, these methods seem a little extreme. You know my work cut out to convince the educational community. I don't think the educational, nay. I think the government would not agree with your methods.

The hell is this face this chain, this chain she's. Also, five brain. Look at how big her forehead is: dude she's gon na stun that five brain time yeah order to chaos, increase discipline to 20 help miss potts, improve science facilities. When mr wilson implement wow, we have a lot to do.

We have our work cut out for us. There's a lot of women, i mean girls, students that need disciplining. You got it. Oh, come in good morning, sir.

I hope you slept well. I did thank you samantha, mr wilson. Your math teacher was looking for you. He said to come meet me at his apartment.

In the evening, are you so good at that? Okay, thanks samantha, i will prank. Let's do now. Samantha said that i could set my own schedule here. So i guess that's up to me.

Okay, so we should discipline first, so that will be dorm classroom classrooms classrooms. All right disciplining time, all right. Let's discipline some girls good morning, charlotte, i'm here to discipline your ass to make sure your grades are spot-on good morning, sir, how are you this morning? All right now turn around i've been meaning to ask you. What's an american girl doing on the side of the this is this is british? This is hogwarts, oh well, i was born in this country, but my parents moved to the u.s when i was young after my parents got divorced.

My mom and i moved back here. I see and how did you end up at this school? Well shortly after we moved here, i had to take my exams. I failed them because i'd been studying a completely different syllabus next thing. I know some men came to our house and told me.

I have to come to the school or i'll be shipped off to the army. Hmm sounds tough, well, study, hard and, hopefully you'll be able to graduate soon. I hope so, sir. All i want is to get a job and earn enough money to get back to america, america, land of the guns.

Hi there, oh hello, hey master, wait her name's pretty. Who might you be i'm pretty so i can see. But what is your name? I even hate you, no sherry dash, my name pretty pretty i'm in pretty ammon. Is she indian? I think that that would be his definition of indian.
Yes, oh okay, i see the name suits you. Thank you, sir. Okay, now you can't do that. Well, it's nearly time for lessons.

So then, let me keep you. Miss chang is teaching the girls science theory. The girls don't seem to be paying much attention, discipline them all. It seems, though we have a.

We have a very, very large problem here, wait, but i need to discipline okay, i guess we can't discipline. Let's go. We need to do abc, let's go abc. What do they teach at abc? Oh, no, miss potts is teaching the girls english literature.

The girls are seriously misbehaving. Miss potts could do with some pointers on maintaining discipline. Oh my gosh charlotte, like teepeed and tied, wait where's charlie right there, this one the center, that is, you have short-term memory on the girls. You just talked to.

Didn't you one two. Three, oh it's a man, mr wilson is teaching maths. The girls are laughing at him and calling him names. Well.

I think it's because mr wilson has nothing on the board, spend the morning teaching a class. Let's teach these weak spined slack-jawed teachers, a thing about discipline, genie good morning, girls. You said that like five million times so it is fun to me to be your history teacher this term. We shall be learning about the french revolution, sir, yes april.

So do you have a degree in history? I have a degree in kicking your ass, very good question april. Actually, my academic background is in psychology. Fortunately, however, i'm very well read in this area. So, are you saying you've never actually taught history before get out the ruler? This girl's too much back.

Talk, don't hit me, i'm not april, not precisely no sir shut the up kid she's gon na die so have you ever taught secondary school students before well? Most of my teaching experience is actually lecturing universities or speaking at conferences. So that's another look april exams. These days are just about regurgitating facts. Look here! You little, you don't know anything about it.

If i could teach a conference, i could teach you well. I just think it's strange that this school is supposed to help us do better than we did at our old schools, but our teacher isn't even a real teacher. Okay, that's a solid point. You know how you respond with that ginny.

Listen to hear your little give me the room april's right. What are you like even doing here, you're completely waste of space? These girls are all going to die at you, they're all going to die. You want to know what i'm doing here cassandra you really want to know. Oh, come to the front of the class and i'll show you to selling human cellulose, because my classroom may stop.
Your assistance is required. Why is he calling the gym teacher she's about to get like real, dark? Oh sure, whatever we know the rules you're not allowed to touch us? Oh, where did she learn that fact, sandra you're, being disrespectful and disruptive tactical april, was being more disruptive but sure the rules may currently restrict my ability to punish you myself, but i'm still the one in control here. I'm afraid cassandra that i'm going to have to make an example of you just start stabbing her and the class is like. Oh, my lord yeah, like hound, you'll, find out shortly come in miss newman impeccable timing.

As always, cassandra here has decided to disrupt the lesson. The threat of being sent to my office is clearly not a sufficient deterrent. I believe the girls need to see what happens there first hand. Oh yes, sir.

I understand. Oh, my god, you guys are criminals you're both horrible criminals? Oh, no, i think we just scarred a lot of young people today, genie, i'm shooketh. Do you notice that like they're also secluded, oh, my god, so if they wanted help, they couldn't even escape. No, they can't go to our office.

Oh, oh! It's! It's! It's! Rogue! Hello, young lady, who might you be yellow sir? My name is maxine fisher, hello maxine. How can i be of assistance? Well, i was in your history class and i would like to introduce myself as elected student presence. Well, i saw you commit some crimes against humanity and this morning i just wanted to bring that up for a little bit. I need therapy lots of therapy.

Well, it's nice to meet you maxine. It was good of you to come and introduce yourself nice to meet. You too, sir, please don't hit me so as student president, what do you feel is the mood against the students amongst the students you're already pitting them? Well, to be honest, we aren't very happy. We are all adults and we expect it to be finished with school by now.

Oh, yes, they're all 18 plus oh they're, okay, they're legal. That still doesn't make this scenario pretty good. We all want to be out enjoying ourselves like other people, our age. Instead, we're made to dress up in these stupid uniforms and forced to come to the school in the middle of nowhere.

Oh my god, you're right. It is specifically in the middle of nowhere. What happens here? Stays here genie? Yes, i can imagine that this has been quite a shock to you. Girls, unfortunately there's nothing.

I can do about that except help. You pass your exams. You seem like a bright and well-spoken young lady maxine. Why were you expelled? I organized a demonstration against the school playing field being turning into a car park.

The protest got out of hand because a few students started smashing windows. I took the blame for it, even though i did everything i could to calm them down. So you see yourself as something of an activist, no an anarchist, i believe in smashing windows, a joker. I love joker.
Yes, sir, there are so many injustices in the world. I want to do what i can to help other people. I don't know why. I'm not doing anything for the injustice happening in this school, but okay, yeah right, that's the biggest injustice that is commendable, maxine looking out for the rights of others is a noble cause.

Thank you, sir. So i'm about to commit a lot of rights and atrocities like violation of rights and trust. A lot of people here really just be careful not to cause trouble here. I don't need any student demonstrations.

Let's hope there's no need for that anyway. Nice to meet. You see you later, sir. Hmm that almost sounded like a threat i should watch out for maxine.

She could be trouble, kill her with kindness. This is this is a dealer with kindness, there's plenty of paperwork here. What should i do create? Some homework manage the school's budget, it just watch some point. We got ta win right and we can surely do that by watching some porn for sure ginny shoot no.

No! No for evening we have to go, teach her now go to the dorms. Actually, we got to go, see miss potts, where's, miss potts good evening, headmaster, i'm maria consuelo, i'm in charge of overnight security, i'm not doing any access. That's really good nice to meet you maria. How are the girls behaving themselves this evening? The girls seem pretty quiet at the moment, glad to hear it i'll.

Let you get back to work. Who is this hello, faith, hello, sir? We got just from like dead or alive three right. I've never played that or like claire or um. I don't know, there's a really creepy mod about her.

How are you i'm great? Oh yes, it's nice to find the happy students pretty uh rare around these parts. After i get through with them. You know some of the girls here seem upset about their situation. Oh, i don't mind this school's, not so bad.

At least here i don't have to worry about being catcalled or boy is pinching, my bottom all the time. Instead, i have a headmaster who will slap. My bottom, i feel a lot safer. I haven't been sexually harassed once at this school spoken a little too soon there huh.

What if her eyes are like? Please don't touch me. I think maybe this time around i'll do better. With my study. Oh, oh you sweet summer, child well good.

I hope so too young lady for your own goddamn sakes go inside. Stop there. Please men are not allowed in the bedroom. Oh we have to go to apartment.

Then right. Yes, of course, should i sneak around back and check up the girl's behavior. That might be good, of course, wait shouldn't. We teach miss potts about this.

We have to go to the apartment, she's asleep. No, no! They said evening this is evening, but our students, you know miss, butts, there's nothing more important than the dish or print all right. Let's go to liz's room the college girl in her natural habitat. That's what i saw when i went to college too.
It looks okay, girls do not just you're telling me you didn't lay around these two make sense right. This is just ridiculous. Looks like liz. Has emily and harriet visiting again i wonder what their gossip is gossiping about this time.

So did you hear what happened to cassandra? She was rude to the headmaster in her history lesson. She got spanked by miss newman in front of the whole class. No way, that's crazy, it is crazy. She did kind of deserve it, though we i know we should have done, but we all laughed guys.

This is this. Is a crime against humanity? It's it's, not that, oh, my god, we're we're about to get caught. Sandra's such a it was good to see her humiliated yeah that she deserves to get her human rights violated in front of everyone yeah. It's funny now watching cassandra being brought down a peg, but what about it when what about when it happens to one of us plus if they can get away with spanking us in public, we'll stop them from doing something? Even worse, it's not really public! That's dude! Harry it's kind of right here.

You know, like honestly, we got ta plan. An escape plan like this is a up facility. Man dude. They need to get out of here, like what i don't know.

If you ask me, the headmaster seems like a total sadist things. Could get much worse here, it's actually quite smart! I'm really impressed she has more than one brain cell, a sadist gosh. That sounds really scary. Um.

What's that say this? I knew i gave her the right voice. Her brain sells amount to one. It means he can get, he gets off on causing pain and humiliation. Really.

Why would they put someone like that in charge of a skull? They were adults yeah, you got ta, you got ta pick one or the other. Do you wan na go to jail or not my man, so the girls believe me to be a sadist good if they think that they would be less likely to disobey me. Am i really a sadist, though i enjoy my work, but that's only because i'm helping the girls, isn't it we're just helping the girls right right down again just helping the girls. Should i keep listening or move on, i think we'll get caught.

I think we move on here it's late. I should head home to bed. Oh my god, you're right ginny we should have visited, miss potts, told you genie's, so smart! Oh no. I told you oh what's that uh hello, debbie, hello, cassandra uh, like you, organ, really cassandra.

You need to show me more respect. I'm your headmaster, there's just some pervert who likes teenage girls. Don't talk to me that way! Don't talk to me that way! But what are you gon na do about it? Oh man you're not even allowed to punish us yourself. You have to have a woman, do it for you.

Firstly, i'm not old, i'm only 36. you're, literally twice our age, you perv, okay, are they or are they not adults? I guess teenagers adult at this point. Secondly, i can't spank you yet, but just wait until i change the rules. Whatevs come on debbie we're out of here.
I can't wait to get those two over my knee. I need to find a way to deal with roof as soon as possible. So i can change the world. Harry potter is terrifying.

I know i'm scared. I thought it was about the education, it kind of sounds like he's doing it out of hatred. Now i thought we were supposed to save, like somebody even his pots, all right, let's uh teach we got interrupted by a late, comer, hey yo. What time do you think this is? Oh sorry, amy what time jesus? Why did you suddenly turn sunk? I'm sorry, sir? I was i don't want excuses.

Girl tardiness is not acceptable. Where's, your time. Oh, i must have left it in the changing rooms. I will need to speak to you about this behavior miss street report to my office after less oh, no, not in the streets.

Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir rip rip goodbye, miss okay office. Naughty girls await here for punishment. Can you imagine seeing that at like your principal's office, i get out of this? Dear god, there's some deleted files belonging to the old headmaster? Should i read through them? Yes, i fear that i might be in danger in this terrible place.

I went for my usual morning stroll today in the woods north of school and a distinct impression that i was being followed. Mr mike was so angry with me. When i refused his request. Could he have sent someone to threaten me? I must be careful.

What is with this school? Are we gon na get murdered here? This is dated just for the old head vest what dude someone's about to discipline us. I could be endangering myself. I should ask around the school, see the staff. No one, okay, wait! This game is actually pretty good.

That's a good game. Wait! Wait, wait! Wait! Oh my god! That's paul! My this kind of straight up looks evil. Yeah, i've not made a morning on my first day of work for me that a secret camera has been installed in my office. The school owners are keen to see that the girls are being properly disciplined henry yeah.

I'm scared, oh crap, wait. Did i seriously just go teach again rachel rachel wake up? Oh my goodness am i boring you uh, no sir report to my office after school. We can talk about this. Then hero sir one of the students amy is waiting outside for punishment.

Shall i send her in yes thank you, samantha hello, amy, hello, sir amy, your habit of being constantly late disrupts not only your own studies but those of your classmates. What do you have to say for yourself? I'm sorry, sir, i'm just an eternal optimist. I always think i could get to places quicker than this actually wow. Okay, that's actually a terrible excuse.

Amy god damn it. I know you're an aspiring athlete young lady, but that is no reason to tear around the campus like it's racing track. Sorry, sir, i do mean to be on time. You seem very relaxed amy.
You do realize you're here to be punished. Yes, sir, oh my god she's a she's, a freak ginny, most likely you'll be spanx. Yes, sir, this doesn't bother you! No really. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.

I can't miss newman that'll be enough for now it's like uh, oh miss, you're, really good at that just standing there and not really doing anything. Oh yes, the way you just you stripped me and searched me for that. Ak was so um much better than my old boy. She's like uh, okay, miss newman.

I will see you later so what now, sir? Now amy you will stand the corner of your hands in your head and think about your bad behavior. Okay: okay: let's check the school's account. The school's owners have transferred me, ten credits, ten dollars or money bags. How are you baby? You spend the next half hour.

Doing paperwork. Okay, amy come stand back over here. Thank you for punishing me, mr potter. No problem amy! It's nice to be thanked by a girl without having to prompt them.

That's very disgusting! This is very disturbing stuff yeah. However, i fear that you enjoy these sessions a little more than you're supposed to. Why do you enjoy being spanked amy? Why is it? You are the way that you are, i don't know it hurts, but then i feel really good afterwards. I can't explain it.

You must think i'm really weird. No, not at all. The kind of masochism you describe is actually very common. I've come across a lot of girls.

Like you amy i'll bet, you have sir um. I met as a psychologist. I've spoken a lot of women like you in my professional capacity. Tell me about your slime level.

Two all right, amy tell me about your life baby's. Not ready for this, yet i will assign a role to you. No okay, hey bro, sir one of the students rachel was outside waiting for punishment. Shall i send her in? Yes, thank you, samantha dude.

This is like actually like a full-time job genie, hello, rachel. Why are you sleeping in class rachel? Do you have a medical condition that i'm unaware of? Well, then, do you find my lessons boring? No sir, i was just uploading on my computer, your computer. Let me guess: you're playing video games. Well, yeah.

I'm part of a i'm part of a league in an online game. I had to keep playing she's a gamer girl, don't know how to lie to profess rachel. I've decided that for staying up too late playing computer games and falling asleep in my classroom, you will be spanked. Do you consent to your punisher? I thought the whole point was that there was no, oh god, consent, she's, like ted.

What's that, of course, we're not barbarians here rachel, these punishments are for your benefit and you can refuse she's like you, you get the point he's just like okay um. What would happen if i don't consent all right, you get kicked out of school. Oh, my god, see there's nothing illegal about this, there's clearly an option. Here i get to go home.
Good heavens. No, i expect you'll be conscripted into the military. What nation are you and that, like all the military is made up of diligent sorry, delinquent woman me? No army - i don't think they'd, want me, sir, a petite 18 year old girl would not be much use in the front lines, but i'm sure they can find. I'm done that that is just this guy.

No, i can't have me this game is a no-no. Okay! Mr pi, i think it's time for you to go to jail, see soldiers need food and clean clothes after all, as in like she could like do magic tricks for them. You guys you have to stop inferring the words you need. I'm sure there are plenty of ways, a pretty little thing, so yourself could help amuse, as in like she could perform like dances like like tap tap dancing like talent, she's, not irish.

Oh goodness, wait what, if she's like? Oh damn! I doubt that's true, but rachel doesn't need to know the choice is simple: submit to your punishment, improve your behavior pass. Your exams then go on to living a fulfilling life. I feel like this is what dan the middle school insider schneider did to like ariana grande and the others hundred percent. This is how it went down she.

This is too real or leave this office now and spend the rest of your life. Peeling, potatoes, cleaning out latrines or whatever other duties, soldiers feel like giving you um. This is such a oh, my god, how about we just end the punishment here. How about we just end the punishment? It's fine.

We don't need to punish her all right. Thank you. No problem, mr potter yeah yeah yeah, all right. Let's check the school's account.

We got 20 credits for that: okay, go spy on the girls, go spy on the girls; oh oh whoa! Yes, sir. A lot of girls have permission to stay out late for the school club drama, i believe they're all over the sports center under supervision of miss potts. Oh there's shits, i'm just waiting for them. Okay, too many girls break curfew.

It happened a few times, there's nowhere for girls to go so they aren't normally difficult to find have any of the girls ever tried to run away. A couple have tried, but they don't get far. This area is extremely inaccessible without climbing gear or a helicopter. The only way to leave is my train whoa.

This is like you know, on the neverland yeah yeah promise neverland yeah their guard's decision would stop any student. Ah, that's good to know anyway. I won't keep you from work good to know that they can't escape these crimes against human. That's so good to know what well i didn't know they cosplayed here as well: hello, headmaster! I, like your outfit lucy, that's really inappropriate.

Thank you, sir. We're doing a play about greek mythology, we're working on our costumes in the gymnasium at the moment, i'll play both of these both of these nuts holy they're all in cosplay. This is incredible. I mean yeah, it's incredible stupid top.
I can't get into it pull harder! I'm pulling his older again alice, you're way too big. I can't close it we're just quite taught to find another costume for you, but i want to be athena. It's not fair! If it. If it me last time we tried just pull really hard.

Okay, i'll try. I don't think this gets any tighter. How would you give it to my strong hands? Oh that's the jumps here man. They really got ta give like warnings for that.

They went on pops out. It's like! Oh my god. Oh my gosh, i'm sorry alice. Let me try and fix it tomorrow.

Just get off my maxine. Oh no look! Always! Oh my god, maxine stop touching my back see you look, i'm sorry alice come on. Let's look backstage and see if we can find another costume for you which one's miss potts. That's miss potts, that's claire, hello, claire, oh wait! Oh it's clear pots.

Henry just discovered people have first names how the rehearsals going not great to be honest with you. We only get to practice once a week and the girls don't seem interested in learning the lines. I think they all just enjoy dressing up. What made you choose to do a play about greek mythology to be entirely honest with you, i just tried to come up with something that fit in with a random collection of costumes and stores.

Here it was a real struggle. A lot of the costumes are way way too revealing yeah where'd. You find them at. Why do you think the school has these costumes in store? It's for the headmaster, genie game? No! It's for my it's for my yes or mr.

My oh well, the girls are great. You've done a good job. Thank you. You are very kind to say so.

Well keep practicing, i'm looking forward to the performance yeah. I guess we can leave. Okay, let's see if we can sneak in yes. Yes, yes, so we have to sneak into unknown room.

I wonder whose room this is. It looks like it must be. Amy's room for sega amy had toilet paper. Let's see what amy is up to this evening looks like she's exercising again.

Does this girl ever stop working out? I wonder how she was feeling after spanking earlier amy. Sorry. Is this a bad time? I wanted to talk. It's cool come in, take a seat.

I hope you don't mind. If i keep working out. No, i heard you got sent to the headmaster's office yeah. Did they beat you be me? They just gave me a big spanking, no big deal what happened over there.

We don't know how much that weighs. We don't know. We think it's like. Maybe two no big deal it's draconian punishment with no place in the modern school system.

Sure my butt hurts, but no more than it often does no more than it does after doing squats at the gym. Still it's not right and we can't let them get away with it. Oh, oh, oh! That's! The spirit. Amy stop! Maxine from ruining this terrible project.
I've been secretly gathering evidence of our mistreatment so that when we get out of here, we can try to get justice. Oh now we know i was hoping you'll be able to help what kind of evidence pictures written statements that kind of thing picture of your swollen red cheeks. You mean you want to take pictures of my bum yeah. I don't know please amy.

It's really important. Just a quick picture with my phone: what if maxine is secretly like mr mike cox, agent and just here to like get the after pictures? You know, since you asked nicely i'll, just put my pants down a little though now we have to go to the shower room. There's a girl on her own in the shower room. She could be up to no good.

What do you mean she's, taking a shower? How is that being up to no good see it's rachel? Oh perfect, she looks nervous, looks like she's trying to make sure none of the other girls are around, so she can shower in peace. Is rachel a boy she's scared to undress? I wonder she must be. Oh, my god she hasn't. This is gon na, be the biggest plot twist, since you know the death of bruce willis at the end of this yeah.

Oh, my god looks like she's getting ready to drop her towel. Ah debbie, oh debbie! Don't stop on my account. You go ahead and take a shower. Oh no.

Actually, i don't think i need a shower after all, i was just leaving. Debbie looks like she's about to like assault her in this corner. What's the matter rachel? Are you afraid? No, i'm not don't lie. I've seen you sneaking off to the shower and checking that no one else is around.

Oh, my gosh penis. What's the matter afraid of anyone seeing your tiny, what no wire it's just it's just! I have a mouse or giant she's. Just awesome! It's okay! Rachel! It's just us girls here, you don't have to be so shy all right, so the next part, we can't show you on youtube because of reasons there's uncensored version on patreon and the next part of this make sure to go and check it out. We also upload some other videos there as well.

Thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace.

11 thoughts on “Becoming the most degenerate principal of all time”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 29_Soumik Laik says:

    Henry : "no no she could be like a magician in the army".
    Jeez what she gonna do ? Hide the cucumber 😂😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unperson says:

    Meh… I have goofed on MxR Plays before, but since you have shown the good taste of promoting Headmaster, most well written game of all time, you now have my permission to exist.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DANdaFUNNYMAN95 says:

    "You're literally twice our age" "I'm 36" Henry: ok so are they or aren't they adults here (aka 18) Me: HENRY 18 + 18 IS 36 TWICE THEIR AGE SO YES THEY ARE 18!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad The Imploded says:

    I'm really disturbed that neither one of them realized that 18 is half of 36, still a teenager, and also an adult.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RikkuEcRud says:

    Henry: I thought you just said that they were adults? You gotta pick one or the other.
    18 and 19: Are we a joke to you?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarath KS says:

    It's really funny seeing Henry constantly trying to defend what is being said in the game and the next sentance just goes further!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigDaddyJinx says:

    If "Sleepaway Camp" were made into a game but without all the murder…


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cross 666 says:

    That girl looks like Marie rose lol from dead or alive she is a fantasy of most guys lol but she is fully legal lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saahibul 123 says:

    I just wanna say this game is weird it's set in the uk and they say secondary school which is below the age of 18 how are they gonna say they are all above 18 and still in school

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars axxjazz says:

    just wanted too point out because they didn't do the tutorial that corporal punishment is legal again because of the decline of students completing high school
    and that this school is basically a prison there last chance of becoming active member's of society or they a drafted into the military
    while in this school the student's have no rights as they are not considered civilians

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Rambling Island Ram says:

    Wow this game is like real life! Consent to the shot or you're fired, we aren't barbarians here.

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