Today, we're checking out are amazed. Do you know what it means to me every day that we record every day, genie ginny's resilience, her bravery, her stunningness amazes me every day: okay, the farmer who found a way to get rid of agricultural pests without using pesticides. This is brilliant and they are still alive. Oh, i remember those bugs really yeah.

Those are the that you like eat your lettuces, oh yeah. They look like uh pinto beans. They look like the bugs from like lion, king, very colorful, mash them up and turn them into like side dishes, refried beans, yeah emergency escape facilities. Oh damn i mean it's like trying to be a boat.

It's really trying he's like. Well, they even get coverings too wow wait. It has a motor as well dude that could oh and and you can even slide in holy crap. You could save like with this 100 people.

Does anyone die at sea if the titanic happened today? Do you think anyone would actually die bet jack would have liked to have this huh yeah instead of stupid, plank bro. She just needed to move over the way she moves her dress. Oh that's trippy! I'm getting goosebumps at how it's very mesmerizing yeah. I feel like you're watching a beautiful animation.

Peacocks would like you like this. I was gon na save birds or, like oh yeah, i'm gon na get some awesome. Peripheral vision. Oh send me.

Let's just get out, i didn't even drop it honey! Look for when it's about to drop. Do you see it in your peripheral yeah? You do yeah, okay, no one's keen. I was just looking at the camera. Pure talent took her five attempts to finally make it drawing two person.

At the same time and one picture, oh there's a bug on your screen: okay, it's the girl with the blue, oh whoa! She draws really good portraitures. If i saw this i'd just be like. Oh, you really that girl up huh and then someone puts on the glass and you're like oh teaching, english and how it is largely spoken in the u.s. What you are talking about few - i don't know what you're talking about this is the most intense chinese english teacher like i'd, be like no! No, no, i'm sorry! No, but yeah! This is actually really good advice.

I think most chinese people actually speak english like this and it's a huge problem and i think he explains super well right. Your english whack, your pronunciation. What my skills, i'm flat yeah and as english speakers, we don't even realize that it comes naturally to us. I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know what what you are talking about. Does this count as an interception sheesh, i didn't know what happened to be honest, wait. How did you see what happened? Wait, how's. No one chasing you.

I don't know because so they, oh he just he just joined it, but like how come no one chased after him. I don't understand he tossed it without even looking at the guy running in that direction. Tragic junior for the other hustler cassidy ludwig practicing just weeks before being named u.s national irish dancing champion. I love tap dancing, i love it, isn't tap dancing great.
It's my new favorite dance. She could crush a little child's skull with those thighs genie. She could tip tap all over your dick. What what this good boy's discipline and hurting skills call.

My shepherd got: ta love border, collies, hun, okay, so much energy right come by. How do you run so quickly? Okay, lie down? No! No! No! No! No! You turn back. The other way come by good girl lie down, lie down very quick, very efficient and he's happy so cute he's like i did it good, it's like what, if one of the sheep just don't go in sparks and like yips at them. So what? If he just like, refuses like what, if one of the sheep just get like, really smart and realize it's all, just a sham dog, he stops working.

Sheep daddy stops working. They both just stare each other, like uh. We were hit by a car at a crosswalk. My baby broke his neck and was paralyzed on the left side of his body what he had to learn, how to walk and crawl all over again.

So i carried him a lot. The mountains were our happy place. He didn't give up and regain function on his left side, vikings turned out to be the best therapy for him. This kid's going to grow up to have a hell of a personal statement.

That's what you're thinking about he's going to get into a good college because he broke his neck when he was a baby. What the is wrong with you, i'm just saying i could spot a very good personal statement right here. Don't put your penis in this. I would advise against oh yeah, oh damn.

Oh these girls out here swallow one banana. I didn't know they ate the banana hole. Oh, oh! Well, how would they peel it? The elephant was like hold on now. Even i know.

That's too many bananas at one time. Oh, my, oh! No, the camera worked goodbye. Oh that's! That's the camera that you dropped as well. Hey it works, though, he's like bro, i'm not going down with you.

So just uh there you go not be even more impressive if you jumped with him. That's a true bro, true bros would have jumped in china. This village was built on a bridge. How do you, oh so, there's you know a better place to build your houses they're running out of space.

You know they. Why do you have to make it look like disneyland too yeah the colors, it's crazy hell, no, i'm not living on a bridge. Can a bridge support all that weight? Does it look like this bridge gets like maintained on a regular basis? No, what's the funny part is: there's all this grassland around it that you could have built houses on perfectly safe land. Humanity restored, oh those bananas.

What is that? That's pretty rough bananas? Oh lots of bananas, get my bananas yeah! Oh they're, helping you they're gon na taste, the bananas genie. What kind of sandwiches would come in ramen was bananas? Look at all these guys, trying to help yeah. Of course, i'm here to help now i'll. Take the banana wait.
There's still a lot of bananas left guys still a lot of bananas. Who's gon na pick up the remainder monkey. Oh yeah. This is uh indoor wave, crater yeah or it's it's man-made, but i heard like one run like this literally cost, like thirty thousand dollars.

What yeah, i don't know how people afford these things, oh she's, in the tube like if you mess it up, you basically threw away thirty thousand dollars. How does it feel like to be in the tomb? That's why you like? You should probably be a pro before you do this, like this woman and she definitely is 10 yeah. It's about ten thousand dollars. Every wave has 450 dollars yeah, but if you're, if you're pro oh, are invited and serve free, every household has a garden.

Oh, my god, everyone plays stardust beautiful everyone. What wow is it agreed upon or like how that's? That is stunning. I feel like it's a really good selling point to, like you know, rent out your units, but you have to maintain it. That's true.

How do they get every single person here to like keep plants alive so apparently mosquitoes took it over and hardly anyone moved in holy. That's awesome. That looks like a looks like the last of us. Yes, when all the humans died, only 10 families moved in.

So they didn't have the problem of keeping the plants alive. It's keeping humans alive, it's keeping the humans alive. We need these on every highway music. Note what that's so fun! Oh! That's! So entertaining it keeps you awake on long roads, yeah and it's and it doesn't like hurt you.

I want it to be. That's what i want to wake up to before you know i was dying if these are in seattle. I'd go over to them all the time like every chance i would get. I would switch into that lane with the music notes it would suck if there's a lot of traffic on this road, because it'd be like my puppy critter is fully blind.

He was born blind um. This is him, my god. What are you doing bug? Oh god, it looks like an anime white fruit from the hentains. Oh, it has to bounce yeah he's like very sound-based, but look at that.

How does he do that? He's fully blind? Yeah he found it still. He is tough. He feels the vibration of the ball. He resonates with everybody without really talking back to me, people try to tell me all the time that he isn't blind, but i mean look at him.

He's little cross eyes looks like he's like 24 7., nothing, especially with the tongue coming out too. Man captures tornado and volcano explosion at the same time. So there's the tornado. Oh, it travels really fast, actually, yeah, it's very small wait or maybe he's very far away.

Oh, the earth just busted right, there's, ah yeah the natural disasters are like wait. I thought you were scheduled for next week. Could i i needed to explode. It feels like that tornado is like eyeing that tent, like i'm a kitchen smoothie, come to the pit stops on formula one in 1950 and 2020., taking them straight up like hammers wow.
It takes a while, and this is a two-time speed dude. They could take a nap at this point. Yeah the guy in the car can get out of the car. How is there still a race going on? He seems so nonchalant yeah yeah he's way ahead.

So he's fine, all right, go, go, go, go, go, go and he's still so slow yeah. What what they've? They really figured it out these days, huh wow, there's literally like 20 people working on it. At the same time, every guy now looks so funny. I'm an odd the actual size of this rooster.

Oh my god. Oh he's a day, that's a human! That's! That's a bloodborne boss! That's the dark souls! Boss of all chickens! Oh no sniping a fish from a damn! That's that's! So far away! Dude the straight-up looks like um like fall out like he just crafted that bone from like materials he found in the ground. How does he aim so well and so quickly? Oh boat fishing, ain't, easy! What the they're good one clean in the head he's a goddamn butter genie, nudie branch, taking a bite. What the what is this abomination, his whole head is a mouse.

Oh, oh, look at that upper body strands. Can you do that? No actually yeah! That's a pretty tall order. Huh. Can you do it? No, i can't do that either, who can just fall into a push-up? Look at those abs, yeah they're done it's terrifying.

Oh okay, wow gene! Look at this amazing cosplay. Doesn't she look just like hermione granger? She even has the wand to back it up as well, though it's in a very interesting place, maybe that enhances the magic usage out of it. Are you down, but that outfit is not exactly what hermione wore. I think that was in ron's dreams.

Do you think ron never dreamed? Thank you guys so much for watching smash like and genuine will cosplay as hermione granger. You have to stick. The wand like henry smash like and henry will cosplay as hermione granger i'll stick the wand in yes. He will all right.

Thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time, peace! Thank you! So much.

17 thoughts on “I think i downloaded the wrong harry potter”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Kazen says:

    Lmaooo subreddit says Rule 34 in the top right when they see Hermione

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicolae Mihai says:

    the bugs on the first one are only on potatoes, eggplant and tomato plants and are really annoying if you do not want to use pesticides or insecticides

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Leach says:

    The โ€œtornadoโ€ in the video that was shared with the volcano was actually a dust devil. Itโ€™s not quite dangerous, itโ€™s just a small cyclone of air and picked up small amounts of dust/ sand from the area

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars centaurian90 says:

    I did like to see either one of them do the cosplay. probably Henry the must because it would be funny.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hitchcock says:

    It's the ideal situation as a surfer!

    That's the dream that you chase imo

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lloyd Petersen says:

    14.14 OH NO the chickens are returning to their primal forms, the velociraptor's are rising again.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jirred Vang says:

    We have those music note roads in California however because people are lazy it sounds like garbage

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Highbatros says:

    Musical rumble strips and regular rumble strips add a crapload of vibration to the chassis. If you drive over them too much, your bushings are going to wear out a lot faster, as well as other components.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwitchGemini says:

    "they are running out of room"

    sees all of that unused land behind the bridge.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Belnick6666 says:

    falling into a pushup is not hard, not for males anyway, but it is the routine of the flip, pushup, get back up, repeat that is a bit draining ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen James says:

    Titanic would never leave the dock the regulations for seaworthy are strict

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timomarkson says:

    Henry has the suit your suit with all the press what is got from fans of copper years ago so Henry could cosplay as Hermione Granger

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Dee says:

    About the bridge-town, it's not that rare (several of those in Europe, even if smaller and older bridges (d'uh!). The point is, those plains seem to be on a basin that floods frequently (in fact, after closer inspection, there are rice paddies everywhere, so it should be counted as marshland), so a big, sturdy bridge is much better than rebuilding your town every2-3 years. Even if the bridge collapses, less people will die at once and less property will be lost than if the town is flooded again and again since the bridge may collapse after 20-30 years.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Merlijn Bal says:

    yeah the team of max verstappen is like the best we see this season makes me ahappy cuz im dutch

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rubywarrior says:

    that apartment bldg with the flowers lasted three years then it fell down due to the horrible construction

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Klaassen says:

    Jeannie: "They're running out of space.." IN CHINA, JEANNIE?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Anderson says:

    I love Jeanie's reactions to the last thing in each video, she's just like "oh…right, this is the one for the thumbnail…"

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