Gee, would you like to check out some memes yeah, the funny variety, hopefully hopefully they're funny, when you order a book called how to scam people, it's still not here after four months, you failed the first lesson child. You must not cry, you must revel in. Oh i understand now, but that's how you know it's a good book, though it's just you'll, never know what was in the book. I am a grown man.

I am a big adult. I could do this 20 years later. Scrap finally got his acorn. The shot was made as a farewell to blue sky studios.

Oh he finally ate it. Oh he just left frame. Do you know for freaking how many four movies he literally got his body squished torn destroyed? He finally got the acorn accidentally open, explore on youtube dies from cringe. Really here we go here we go here.

We go here, we go here, we go. What do you mean? There's game theory. Preston plays. I mean it's, okay, it's not as cringe as i thought.

Thank god. It's the weekend, the weekend. Oh oh, and it's gone. Yes, it's one of those bullet trains.

I've always wanted to ride. One of those bullet trains go that fast, yeah dude. That must be so dangerous. That's why they have the the yeah.

They have red tapes, just one red rope preventing you from going into that hurdle. Speed drain i mean any closer. You get sucked right into that eviscerated my adhd ass, making up a whole big budget movie where i saved the school from a bunch of terrorists. Out of my head, while the teacher explained something that will be 50 of the upcoming exam, you know why this happens, because school is so boring that, like your mind, like needs something interesting to do so, then they make up these scenarios.

It's like the only way. You'd survive the boredom of school. Sorry am i a bad influence, school's great kids. That's not always boring finnish farmers paint antlers with reflective paint to reduce accidents, the male deer, seeing how survival has puffed antlers plus 10.

there's a holy enchantment on those all the females, though, must be like, oh my god, he'll protect. My kids take me now when your mom calls you down for dinner, but the table hasn't been set, get food. They always call you down early because they want you to set the table, but then you're, like my my video games. How about they? Just like ask you to set up the table, you know, instead of being like hey food's ready, but that is not.

You know why, when i ask you to stay at the table, you're going to say no ginny's motherly instincts are kicking, but is that not true yeah yesterday, so you know what my mom used to do, because i kind of caught on that. If i come out right when she calls me down yeah, she hasn't set the table. I wait five minutes right, so my mom already adds in the five minutes and then she times it. In fact, she adds in 10 minutes because she knows for a fact: i'm gon na come down later.

Hey. We already have a kid. Her name is kai and we don't do this to her when we call her that's when the food's done, because she's not a kid henry. Yes, she is.
This is the height of a kid can't say that i could do any better uh. I ain't much, but it's nest. It's not a nest. You fat go find more britches for your actual baby.

Oh my gosh, it's too fat to get more red shitty! No! Where was that going, this new still going to always get breadcrumbs so funny? What is that patronizing, like condescending toad me open the sketchy site? What else in my area? Oh, no, not the milfs. Do you think someone actually clicked on it and went through with it and found themselves a milf? How do they even like figure that stuff out like do they have a whole milf detector? They have satellites in the sky that like scan down. It's like there are three mils next to you right now. The milk who's been doing dishes just activated chip.

In the background. Yes, i have been called dude you're, a joke. Miku was born on first of april. I, as a mother.

If i find out my kid's gon na be born on april 1st i'll hold that in just keep it in i'll hold back just so, i could say he or she was born on april, 2nd i'll, be right between ginny's legs, pushing him back in. Like don't come out yet this will make your life a lot easier. Oh, my god, my sister was born on the second april, 2nd yeah. She was so close to being a joke.

Oh my god wait. Maybe she was a joke henry okay, i'm sorry them! This is my first time playing also them what oh yeah, i think we've seen something like this yeah he's been on this ride away too long. What what what maybe he's? Just like a physicist - and he like knows physics really well, maybe he's isaac newton. I think he's he's korean isaac newton.

Let me show you my knowledge of physics, showing my wife, a video, that of what we should try in bed. Oh no she's! Not that into it do men do that they just like pull out their ipad. Like hey honey. Can we do this one next? Can we try this one? Can we have this one this this right here? Do it to me, do it to me? I need a clip of that.

I need just a clip of that. You want to meet editors that better be in the final video, because i need a clip of that when you join a new group of people and look for the perfect moment to jump into the conversation i just never. Ah goddamn yeah, it's it's intimidating! It's hard! You're afraid of like everyone's judgment because like this is like your first time speaking she's like oh, no, what if i say something and they don't like it and you're just like nah, nothing i say is important enough or if, like you say it, but like you're, Super quiet, nobody notices and then you're, just like. Oh no did you say something: reddit deb's trying to make a video player that doesn't suck.

Oh, my god, bob the builder is an idiot bob bob. I thought you were a builder. I thought! Yes, you could. I thought when it came to you it's always: yes yeah.
You can open up a blueprint. How are we supposed to believe that he can do anything else? Yeah? I don't trust you bob get the away from my house. You have 90 minutes to complete 60 questions. All right, you have three hours to complete two questions: every math exam ever and it's like one of the questions is like one of the things that you completely decided just to not study.

Yeah, you immediately get a 50.. Oh no no looks like scrap finally got his nut and then he got another that last one has to be a lie. Oh my god wait. He actually has a kid.

Why is his kid a nut? Technically, he is a nut. He began as a nut yeah. So he is a nut. There you go and now he is a nut.

Yes, when you're at church praying to get rich and someone pass you a plate, full of money, wow save some for the rest of us. Am i saying i'm all right all right that kid got some swagger? He is so smooth he's picking up all the ladies at the square. Dance me did. You know.

Girls have three holes down there, my little brother, and he goes like it's the urethra right. Apparently, there's another meme in reddit: i don't get it. It's called. When the do you want to try it out sure kids in the 1600s, when four of their 18 siblings died throughout the day, and now they get to have four beans instead of three for dinner.

This is weird you don't like wendy. Well, we'll give more a chance. Okay, okay, me professional, dark source player, trying to learn my dad's belt pattern. So you know how many years of dark souls i've played.

Try me. You died pc users when i show them a slideshow, it's one fps. Do you think you could ever play a game at like one fps, dude? Okay, here's a real challenge right beat alden ring while playing in one fps when it's april 2nd and she still wants the divorce. What you zoom in really close to saul's eyes.

Yeah, i don't i don't understand. Are you gon na call saul? I don't know i don't understand, just read it when an online stranger is actually making a fair argument with logical sources and good composition. Kill yourself. Why isn't that like respectable? Oh okay, just ignore the evidence to repeat what you what you've said.

Just you basically, no logic, no facts. Nobody wants to hear that just talking. That's it me watching everyone on twitter, even previous dream, stands call out and cancel dream for the dumb he has said. Is this like a step like after gen z, because i feel like we just got gen z humor, now we're going even deeper like what's what's the next gen after gen z, alpha? Is this the the dawn of generation? Alpha content, hey your gif has a single frame.

How is that fair? Oh my god. I get it like a single glasses frame. Yeah. I know my brain's melting, you just don't comprehend the the humor here jimmy it's it's glorious is the humor.

The fact that it's a stock photo that he just based it on here all right. Fine, let's go back to our memes. This is where all the old people are cheating. It's where we belong me showing youtube that they have a website called youtube.
Kids, after they punish youtubers for unkid-friendly, we content forgot about that right. We spent like millions of dollars on that. I don't understand what their defense is for that they don't have any so good one genie you make fun of a dog for being so easily entertained by chasing their own tail for 10 minutes then realize you just watch the dog chase their own tail for 10 Minutes and we're entertained by it. Maybe it's something like that.

We actually want to do, but we can't do it because we're like adults now, so we live vicariously through the dog. Maybe we can't do it because we don't have a tail. You can attach a tail. I'm not going to tell you how, but you can get the tail go to adam, go to god mode, disabled, oh, so you can get into the car properly okay.

But does that mean that, like now he has, he does have, god will disable the jesus? Can't protect you now yeah now he can get shot cognito, he disconnects from god temporarily, yes, and then he goes on instagram and likes all model poses. He goes on drips off for a while turns god mode back on bartenders when they see someone need because they have to be bart, enders, okay, yeah, please get off my step son, it's my turn. What wait? What these three continued on? The stock photo lives. It's! It's the end game.

This is. These are like chapter like 800., like the story's gotten, so deep that at this point, they're just straight up riding each other. Okay, someone explained the stock photo because who would see their boyfriend and girlfriend shooting? And she just goes like excuse me like excuse me: what do you think you're doing yeah? It's like you naughty girl. What are you naughty little doing like what is the finger curl and he's like what what i'm just i'm just doing my girlfriend man leave us alone.

Oh sorry, this is like when bleach gets episode, 500 times, stop now just shot. It's time to stop just stop it all right, that's it for meers. I hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave a like if you would like to see the sega continue of these three.

Maybe he just said that they should end it. Thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace.

7 thoughts on “Please get off my step son. it’s my turn.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Galactic Empire says:

    1st commit

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Spratford says:

    Howdy y'all

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dark Lordd Reviews says:

    Me: The world is a cruel and unjust place. There is no harmony in the universe. The only constant is suffering.
    minutes later

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Little says:

    Day 397 of telling Henry and Jeannie they're both cute

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kingoffury says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Monky says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tazerboy10 says:


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