Wow genie you're such a sweet tart. Thank you, but you know what we're doing today are awful, but you know: what's not awful henry, my ridge wallet, whoa mine, it's a light, sleek, very minimalistic, design, wallet that just looks so beautiful and it feels good to the touch oh yeah, and it feels good In your pocket and we're gon na take your cards out everyone's like whoa. What's that that you just pulled out, that's a really interesting wallet: they'll buy you a drink, i'll, buy your drink and they'll have sex with you. No okay, wait! So you got 10 off today, free worldwide shipping returns by going to mxr, that's, mxi use code.

Mxr bouncing food about to be served on a dirty trash. Can, oh, my god holy crap. That's a that's a whole nice feast, dude. The chef preferred your entire extended family compared to six dishes, but, like you also don't feel bad, because she's doing this on a garbage can travis scott the same dude who left his former manager for dead.

While they was having a seizure in the studio. Everyone am shocked the same dude who encouraged a fan to jump from a balcony into the crowd and they became paralyzed straight up. It was lit, i feel like he just let people die because he wanted like the kids to go around telling other kids like it, was so lit that 11 people died like you have to go, maybe dinner: where are you going leaving your ass you're leaving this Planet to escape from that dinner - god, damn like chicken oh peppered so well, is that mac and cheese with, like the shell pasta, i think that's cheese. That's not even melted! That just looks like someone just vomited all over the almost and the last thing the piece to resist, not what you want to see at the dentist well but but but he does wear gloves.

But yes, he may have scratched his butt with his bare hand. Oh and it's not his bare hands, this is the gloves yeah. No, that's absolutely disgusting instagram model at her dad's funeral butterfly fly away rip pappy. You were my best friend.

A life well lived rip, happy veteran, hey, look at my dead dad, but also look at my ass wait. You can't see him because my ass is in the way and it's sexy. Oh my god, he was a veteran she's, like i regret going to war. For this i shouldn't have gone not for this.

Ah florida got for this body of a 98 year old man was dissected in front of a paying audience at an oregon hotel. In october organizers said, the event was meant to be educational, but the man's widow said she thought she had donated the body for research. Wait what people just dissect bodies at hotels? Doesn't that happen at like schools like a university. I hope it was at least like a hilton.

You know like i have like at least a classy affair, this kid's park. Oh no, what? Oh god? Oh, oh fine, i'm gon na have nightmares at barney. That's actually really cool yeah. That just came from like the depths of the void, like look at that perfect, like blackness, leading into the forest.
Wait people actually went there and enjoyed it. This is so bad. My mom passed away recently thought i would add her to this legendary image. Wholesome 100 join us join us nancy.

I like how he even tagged his own thing as whole. Someone like he had good intentions. You know wait. Henry is that hitler is that august ames, no one i was like.

Oh, this is cute. If it's like, you know legends like steve irwin, but then there's like hitler and then there's this girl over here. Well, i i don't know but she's pretty terrible too named her wait. Why? Who is she i don't know, but she's bad she's, not good? Why i mean yes, some people found her again remembering when i moved out of my first studio flat and left a box of chocolates and some nice coffee on the side as a gift to the building manager and got charged 20 pounds for the removal of leftover.

Personal belongings guess he didn't like the chocolate. Did you put a note with it saying that it's for him, because he might have tossed it out thinking it's yours like it's so hard to throw it out, though, like charging twenty dollars? For that? No! That's! That's ridiculous! Like it's just two items honestly, i blink i'm getting a tattoo voluntarily on january, 2nd 2019, so that i can earn my wife's trust back for the pain and suffering i have caused in our marriage. I am a liar cheater, manipulator, deceiver, poor, prostitute, lover, dishonest and disrespectful, okay and also a idiot you guys should not be together. She also has issues.

She probably just made him get this tattoo and then still left right after yeah, no elephants evolving to lose their touch to escape poaching. That's really disturbing, but also like really cool how evolution works. Is it up that i'm like this is really sad, but also fascinating? Because can you imagine how far we can take it? Oh, we can get them to evolve to grow their tests. Back.

That's true. Lizards evolve to grow their tails back when's like the first human going to be able to like grow their penis back. Can we get them to like reproduce? If you blame travis scott? For this, we got ta blame ariana grande for the bombs too, don't be sexist. Yes, because she bombed her audience that paid for a concert and were her fans garbage being dumped directly into the amazon river in tingo maria peru person.

I took the video turned by the government and forced to flee. The country i feel like seeing this is is pretty normal in the world, but knowing that it's illegal to film this, you can lose your life over this. I feel like it's a scarier part that is some real 1984 yeah, seeing this really makes it feel like what we're doing here isn't gon na do anything when the rest of the world does this my butthole waiting for me to finish looking at memes, so i Can finally wipe it? Finally, we got some awful stuff. He won meme right here.

Did he eat his? No, no that's his butthole. It is kind of true though, but my defense is, i think i'm not done yet. You know so just in case i'm just sitting there for an extra like you know, just to double check. Teen couple allegedly killed girl's dad for disliking boyfriend.
Well, that's a little fire. They look like young sweethearts goofing around until this chilling boast. I can't hear anything cool day three, after murdering somebody whoa don't put that on camera, they admit committing a crime, a murder, the victim, according prosecutors, the girl's own father, daniel helsith, but he reportedly didn't approve a 16 year old daughter, sierra dating 18 year old aaron Guerrero after they banned sir from seeing aaron sierra's daniel disappeared, there's a dead body in the garage we just found. Houses have been stabbed to death and bodies set on fire.

This is a good argument for not having kids because there's a small chance. They turn out to be psychopaths and then they murder, you are you willing to take that risk nope, not having kids bye. I remember i got into an argument on reddit a while ago with a person over italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs.

To harass me, i clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on our piss. At that moment, i realized i had spent so much pointless time. Arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby, the site is a it's like um. The taste of this is was he arguing that your italian food must be quite sour and acidic? I cannot taste the pneumonia in this pneumonia.

Pneumonia, sorry ammon ammonia in this that's crazy is that is that, like a real reddit like our piss? Ah, whatever, let's go? Oh oh, oh, that is a very real red. Yes, i can confirm with my own ice yeah: don't go there. Alabama sheriff legally took 750 000, i'm so sorry meant to feed inmates bought beach house inmates, beach house huh, wait. He did that legally.

What it's, a very common law essentially sheriff, is responsible for feeding inmates in jail. The county gives a sheriff a set budget to feed those incarcerated in jail and whatever is left over the sheriff can keep i'll see you. Basically, why would you make that a law? I can see a lot of people just being like nah. I don't care about these inmates, no yeah, everyone will beach house here we go.

Oh. What is that those are crocodiles holy? How are you not quaking your boots? This is like mulan they're like i'll make a man out of you this poor kid. Why does he look so sad? I mean it's a haircut. I mean if, if he wanted this style of hair like, why would you feel bad for him holy yo? He achieves volume that henry's only ever dreamed of holy.

I could do that too, but it's just too much like. I don't want volume like that. What do you mean this kid looks sick? I think it looks like pretty good yeah. That's the sickest hair.
He just looks really sad. Oh he's crying! No he's smiling. Okay! Yeah i mean why feel bad for him, if that's what he wanted yeah and it turned out like exactly what he wanted. You can't deny that the guy did a good job.

He perfected the douche kite. Yes, he does look like a child douche, but he's gon na pick up. So many ladies yeah, this is pretty much ultimate douche cut for sure, i'm like oh, so this is what it's supposed to look like. I look at you and i'm like um, but that's because i don't want to do that because it's just like too much elon, musk's, estranged, father, errol musk has confirmed that he has welcomed the baby of step-daughter janna bazood da hoot errol, an entrepreneurial engineer and former Emerald dealer who lives in south africa where elon was raised, married jaina's mother, hide when jaina was just four, so this person saw this girl when she was four and then decided to go and marry this person.

Maybe that's why elon's like i'm going to mars i'm going to space to get away from these, i'm out i'm out fans. This whole purpose is to run away from his father. It's like elon. What motivates you to build the spaceship and he just picks you my father and not in the way you think from my neighborhood group playing to kill myself and if anybody wants my tv or house plans just reach out.

Also, there's pretty sweet, mauve grass, bong i'd, say reach out by dawn. Are you okay man reach out? If you need help what size, tv, 55 and lg smart tv, oh ooh, that's pretty solid! No, like maybe he's setting up an appointment to like actually be able to meet this person face to face and like stop him really make sure he gets the chance, because if you just say like are you okay man reach out? If you need help like he's, not gon na respond to you plus look what a lovely gay couple wait. That's a man right. He had me send me.

I think he up. I don't think that's a man! That's just a very buff woman. If i was black, i would be picking cotton but i'm white, so i'm picking you for hollow. Can someone explain what holo is homecoming yeah like out of the thousands of ways you could have asked this question? Why did you have to ask you like this he's? Why he appreciates it seriously? Why did god make a species? This stupid? Is this about pandas it's about pandas? Isn't it oh yeah, they're, so fat, but they're trying to climb these skinny trees? This is hard eugenie.

Can you just accept that pandas are stupid? We get it they're cute, but they're literally the most incompetent animals in the world. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal. Oh, my god, their brains are smooth their smooth brain. The brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons represent a coil of leaves pluck from a branch lay on a flat surface.

Kuala lumpur will not recognize it as food in a room full of potential food. They can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. What and this guy's like sorry, ah after this education, again they're literally smooth brain, it's not even a meme, it's reality.
Genie looks like the guy next to me on the plane is a man spreader recovery. I've never seen a well-mannered man on the plane enjoy. Actually, people with tourette's and epilepsy wear those to stop themselves from kicking people when they have episodes you're, literally making fun of a disabled person, because you looked at this guy and all you could see was male and you had to make it about. You wait how low iq do you have to be to think that some actual man spreader would wear that to stop himself from man spreading holy? The stupidity hurts genie.

The narcissism hurts, oh god, but i'm not gon na lie. That was really funny. Oh gene, do you know what's awful? Do you want to watch squirt game? No wait. Let's, let's watch, let's watch some centered squirt game.

No, it's actually really. Funny, though, is it i mean i think i don't know. Look at the budget like it actually looks like squid game right, but like instead of a doll, it's like an actress she's, clearly moving. Oh, oh! No! She got him she's dead, oh god! Oh no! This is watching.

Is this like squid game music as well? They even made the sugar cookies look at the camera work too, the acting's, not too bad, oh god, oh my god. Oh my god, what is white? Oh they had. They had penis crackers. Instead, what's your reviews? Squirt game? What'd, you give it.

I hate you she's! A squirt game or just like how quickly did they like produce squirt game? Is there a game of thrones version of yeah? It's probably like. What's the game of talks, alright, that's it for our awful. That was the worst thing i've seen. Well, i guess that's it.

Thank you so much for watching see you guys next time. I think it's a response.

18 thoughts on “Squirt game is a lot better than you’d expect”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rms titanica Gaming says:

    That kid’s park is nightmare fuel and must be burned at once !!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melon Lord says:

    I'm not sure what are dumber, pandas or koalas. It's a tight race to that finish line.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikl Fog says:

    Pandas are the second most stupid animals in the world there is a mammal even worse and far more stupid than Pandas the human race lmao.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Joseph Simpson says:

    I love how the Peppa Pig has crosses for arms, and the Barney became a meme.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Layton says:

    feel sorry for that kid are u taking the piss his haircuts better than mine I'm jealous

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VooXoo says:

    Bad Henry, Ames wasn't a bad girl, she was naughty at most, and got cyberbullied to death.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Polley says:

    Now I realize why pandas were so endangered. They're dumb.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JellyPanda says:

    "reach out if you need help"…. bruh, the post by itself should tell you that he is reaching out and he does indeed need help.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Place boobs here says:

    Pandas have folded brains not smooth, you are getting it confused with a comment about Koalas.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Reynolds says:

    That long ass comment on the panda video was a detailed description of KOALAS (which aren't even actually bears), not Pandas. Idk why it was in that thread but I don't want Jeannie to think her precious Pandas were being slammed there.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artemirr Lazaris says:

    I really hate ignorance.. I know someone who picked cotton who is "white" and still alive… people did whatever work was available… serisouly its aggravating.. it would be like.. an asian… going to america, and be like…I'm not black so I don't pick cotton… I mean it doesn't make any sense…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N6.RatTrap says:

    I don't think Elephants are evolving to lose their tusks. It's more like the elephants with the gene to grow tusks are being poached before they can pass on the gene to grow tusks.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Spratford says:

    Is there facts on that elephant thing……? Very sus

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Chu says:

    Are my eyes broken or is this insanely blurry O_o

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micah Foley says:

    That's not just a "douche" cut.

    That's the "Douche Enjoyer" cut.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars usernameed says:

    The comment about smooth brains was about koalas. Henry was talking as if it referred to pandas like the video, it didn’t.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasey Sewick says:

    Nooooo, I died a little when they’re like hahah pandas most stupid , then this guy comments “ koalas” are smooth brains cause I love koalas AND they thought he was saying pandas are smooth brain. 😭

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ott One says:

    Stupid species speaking of……!!!! Ice is melting oh my God……. what do you mean …… we need to keep it frozen………Yeah that’s a conversation that happened and we still don’t know that we need to keep it frozen what do you think we should do think really hard I’ll give you a hint the answer is in the crisis itself……If we turn off the metaphorical oven they’re very realize will just continue to melt

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