All right welcome back to mixer, please, today, we're doing acceleration dating tina has a giant shadow over here. It's like one of those memes. You know where it's like, there's a giant shadow and it's like the oh do i have to just do that. I don't know what he has to do for my man, i'm gon na record this when i instantly regret that i bought this.

Well, i mean: did you? Did you like keep the promise? Did it work like? Does it look like? Can you read that all hours of the day or are there like certain hours yeah like how many, how many times can you do it per day? Is there limits, or can you just do that like all day, okay, this girl? Why won't my mouth work right? Yeah, i feel, like your mind, just goes blank and then, like all of a sudden, you have no thoughts head empty, no ideas of what to say. That's how i felt when i saw genie. I just took the words right out of my mouth. You know i just i was like i'm mute now, because she's just so attractive, not true his first words were yes, so this camera jeff bezos building a company jeff bezos with women.

How do you know this? Actually, though, it seems very much like if you're really career, driven, go-getter type of guy you're, not very good, with relationships, that's true yeah because they require different things to be very strong. Yeah yeah building a company requires hard logic, no emotions, no feelings, just right decisions and the woman is all logic or sorry all emotions, all emotion, no logic, no right decisions, just emotions like empathy, lots of empathy, yes and over the workers does not require empathy. That's for sure, xmas tip put your boyfriend at the side of your family. In case you need to cut him out of the picture later.

That's why g includes me in the center, because she knows we're gon na last forever, no you're on the side, hmm you're! On the side, not, i think oh yeah, i am yeah yeah. What does that mean genie, i'm on the side too? Okay, so i can cut myself out pop love. Do you mind? I have a perfectly good depression going on here. I don't care fine i'll mope.

Here then, zero, given i'm staying, i'm not leaving here until you're, not depressed anymore matter. How long it takes that guy's! Your i don't care, that's my face yeah and you literally i'm like, but you know and you're like i don't care you're. Just staying. Don't argue for to say my side: chick was right about you and then walk away well, two chains who's that guy.

It's martin luther king jr, today's math problem. If george is 60 and his girlfriend is 22, how much money does george have? Oh, i think i have to use the um gold digger equation in here. He's got ta have at least 20 million genie, there's there's with that gap. 46 years old.

First, you subtract. The age difference find the difference to get 46. Then you square root that total and then you divide by 100 and then and then you multiply that by 500 000, oh wow you're, actually pretty accurate and then times two 21 million dollars is what you need. So i patented formula you can't pack accurate 99.9 of the time.
How come we never hang out like you and me, you never ask. We should totally hang soon, though hey what's up, i was drunk last night. Sorry, i do not want to hang out. Oh well.

All righty, then that's up this person must really hate him huh. So just so you know, i still hate you. I still think you're a piece of yeah there's something called just don't ever text them me to people who edge and lose get what you deserve. Why do you take this? No, not november, so seriously? Why don't you i am taking it seriously? Oh, that's true! So you have a man stop nutting, oh okay, men that needs therapists.

Girls who say i can fix him. I can do it. You don't need to go to a professional, i can do it. I guess maybe like men, that need therapists are more interesting.

Maybe they feel more versus, maybe a guy that has like nothing wrong with him like just really boring, really vanilla, then what's the fun and dating him right, because stability right do girls like that, i, like that, before divorce after divorce holy jesus, what happened to your Dress, i mean, i guess you got ta pull in the men, somehow right, yeah, i'm here you want to hang out later. Sorry, i don't talk to guys who are under six feet. Please mom! I miss you. Well, you should have grown tyler's son he's like mother.

Please yo: isn't this your own fault? Why couldn't you be taller? Well, blame your father, the life of a sub six footer one hour here is seven years on earth good. I will wait for her reply here. It'll be a lot quicker than an hour later. I have a boyfriend dude an hour later she's like um.

I have a kid, don't worry, babe i'll, protect you. This one seems more interesting to me. Big, strong, protective woman doesn't really need protection, but can't really do anything about it. Why is that one more interesting to you? No reason i just like strong women in general.

You know who doesn't love strong women, i'm strong yeah, i can do ten push-ups. Can you kill someone from snooze new? My friend broke up with the guy who always buys this food. I'm hurt. Oh.

That means i have to pay for my own food. Now, oh god, you're friends, that's terrible boyfriend bought food for all of you guys. Maybe that's why you broke up. You know maybe just feeling used me, 10 minutes after being dramatic.

For no reason, i've decided i'm okay, you deserve a relationship that allows you to sleep peacefully at night. Technically, you don't deserve anything. Do you sleep peacefully at night genie? Is it because of my rock hard stability? That's cause the king-sized bed factually gives me enough space to feel like i'm sleeping alone. So i sleep peacefully.

What about the fact that i'm a stable, rocking relationship that keeps us a stable rock on your side of the bed, so that helps me really sleep on myself? Okay, you snore, though women like men, who are about four years older, who manifest signs of success as well as being handsome and personable, and all of that. The reason for that is that they're looking to equalize the economic disparity that exists, because women take a harder hit from sex and pregnancy than men, they're looking for someone, who's, competent and generous competence would be intelligence, general, cognitive ability and the markers that go along with That they want conscientiousness or openness as well as other desirable things. Oh cool. I possessed like all of those.
That's why genie chose me. I am mentally debatable, sometimes debatable sometimes i'll say. Sometimes i look at you and i see my son, so this hypergamy means women are much more selective in their mating than men are, and it's not surprising because they pay a bigger price for sex. It's more dangerous for women because they can get pregnant and it might be more dangerous.

Emotionally, he explains woman behavior as if it were based in logic and science. It is, i don't know genie. I don't know, hmm, okay, what don't you know? What do you say? Are you sure you made the right choice here, genie seeing me as uh the offspring creator provider that i don't know, but i think you're, very cognitive, intelligent, two plus two equals five. It does indeed excuse me: you dropped something.

That's not mine. I saw it fall from you, no it didn't. Oh, i got your littering. Fine, fine, i'll pick it up litter bug.

We got a litter bug over here. Read it is this. Your number call me: no, why not ginny, because you just yelled at me and accused me of littering. I got you to read my number though, and i will promptly crush it and throw it in the trash.

I think it's time to tell everyone that we're dating, but we're not dating. You see, you didn't even know: bro you're you're, really high yo bro yeah, we're like totally dating man yeah. I'm now stressed. I can't believe you didn't know that doritos.

I won't cosplay dark magician girl and sit on your face. Ah, you killed me. Oh you killed him. That's a little weird though okay, then i request you to dress up as um.

I will do this for you if you dressed up if i dress up as dark magician and sit on your face, all right, let's go out. What's his name alphanod? No, that guy with a big dick me, i'm out of curiosity, do most asian men or woman 2, not familiar and interested doing. Roleplay cosplay and none of the asian men have ever dated into it. They always said it was too much to do afraid of feeling awkward and did not give us a chance to try something new to keep spark alive.

Like damn thoughts, i suspect thousands of asian men in the comments being like, of course, we love cosplay set. I volunteer myself. A lot of men have asked to don't care for it, i'm sure there's a bunch who do it. Where are all these females that are looking for cosplay sex? Not for me, but for like everybody else, you know i better get that dark.
Magician. Cosplay, i feel a sense that henry might leave me is this because you kids are participating in nona november he's trying to get to the elevator buttons yeah he's like move you're in the way holy he's so anti-simp genie yeah. I think that's really weird that, like she keeps turning to face him, i'd be like. I think she thought that she was just standing there like waiting for the elevator, but didn't realize that he didn't click a button.

Yet so she just thought like wow, this guy's kind of weird like. Why is he standing so close to me? No, but also, why is she still standing there? I would have been like uh, okay, sir, no because she thought this was a k-pop. I mean a korean drama episode and he was - and this was her moment to shine she's like oh here - comes the strapping gentleman to come. Take me an elevator yeah.

That's weird! Blank set your nickname to this one guy, i'm playing with what the oh. It tells you. Oh that's up, poor guy the amount of sadness in this message. Why do you just play for emotions like this? We're human beings too cheney? We have feelers, we feel we have emotions date.

Someone who likes to read books yeah cause they're smart. It looks like the kind of book you read to like the kindergarten class. Why is she so close to the book yeah? I can't tell if this is like, like an actual stock photo of like a couple reading books or if this is browsers, oh cause, like she's, pretty well clothed, and usually i typically i can tell if it's oh yeah, this one's a little a little difficult for Me hello, there hey, have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis, the wise? It's not a story, the jedi would tell you marry me. Commitment is scary.

I mean star. Wars is like pretty normie these days. You know, like i feel, like even most girls like, are really into star wars right yeah. All they talk about is like, oh, my god, the clown troopers jingle.

What's the difference, the clone troopers were actually made from jango fett's dna, hence they're, actually really good. At fighting stormtroopers are just normal, i thought all stone, troopers were clones and clone troopers are actually good at fighting stormtroopers suck at fighting like they can't aim, for they are the ones who die. I know why y'all cover your faces. Actually, that's one of my pet peeves is when i see people take photos with their phone in their face like they understand it's, not that hard to just move the camera over and look at the lens in the mirror.

I feel like this. This was how every like selfie looked when phones first became a thing and phones, first started having cameras, remember everybody's facebook profile and then, like a couple years later, people realize that you can just move it over and just look at the lens in the camera. I was coming back from the bathroom and everyone's thinking we just had x, but really she just yelled at me for 13 minutes. Isn't that what like mother sons do women like to yell at people? No, i'm just kidding women quietly and logically express their emotions and rationale to us men in bathrooms.
Once you start sleeping next to someone you care about sleeping alone is trash ugh. I know exactly how you feel when ginny's, not in my bed at night. I grieve my heart is in pain and sorrow. It feels empty today without her here and for the entire rest of that night.

As i'm trying to sleep, all i can think about is her being next to me. Bro you snore faster when i'm not in bed. It's cause. I got more space, yeah yeah, so don't you dare lie about that me.

Not in bed is like your spiderman dance, yeah yeah, oh my god. Oh man, this music just has got me so hot and bothered ma'am. You have a oh yeah. What the music is, it gets people in the mood you know.

Even for dogs gets doggies in the room, hell yeah. We shall do it right on captain america shields dating your 30s. Where are all the hot people gone once you hit 30, your hotness levels just done so's over your chance to meet done left in the 20s. It's okay you're.

Still in your 20s boyfriend updates his profile picture, his female bestie mine. He replied yes, yours girlfriend. What does that mean mine it could? It could be again, i won't assume the worst, but maybe it says in like oh you you're, using my picture that i took of you because, like it was the best one, oh yeah, would you be mad if another girl took my profile picture and then i Put it up no now, if your profile picture had your girl best friend in it - and it was just you two kissing, then i would be kind of tired, i'll be kind of concerned yeah. I just feel myself.

Cheating, like yeah i'd, be a little concerned. Alina 163 centimeters without heals 170 centimeters with heels 110 centimeters. If i really like you, ooh she'll chop off her knees or she'll get on her knees and pray, i pray to god that that god brought brought her such a beautiful man. That's so fitting get you someone who calls you beautiful, even though you look like a potato so get you someone to tell you some sweet little lies nice.

Tell me last tell me three little lines. Did you know, doofenshmirtz has a song. I know genie loves loves when i lied to her, but i know you're are the lying that holds society together. People lie about their mileage, they lie about the weather, they lie about their mileage.

This is a disney show. Are you serious gene loves those lies. I don't lie, though you just said you lie henry. Yes, what is this? It's disney? Don't you love disney.

I do. But what is this henry you're gon na make everyone in no not november lose. He can't hide. I'm sorry lies alright, that's it for sad smash.
Like if you never tell lies right guys, nice, i will see you guys next time. Peace.

15 thoughts on “Scrolling down was the biggest mistake of my life”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cthulhu Polar says:

    Actually the stormtroopers only lose cause they're always going against the stars of the movie. Technically they are great shots and kill people all over the galaxy. You even have to go to a school to train to become one.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Elderhorst says:

    everyone who lies will also like the video because they are lying.
    Not an accurate representation

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars work (not) in progress says:

    Okay that lie song by Doofenshmirtz always comes to my head whenever I catch someone lying. Glad to see I'm not the only one that remembers it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Salvatar says:

    SPOILERS: In this Episode, Henry proves he is a not well versed in the ways of Nerd, and Jeannie…well…she earns her Glasses.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WestAussie Brumby says:

    The true story of life is; That a man sees a lady and wishes she will never change, however, she does, a lady see the same man, and wish that he will change, however, he never does.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stooped frik says:

    Who else can’t sub because they are scared that someone will see the thumbnail for these videos on the for you when you open yt? No . Just me.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micah Foley says:

    Women who pay a higher emotional price for sex are probably sleeping with man-children. Just saying.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marshall Lee Morningstar says:

    If Jeannie ever does the Dark Magician Girl cosplay AND does what she said she would do for Henry. That would be so dopeπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯. My boy needs some.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shion Kreth says:

    You deserve a relationship that allows you to sleep peacefully at night. πŸ™‚
    Asians: Technically, you don't deserve anything.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisha Thorne says:

    The world crumbled when Jeanie crushed Henry with Star Wars knowledge… Henry how far you have fallen

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thulean Uruk-hai says:

    Jeannie gives a very nerdy explanation of the difference between Clone troopers and the later-era Stormtroopers which is actually wrong by the lore but a very good observation of a fan of the series

    Henry, if you don't marry that woman, one of us is going to shoot their shot, because that woman is a KEEPER …

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saahibul 123 says:

    This is like the third time tinkerbell has been in this position on this channel don't think tinkerbell is "accidentally" falling into those places anymore

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Death of Cayde-6 says:

    Jeannie's waiting to be married before she and Henry have sex. So what happens when she finds out on the honeymoon that Henry is lame in the sack? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NaiseiTatsu says:

    Henry: "Smash Like if you never tell lies."
    My brain: "Welp, everyone who liked this video is a liar."

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Death of Cayde-6 says:

    How sad are you Henry? You sleep in the same bed with her and you ain't getting a pizza dat ass! LOL πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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