Gene you want to do some tito cringe, love too virginia. What makes you cringe not getting good sleep, which is why you should get yourself a man to sleep mask sleep better anywhere anytime. Man to sleep makes the best sleep, masks and functional sleep accessories. Their goal is to optimize sleep, so you have the energy to create your best life.

I've used lots of sleep masks in my time, since i'm mostly a vampire and insomniac and mass basically helped me lock out the light and survive with my incredibly awkward sleep schedule. Doesn't matter how much sun gets into the room, these things ensure that your vision is always blacked out. The fabric is really soft, really plush and it doesn't lay on top of your eyeballs. It encapsulates them and creates a nice little warm cozy space.

What do you like about the man of sleep mask jeannie? I like that they're adjustable, so that for me i have a wide face. So jeannie got ta. Put it like all the way out here, because she's sid from us yeah click the link down below and get the best sleep mask out there. The female gays men think that this is the female gaze.

No that's chris hemsworth female gays are called lesbians. What's that laugh, i like it he's so cute. He sounds like he's at a kid's show and he's like yeah yeah. What does that mean? What is the female gaze like? Is that what females find attractive? Doesn't everyone find that i find that attractive? Chris hemsworth bulging, biceps and veiny arms, i'm really universal gays.

This is the universal geese about 38 000 people are short ginny. I mean it's really sweet, but it's all lies lies. Do you think, like females, make these tick, tocks and songs to gain garner like the audience of short people like they know that we're all to love it and be like yes, she's, like i'm finally, snow white right? No, she wants to gain the favor of all the short people stop lying to us. It's not wise.

She might actually be honest. I want to be a short king. You are a short king book painting, oh, oh, my god, that's stunning fries! You get to see it every time you read the book, that's beautiful that just increased the value of that book by like priceless yeah, it's very rare when someone like paints on a book and makes it better, usually when children get their hands on markers and books To say goodbye, bye to book when i get my hands on a book, it goes down in value, cheating, not true. There are a lot of crusaders who will probably love to have a signed book by you or just your comments on the book, dad with no hesitation and zero chill.

Oh, my god around, like how like fast and immediate his laughter was to his own joke. It was barely even done like saying the lining you spent 39 to cut a bagel come with me to the kitchen come here. Where did you find like 10 seconds? Oh, it's also like. Maybe you have like a shitty bagel like you're like one of those supermarket bagels they're like really crumbly, and it's like how uneven you cut them.
Put it together, he's trying to be the new kb lame genie, but he's more talkative instead, but yeah. They really do be making like products for everything - god damn hell. No am i buying that i'm doing in the kitchen i'm going to talk fast because your time is precious, but this is hilarious and i have no one else to tell the story. So please listen.

We adopted a dog two or three weeks ago, great little chihuahua, four years old, from the shelter no information on him, absolutely adorable super great. He sits. We have a treat in his hand, not when you say sit. He knows what a crate is and he walks really well on a leash.

So it seems he he has some training, but he won't listen to us. So we're trying to get him to sit trying to do this stuff for weeks and we can't figure out why he won't listen to us. We figured it out. He only speaks spanish.

Our little chihuahua doesn't know english and he's been looking at us like. What are you talking about max? Come next akki where'd, the cows like it juan chico, max sit max siente, i mean it makes sense, he's a chihuahua right. They come from mexico, so he should probably speak spanish. Are you saying that if i spoke chinese to my shih tzu, he would have listened to me better makes sense.

Do you speak chinese yeah, just say something right, nihong say something really long and poetic. What dredder was the new finger? Happy alien, that's, not long or poetic. I understood what you said. Nishang means i was told to blind.

Listen to this audio. I need a police officer over here. What's going on um, i've got two teenage daughters and i just got home from work. They were physically fighting with each other, and one of them kicked a hole in a door and they're 12 and almost 14 and the 12 year old is completely out of control, and i i can't i physically, if she's as big as i am, i can't control It okay did you want us to come over and shoot her? Are you there? Excuse me? That's a joke.

Okay, that's not funny! I don't blame you a bit because you know what this is really not very funny. I know it's not ma'am. Well, guess what it's not going to be very funny when i go in front of your supervisor and tell him i understand, i guess he can just listen to the tape yeah. He can i'm sorry! Well.

Sorry, i need to hold on okay, that's so funny! This girl calls about her daughter's like killing each other he's like you want me to shoot him. It's like. I like the dead silence. I'm like dead silence.

Ma'Am. Are you there guys humor just so appropriate for like what she was going through? Oh damn damn called grogo. I think the male daenerys looked pretty good. The girl cal drogo kind of shook with me yeah it's a great idea.

You want to do that i'll, be jon snow, i'll, be daenerys, i'm a feminist, but this is how i talk to my cat. Where are you going with a little butt like that huh, you should have parade that butt around here. If you don't want me to touch it, huh come here, come sit on my lap, whoa whoa, whoa whoa. Where are you running off to cutie? Come on come back? What are you scared of me? Don't be scared uh, oh somebody's asking for it asking for a little kiss, huh, hey, don't walk away from me, hey cool, careful! You look at me like that.
You're gon na get kissed, hey you're, beautiful anyone ever tell you that. Oh, look at you walking around in here with those little boots: hey cutie! Where are you going where you going the cat's like? I always wonder if, like the dudes that talk like this, actually are they doing like satirically like they understand how they sound or do they genuinely believe that what they're saying is, like amazing, amazingly creepy, like i, don't think any guy actually intended to have sexual relations Off of these lines right, then, why do you waste your time because they think it's funny right? I want to see the kitty. I want to see the key. I want to see the key.

It's ready if you wan na. Oh, am i interrupting something honey. I'm sorry i shouldn't have barged into your room like that. I just slept it's a guy's he's a oh god.

I understand his comments now genie the way he spreads those legs. She was asking for it. What is wrong with this guy? What is he? What is he trying to imply here? What is he trying to say and he can smash the out of everyone's father, it's incredibly uncomfortable. Why do i need to see that? I don't want to see that also, why do people respond? I don't want to know what you'd be able to do with my dad with your.

So thank you muscular. I can lift your dad with my butt he's a dilf hunter genie. That's what he is he's going after all of your fathers he's like the 285 dads are quite the challenge, but wow a giant wooden horse. What a wonderful present! I should bring this into the city so that everyone can enjoy it, what an idiot! What a lovely gesture just goes to show there are still and after all, i've been through.

Oh no, all my friends and family died. God i've been so sad. This has really cheered me up. I can't wait to tell all the children at the children's hospital.

I volunteer at about this. They won't believe it. Oh wow. This is, without a doubt, the best day of my life, some romance out of there like come on.

Do you think about it? Think of the children. Look at the families. This guy has the greatest ideas for tick tocks ever was he he, the dinosaur, yeah yeah. He just comes with like the best ideas, giving my clients the keys to their new home thanks, you too, oh, oh moving.

It hey tired of rushing hey, it's all because you didn't want to feel awkward and stupid. I got ta get back to silly houses. Good luck! Oh no! You haven't, sell the house now i got ta carry it. It's the only way to combat the awkwardness by making it actually true that way you didn't lie, and that way you don't have to feel like a idiot.
Did you ever do that, like you ever, you ever said me too, like when they went yeah, but i run away yeah yeah. Yes, i do i go like yeah. I just run. You could add one amendment to the constitution.

What would it be as government must only be a position of public service and not financial enrichment? Every member of congress shall henceforth and in perpetuity, receive no more compensation in any form from any source during the tenure of their term than a yearly salary equal to the annual median income of the citizens of the state that they represent. I don't want to be a congressman good day, good sir. I got ta pay. If i don't get the start, then why do i drink yeah? I mean it makes sense in the theory, but like then, everyone who's actually above average, are just going to go.

Find better paying jobs and then we're just going to get shitty politicians again when you're at byu and get woken up by your roommate cursing out her boyfriend for pumping twice during a soaking. What's that? Oh, my god, do you remember this? The soaking sesh, it's a soaking sash, it's when a guy puts his pieces inside of a girl, but he doesn't pump. He lets the friend stand next to them, jumping on the bed and then there's cause he's having ptsd okay, so that they don't actually have sex and break the religion. I hope that you choke on a piece of concrete and literally go to hell.

I will see you in hell, you, you liar, you manipulator, you goddamn wish. You would have played your cards right, wait! Wait. How did she also have proof that he pumped twice? She saw it chini. It completely invalidates the entire religion.

Now she is now a sinner because he pumped he moved his hip outside that zero degree angle to a five degree angle. What if he's two times? No, what? If he's sneezing it's over jimmy you're, a sinner now you're going to hell, sober me, god. I hope the uber driver doesn't talk to me drunk me at 3am. You ever go on mountain biking.

What do you want to be when you grow up? What's the right tip, have you called a plumber to your home lately? How superstitious are you, how much money would it take to make you spend a night in a cemetery? Did you display this as a trophy? Do you have a pet? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you believe in the power of a curse? Have you had your hearing tested? Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own? Do you ever visit the chinatown section in a major city? Have you ever visited a flea market? You ever visited a truck, stop do what show is this yeah? I mean no, this guy, i wan na. I wanted to ask you some of the questions. That's why i feel like uh, the social uber drivers actually enjoy like doing their job at the late hours, because then people actually will talk to them and they get like drunk people with like no filter and just like go on and on. Why is this? The first bike thing is: you go mountain biking, no, because it seems like it's from a show that does like supernatural stuff and he's just coming in.
Like do you go mountain bike? Try to surprise her brother that he's going to be an uncle, but he's already a cat dad. Oh my god, this is sick. Yo come here girl, jack, it's not for the cat. What's it for, i feel like this.

Guy gets hyped about anything. It's like a shirt. That's clearly not for a cat like, oh my god, let's go! Oh it kind of says: let's go to everything like yeah, no we're constipated! Let's go asking people on dating apps, their most controversial opinions start asking my hinge matches with their most controversial opinions to save time. What is your most controversial opinion? Intelligence is? Genetic from both parents are one race-based i mean.

Eventually, socialism will ruin this country. Yes, no. I'm kidding, i hope this doesn't make you hate me, but men and women are never going to be equal, wow amazing, it's simply biology socially. Yes, we can't be equal, but physically.

No, it's not really cut okay. Maybe it is no. No! No is it isn't. He saying like nx y and an xx that you can't change socially.

Yes, you can make it not okay, but anyways we're starting to become all this interesting, i'm just gon na be like i. I don't actually don't find anything wrong with these statements and then i myself obviously have zero opinion on this. Any of these things, susan. You know i've always been a good boy, susan.

No, i wouldn't agree to any of these. Oh my gosh, i think, he's pointing at her because he discovered a serpent lady he's, like the monsters are among us like holy holy, her dog. It is pretty cool yeah. No, it's scary.

She just made the world record for the aha gown genie and ahigao has never had such range before. Are they standing in front of the juice aisle? How did they choose these locations? It has a lot of color in it. Oh plenty of colors, so it gives fun splash with blue lighting on the food rather than those goods they're presenting their goods. Everyone here, just like i'm just trying to get groceries man, let's try and get some goddamn orange juice.

Meanwhile, i think they're pretty well kept. So i don't even blame you, but i promise you. My is real and i've never had a bbl. It's honestly genetics.

I think that's real you guys. Some of us are just blessed. I guess. Oh, oh, have you ever heard of modesty? Well, but she's not like you, know, yeah get it queen, though, like some of us are blessed.

What's the ariana grande line it stacks up, like my ass yeah, that's her! That's her g! That's that line was made for this girl. They stack up like her ass yeah and it's real all right. That's it for arctic talk cringe. Did you cringe ginny? I cr, oh okay.

At the end, i did but all right well. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace,.

12 thoughts on “They’re just hanging there”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Searle says:

    legit the Uber questions we all want to ask because in stead of the first question after a night out and you instantly ask the religious question to Uber drivers: "Hows your night been / Been a busy night?"

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasimier says:

    in germany the show is called "X-Faktor das unfassbare" so X-Factor the unbelivable but I'm just guessing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Dexter says:

    I don't get the publics knowledge on the believers in god like if sinning made u go to hell then no one would go to heaven but u must also repent for your sins but and also not like just go on a sinning spree but u also can't not do that because it's in our nature honestly

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PixelaGames2000 says:

    Why dose Jeannie have such a cute voice it’s insane she could voice a cartoon character
    You guys make great content btw very funny

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. C. says:

    You have a humidifier right next to your dehumidifier, and it's just sitting there sucking the steam in right from the source. 😟

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Badass BunnyZ says:

    This show is called "the x-factor" and the guy is Jonathan Frakes, most know for his role as William T. Riker in Star Trek The next Generation. He also was the director of several episodes of several Star Trek Shows during the last 30 years.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Birki gts says:

    "the female gaze" is just a feminist myth that all women universally are attracted to the same thing and that thing is not what is generally considered attractive on a societal level

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RyuTenchi Codes says:

    "Then we'll just have shitty politicians again"… when was the last time we didn't have shitty politicians?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LGVX9900ENV says:

    If you are a Star Track fan you know him as William Ryker or number 2.. I have probably seen every episode of both shows.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valourousheart says:

    Before you knock the bagel slicer, you should know that cutting a bagel is the 5th most likely reason a person ends up in the emergency room in America. In New England it is the number 1 emergency room trauma.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demonheim says:

    i like when people who don't know how to correctly wear a mask, show themselves live on video, not correctly wearing a mask, or not wearing one at all.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Inservio says:

    Not a fan of music with lyrics, so I reeeeally hate rap, but that girl just melted my heart with her ode to short kings.
    Open, approachable, funny, playfully adorable, and somehow loving rather than patronising. That was an awesome little number, well done her!

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