Ginny, are you ready for next level, panda i'd like you to acknowledge that you are a panda that is next level next level, but you know what else is next level my brand new raycon gaming, earbuds wow, so how'd you like using them genie, i love them. They're super comfortable and they fit really snugly gee. Not only are they water and sweat resistant but they're also incredibly comfortable. These earbuds are half the price of other premium audio brands, but the audio quality is mind-blowing engine.

They also have an optimized mic design, especially for mobile and pc gaming, so your commands are heard loud and clear, plus it has raycon's hypersync low, latency feature which improves lag by 500, which means you're hearing everything as it happens, and it just sounds so cinematic, like Every game like big or small mobile game sounds like you're watching a goddamn movie. It really does i'm listening to phantom of the opera right now through these, and these are gaming earbuds genie. Did you feel immersed in your favorite game fan of the offer yeah? It's so good so quickly in the description box or go to mxr gaming to get 15 off your recon purchase brought to you by wake up just like back away dude stay away from me for the alligator. It looks like the void yeah.

It does he's like what kind of enemy have i faced today. Wait. Oh, that was mean ow crap. You got him, you got him okay.

Can you lift them up? Oh, you must be super heavy. Okay, stop editing the video uh. I don't think the trash truck is really gon na like just go. This is gon na, be very bad for him, sir.

I'm gon na need a bulk pickup. Today this is going to be an alligator in there olympic archer's accuracy. Oh, is this korean. Are you guys gon na like hit that arrow, or is that the arrow that he just shot? Okay, that's the arrow! He just shot! No he's going in it just had to switch that arrow.

It just went inside of it that arrow's like well. I made my mark. I had to go age 12 to marry, took a photo every day, each year really mature to start at 12. You know yeah for a decade when i was 12.

I had like a new, crazy idea like every day and then i forgot about like yesterday's, like he probably went pretty far in life with that kind of dedication. Oh my god he's turning into a chad. His facial features are getting more defined, whoa whoa. What was he doing in that one scene? Whoa, there were girls in bikinis, all these girls, kissing them and mm-hmm.

Damn, okay, i'm starting to see one girl. I think that's the girl, you're gon na, be that's probably his wife yeah be very awkward. If that's not the girl, oh it slows down, he made it he's married. Can i see the beginning photo that to that he looks the same? What the that's like he looks.

Yeah, you look the same from like 12, until 20. party's over bye bye till next time, what it's freaking movable, what a clean fit! Oh hell, yeah! Dude! That's so awesome! Can you imagine having that in your backyard god i want that. Can we build that? We can do that right, no we're space, no, that's way too big. Can you build this for me me, please somebody build this for me, alien, looking creatures spot at 3 700 feet under ocean that looks like the gucci logo.
Is it actually black or is that the camera? Is that something shadow yeah, because it looks like a shadow pretty sure it's not this thing, shadow wait, wait a second! Oh whoa! It almost looks like a spectral ghost. It looks like i'm sure this isn't like a really good cgi. It looks like it's dancing in front of. Oh, it got scared, oh my god.

It just it just exploded and died. Wait. What was that? Why did it explode and it's internally combusted? Yeah? Are those aliens is that an alien, that's so pretty like how it shines different colors, right, yeah, it's like rgb, it's slippery keyboard, my gamer keyboard, laurie, maneuve maneuver, wait. Why is it so close against the wall? Is this like the narrowest tallest truck ever wait? A second, oh, that's how he gets in oh wow.

The margin of error on that is like insane. Oh, my god, wow you cleared by like two inches. Are these tunnels like designed for these trucks, yeah cause they're very tall, i'm very thin, so these are just for these kind. Oh wait! No! This guy! Oh, no! Wait! That car is.

I think it's just a kid. The camera looks weird. I think all the cars look like really thin and tall the way this guy casts his line, so you better break into a dance whoa holy crap. How far is trying to get that out? This is just trying to like reach asia with this throw.

How are you gon na reel that fish in it's gon na be a others? Didn't stand a chance? Whoa there buddy? Oh, my god whoa there you want to slow down there cowboy he looks so unstable and yet, like he's killing, it looks like he's cracked out she's on so many stimulants right now got ta go give her the crack. When she says her parents are at home. I'm coming over to smash what dog's halloween cut whoa that is sick. Oh my gosh, it is so cool.

He looks like a spot from nightmare before christmas. Yeah. You don't know that dog cause, he never watches. No, of course, i know that i don't think his name's spot.

You would have corrected me. I knew that, which is why i let you say it. You know, i know what it is: yeah yeah. They know what i know.

Well, i they know that. I know that i know, but then i still want to confirm muslim girl playing basketball casually kicking ass. Oh oh against toys too! Oh, my god, is that kyrie irving? Is it really practical to play in that garb, though? Why is it that, like, when people see this video like they just want to make puns, you know the way dogs detect blood sugar levels is through their nose. A dog's nose is about 40 times stronger than a human's nose, so they can smell the hormone changes that happen when your blood sugar goes high or low.
Here i have a t-shirt i wore when i had a low blood sugar. I take the shirt and i hide it under my sweater so that he will get the low smell and come and alert me. He alerts me by booping his nose into my leg, good boy. He also brings me my juice bottle, which is in the same place.

So he always knows where it is good boy drink it and he gets my favorite treat afterwards cheese, good boy, wow dogs are so smart. Do you feel like it must suck being a dog, though, like you smell hormone level, changes you know like. Doesn't that suck? That must mean, and it's that time of the month he's like exactly no, not this. Oh no she's gon na be now what happens when a girl has her period like? Does he smell that through her pants and he's like huh gold bar challenge? Bird giant times square kuala lumpur, seven kilogram gold bar yeah - we've seen this challenge before right.

No, what are you supposed to do? You're supposed to get it out? Do you actually like it to keep the gold? If you get it out, i think that's the yeah! That's the thing! So what is it about? Like your forearm strength, your grip scroll down she's got 400 thousand dollars. How do you train for this? Like you, just lift gold bars up like the entire day? Oh they take it back. Oh they take it back. That's lame yeah that sucks laser guided gps on the bike.

The future is here, it's like gaming when you set like an objective and then it gives you like the waypoint that you have to follow. I feel like i'm on a quest now you know and i'm almost there what ice cream your mission is here and then someone steps out from behind the ice cream cones like you've come yep. This is a game called riot forum: ps5, not real life. You shouldn't have told me: no it's real.

I would have thought it was real life wait. No, i can somewhat tell how well there there'd be a lot more like water droplets coming out. If this were like real water right, like you'd, see more of it coming off the wheels, i think yeah, really impressed by the ps5 man, can't wait for that. Hogwarts scheme bulb changing on a 2000 feet tower exactly what's the wattage of that bulb, you're gon na put up there like yeah right.

What is this light bulb for? This is for planes. How are you not out of like air? Because don't you isn't the air thinner up there dude? Do you think he has a parachute, so he probably just jumps down and it's like the longest skydive ever also. How does he have the endurance to like get all the way up here? Is that why he has this the things to like assist him to have to like waste his energy? Can they have just got, got a plane? I guess it's too high up for a plane huh, if it's too high up for a plane. How is he breathing? That's it that's the bulb yeah.

I need to know how he gets back down. She brought the wrong one yeah. What does he what if he has to pee yeah okay hold on? Oh so that looks really tall, but it's not actually that tall planes fly above that, oh in 2016 olympics flavia oliveira ended the cycling race in seventh place, even though that's the best placing that brazil ever got almost no one, not even from the brazilian psycho confederation, Appeared to celebrate the result with her and then her cousin showed up damn that sucks. Why does anyone care brazil's an ass? She looks so skinny.
I read all her like muscles in her legs son. There you go they're the only ones celebrating it's her cousin too. It's not even like her immediate family yeah. What about her mother, her brother, her father or anyone she's, so light everybody's, just a picture of you're, so thin bro.

I don't even know her, but i want to go and give her a huge hug. Savage in the olympics is still pretty much like that's the best brazil's ever gone, amazing right yeah, so i made this recursion video. What's a recursion video, i guess this is that. Okay, it's just worlds within worlds.

This could actually be how reality works, maybe we're just like one snowflake and a snow globe. What's controlling, that is like a machine machine world. You know what, if we're just one quark of a larger world, yeah of a larger universe. Exactly of something bigger, big cats are just like any other cat.

Good morning you just say hi, he speaks god. Damn these things are beautiful. But what is this sounds like. So i guess what was supposed to happen was he was supposed to eat her right? No is that what what we think big cats are supposed to be like? No, i thought big cats would be like.

Okay, man makes electronic music with pants buckets and other items. Is this electronic music? I guess it is yeah. It's edm, that's cool! You could really make music out of anything huh hannah, kendrick roseanne again with cups with a cup yeah step aside, crazy, scaffolders, dismantling, a hanging, scaffold yeah, it's crazy that people go to work, and this is like what they do. Are they taking apart the thing they're standing on yeah? Why are you sitting on that thing? Yeah? I.

I wouldn't trust myself with this man. I make a mistake. Someone would die. Do you have to do like specific training to be able to get to do jobs like this yeah? It doesn't really seem like the obstacles.

Are i'm just like giving him any trouble? I feel, like people prepared several things to see him do like cool things with his body, but he just basically ran shitless, the guy that made this this guy worked day and night for years to make this. But this guy just responded with. Ah, just keep running woman pretends to wash dishes to hide from the police, she's gon na run in to start doing dishes wow, really quick thinking, man really smart. This is like an episode of like a scooby-doo or like one of those cartoons.

Did she like start leaving now or that's it? He just left, that's terrifying. She must be like i'm so freaking, smart, oh my god! Next level. What did i just witness genie? I don't get? Is the fashion like the fans, or is it just that one single bikini that her ass is pretty much eating? So i can't even see what it looks like very well. I don't get it.
This is a fashion, show right, where's the clothing, all right, that's it! For next level, next level it would be very next level if you guys hit subscribe, so you can watch more of our videos. You heard the panda really alright. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time.


16 thoughts on “There’s a shocking lack of clothing in this fashion show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Keith says:

    Henry and Jeannie's lack of knowledge about fashion and thongs us next level.🙄😐
    Oh. Welcome back guys.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rhema Derek-ayemere says:

    They r back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I missed u sooo much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amb squared says:

    Why do they never call traveling when a player is showing off. That girl took several steps without dribbling on one of her shots.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mephistosinner2 says:

    MXR needs to join rumble so that I can support them even when this stupid platform bans them

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raven Blade says:

    The reason the tiger sounds like that is because they're one of the only felines that can't purr

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernardo Costa \ Stealth_Am0n says:

    YOU GUYS ARE FINALY BACK. i awaited for this moment for só long ( exactly 7 days which is way too long )

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OneEyedJack says:

    Y’all just show back up like you didn’t leave in the first place where you at what you been doing we need to know I have questions that need to be answered!!;)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiam Fawaz says:

    3xp3r1m3nt t0 tr1ck th3 alg0r1thm
    Wow so wholesome.
    Best video to watch with a family
    Great video, very monetizable

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Kraft says:

    Jeanie.. there are mountains that are way higher than that where people ski (where I have been skiing) and you don't run out of air. you have to go a bit higher for that to be an issue 😛

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Yoon says:

    Yessss welcome back! I didn't realize how little I had to watch on YouTube until you were gone 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rohinth B says:

    I've been waiting for you …..

    Glad you returned on my birthday

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big D says:

    Not one word in the video about what happened for the last several days

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheGnurgen says:

    That bikini was just awful, so you have to constantly hold fans all the time… On the plus side I guess you wont be burried in your phone all the time, but still to never have a free hand? terrible design!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shyless says:

    Speak of the devil, I was just talking about y'all's upload schedule

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Martinez says:

    About the light changing, if you notice they said the height of the tower is 2000ft not 20,000ft, so the air is not very thin ; while you will be tired af when you get down you can take breaks in between, that’s why you have the safety line. I used to climb some of those towers to work on microwave equipment used for communications and it was a bitch prepping for those climbs since you had to make sure you had all the tools and equipment necessary for the job, plus we had a pulley system to lift the heavy equipment that needed to be replaced. Those were usually a full 12 hr job from start to finish, those were fucking tiring work days, but at least the pay was good.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chronicles of Nunley says:

    I was actually questioning why I'm not seeing your videos at the top of my feed. Then I thought you two must be on vacation or a break, well deserved.

    The MXR Shorts got me through my day.

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