All right today we're going to check out the worst rated buffet in seattle. How do you feel about that genie? I'm pretty good. I have food as food as long as i just don't get sick, then you're not going to want to read the reviews for this restaurant. I found a chinese buffet, that's supposed to be the lowest rated restaurant and uh.

The reviews are not stellar cheating. What do you mean? That's like they're, not stellar, a very decent choice. All the food was cold by cold. I mean not recently made moderately warm and soggy.

None of the food i tried was hot crawfish, slimy and cold by the time i bought to my table. This place is really gross. We've now been twice. The lack of cleanliness and areas that customers can see makes me know that i'd rather not know what actually goes on in the kitchen.

My friend got sick here, a few things made differently, but they were throwing up shortly after we left. The food is pretty bland and has no flavor warning. Their ceiling, has black mold and is leaks on your head and food. This place is a health risk all right gene.

When we get there, we have to look at look up at the ceiling. Okay, make sure there's no black gunk coming down. Oh, what's a little mold ginny's eating worse she's eating 24-hour pizza. I have that hasn't been refrigerated.

It's just been left out, never eat here repeat, never eat here. This is ghetto food at its best make sure to find out how much tax and tip they're taking best thing here was the ice cream. Okay only thing i can actually trust. Okay, i assume you've got to be good right.

At the very least, we can just eat lots and lots of ice cream. That's good! Do not go to this disgusting place, the food looks unappetizing, but we were really hungry. I found hair in my food and when i went to go complain to the workers they just landed off and walked away. All they asked me if i wanted a free refill thought they could give me some decency.

Wait. Isn't this a buffet yeah, so you're getting free, refills, stale seafood, stale seafood, stale seafood, this inspection rating from king county health department is okay, okay means the restaurant has had many red critical violations over the last four inspections. It seems like we're actually gon na get sick henry gene. We have iron stomachs.

We came here today about three o'clock is with a friend food was mediocre. Service was friendly, but whatever i ate made me violently ill. I've been throwing up repeatedly for the last hour, or so i didn't eat anything besides this today i have a pretty iron stomach, so, whatever oh, no, it must have been pretty bad. It's okay! We have steel stomachs.

You just said we had iron stones. This person's different elements we have, we have steel stuff. I don't think i want to have stomachs of steel. I just can't put into words how bad of a dying experience this was, i feel like.

I need a puke and my wife is having explosive diarrhea in the bathroom. You couldn't make it easier again. It was really that bad you've been worked. I don't want to go here.
I don't want to go here. Oh no, this isn't! This is going to be in the bathroom later. Please do not eat the last couple times we went through the food was horrible. You can tell that they reuse their oils, the food tastes old and not fresh at all the crabs.

Oh my god. They have the audacity to serve the crabs with dark spots all over them. They look like they're about ready to poison everyone in the restaurant. They re-cook reuse their leftovers.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's so obvious they're going for cheap. They don't care about the quality of food. Please pay a little more and go somewhere else before you find yourself sitting on a toilet, not having a good time or even in the er. Can we not go i'm ready to dine today? It kind of scares me how many people have landed in the er, because we've done a bad restaurant before and i understand it's not clean.

Why is everyone? I think i even saw a review where someone actually went to the er henry. We saw several reviews. Maybe they've changed their ways to maybe things are different now, oh god, it actually looks like a 1950s like cafeteria right it just it doesn't. Look too bad.

It looks pretty edible. I'm sure they've only gotten better if anything we'll eat. Okay. What is that? Yellow short? Okay, that's definitely like a reused oil for sure that that chicken looks black.

You are very brave for eating the sushi. You are very brave. Having read the reviews all right, let's do it. Let's go! Oh it's right! There! It's right! There anyways! We just got here.

Apparently our battery's at one bar, even though i've been charging it for like two hours before we got here, so i don't know what's up with that, but we're probably gon na go home now here we are guys all right, guys we're going to use genie's iphone. Her brand new iphone 13 wow came in real handy huh. It has a three-time zoom feature here: yeah yeah water, please thank you really, nice, lady. All right, the service is great honestly.

It looks very clean, like you're at the the last restaurant. Oh, that's normal though, like it's not actually worse, yeah. Well, it doesn't seem that bad, like you're in the indian restaurant. You don't understand like when you touch the table.

It was like pure grease like this is actually good, like it's clean check out the silverware. It's very very cheap, but i like it. Okay, i do see like a little brown speckle there, it's just extra flavor. They actually does it come off yeah.

I also see this like gray just like lodge in the wall. Little corner, oh god, it looks pretty decent. The sausage looks pretty good yeah. It smells good sesame chicken, just slices of sweet potato.

Are you okay, yeah? Okay? Do you want to go home or, like the green beans, look good look at that little wrinkles on them, you're skipping over a lot hungry. It's a low heat. I don't think it looks too bad. It's got some low maintenance potato with butter.
It's got. Ta be good. Take one one for me: i'm gon na experiment when they say japanese chicken do they mean chicken teriyaki uh. I i don't know i'll.

Take one of these i'll take one piece i'll take one. Okay, i think our plates are pretty cool. There's no chopsticks, no, don't give chopsticks. No, i feel like we're the only asians that eat here.

I know everyone else here is not using it. We're gon na find that, oh, she cut it off guys she cut the noodle off, he's, not eating it. Okay, it's not bad, but it's also not good. It kind of just like tastes like nothing.

That's fun, ginny likes things that taste like nothing. What does it taste like? I mean um, it's fine wait. What are you? Okay, yeah? I'm fine! What happened? I'm good! Okay, we're not touching that sandwich! That's the gnarly like i was walking. I smelled it.

I nearly like i got nauseous. We got freaking terrifying. Let me just ripple: no. Do you want to eat uh anything else in your plate, tofu? That was the fastest reaction.

I've ever seen. It's cool! Okay, don't! Okay! If it's cold don't eat that, because then you'll get food poisoning for sure i swallowed so we'll try everything, but if it's cold and it's supposed to be hot, we will not eat that because that gives room for the bacteria to multiply the skin right. Is it like warm warm it's one, okay, good! Is it that bad? What do you mean? You just see some minions, it is gross. This is actually not that bad.

It is good. What are you talking about? I love this guys. I think he finally lost his facebook. That's pretty i'm just like cut to like meet a grave just like dead.

I think this is the only thing that might be. This is good, but that's how you know it's going to taste good, because it's just pure butter. This is supermarket. They got that from the supermarket.

Okay, it's just garlic, bread. You can't go wrong with garlic bread. Can we again cut to genie in a grave you're eating a lot of that? It's a sausage. You just said it was good.

Let's touch the salmon! Oh, it touched the salmon, oh okay, all right, i'm gon na try these beans. These beans look delicious. It's not. What would i expect two tasting? Why is it so like sugary, like it's so sweet like it tastes like candy, you want to try this.

No! No! Henry don't make me put that in my mouth: please, the clam, don't look too bad. This is when i die hung. Oh, oh, no! We're just gon na close that one we're just gon na leave them closed just like that and never open that up again. Okay, again, it looks like a clamp, but it doesn't taste like a clam which is really worrying to me.

It's it's just japanese honey hold on. We are we're like 33 of the way there yeah you're stuck with the do. You want to try this clam and say that again, okay, well i'll, try the chicken and you just spit it - i'm fairly certain this chicken must be from like last week or something because it does not bear resemblance to the taste of chicken yeah i've. Never tasted a chicken and it just tastes so empty inside, like it tastes like a chicken that in an existential crisis before it died and the sourness and depression invaded the meat, and then we ate that there's no hint of chicken flavor left in that thing.
This thing must have existed like far longer than it should have. Oh god, the aftertaste is in my mouth right now at least the water tastes good i'll, try, the the shoeman. This smells really good. I don't like in general, i can do this honey.

I don't want you to get sick, have you ever had like school cafeteria chicken noodle soup, like the really shitty one from from like grade school? It tastes like that. That's amazing, like all i taste, is celery. Why there's no celery in this thing, so it shouldn't taste like celery? How could something taste so differently than it smells? That's the logic you're going for take a bite of the salmon brave soul? No, it's! Okay! All right! So we're gon na go check out the bathroom now hey dude! This is really clean. All right, i can't go in yours at all.

So i'll follow you in i mean you can't do that. Okay, you review the wounds and i review the men's all right guys. Secret infiltration mission, so far, you know the bathroom is really clean. It's really clean and really nice.

Look at that! Uh yeah! No! I think it's fine! It's it's! It's good! It's good! Yeah! I, like it yeah. I give this bathroom a very decent out of ten. These are really interesting doors. What this is smallest door handle ever, oh god, okay, oh okay, all right, i'm gon na leave.

Why are we still here just to suffer? Actually, i think i want to use the bathroom actually. Basically, when you flush, nothing happens, it's dripping and these are the handles. It's not supposed to bend that far back all right round. Two, let's go don't make me, do this vegetable, my flour yeah go for it! Wait! That's that's chicken! Oh hell, yeah, french fries! It looks like they got some like cajun spices on that baby too, wait hold on is that the pizza this looks like bagel bites.

You remember those chicken nuggets yeah get the nuggies i'm guessing. This is just going to taste like you know, rice noodles, whoa whoa. Oh well, that's a flavor to it - goodwill, oh my god, really yeah, but the first time it has flavor and there's like some like garlic flavor to it. I guess you try the next one.

Okay, oh that's really crispy! I can hear it. I know exactly where i tasted this wrong, what we ate jack in the box right, yeah and then, like the next day, uh-huh, like literally, been like 24 hours. It tastes like the old jack-in-the-box, oh right before this is just like particles of potato dust. Why does this white sauce look like it's special white sauce, the chef's extra special yeah i feel like this is the chef's extra special white sauce like i'm genuinely terrified, it's coconut, i'm gon na cut it in half: hey yeah, coconut chicken.
That's pretty good! Really! Your face doesn't say it looks pretty good. I guess it is. The chef's actually touched him. Do you eat that pizza man? This is your response.

Yeah yeah, they probably got this from the grocery store. It's popped in the microwave, it legit tastes like available. So it's yummy: this is a great school. Can you believe that the pizza is the best thing at the chinese buffet and that's because they microwaved it did i go for the sesame ball henry? But what is this? It's red bean yeah, it's not too bad! You can't mess up the chicken yeah.

It's definitely from the grocery store too right. Ain't no way those chinese chefs in the back are making chicken nuggets from scratch. It's the one you get from the school cafeteria yeah yeah, wait! No! But there's crisp on that. I heard it so it's at least better than the school cafeteria ones, because mine were soggy solid.

I love it. Wait a second. This isn't that good henry is a school cafeteria chicken nugget. Is it really this band bad? It's so dry at you, it's fine! It wasn't bad, i like it.

Okay, just just eat the banana thing, see the sugar, it's not bad. Your face doesn't see. Otherwise, are you sure it's just really um you're right, something weird about this bread? That's what i'm saying i'm like huh, it's sugary! It's fried! It's bread, yet it tastes bad. It's so greasy, though maybe maybe that's the flavor, it's the old fleece entirely.

This is the last round. Okay, last round, let's go um the wings, actually don't look as black as the ones we saw in the pictures that looks ghastly. Okay, it's egg drops. This does not look great.

Do you see the layer of oil on there? I think this is half oil. This looks ghastly. Actually we didn't start yet you didn't eat. Anything.

Mozzarella sticks are my one of my favorite foods. Ever you see any string, pull i'm going to do a string pull for you guys. Oh, this is a slide pole right there. Jesus is hard just like our lives right now.

This is a fine chicken wing. Does it taste like chicken? Finally, i mean i should have gotten what chicken smells or tastes like. I don't know what food tastes like like it's like when these got open and the smell that came out. I was like that's what chicken smells like dude, they must have went to like the local, popeyes and bottles.

No, it means they had talked. Maybe they specialize in fried chicken like this is actually better than most chinese restaurants, fried chicken wow. That is high praise. Most times, people don't know how to make like proper, fried chicken dude.
What the hell! If you come here, just eat the fried chicken man, okay, i literally just smelled it and then tasted the water off of it and that's what a body there's no salt on this hell shockingly from the sea, wait but you're not supposed to salt seafood. But how is your seafood saltless, like my body's, telling me no yeah, i mean like telling me no, no honey, no, no henry! Don't henry henry! No henry! Stop! Please listen to your body. Don't listen to the youtube! Listen to the body! Okay! Everybody is saying. No! Thank you, you spit it out.

Let me know what is the sauce? It's mayonnaise, it's not it's! It's horrible! What mayonnaise is like bright orange like that graffiti. Do you want to go to the dessert? Do you want do you want to if you want to tap out? No, no, don't do it so the thing about crabs is you: let them die before you cook they're, actually poisonous yeah and will get you very sick yeah, i'm a little terrified. I don't know if, if they've taken the proper, it looks fine, okay, i'd rather not take the ruse. Oh my god.

I've never seen someone eat his sleeve. Oh my god. I will salute you from sovngarde. Have you ever eaten snail? Honey? Really yeah did you like it? Does my face.

Look like i like it. Let's go to the it's got. Ta be good. It should be like the worst oreo you've ever tasted bro i've.

I've had a lot of oreos. It's like these, i'm sure are actually edible. Right, no one's touched that one oh gene. They have green tea ice cream too.

Wait it's a green tea ice cream! No wait in the reviews. They said they alright yeah. They should have ice cream. Oh that's! Actually pretty legit yeah, it's gon na be a huge selection.

Oh, i love coffee all right, ginny's, favorite part people said the ice. Cream and desserts were good and it's and that's an oreo. You can't is it stale? Is it like two week old, oreo i've never seen someone so disappointed eating oreo, it says oreo on it. This is from oreo, okay, just when your teeth touch it it's supposed to hit like something crunchy and you're supposed to crunch into it.

You bite into this and you feel like you're eating bread like yes, yeah. I think my brain has reached the point where, like i'm trying to tell myself it's good, it's good, it's fine just eat it, but my body is like you know what you're putting in your mouth and i'm like, i knew yeah. Thank you. Wait.

Did they charge yourself a bite? How much was it? Oh, it's forty dollars for the two of us for dinner. How are we getting rapid fire cakes all right? Let's do it. This is the mango yeah, what the hell this the top just rip off of it! That's really artificial. That mango is not real.

What is the top? It tastes like artificial candy. Why do these just like implode, as you touched, i think this is pretty okay, just convince yourself, man just convince yourself. No, no, that bread is way too dry. It's okay! This thing's been out for too long.
It's okay, no, no! Try! This key try this right! This is the best one. Okay, so get fried chicken. Yes, the noodle, the noodle, the rice noodles, that's it and that's it pizza. If you want bagel bites, i'm gon na get another one.

Actually yeah yeah, i'm gon na eat some more and the both of us all right. So the ice cream is supposed to be the best part of the meal. Oh, this is the orange sherbet super yummy. Thank you dude.

It tastes like starburst, it tastes like starburst. This is the vanilla. I think they got a really good ice cream. Like sorcerer, i don't know how cool, but it's very.

Where did they get this ice cream? How is it so good orange sugar makes me happy, but if i ate too much of it, it makes me sick. This is the beginning of the meal. It's not quite like haagen-dazs, but it's pretty close it's on par. Can you stop eating my coffee ice cream? I see what's happening here, all right genie.

Can we do one special bonus round of sushi i'll eat the sushi you don't have to eat it thanks for the meal? Okay, it's overall final thoughts. I'm gon na die. If this video is not over yet we'll film. Again - and that means we've had severe diarrhea, but it okay and this is - is worth giving a shot.

I mean uh, it wasn't all that bad like it had some strong points, get your fried chicken get the fried chicken get the ice cream out. That's it surface is a great though they're, really nice, yeah they're super nice. Anyway, all right, we'll see you guys next time, peace. Okay, i'm quaking my boots right now.

It has a bad fidget taste to it. It's not worth the risk. You can take that off, which just makes the california one. Okay, all right, i'm proud of you not really, because i i warned you and yet you went for it.

How is your imitation crab meat so bad when you buy it from packages guys? Henry is really desperate for the views and so he's willing to food poison. Both him and i today for youtube lords to love him again. Was it worth it henry and what did it cost? I don't even know what to say about that.

12 thoughts on “Eating At The Lowest Rated Buffet In Our City”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sai Mellowburn says:

    Just had a massive "hold up" moment
    …I've been to this restaurant .- .

    You're both incredibly brave

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Nope says:

    Food poisoning doesn't take effect immediately unless the food is completely rancid. Honestly. Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grazz says:

    meh, dude buffets are all kind of gross if you don't get the food immediately after its put out. For that matter reading a bunch of shitty reviews about a place and then going to eat there…. even if the food was good your brain would make you question it.

    Unless a buffet is busy, the food tends to suck no matter what, you want that tandori chicken to be gone within minutes of them putting it out because otherwise its sitting out there until they're sure they have to throw it away…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The GameDevil says:

    Dont ever do stuff like this again, i dont want you to risk getting sick … you both are such wonderful people so dont do things that risk your health :C

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N says:

    I usually have amazing luck when it comes to random buffets not getting me sick. But the one time I did, the place could be described by those yelp reviews and it was in Orlando. Like word for word description. Y'all are super brave, especially since food poisoning can be deadly. Glad you survived though. <3

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jarl Sigurd Storvann says:

    food happens to be dangerous when you dont know how to cook it, store it, or treat it properly. i am all for second chanses. when the restaurant dont take me seriously when i complain about their shit? they deserv to be taken down so they dont hurt people with their shit. somebody ought to call somebody, to inspect this place and check it out properly, so food dont get wasted on people who dont know how to work with it, only to have customers eat it and get sick.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First Last says:

    Do all Chinese buffets get their chairs from the same place. Every Chinese buffet I've been to has those chairs.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Engrish_ _Kuma says:

    Jeannies face when she got to the tofu spoke to my soul. Like when you know how its supposed to taste or at the very least some variation of how it tastes only for it to not be remotely close as soon as it hits your tongue. Thats how i am with my food. Mainly with pasta. Mainly lasagna or alfredo or spaghetti.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Quigley says:

    "that was the fastest reaction ever"
    "i swallowed"

    the best reaction

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DoomTrain says:

    I would not touch seafood at an all you can eat buffet. It would have to sell extremely fast for it to be safe, right?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick says:

    i wouldnt trust anything from there… even if it tasted okay… with that high of a failure rate… ooof.

    i sincerely hope they dont get sick.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Setheus says:

    Sea food and buffet isn't a good combo, sitting around all day, its either like rubber if its at the right temp or poisonous

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