We're doing 24 gifts in 24 hours, jenny wait, wait, go away, it's only gon na go downhill from here. It is you even caught me literally searching for a ps4 whatever. Oh, that was what i thought you were just looking, because you told me you were just looking at if it's in stock or not. Why are you giving me such a nice gift? Oh my god wait.

What do i have to give you? 24 gifts? No! Oh okay, here's my gift to you! Oh my god! No, you want to set it up, so i'll put it in yeah. Where do i set it up on the tv downstairs? Okay? Oh my gosh. We have one of these at home. Now i know right.

Isn't it crazy? Oh my! I always wanted the most modern, oh my god! Oh my god. Oh my god, what a beaut we got! Ta go see the router, though oh huge whoa, this thing's shocked, wait henry. What do you have any games i can play on? It wait, it didn't come with a game. Oh my god.

Oh my god, next room next to it he's gon na be a good day is, i feel like it's not as special, because the neighbor literally brings his bubble tea like every day. No, but here's the thing you bringing me bubble: tea is like i don't think you've ever done that really ever well. Here we go. I got some like more special exotic flavors because, like i said, my neighbor gets this bubble tea like every day.

Oh my god. It's so good yeah dude what the hell try it. I literally ordered some random thing off the menu. Oh, i like it holy crap.

This is so good. Jean doesn't like the balls, the little balls in her mouth. I like her little balls in my mouth. Try this one! This is like genuinely really good right.

It's time for next year, hurry hurry up. Let's go my playstation, i'm still standing no forget about it. What do you have another gift? Hurry up, get your bubble! Teas! Actually, just leave them forget about the bubble. Teas, who cares what's going on what is happening hi? What is what is going on? What is this? Oh, my gosh hi.

What is all that brushes in that bucket? You can brush the goats and hold them like a hug. There we go. I want a chicken. Oh, my gosh: this is the best gift ever do you like this better than the ps5? Oh, i can't decide they're like when i thought you can't top a ps5 right.

I think i'm wrong. Okay now, for sure really does just go downhill. New buddy the best bro right here. Yes, everybody, my best girl girl, um.

She looks very done with you for some reason. Oh look at that. Oh she's, touching me. She found a good spot.

Did you have a good time? Thank you guys. Thank you so much. This is the greatest city ever yeah. Thank you, honey.

I keep wanting to cry like because there's so much right now, you're you're overwhelming me with like too many good things, and i'm like you can't wait. What do you see over there? Oh, my god, you're freaking kidding me right now. Every time i say you can't top it. You somehow manage to like it's, but is this the fact that i always you know that i always want krispy kreme, oh my god, the lighting on these.
Can i have one no yeah, of course. Oh, my god. Why would you do this? To me, my life is going to be downhill from today, enjoy all the less and yeah he's so so good. Actually i'm glad you're enjoying this.

Oh, but it's time for your next gift, but but i just started, but i uh i just started there - you go. The next gift is in the kitchen. You have to go, find it. Do you have to open something? Yeah? Oh absolutely, nothing.

Where is everything in here more donuts? Is that speaking, no, this video of this beer bag that goes inside of your pants. I told you to go down here, but how do you fit this in your pants? Oh, it's! So cool! Are you okay, honey? It's cool! I just feel like i constantly peed my pants, because it's so cold. Do you give me liquid? This is the best gift ever never mind. I take it all back.

This is an amazing gift. I feel very um very nice right now. That's right! I provide the sustenance, no drinks, i'm not picky anymore, fine dude, my bladder, i don't know how many more gifts i can take. I think i'm done there's just one more thing in the kitchen that you have to find you hit it again: yeah cool! You keep looking in that empty cabinet.

Is that hot or cold cold, warm, okay, nope, colder, yellow my brush is he's amazing yeah. It makes me happy. I know it's a shrimp. I love this t-shirt.

This is cute. I want to put it down here. So, every time i get water, i see his beautiful face, no he'll be like it'll, be like you sure you want this bottle. Refill.

Okay, you're, welcome all right gene for your next gift. Yes, come to my room. Look forward to my room. Go: go, go! Go! Quick, quick, quick where i found the best gift of mom: that's not the gift, the gift of eternal sleep.

Please, you go find the gift you're gon na find the gift go, find the gifts warmer warmer cold warmer, warm! So warm warm, don't see your dirty socks that you left in my room for months. Warm very warm wait. Was it yeah what what the heck? What is it? I know you've been doing cosplay recently you've been running out of outfits, you knew it might. I suggest one of the greatest food commentators of all time.

Oh my god guys. What does he say? We're taking a trip to flavor town, we're taking a trip to flavor town? Is that what it sounds like? Oh, my god, you look like a sweet trucker. You look like a trucker, you know, i need sunglasses. Look like you drive trucks.

I use sunglasses to complete the look post edit put in sunglasses all right. You have the next present something come on. Come with me all right head over here. Why are you terrified? Oh, my god, where did you stop? Why you're playing playstation? Are you serious yeah? Does it have candy? It has something better.

Can i kill it? Yeah you got ta, kill it. Oh okay, wait. I actually have to put on this thing. Yeah.
Oh my god. I feel like a kid again: do you want like a real band like a real weapon, yeah, ah, a real weapon for real weapon? You have met your match. Little podi and now join your friends. Just don't hit the house for god's sakes.

Oh wait. You're close you're going to be so excited about. What's inside, okay, one more one, big slice, i don't know what is this? What is that? Is it brussels? Why did you put brussels sprouts in here, more vegetables? No, i thought there'd be candy halloween's over honey. Are you sorry, i'd be really happy today we're eating for dinner tonight we're seriously eating these oh picked them all up was that was that fun? That was right.

That made me relive, like my childhood memories, because if i didn't have a sword, all right, jante you've played enough playstation for one day. Really. How would you like to go to the park? Oh, okay, yeah. You wan na go to the park.

Let's go all right. You ready for a romantic walk in the rain yeah yeah, that's cool, hi genie. Okay, inside these bushes is the present. Can we do the hot coal thing again, yeah sure i got, i want a pizza.

I want a pizza that is, this is so cute and it's so wet, but it's so cute yeah, i love it. He loves pizza and i do indeed want a pizza that i, like i like the puns. I love puns, so i love i want pizza. That is, i'm gon na eat that okay.

This actually makes me wan na eat pizza. Now wait what'd, you say thomas all right, look for the present inside of this beautiful playground, it's gon na, be in thomas no, no, it won't just stop check other places. First, look there's so many other cool things. That's such a huge playground, one of the best i've seen why in the world would i ever put it into thomas? Do you know please? Why would you put it in thomas? It sounds wrong.

Indiana jones got a ball. You got a ball. What is it these selfies yeah june jupiter? It is so cute right. This is really adorable.

Thank you so much this is so cute. This is so cute. Welcome. Do you like the pizza that ass through the juvenile, a true normal move? I all right genie for your next gift.

You need to make one free throw resource from here right yeah, you can do it genie, i believe in you kobe, valentine's day, kevin durant, kevin durant, kevin durant, that's it that's it kevin durant. That was the answer. All right, here's again open yeah! Thank you! Oh it's been this time. What's this, this looks so cute.

What is this? Is it? Oh, my god? Oh my god, try it out audrey! You know what i'm not turning around dude. That looks good. Oh my god. You actually look pretty sick dude, you look so cool.

Oh, my god give me money yeah. I think this is hidden in russia as well yeah. The putin says this is the mark of glory good, sir. Where are we going now anyway? Now we're gon na see if you can land a serve in tennis guys.

I think henry brought us to a high school. Oh, i didn't know these tennis courts belong to a high school ptsa parent teacher association. We have kids right. No, we don't.
We have kids, no, we don't pick up our kids guys we just parked next to our neighbor's mom. This is the school that our neighbor's brother goes to. Oh, my god. Should we should we say: hi, hey, oh, no, you're getting all wet.

Are you picking up your son, i'm yeah? Oh nice yeah we're just here to play some tennis in the rain. All right. Gene for a tennis service account is in. You need to get it into that square over there gee.

This should be easy. It's way way. You got ta, you got ta, be behind the line, though, and you have to get it into that square, that square yeah. Can you do it? Can you do it overhead, please gee.

This is a fun. This is a cord for kids. This should be really easy. Where'd it go, did you just lose the ball? You just put the bag.

Next to you, you know. Okay, i did it. Oh henry there's no need because there's, oh hello, high school, we're not doing anything, we're not here to kidnap kids or anything. This is a free football.

Oh that's! The next challenge. If you can catch this football, you get a gift. Okay, fine! I'm scared of balls! Okay! Oh my god. Do you believe in the heart of the card? Wait, wait! Wait.

Can we open it yeah? Let's see if we can get a god card, i wan na i like um slifer. That was my favorite one obvious. The destroyer was tormented. Isn't that such a cool name obelisk, the tormentor mine, is sniper the sky dragon genie always says that she like yu-gi-oh cards over pokemon, so i chose, but it's also because the first edition pokemon cards are like a thousand dollars.

Wait henry. I lost life for the skydragon. What i have it, i got the card. Oh my god.

I got opposed yeah wait. Is that easy wait? Was it impossible to get these before yeah? Did they like sell out like their card game? How dare you? Oh, my god, i would have my parents have this when i was a kid huh yeah. How did we just get it from the first gekko to see this in person? Oh swords of revealing light? Do you remember this card? I remember that i remember. I remember monster reborn: do you remember this guy yeah, that's classic all right.

So now we are at target and the next gift is you get to choose anything in the store that you want and i will buy it for you. Wow you're excited, i'm very excited. Do you have any strategies, something that i've always wanted to buy, but then didn't really want to spend money on like i could get a coffee. I can get like holiday stuff all right.

What did you choose skittles through 20 minutes of walking? Sorry? How is it henry they're sour they're supposed to be sour skittles? Oh my gosh, my mouth is salivating at, like you being sour. In order to win this last reward, you have to do 10 g can do that? No problem, no! No problem, no problem. I feel weak. Can you it's been a long day, one two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight nine! Oh one more chica, oh my god, i feel so weak.
Today. She usually does tend no problem right. I don't know what happened. I don't know what's happening today.

It's okay, honey. We didn't eat anything except for doughnuts, and maybe that's what today's lack of sugar can you present yeah? Oh this one's heavy, that's what pretty it is very pretty right. I really really like the bottle. Apparently, that's like one of the most popular perfumes for girls.

Did i break it? I think you just destroyed it. Oh no! I get i get it. Oh, that's a that's a crown and a ring for you. I smell like a store, a macy's store you're.

So amazing, i smell like a walking macy's, but it's really pretty looking it's a really beautiful bottle. I do love the bottle, but thank you you're welcome, but do you know what i have next for you food? Yes, we both need to eat. Yes, that's the issue. You should eat something you need yeah, i'm preparing you a three-course meal made by joshua weissman with a cocktail tonight to get to cleaning the kitchen is joshua weissman, coming no he's not coming! Oh already here, i'm kidding you're better than joshua by infinity.

Here's the appetizer like that, what is it called? I don't know. Oh my gosh. This is like this is amazing. I know, but it's just tomatoes, ricotta cheese and i burn my mouth and garlic.

The tomato juices are burning me yeah. They kind of just explode in your mouth, all right. Here's the main course i'm not good at plating, wait. What is this? Oh, it smells amazing.

I didn't rest the chicken, so the juice just splattered everywhere and just like made a green puddle at the bottom. It exploded, but it looks fancy. It looks fresh. Oh, my god.

This is really fancy chicken, there's cheese, basil and there's a chimichurri on top. That's what it is. I was like this chimichurri. This is really good.

It was really yummy junior, i'm so sad. I forgot what there's one one gift you were supposed to open during dinner during yeah dinner. Oh, i got a candle first, so we can eat the candles. We can do it for dessert.

Like a dinner like all right, let's go set it up. Yeah. Does it look fancy it's it's a candle gym, we're trying to enjoy a candle light. This smells like my vagina.

Do you know how much i paid for this? Is this goof? Is this group? Let's try it out, you seriously fun when it's paltrow's coop, her vagina. Does not smell like this wait. Let me smell it. Ah, this is a rip off yeah.

I thought it was supposed to smell like an actual vagina, maybe that'd be disgusting yeah. It would be really immersive right. That would be disgusting. Oh no! Let's give it a minute, don't quite smell anything, yet you smell it.

I don't smell the vagina. Do you know what vagina even smells like boy? No, that's what i'm trying to find out. That's what it smells like! Really wow. I advise every man to go out and smell some vagina uh with consent.
You have her caramelized pears wow. That truly is amazing. Then you kind of drizzle homemade caramel, that's so yummy! You sound like gordon ramsay, here's the thing she needs allergies to certain nuts, but not all nuts, but they say that these share the same conveyor belts and stuff. I guess junior won't have any nuts.

I can give it a shot. I don't want to kiss to give you you can't die now. Okay, oh i know what to put on mine. What just you put you put that on yours right.

What are you gon na put yours? Okay, okay, okay, here's, your kellogg's, caramel, pear, wow catwalks! This is actually what it's supposed to what it's actually supposed to look like. Damn, it smells like one of the paltrow's vagina. Here smells amazing. It smells so utterly sweet that is, for adults.

I'm a child very, very sugary. Have you ever thought of like going into masterchef really yeah? Do you think you could do it? No, what what's these mojitos cheers? It's very sweet. I love it. I love the gifts.

How about we head to the bedroom for this last part? No, how about we head to the bedroom? No, i see what you're doing here you're trying to find one and dine me. I have a few more gifts for you in the bedroom. Ginny. How about you come upstairs? What is this? It's a card.

I wrote you a poem, you did. Yeah wrote your phone no way, so. Oh, my god, you actually crossed out the mess like what they say. Here's what i say, okay, roses are red.

Violets are blue. Just like this chicken. I want to stuff you with only the best food. I don't know how to rhyme uh.

What's the best food you and foolpo, you mean food. I stuttered on the last part, so i i failed. I'm gon na take it that you want to stuff me with the best food. Yes, we are something even better jean, oh, my god, are you gon na sing me a song? Are you gon na sing yourself? What's this well well? Well, look who it is! It's genie genie, wonderful to see you again, oh, i know who you are you're the one who put together that that that mod called recorder well, i've been keeping my eye on you.

I've been keeping my on you with this, the starfish here, gorham, that's right and i've seen every little thing. You've done! Oh, you know who else has henry oh and he told me that you've been a wonderful partner for over five years, who thought you'd have that kind of patience. But we all know henry and i suppose, he's a fine lad yeah unless of course, unless of course, you'd like maybe haskell you can switch up. You know he's very poor and very lonely.

He's only got me to keep him company unless you want to stay with henry. Who came here to ask me to say hello to you, yes to say thank you to you for such a wonderful five years. Yes - and i said why should i do that, he said because i i was able to get here to do the shivered idols and he ripped the arms off my gatekeeper to do so, and i thought you're on my list now henry, but i thought i'd tell You, anyway, that it was a lovely five years that he had with you and he's so thankful for it because he won't have any more after he did that, and i skipped rope with his entrails. You do what you'd like to do genie in the meantime.
Keep up the good work with recorder and with that fella try to keep meditating. Oh my god, wes johnson went so hard. He was so hard on that. I was not expecting him to go on for like two minutes of show going up and like slight hints of the guard, the imperial guy, he said my name is oh my ow.

I didn't realize how hard i was smiling that much say that he wants to dance with my entrails. Like that's just all. I need cheney. I can die happy now.

Let's die happy all right check. What's in this video wallet, wow what'd, you find jimmy hats. Vault protection wait a second. This is you got this as a gift? No, yes, no! I didn't the p.o box.

No, yes, it's your snail! You don't! Have you counted wrong? Don't you? You don't have anyone? No! I have two more. You do henry. Yes, i mean what is this when you check it out, but what? What? What? How does that work? Huh? How does one? Oh, the booby, goes in the holes? Oh really, i didn't know that i had no idea. Oh my god, it looks like we.

We don't have a receipt for that. Ah henry damn i, why is there a hole? I i don't know i must have gotten the wrong um pajamas. These are pajamas uh uh, but it looks like um. There are no refunds on this one unfortunately yeah come here.

Take your shirt off! Why take your shirt off? You have to try it on. How would you put it on how about you put it on how much he puts it on okay, you're down bad if you're going unlocked, that's the 23rd gift, this is the 20th. There's one more gift: oh, i thought this was a separate gift. No, that's my towel.

What do you think sexy yeah? Are you ready for the greatest gift you've ever seen? Okay? Where is the gift? Do you want to open it? Oh yeah, yeah? Okay, oh my god. It's me, you are the best gift in the world. I agree you are the best gift for photo. I'm exhausted.

I know i know i did all this myself. I know i didn't have a team studying anything. I know i know you were so hard. You were excited, i'm dead, now, you're the best gift ever you're, the best gift ever and me.

I love you, i love you, you did it, i did it all right. Can i use that condom now? All right, we'll see you guys later bye, bye, you can play with my titties you wan na you wan na try grabbing one of them.

17 thoughts on “She didn’t know how to handle this”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Watson says:

    Me: furiously looking for a comment from Joshua Weissman

    JW: laughs in not knowing who these two are

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PartTimeSaint says:

    This moved my frozen tears. Thank you all! I don't cry enough and this was amazing to watch! Thank you for sharing your special day!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ManRaisedByWolves says:

    Guess who got laid after this?…. no one, this is a christian channel. Keep your mind out of the gutter.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mahi says:

    I dont comment on youtube but this video actually made me cry.
    Watching you guys be happy makes me remember whats important in life thank you!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IAEPATUS says:

    jeannie begins crying*

    holy music stops

    Krewsaders: "dost thou needest another…"

    jeannie cries TEARS OF JOY

    Holy music resumes*

    Krewsaders: "Ah, a blessing from the Lord!"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thirtyred says:

    Damn Henry securing a PS5 for Jeannie in times like these πŸ₯Ί. This video was really sweet

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MuhammadAzeem says:

    Don't set the bar that high brother… You will need this for later in life…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Calderon says:

    This was absolutely great !! And I have to step up my game…SMH…WHY HENRY….WHHHHYYYY

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars River Dunlap says:

    not gonna lie. As awesome as that ps5 was i was more impressed that you held on to your old 360. Nostalgia bros for life. Now show us your ps2. I know you have one.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bearington Esq says:

    I honestly thought the last gift was going to be a proposal, maybe next time lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ko Hashiguchi says:

    Ironically, this is hard to watch, because I'm thinking, "Christmas is coming up in a month, and it won't top this video." Bravo, Henry!!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Martin says:

    Just like I'll admit Jeannie is my dream girl I will also admit i couldn't compete with Henry. Good on ya bro nice job!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars walkingdeadman19 says:

    Man, after that day, she better put on 23 for him… our guy has earned it.

    Although, i'm rather disappointed. Not once did Henry take the opportunity to hide something in his pockets and tell Jeannie that her next gift is in his pants.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JeffBOI says:

    i love how theres just an unfinished lego millennium falcon sitting on the dining table

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Goodrum says:

    I got 5 cavities and diabetes just from watching this one time it was so sweet.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matrixbg says:

    If I ever get a GF I will get all my wholesome ideas from Henry, Lord of Immersion, Master of Sloots.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars armybear1 says:

    I just noticed they are wearing the same clothes as the video where Jeanie kept screaming we're getting a baby! Gift 22, 23, and 24 might be related to that…

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