Gina, would you like to witness some regret of the instantaneous variety? Yes great, when you realize you just lost your deposit um the way he looked at the camera. I thought at first. He was amazed at himself for being able to stick up there. I was like oh no he's amazed at how stupid he is yeah.

How are you going to explain? He just lost that's a lot of fire. Oh dear, that's really effective, though the sprinklers wow, that's a really strong sprinkler, busted harder than a virgin that hasn't seen. 59 days an unexpected visitor good night, i'm not home, nobody's home who's. Recording this, oh sh.

I feel like i'm dead, really the lion's. Like my sandwich, it's moving inside of this tent, i must consume. I feel bad. He was congratulating him and it makes him drop.

It, oh no, oh god, that's awkward. Does he find it? I think there's no way they lost it forever like deep down. Oh yeah, it probably is a fake kiss kim it's it just seems too perfect. Why would you smack someone, while he's holding a ring like that, try to trick his dog and forgot to close his door poppers what the dog just got up like? That was nothing.

Yes, the popper is okay. I don't really care about you. There's a puppy! Okay! Oh puppy's, okay, his dog is invincible. He ran to that at like 30 miles an hour trying to creak as a kid.

Oh, no, oh poor kid. He thought he was emerald against you for a second cheating who okay, i've never seen this, but he's not crown bottles, don't break yo. I don't know if you ever knew this or not, but crown doesn't break. Oh, my god take note that that bottle is completely empty.

I think it's because they consumed it all. Oh god, you can literally hear the crack. Oh dude, how drunk do you not notice the the crack that shriek? Oh, my god, someone died. I told you to leave that thing at home.

Oh, what is that? I think it's like an ipad holder on his arm that that's about the reaction. I would have too i'd just be like. Let's just pretend like that. Didn't just, but i bet you that's his dad filming with the revealing yeah he's like.

Are you gon na kill me yeah? Please don't kill me you're going in. I don't understand, you're a construction worker. No, if we just tip this chimney over it'll, somehow make its way safely on the ground below. Okay.

Just do it again. I don't dude, there's like freaking 12 people there, like nobody thought like. Maybe we shouldn't do this so, like we've already destroyed the house, we might as well destroy the rest of it and try that again what could go wrong if i shot myself my phone popping? No, oh, is that the puppy doggie, oh, this is amazing. These are the shots you can't actually get.

Actually i guess you could train a dog. Oh it's a fault, henry. It's a fun! Look at how happy he's so beautiful he's so cute, but she has to know that she's filming the greatest video ever right now. That was the cutest thing ever it doesn't end hello, he's so cute.
Is it a trained fox? I think that's your fox, oh yeah, using bargain bin pepper spray to rob a jewelry store yeah like really that didn't do anything yeah. What, if that's not actually just like um, maybe she brought the pam by accident? You know that would still hurt because it's oil - i don't understand why. Why would you do that? He's like, let's see here if this pole, bounces back oh looks like it does hooray, we learned so much today, science has proven once again. Now there are stupid women.

All right, buddy have fun holy crap. That's! This is deep. I am cold mother. I am now coated in snow and i require thy warmth and sustenance mother.

Please, oh, he seemed like he took a lot better than expect. He didn't flinch unless it happened so fast, oh, but they could have achieved. Remember that a parody where they use the guy's head to don't - and here we go excellent, sir, since setting up here comes, the spy still has to stop here - comes the spark straight to the man. Oh god he's dead, wait what is going on! They raised him.

Why does he keep in his head because scott sterling's a legend that bike's like i was not built for this? I cannot sustain this kind of weight. What do you mean? You mean this greatness? Is it that little girl's bike yeah, that's a little girl's bike? Oh, it's actually because of a walmart bike specialist put that together in the back room and had leftover hardware, so it was just assembled incorrectly yeah. Now i feel bad for making fun of this person in there it's worth it she's cute. You can do it! This guy's fighting for his life right here, his life's flashing before his eyes.

Oh my god, the lamps men go through to win the affection of cute woman ginny. It's not worth it. You'll die out here. Son he's gon na suffocate, trying to use a fire extinguisher.

Even the sign noped out of there he's like i will clip out of this dimension where your fire extinguisher explodes on you. What is that? Oh, that's water, yeah, that's major yikes! They pretty much have to replace the entire floor. So are they not gon na? Do anything about it? Yeah they're like coming out rapidly he's like i was not at the station. I was never here.

Oh, you have to pay for that. Monitor, buddy speed at which you took those headphones off. My people named me goodbye attempt to farewell newsreader for kiss doesn't go to plan the last time that we'll be working together for a little while, because you're off on a break, giving birth to those twins of yours and we'll all miss you. But of course everyone in the newsroom sends much love and very best wishes i'll miss you all too wish me luck, i'm going to need it yeah! Well, i'll tell you! The carlton supporters are very excited.

Well, they should be yeah exactly okay, good. This has gone well, you're, funny all right now, melvin, that's what's news! This monday enjoy your evening and good night. Why does he just randomly go for a kiss, they're british they're australian? I want to say they played it off, but at the same time it's also too cringe to play it off. Yeah the origin sword here comes meme and instant regret.
I'm just past a ruler station and i've just been watching this willy willy forman check that out one of the big ones. Oh, my god, i want to see that hit their car. Oh he's walking. Are you serious? Oh that's for me.

That's him and he's gon na die too. Oh, my god! That's where that meme is from yeah. What a legend legend! This guy's got some balls taking a selfie with a tornado. It almost seems so perfect too, like the way it just starts coming at him.

Ah see it is fake someone, it just seems so perfect. Ah why it was, as he did his first lunge. Then you wish he'd call in sick. Oh, oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, oh, oh bye! Dad! You should have worked on that balance.

That was pretty impressive for a while he actually can yeah yeah. That's. What growing up in new york looks like to be honest. Everyone who's lived on the east coast has busted their ass on ice, at least a handful of times.

I busted my house in the rain in l.a, but no one was there to help me or save me. Jeannie thinks i have like some kind of extendo arm when she falls. I got you. No, it's called catching me.

Dude. No one's reaction time is that fast. You don't understand how fast it was all right, you're, just like yeah, you just do catch playing with a chameleon. Oh the community is like.

Oh sorry, i thought we were kissing now. Everyone is awkward without the drone in her honeymoon, good call, good thing. You got that drone out your wife's dog dying. What could go wrong messing with a wild boar here? He comes.

Oh, that is huge. Huge he'd have a boiled egg in the microwave wait. People migrate, boiled eggs, that's a long time for one egg yeah. I don't understand why you do that.

Dude boiled eggs are like best cold, like if you microwave it, you're literally like destroying the yolk like you're. Turning into chalk, you're double cooking, it yep. What could go wrong? Not reviewing the tracky download before playing it at the wedding they accidentally overwrite their music with the pull? Oh, my god. This is the most lit wedding.

Ever it's pretty easy to fix right, yeah, just dance down the aisle who gives no? No, i just put on a different song. Oh okay, i was gon na be like if that song started playing on my wedding i'll, just go over to you like yeah, or you can just just like change. The changes yeah you're with friends and family here, like it's, not fun, strikes again robbing a sword for bug, zapper, italy, so she just smacked him with it. Didn't do anything.

Oh he locked him in his shop. Smart. The cops are here. The cops came they're young.

Do you think we can do like something this like life threatening? You should come a little more prepared than a fly. Swatter like you might as well just go on robbing them with your hands at this point skating down a busy road. Oh, i love these videos, but don't do it just watch them all the time busy road dude. He just he's act as a ramp for that guy he's turned into a human ramp.
He caught mad air bro. Okay, i feel really mad for him, though california round stingray, all right. Do you bite it? You bite your finger, it stung you yeah. I mean it is a stingray.

The word sting is in its name, california, round stingray, and i shall demonstrate why swimming in front of a water slide. Oh god, that's like a cannonball. Oh, the timing on that was beautiful could have been any better genie. Oh chef's, kiss right.

There wait i'm confused because i know, like some girls like a jester wrong yeah. She, like accidentally just like that's a weird way to adjust it, though all right. That's it for instant regrets make sure to hit that like button before you regret it they're just threatened yeah before you regret it, sick them genie all right. Thank you.

So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace.

16 thoughts on “She must’ve forgot she was livestreaming”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malie key says:

    I never watch mxr's skyrim videos but today I finally downloaded it and I'm addicted i dont know what I'm doing but its marks fault for mentioning it so much haha

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Guy says:

    The fox is from a Youtube channel called SaveAFox. The woman runs a fox rescue, and this isn't the only time one has stolen her phone.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PaulSauce says:

    I went in a long trip, probably around 2 weeks long. I completely forgot about this channel and for a few months, I never thought about it. A few days ago I randomly thought about you guys and went to the channel. Turns out you're still making the same kind of content and I've been watching everything I missed. Love you guys!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dog E says:

    If you think the ice in new York is bad, come to Canada, it’s already starting to snow.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fay Anne Aura Arts says:

    Wow, that news anchor really tried to sexually assault a woman on live TV.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fay Anne Aura Arts says:

    The lion one… the camera is probably on a tripod or something similar. Probably a field camera that zoologists use.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Craw says:

    Kids got that tablet holder on his arm like a Duel disk. Chaos was inevitable

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Rains says:

    the original video showed the fox at the start running up and tking the phone

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Keller says:

    what do they mean "screaming as if they killed him", dude it's a stingray, dying is an option here.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Borzoi says:

    That guy who slipped on ice in his driveway. It looks like the driveway was coated in Black Ice (basically ice you cannot see on pavement). This happens when you try to melt the ice with hot water instead of just salting it.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logic Plague says:

    Wal-Mart uses a third-party company to assemble bikes, grills, etc. Their quality is…questionable. Knowing this I do my own now.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everyone has an opinion says:

    I haven't laughed so hard in ages as I did when that dumb kid poured flour in his own eyes! I remember belly laughing like that at my younger brothers when they were this age and thought they could do the same things as adults. One fav I remember is when we were sitting on the ground and I did a forward roll. My brother looked amazed, then he tried. And face smashed his face on the grass! Ah! It's making me laugh again. Especially when he looked up with surprise on his dumb kid face, like "How did that happen?"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Friendly Neighborhood ToFu says:

    The fox video is from Saveafox. She is a YouTubeer than runs a fox rescue. That fox's name is Finnigan Fox and has the best laugh ever.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pepe the Frog says:

    Jeannie will never forget that time when Henry wasn't superhuman enough to catch her as she slips. No matter what you say, it will stay. LOL

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Uhler says:

    Re: the roofers with the chimney. Y'all need to listen to the Irish folk song "Dear Boss":

    Dear Boss, I write this note to you to tell you of my plight;
    At the time of writing I am not a pretty sight;
    My body is all black and blue, my face a deathly grey,
    So I write this note to say why Paddy′s not at work today.

    While working on the 14th floor, some bricks I had to clear;
    To throw them down from off the top seemed like a good idea;
    But the foreman wasn't very pleased, he was an awkward sod,
    And he said I had to cart them down a ladder in my hod.

    Now, to clear away these bricks by hand to me seemed very slow,
    So I hoisted up a barrel and secured the rope below;
    But in my haste to do the job, I was too blind to see
    That a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me.

    So when I had untied the rope, the barrel fell like lead;
    Hanging tightly to the rope I started up instead;
    I sped off like a rocket, and to dismay I found
    That halfway up I met the bloody barrel coming down.

    Now, the barrel broke my shoulder as to the ground it sped,
    When I reached the top I banged the pulley with my head;
    I held on tight, though numb with shock from this almighty blow,
    And the barrel spilled out half its load,
    14 floors below.

    Well, when the bricks had fallen from the barrel to the floor,
    I then outweighed the barrel, and it started up once more;
    I held on tightly to the rope, as I flew towards the ground,
    And I landed on the broken bricks that were scattered all around.

    As I lay there moaning on the bricks, I thought I′d passed the worst,
    But when the barrel reached the top was when the bottom burst;
    A shower of bricks came down on me, I didn't have a hope,
    And in all of the confusion, I let go the bloody rope.

    The barrel again being heavier, it started down once more,
    And landed right on top of me as I lay there on the floor;
    It broke three ribs and my left arm, and I can only say,
    That I hope you understand why Paddy's not at work today.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KanyeT says:

    The news anchor fucked that poor guy. Give him a peck on the cheek. It's absolutely not uncommon in Australia.

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