That's why i'm saying i should have just dated a woman or be a sponge. I should have dated me. Yes, that's why love doesn't exist. Gene would you like to do are oddly satisfying, can you include what i said right before we started? Do you want to explain snow why love doesn't exist, bullfrog hitting the sweet spot? Did you just fart? Oh the ripples on the water, that's beautiful the spacing on the waves yeah.

I feel like he's just on purpose he's like repositioned. Are you satisfied genie, packaging design? Why would you fold your suit, like that? That's that's! Really smart, because uh suits can't get wrinkly, you just wrinkled it. No! No! It didn't it's putting space between each fold. So it's not like the fabric is closed.

Like folding on itself, it's just going across the cardboard. Are you not satisfied jimmy five out of ten? Really? Why aren't you satisfied this doggo with floppy ears? Yeah, i mean yeah. They look like this. It's a little weird.

I don't know if i'm like satisfied or just like oh interesting, so usually they're more like cute, like they go. They go like this. You know, but like the fact that it goes side to side. It's like, like it's kind of like he's wearing like socks in his head little man doing this puzzle.

Oh my gosh, this actually seems kind of fun, not gon na lie. Yeah, i feel, like i'd, be pretty entertained doing this. This is actually like pretty hard, though, for like for a kid, i mean it's cool. This is not satisfying, though, in fact it makes me depressed that, like wow, a three-year-old is smarter than me this man fitting into this tree.

This seems like a looney tunes type of like you run into the tree. You make the indent like damn he fits so well. You would have thought this was like right for him, but his ass be too big, removing paint off a door. This is, like you know, you're in paint like microsoft, paint and you're, going with sure eraser tool going on right right.

What is happening now? This is satisfying it's almost like power, cleaning yeah. I would do that for free man, but don't even pay me. I just. I just want to like experience the satisfaction of doing that.

Do you want a power clean? No, i want an invisible power clean like whatever the hell. This is. You know it's a lot like um neater. This floating ocean platform want to run across that so bad you're going to fall.

No, no! It's going to be so much fun, you're, going to take one step and fall. That's the challenge of it. You never wanted to like run across waves like you were a naruto ninja. Why don't? We just cover the whole ocean in this? Oh yeah, great idea block the sunlight from all the fishies.

Yes, living organisms down there that need it: okay, cool uh, mr bc's thing whatever. Oh my gosh you're gon na actually get banned by youtube. This pool being cleaned all right, so we're in august. Now we've come to open this pool.

It's definitely not gon na be looking good excuse me. Take the cover off that looks like the uh, the stuff in like video games where, like, if you fall into it, just like die immediately, yeah like in mario or like yeah, like uh, hermes, mora and skyrim black goo, like that's the you fall into it's game Over dude get the shot straight out shop. Why is this guy sound, like he's about to fall asleep like any moment, commenting, there's mosquitoes flying everywhere by the way? It's not nice, nice job done. Let's see what happens in a couple of days.
Follow your boy for the pool work all right part two here: it's not black anymore, to be honest, get to see more vac shots check. The chemical ph is very low. Add some chemicals and nice job done hold on. So this guy just comes in adds an obscure chemical that he doesn't even want to name and just like that.

The pool is good hell. No, i'm not getting into that full genie. The hell isn't that chemical! You want to holler your boy. So what this comment is saying that every single swimming pool you've been in whether it be pools, hotels or water parks.

All would look like this if they didn't add buckets of chlorine into that which is terrifying. You do know any body of water yeah. That's like a pool or like so basically it's terrible for you. This is the that you're basically swimming in it's just chlorine makes it look like this.

I'm never going swimming again, guy details and wash his car. This is eating like a michelin, star, barbecue meal. I don't care the power cleaning wow. She just like, interrupts his meal for this, dear god.

How much gunk is on this? Ah billy mays here, just one wipe clean one, wipe clean spray clean, i'm a little more disgusted by like what was on this. It's crazy because some people's cars actually look like this show me. The color show me the true color. Yes, they even clean the you can do that yeah! It's fine! It's not dangerous! There's water in there! No! It's! Okay! Look at the power clean! That's actually going really deep yeah, like i don't know, of people that clean the engine wow, i love it baggage claim at chiang me airport, singapore.

Oh it waits for it to stop. Oh, my god. China's getting too far ahead of us in technology outside of singapore can i make it. How do they detect that? That's amazing? Actually, actually it's probably just too hard to do making candy canes for christmas.

Oh my god! Oh you can kill someone that that's crazy! How that becomes candy canes right, wait, he stretches it. Yeah did you know this? I never knew this. These are like really nice premium, candy canes, you know like the cheap ones at the stores. I'm pretty sure.

Don't get me like this. Oh that's! So satisfying diabetes stuck on it, i'm just like who are the people that can finish like these candy canes. You know like they're so massive like. Why do they got ta, make it so big? It's just only so much sweet candy.
I can suck in my mouth at a time tipping balloons in liquid nitrogen for charles law demonstration. Oh they come back to life. Oh wait that one never made it! Oh! No! Oh! No! That's what my penis looks like too. One day after no nut november, the way it bulges through and hardens.

Okay, i don't like that statement. Okay, what is what is that? Oh that's glass! Oh i kind of like that. I don't know why it grosses me out, but it's cool too, but it reminds you of like a thick thigh or something she's trying to get like fit and like this like mess she's too thick she's too fast, she's too thick yeah. It's it's like disgusting.

It's cool, it's also somewhat arousing as well. Would you say it's satisfying and no it's it's everything but satisfying. Oh okay, yeah, sun tunnels are the coolest thing. I've learned about lately.

It's a way to transfer daylight to dark spaces capture transfer deliver! Oh, that's really smart because it's light yeah because then the light that you're being exposed to is actual sunlight and you're, producing vitamin d and you're getting healthy and happy. And it's allowing the plants to photosynthesize as well, which gives us oxygen and it gives that lamborgh. What was that? That's a mclaren genie, i'm sorry! What is wrong with you here? He comes here. Assembling a gaming pc, okay, stickers are always satisfying yeah.

Putting the the cpu is always satisfying. It's the fans which, like disturbs me, how come all of its things have like so much plastic wrap like my ram, doesn't have plastic wrap on it yeah. The sounds are always satisfying. This makes you want to build a pc.

No, i hate building pcs. Well, when i watch you do it yeah, i hate building pcs too. When i watch him do it, i want to build one yeah yeah. I know how he manages to make it so satisfying he's like that's not how it goes.

For me, mine is a show. I'm just like this goes in here and my hands like get all cut up and where's the part where, like you, got ta cramp your fingers into the tight spaces and like rip your skin apart. This part wait he's not cramping yeah. What? What do you mean? You're, praying in the cpu fan is the worst like.

Oh there's always like one fine. This is this is false advertisement, it's not false pc. You were doing it wrong. No, no! I broke enough.

No even his gtx is plastic wrap since when what the what i don't know how he managed to make such a painful process like satisfying frozen hoes releasing ice, why do you make that sound effects? Did we see this before or something we saw another one, but like he's he's having a massive diarrhea wait, can you stop spurting like that? Sometimes you have like ass juice. You know like the remainder ass juice, just like lubricate, the rest of the pellets spray painting, a garage door blue. It's again, it feels like a word program or sorry. It feels like a computer program where you're, painting and you're using the spray brush effect and you're just like, but it's real life you've seen like five million people, spray paint things don't care.
It's still on the satisfying dude, i'm just gon na like go spray paint. Something put it on this reddit. Do like 69 000 up votes. Oh you have to spray paint it well.

Is it really that hard though it just looks like like it's literally, like you, said using microsoft, paint and using the brush tool, and just you know, if you could do it go for it small man? What why do you have to make fun of my size? Go for it, you petite angel, making a seating chart mirror by hand. Here's how i make a mirror seating chart for my clients. Then i use a stabilo all pencil to draw my guidelines. This part is really slow and meticulous, but i have to make sure that all of the names are spelled is this for her elementary school? No, usually i put on one of my favorite tv shows in the background, and i just kind of power through this part.

I feel like i should get bonus points here for doing this, while holding my phone, in the other hand, very impressive, very stable, and there you have it a completed seating chart for my client's wedding this weekend with the actual. Why don't you just like just give them like a paper? This is right. You sit in this seat, i mean i appreciate it but, like you could also just put the little thing like on the chair and let them find their card and sit down right, but i mean it's: nice holy should probably cost a lot of money right, yo, Yeah save myself the thousand dollars that you probably charged to make this where's the. What's that guy's name, the kb yeah kb wayne he's he'll just like pick a paper write it down.

I have no idea how someone can even accomplish this level of detail. Damn that's a lot of emotion though. Oh, oh, oh, that's pretty sad. I was gon na say like what he's so sad.

Why so sad? Why are you crying? You could literally see like every single pore in this guy's face. You might as well be staring down an actual man from like, whatever time period. This is even his nipples are rock hard genie. This is kind of gay, though i mean they're, both nude right, that's his son.

Oh this cat really enjoys snow. Shoveling he's going along for the ride, isn't the cat cold? This is fun, keep doing it. Oh my gosh! This is the cutest thing. I've ever seen yeah, it's really cute until you forget that he's there and you toss that snow into the pile and you can throw your cat like 15 feet into the gutter right, visualize theory of probability.

Oh that's cool! Most of you will be in the middle you'll, most likely end up average. Oh i'll make up the most of the bell curve. Why? Because you're 50, meanwhile jeff bezos random lines turned into beautiful drawings, asked my other little brother to draw me some lines. I mean it seems kind of purposeful and i drew what i saw kind of creepy okay, so here my dear brother, this is what you've given me.
You know what's weird, though, like i used to do this really not to that degree, but i would like to um crumple paper a little bit and then open it and see where the creases are and make a designer, because i would literally see something i feel Like that's, what makes art art right is the randomness of it all is when something's random, and it creates an inspiration that you never thought about before. If it's just like. Oh i'm gon na draw a tree like you're, just gon na draw a tree like everybody else, but if you're, given a random, obscure bunch of lines, you're gon na draw a tree that no one's ever seen before wait. I want to give you a bunch of random obscure lines.

You know what you'll draw find a way to draw a dick, and this is the surefire flash hider whoa. I mean i guess if it holds the ammunition like it works, do you think they really? Like guns or they're here for guns for sure these are armed and dangerous woman genie trained at the highest elite level. Somebody needs to explain like why men love girls and boobs and guns like all. At the same time, i guess because all of them are great individually.

So when you add it, it's like a trifecta right all right, that's it for satisfying! Oddly satisfying, were you satisfied today? Ginny i was. I was okay make sure you satisfy that like button, you know what i'm saying with that click. Can you stroke the like button a bit like just yeah? It's satisfying, so just go uh all right, let's, let's not weird them out! Okay! Thank you! So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace, just croak like a frog, i'm becoming i'm becoming an author.

15 thoughts on “If you are a man, you will love this video”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lollol Lolool says:

    If you cover the ocean you will also stop the water cycle the sun canโ€™t evaporated and it wonโ€™t make any clouds

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrad338 says:

    Calling out my manhood, in the title? * chugging a whole bottle of syrup* I am ALL that is man!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zayne Van Day says:

    Thatโ€™s sucks had to wait all the way to the end and you covered all the boobs up suck

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Croko Dull Mann says:

    Changi International Airport is in Singapore, NOT China! We designed the baggage system in-house, not from China. Your knowledge is abysmally pathetic.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Synth says:

    Sauce for the girls with guns???, Asking for a friend…. *Ahem *Ahem

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin R. says:

    Most guns work just fine after (or even while) being submerged in water. In a modern firearm, the propellant is entirely contained within the bullet casing, which has an airtight seal and thus is very unlikely to get wet. Old match- and flintlock guns won't work if they were loaded when submerged because gunpowder tends to fail when wet, but loose gunpowder hasn't been used in most firearms since the 1890s.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rkm_giyuu says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. V says:

    Bro if you cant answer your own question then please turn in you man card. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Premium_death6 says:

    It was a sand blaster i beleive its called that took of the paint

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nocturnal says:

    Used to have a pool. Had special bags of a chlorine flocculant mix. Toss it in the pool, and do not go in the water for 24 hours. Kills all the algae, drops it to the bottom where if can easily be vacuumed up.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wildturkey10121 says:

    I know the pc building thing is bullshit because you can't find any of those parts!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanley Peters says:

    Dry Ice blasting or Glass Bead blasting to remove the old coats of paint.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Jo says:

    Jeannie wants to date a women, understood.

    We really need to know what they were talking about one day.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bret Lemieux says:

    Henry please come to New Hampshire you can shoot some guns with us an have a blast lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bret Lemieux says:

    Henry just so you know pool shock is bleach more stable and healthy

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