All right, so you wan na do some dank memes. This is some dank memes, hey keith guys. What do you think about noelle and keith for baby names? No reason so we're gon na freak everyone out, you find a new youtuber. They have high quality, binge-worthy content.

You finish their backlog in a week they only post once every six months. Oh you bastard. Well i mean our backlog's pretty unfinishable. So if you want to, i think we have like 600 videos we post every day.

Unfortunately, they're uh, the high quality binge worthy part, is debatable. No one americans in the comments explain how paying ten thousand dollars every time you break a leg is better than paying taxes yeah. It is because don't break your leg and you never have to pay the ten thousand. Just don't break your head.

Actually, never really thought about it. This way, but yeah. We do pay a lot less taxes, but healthcare is a ass. Just don't get sick, don't get sick for hey get sick, just die american people when they realize other countries have freedom.

What i thought we were the only ones genie. I always grew up like thinking that, like every country had freedom, and then you seen the news about like the middle east and stuff and you're like oh wait, that's not no yeah, it's not true the europeans being bilingual agents, knowing three or more languages americans unable To master the english language yeah english hard, i don't think asians, know more than three languages you're. I think language, english and your mandatory third language. You need to learn.

I guess i'm not a real asian racing, a complicated spy thriller about lemon car, starting an alternative fuel conspiracy to drive more business into the oil and gas car industry racing. You never watch. I've never seen these so i've. I've! No clue.

If there's like a disney movie, i would watch it'd, probably be cars prince of egypt. Why do you choose the most like it's like weird treasure planet when you go to mcdonald's, expecting to meme their broken ice cream machine? But it's actually working. My mcdonald's is an ice cream machine. Isn't this the one where they do? Oh he's supposed to do like the trick yeah, but then he just gave it to him so he's like where's the trick.

What maybe he just didn't feel like being a dick that day he looks like outdoor chef's life. It's not outdoor literally looks like the guy. Is that not him ginny? Am i racist here, i think you're being racist? Am i being racist i'll prove to you once and for all genie? No, it's the same yeah not the same guy. He doesn't have double eyelids.

He does. He does have double eyelids. You just have to wait for him to open his eyes like see. It looks like i don't have double eyelids right, but then, like you go like this and then now i have double eyelids.

What are you doing? What's the first thing, you would do with the time machine me. This is not what he wanted. Oh, my god, you're right, it's gon na make for like a movie, to be honest, like a really good movie, like you make it all the way like through this perilous journey, to get this time machine to work and then at the end, you're just like steve. Wouldn't want that, you wouldn't worry.
I want you to protect nature and not kill it when you're peeing and that shiver thing comes to the back of your body. Wait. Does this happen to girls too? What wait you don't even know what this is like when you pee just yeah, it's really awkward when you're in, like a public bathroom and your roads next year, he's just like bro what it's like? Nothing, browns! No, no, you say the peace shivers and i was like oh yeah controllers. Then i have been thrown at the wall 19 times controllers.

Now. Tell me three stitches. Well, these i couldn't connect for like the longest time you always press the one-two button at the bottom. You're like come on yeah.

Why are you connecting the us military remembering they left all their weapons and vehicles in afghanistan? Oh you! Don't up! No, they pretty much left like an entire army's worth of tanks and and weapons. Why? Because what are they gon na do? Like fedex them over to the usg plane, oh yeah, let's just like fly planes over enemy territory, where there's taliban and just land them, and just like pick up like a car with a plane and a tank with a plane and leave pov. You got struck by lightning in modern day. What in ancient greece? Is that a good thing? If you have like zeus's baby? No, you get tortured your child is up and um hera will forever make your life a torment.

So yeah zeus is a dick, so you'd rather have a tree, then yeah obama's last name is on top of this tower is isn't obama the last name. This is a never-ending video. Oh my god, you guys are dicks. He just like set society back by like a solid like 50 hours, buying youtube premium.

Here's a pro! We leave you the alone. Well, you take it yeah, honestly, they just like they torture, you they bully you until you buy youtube premium, it works yeah. I fold it: you didn't fold, no yeah, i'm youtube premium, really yeah when you go easy on your cousin, but he calls you trash. Oh he's, good! He's he's! Oh my god! This is a really good routine.

This is supposed to be so entertaining in a ball game, yeah a great way to like kill the downtime huh yeah. Oh dude. These people deserve a race when you originally had to watch one end, then two and now, for some reason it's three wait. Youtube has three ads now: yeah, that's how they get you ginny.

They make everything like cheap and easy and free once they have the entire nation signed up. They just jack it up money making train. Here we go, but you know people watch all the answers for their favorite creators who work very hard to make the videos and they're super supportive of us. They will never skip our ads right.

You guys wouldn't do that. You support us and you love her now. Actually, i don't give a crap, you guys can skip women getting cat called men getting cat called it kind of feels good right, like i feel so special. What's a cat call line, hey big boy come give mommy some honey.
Okay! Maybe i wouldn't be too happy about getting that one when the taliban is about to execute you, but you have a. If you shoot me your gay shirt, i can't be gay, i just can't i i can't pull the trick. Why are they british? I don't know men who treat women like objects, men who treat objects like women, so you stick your penis and objects, and that makes you a giga champ. I think you're, the guy on the left.

If you just simply see woman everything, you stick your penis into. So if i treated my eastern vinyl as a woman, that makes me a giga chad, so what do i do with it? How do you treat a woman, henry and dying her eat up taliban when u.s forces leave afghanistan? Oh, my god, everything is a weapon holy crap, the chicken, the fires and grenades. How can you put a grenade in the fryer honestly? I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually what's happening. They're totally doing this right now: 100 pov you're, an iphone 13 and a tech youtuber buys you you got to test it, see how durable it is right.

You're, just like i am the ultimate form of my line. Use me and they're like there's like a whole youtuber named techrax. His entire channel is built off of like destroying stuff. You remember him, he's freezing phones now and he's still he's smashing tesla model threes.

You know at some point: it's got ta get old right because they're all like pretty much screams, they're all pretty much the same when you smash them right. The sperm in my ass is trying to find the egg after my boyfriend. Hidden me, oh my god, what the i was told that there would be eggs here. This is so brown in here.

Why does it smell when you eat dozens of raccoons to get a new disease, but the doctors? Don't let you name it eligma. You know how much i've sacrificed what if this is so good if colvin wasn't called covet, but it was called ligma. Everyone is a ligma. Dude, don't go outside, you might get ligma.

What's liquid, like my hair after i don't take a shower for one day. All else eyes aisles yeah, that's my hair after one day, i wonder if you can like bundle it up. You know maybe, like you, never have to buy olive oil again, let's move on to the um meal. Okay, let's move on it's amazing to think what great and exciting things people will be doing with pcs.

In 30 years 2021, the people at crayola have some explaining to do black negro noir crayola. Sorry, if you've taken offense at word, negro pronounced negro, is the literal spanish translation for the word black you idiot. Well, you know i like that cradle is not apologizing. They just did.

He said sorry, but you know sorry that your offended is not really sorry what you said. The line. Sorry, if you feel offended, but that means you're not really sorry, yeah, it's okay, honey, girls, news carefully thought out. Intricate poses boys nudes, you know.
Okay, wait: was this photographer literally choking a bird yeah? I think somebody should call the cops on this kind. Well, i mean really. What are you supposed to do with it, though? Can you pose with it? Could you count cast different shadows on it so that it looks nice i'll put a little little ribbon on it? Come with that, you know when you use the wrong formula, but you still get the correct answer. Oh god.

Oh my god. I feel so bad for that guy yeah, you did it at that point like it. You get chunked once you're gon na ram it again yeah it's gon na keep shocking you honestly. That could be the better way to do it.

You're dead. What the did you just say about me, you little i'll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals and i've been involved in numerous secret rates on al qaeda and i have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerrilla warfare and i'm the top sniper. I will wipe you the out with precision, never gon na say if he is being traced right now, so you've ever prepared for the storm.

I get the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing. You call your life, the did you just say about me: you little people i'll, have you now we did it henry. We did it, but at what cost we tagged him, but at what cost? That was a whole minute. We just read for a minute straight yep that if you don't know who these are, you had a great child.

What are you talking about? This is peak childhood right here you shout to the little child, but they that, if i don't know who they are, i had a great childhood nah. I think this is a good childhood. Would you show it to your children yeah? I want to scare them for life. Wait.

So what's like me, happy true friends. You talked about that, but yeah i did no, i'm not seeing it i'm good, so the cutest little animals, but then they die like in the most horrific of ways like their intestines, are ripped out and dragged all over the floor and they're grabbing their intestines. Like you could fit back in right, where did they show it? Your friends would show you to scar you. No.

We did that when we were like 12 and you'd go home and have nightmares, you won't be able to sleep that night. Why would your friends do that to you? I don't know childhood was miserable, so you didn't have a great childhood thanos mysterio infinity stones, peter wake up is 2004.. I'm going to throw a card you lemon, so they're, actually remaking spider-man, i'm so glad, because superhero movies are like they're going too far to the point where it's getting like ridiculous, like i like it when they make it more realistic. It's like you know, world of warcraft, the numbers get too large, and then they got ta like reduce it down water flow from shower head the day.
I installed it. Water flow from char had two months later. Isn't that? Because you don't clean the entire shower head like, i think you have to clean the inside of it, or else it gets clogged sometimes, like bacteria can grow as well and you'll have like actual like fungus inside your shower head. You don't even know it.

It's brutal take a shower with fun, guys, construction workers after avengers fight. I just built this. You watch the movies and you're, like someone's, got ta clean that up right, like hulk, takes the wall and throws it at someone. Construction workers are like, and it's always going to go through, like 50 streets and then like crashing like 70 buildings yeah.

How come the avengers can't fight in like an open field? I wish all youtubers who put timestamps in their videos a very pleasant evening. Actually did you know like youtube's doing that automatically now, like some of our videos get like broken up to each like individual post, we react to it's really weird yeah machine learning. I don't know, but uh ain't no way, i'm like you, know, gon na label, every single thing we react to cam girl. My writer reacts to your tip tokens her after sewing tips.

20 000.. Wait, that's an actual like technique. They use. I'm not surprised like.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the next thing that um, you know the one that we saw like double teaming yeah. She uh double teams, the the the the two of the devices like maybe she'll, make them vibrate. Next. How would you like to die me that doesn't look pleasant at all? She seems um very well suited for wrestling right now, the the outfit that she's wearing choices in question paper be like question paper what choices and questions? I don't think this.

Guy speaks english, like multiple choices like multiple choice, questions be like no, no one of them has to look dumb as oh, like one of them has to be a guy. What's what would you choose one with a black mask? They almost look like the same person: you're racist, okay, all right, that's it for our dink memes, since you made it to the end of the video how about you subscribe to the channel? Maybe you will get four of these uh asian females in your next exam. Don't lie to them these. These will be the next four proctors at your exam all right.

Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace think so much.

11 thoughts on “Memes Guaranteed To Make Your Girlfriend Jealous”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Martin says:

    I won't pretend to understand the tactics of the US military, but what if you just sabotaged all the equipment so no one else could use it against you or others? Could've made a whole destruction derby out of it. A week long "everything must BLOW" extravaganza! Throw a few grenades in those tanks and helicopters, right? Seems so silly just to leave it to be claimed by the same terri's you've fought for years there. They had mostly refurbished old equipment before, janky stuff. Now they have some of the most sophisticated gear anywhere. It must've felt totally surreal to those guys, just watching the Americans leave their fancy toys everywhere without hesitation. Like, "Did they do this shit on purpose? Are these humvees boobytrapped or something? Nope. Starts right up! Oh sweet, they left their Metallica CDs and slimjims." That's all.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dagelijks te laten videos says:

    The only people who think Americans are paying less then Europeans are Americans! You pay more then us and over 60% of your taxes go to armies! Sure your cars are cheaper but that's because you can literally not function without them cause of stupid suburbs!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asik Banget says:

    Asians that I know usually know English, their national language, and their local language. So yes, to me it seems each Asian person knows 3 languages

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars colonel radec says:

    in dbz they always try to lure the bad guys way from the cities lol dont always work but at least its thought of 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan The Car Man says:

    Henry: "You guys would never skip our ads."
    Me: Take my YouTube Premium monies please!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bandit says:

    Why would you get scared when watching happy tree friends when your 12 it's not that bad or did I get more brutal

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aII Iivesmatter PureBlood NonGMO says:

    leaving weapons was not an accident
    now we have more enemies to fight and we need to buy moar weapons

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varillion says:

    LOL Ads are for the mobile users. I am subbed though. And we all know ads give you minimal revenue anyway. It's basically 99.999999% to YT. Slightly edited to not paint a target on myself. You never know these days.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars homunculi0408 says:

    Henry: "I mean really, what are you supposed to do with it?"

    The entire gay pr0n industry: allow us to demonstrate what you are supposed to do with it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doesnt Matter says:

    Henry, where the fuck do you think the shakes and mcflurries at mcdonald's come from if not an ice cream machine? How are you in your mid 20s and this clueless?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mudrulo Mudrulo says:

    happy three friends is great in theaching workspace and just common life safity. Don't distract the driver, dont leave oven turned on, don't trigger a war veteran etc.

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