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It has a great like to dislike. Ratio has depressing tired. Voice gets straight to the point, as the people are like really energetic are like they're, not there to teach you things. They're there to become a star on youtube through photoshop stardom is through live streaming.

Tutorials yeah, hey guys, welcome back to entertainer, i'm not here to actually teach you get into how it's done. Click like and subscribe, the movie maker is calculating when my parents come in, so they can put the sexual scene there. It's like wait! Wait for it! Yes, that point at the exact 30 minute mark is when the parents come in to ask: if you want some fruit there, we'll put it right there and then at one hour and a half mark, that's when they think the movie is over and they want. You go to bed, you put another sex scene over there that way we get the maximum amount of boobies, while your parents are in the room when mom asks your brother to delete your games, but he deletes the icons instead.

Boomers are so stupid. What, when your mom, tells your brother to delete your games and wipes your hard drive, not the homework, not the whole work. Did you know, instead of like a homework folder, it was it's possible to actually like hide folders from plain sight. I wonder if i can still find that one folder that i mean like if it's like 12., the test, isn't even that hard the test.

What anime is this from okay? So this is either attack on titan, or is this re-zero here or is this naruto? It's bleach, or is this bleach 100 bleach? No, no! No! It's demon! Slayer! Oh! No! It's chlorine in the house and he's in that house right there in the center. I got it. How is sleep knowing i don't nut in a sock? I don't like know of anybody that actually does this, but of course, if people actually did do this, they wouldn't make it known to anybody else right right and it must be so prevalent for it to be a mainstream media joke. Would you rather just get a tissue and be done with it flush down toilet, no evidence gone a master master voice, actor after saying pika pika for 24 sleep? I actually need to know how much money this person made.

I think it's even more. It's about the way they say: pika, pika pikachu has to show sadness, anger fear shock in two words: yeah pika pika could be like pika pika or like pika pika or pika pika pika, pika pikachu. My hopes and dreams age 13 to 30 will vote. We saw this before.
Why are you still laughing, then? Why are you laughing? This always reminds me of the time i bought that um styrofoam plane, and then i just tossed it it's exactly what happened twenty dollars? Would you share this story? You're going to see like a styrofoam fly up in the sky and be like damn messy at the time. Whenever i played dude, i swear to god. It was like, like 30 or 40, tell the story, the price ramp so and it's hilarious 350 for gas crazy. You know five to eight dollars is normal for us.

What i'm gon na be an idiot. What country is that that is dubai. I told you, it was dubai. All right, we're setting an appointment with optometrist order of operations was invented in 1912 people in 2021..

So you do parentheses first, which is three multiply that that's six six divided by six equals one. So then what did they do back in 1911? Like was it just nine then went to losers, didn't know order of operations that were right. How did they survive? I felt like all their like ships like crashed, wait, yeah people annual meeting who's that we see that. So you don't even know him the chef messed guy waiting for his dessert.

Oh it's a whale! That's why you don't get these at a restaurant! You order these made in advance friend, it's okay, my dog won't hurt you his dog, god, that's a goddamn dark souls boss. Is she like his master or is he her master rappers in the 90s? Oh yeah, the rap, the music videos, like everybody did this like not even rappers, like even the rock bands, did it as well right. Somebody once told me: the world is good, unhated fruits annual meeting. Actually i used to hate bananas.

When i was a kid, i hated like the little strings that would come out yes and then, if they got like dark and bruised they'd be like mother, what is this my mom be like you shouldn't eat this part right, don't worry i'll, protect you eats that Part, i was like wait. A second here. Wait a second! You told me it's bad for you, then why are you eating it? 30 year old me on black friday, outrunning 12 year olds get the get to the gaming section. First, they let 12 year old kids like compete in that yeah.

I thought it's mothers. I thought they would all just die. I heard they don't sound like the ps5 at the the malls, because they're afraid of people dying. We saw that at target.

Yes, and maybe it's for the better, if chess were invented today, this map sucks queen is so overpowered. Please nerf how come games like chess and sports, like tennis, like they don't get any new rules like since, when did they decide that this is a perfect game? No, but who chose like the distances between the lines like? Why can't we move it like one inch further to accommodate for people getting bigger? When someone has 3d animation skills, you can become a pixar animator which you can make, or you can do overwatch. What's more uh rewarding to be appreciated by little kids or to be appreciated by calling petus is everywhere? Where you do both, i feel like uh this. The animators like on the side, are like really the ones making all this overwatch, because they're like too goddamn good, not that i've like seen any of them, but like they're, really insane.
That means they're always tempted to make right because they're like if i have the power, why shouldn't i, like the ring tit lovers, be like to kill guys with that two kilograms of fat with the nipple on it, but it's more than that. It's also the shape of the fat, the teardrop, the flub. If a boob didn't have nipples, would you guys still love them? Yeah, it's just called being clothed, unhated insects, annual meeting what are like ladybugs, no one hates ladybugs fireflies. I hate fireflies.

Why? Actually? I've never seen one okay. I take that back. The really police butterflies are actually absolutely disgusting. Close close-up like if you really look at their bodies, they kind of freaked me out, they're, really freaky my mom one hour before the guests arrive mom.

When the guests arrive. Oh hi mark becky. You look stunning today come on come on in the turkey's ready yeah. Let's take my mom she's, the nicest to guess then, when like when nobody's around it's just her family.

Oh you've ever heard of elf in a shelf, now get ready for my foot up your ass. If you don't go to sleep, you know it's a school night. I hate that word school night. Oh, it just makes you shudder.

Oh, you wan na make me shower more more what it's a weeknight huh can't drink, huh the genie at halloween. A lot of people thought i had the best spider-man cosplay, but the truth is: i fell off. No, no spider-man had to get the beat out of him to look like that, but then again at the same time like if he didn't fall off a bike, that is pretty impossible to do unless you are actually like a movie prop designer right or is that Actually token required, doesn't he look like toby mcguire under that mess november? Is over punk? You can't bonk me. No more.

All these people crap they got bonked the out. I know the car got bombed in the car, indian parents when their kid can speak four languages. American parents, when their kid says hello in a different language. Oh my sean! What you learned at school, timmy ola! Oh, my god! This is it yeah baby? That's what i'm talking about? Listen kid! I don't have much time the right solution.

Okay, what is what is going on? Is it not pemdas, i'm losing my mind. It's too many stupid people out there i swear to god, or are you stupid? No. This makes sense because i remember elementary school. Like half the kids are stupid and you guys are all adults now you're still stupid.

If a girl starts making excuses to talk to you and you're, not part of a usual group of friends, she probably likes you. Skeletor will return next week with more tips about girls from a girl or she feels really bad for you or she lost the, dare i think this makes sense. She's romantically interested, not true, oh and i had to reject a guy. Oh, exactly and here you are complaining that you didn't have a boyfriend.
You rejected a man that was trying to be your boyfriend, harsh lesson from cheney. Oh just a great! If a girl is talking to you doesn't matter if it's in a friend group, not a friend she's, not she's, just not that into you. When you miss the x button on the mobile game, ad genie plays mobile games, yeah and then google play is like he understands come here and i'm like no. No, i didn't want to oh because, because you clicked on the ad, no, like honestly, they think if you click like even one millimeter out from the expo and they're like oh you're, interested in the game and i was like and then the game developer gets that Sweet cash for the conversion.

Technically, all the money you spent on food is flushed down a toilet, but the nutrients are absorbed into your soul. This is what my grandma always says. That's cause that's back in the old days. They didn't have good food back back.

Then you know, but now, oh we have michelin star meals, but it does become poop and pee. Oh yeah, i know guns i've been using it since i was 12. also them, oh my god. Oh, my god, no he's just so confident in guns and his knowledge of guns that he knows he can point at his face and not blow his brains out.

But what, if like, he knows for sure that there's no way it doesn't matter. It's a cardinal rule. People write youtube one star in play: store to bring back the dislike count. Play store, removes option to rate apps.

Oh god, damn that's just like straight up tech censorship right there. If you don't like what they're doing they're just gon na shut you up, some girl will be like all. Men are dicks men. The stethoscope was invented because the inventor felt uncomfortable placing his ear on a woman's bare chest to listen to her heart.

What a gentleman genie, what a god, damn gentleman, all the doctors back in the day. Excuse me, madam, but i must place my mirror next to dying all the doctors hate him, because that was the best part about their job. No, no! Stop! Stop! It's the only part of my job i like he was promptly murdered. He died very quickly after and nobody knows why, when you go to your dad's workplace and his colleagues call you, sir, i know my dad owned a restaurant and then, when i walked in, i was like i'm, the boss of son kneel down and served me food, But did they call you something? No, oh, but that's how he felt those years.

Yes, i'm very cool. I still don't know if i'm supposed to wear underwear under my swimming shorts and at this point i'm too afraid to ask. No, no. You want wet underwear, but it's not your swimming shorts, wet underwear.
No! What if you have like uh like stains on your underwear, you know and what? How does that have anything to do with this? No, because then like he goes into the pool and that's gross. You know, like you, want to put on something fresh, like you, don't want something you've been wearing for, like the entire day has like your ball crumbs in there in your ass juice watch, ball crumbs and then like dip, that into the swimming pool. Where my children go like no computer, when thinking of a name to save picture yeah, it's just so what kind of invention is this like? Why do you? Why do you make this uh passwords? Oh toby mcguire spider-man, seeing the other two spider-man run out of webs, but they run out of webs yeah. Why? Because their web is technically in this device, so it runs out.

Oh yeah, it just comes from his wrist yeah, so i always thought that was like a little yeah, because when it came from the wrist it was kind of disgusting because it's kind of like uh. Oh, that's, a spider hanging from something that's coming in your wrist. It's like your blood vessels popping out my true question right. What spider-man should have technically had the web come out from his butthole because that's where spider's web comes out from so when he swings he should be like hurt, but your machine didn't beep him ma'am.

It's procedure: how dare this immigration officer violate his rules violate the sanctity that is her body sanctity. That is the tsa. I thought they were supposed to protect us, or maybe he's just doing his job. You know like maybe, but the machine didn't beep.

It doesn't matter, though, like technically they're supposed to randomly search people who they they deem fit right. That definitely looks like it. It could be a deemed fit why it's just random man, it's just that it actually randomly arbitrates it your dick all right, that's it for our memes venus. Would you like to smash like for? If you genuinely enjoyed your time here, did you enjoy your time genie? I did was the satisfactory.

It's the memes just magnifique, it's great to hear all right. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time, peace, the same water that has touched my face, also went up. Someone's ball sack genie, it's the same water that was encapsulating his ball sack is now on my face.

Why do i want that? I think.

13 thoughts on “You are a tsa officer and this woman is next in line”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NerdyNate says:

    I actually watched a video on the whole PEMDAS thing. The real answer is 9 I believe, it's because multiplication and division are actually on the same level, not division after multiplication like the name "PEMDAS" suggests. Addition and subtraction are the same way. PEMDAS should really be written like this: Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication AND Division, Addition AND Subtraction. If both multiplication and division are in the same problem, you work it from left to right.

    Therefore, you would do it like this:
    (1+2) = (3)
    You do not multiply that yet, since both division and multiplication are in the problem, and division is the most to the left.
    You then do:
    6/2 = 3
    Then, finally, you multiply 3 * (3), and you get 9.

    The reason that this is such a confused thing in math, according to the video I watched, is because of the way PEMDAS is written. It implies that multiplication comes before division, when that's actually not the case and they're on the same mathematical level. It's really interesting when you look at it, actually!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emily says:

    i feel like a child when any girl gives advice about girls, primarily because i only sorta know how people do

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black diamond says:

    Love how Henry's talking about people not knowing order of operations but the actual order is BEDMAS (brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erros says:

    when the pemdas equation becomes 6 / 2 (3) which is equal to 6 / 2 * 3 then since multiplication and division have the weight it's read left to right instead of right to left so the answer is 9.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Wollick says:

    The answer is actually 9. The parentheses goes first then the multiplication and division go in order from left to right in reading order. The reason they gave those two dates is because it was different in 1912.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jyps Ridic says:

    Toby Maguire is the first time spiderman had webbing come out of his body, it was universally regarded as a mistake within a few years in comics and out.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben F says:

    -inserts himself into conversation
    -says ridge wallets are pure sexual appeal
    -refuses to elaborate
    -doesn't leave

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Werns says:

    Writing the equation as 6 / 2 * (1+2) might make it easier to see what you're doing wrong, but the real problem is that PEMDAS is misleading. Division and multiplication happen in the same step. So you do parentheses first to get 6 / 2 * 3 then do division to get 3 * 3 which is 9. You don't multiply before dividing,

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Reid says:

    Henry: Was it just 9 back in 1911?
    In 1911, it was arbitrary and would have had to be written a different way. Written like that, it was 1 OR 9 in 1911. Today, it's 9.

    Having a standard order of operations got rid of having to write that as (6 / 2) * (1 + 2) or putting a note beside it saying which operation to do first.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Purple Li says:

    6 / 2 (1 + 2)
    Technically depends on how you defind your language…
    If we're using PEMDAS, it depends on right/left associativity.
    However, usually we have left associativity.
    Maybe seeing it like:
    6 / 2 * 3
    lets people see the correct (as how we have defined precedence and associativity in general math) answer.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tsubasasupremo says:

    yeah, here's the thing true, tobey's spider-man had organic web but then spider-man 2 happened(where he lost his powers and fell)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dredgen Dorchadas says:

    Henry… order of operations is parenthesis then multiplication and division… if I recall correctly you get 6/2 x3 you then (since it goes left to right) get 3×3, THEN you get 6.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nils says:

    Hey guys, im in Germany and I hate ladybugs now because the chinese variant invaded us. They can't stand the cold so they try to sneak through the window cracks. Sometimes i have like twenty ladybugs sitting in the corners of my rooms and windows.

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