How about we take a look at some memes? Okay, maybe we'll find me master pakis and see what he has to offer today. I have the best meme, for you don't focus on the words just focus on what was being shown up this screen. Do you like that? Is that supposed to be a circle because that's not a circle, it's a nut, that's a nut. What does that look like octagonal, but do you know what this uh squirrels card? Nutkin nutkin nutkin yeah? Not because he covers the knots darth vader? Can give long distance with a starts conversation like that? I just sat down.

This is henry in a nutshell like we literally just sit down at a restaurant, and then he asks the most deepest weirdest of things. I'm like henry. We just let's skip the formalities, genie. We've known each other for many years now: let's just get to the hint in the hands and darth vader.

The space that exists between hearing you're, too skinny and you're too fat from chinese aunties is as tiny and imperceptible as the difference between them. Saying you're not allowed to date and where are the children yeah? That's true! It's never like oh you're, just right. Actually how come they have to comment on your science. Just in general, they can't have a normal conversation.

Besides them lecturing you. Hence, nothing will be right for them, yeah and you're, not even chinese, and you understand yeah instead of texting on my way, i'm just going to start sending these i mean i feel like. I would just think that my friend adopted a possum or a raccoon right. Opossum henry strikes yet again, that's possible! That's a possum, yeah, okay you'll be very surprised at yuki's possum when she breaks watch.

So i was talking to my dad about guardians of the galaxy and when i mentioned chris pratt my dad's size and sense, i don't know how parents could be mean enough to name their child after a fried rodent, and i sat there looking really confused and he Just whispered, crisp rat and now i'll never hear it. Oh my gosh chris pratt chris chris chris rat chris bratt chris pratt at least he has possums in that's great. This do be henry, though, did you walk like that from a yo yo? Wait, don't worry henry! I do this too, it's comfortable it really it relaxes your lower back. It uses as little muscle as possible, see that requires work, spinal erectors, your lower lumbar.

No, it requires absolutely nothing. It's a superior form of walking. You just don't understand. Congratulations to the two winners of the froggo drawing contest.

Remember that the winner of this contest was chosen through likes. Oh my god. First place second place. Imagine spending 40 hours perfecting your photo realistic frog only to get crushed by the sing.

Oh, that's a rough min! That's why i disagree going with the general public's consensus of what is good. No, i agree. This is the greatest fun. I've ever seen, no yeah, it's photorealistic, but guess what i can also just go to the pet store and see the same thing.
Where can i find this only on twitter, henry? What artist that drew mona lisa sure looks realistic. I could go look at a woman. I see the same thing you see gina right here who cares about mona lisa? Oh, my god, henry she's got my first debit card. Oh no, just lost your first debit card kid.

Why? The would you? Oh no six thousand four to ninety retweets wait! Wait! No! He he hit his head two of the letter. The numbers he's fine. I wonder what the father looks like she had sex with a pikachu pikachu, even this dude from the audience like that's her boyfriend he's like looking down pikachu's like, and so the kid goes like welcome to hogwarts the place where i will treat you equally hello, harry Nice glasses 50 points to gryffindor, but like yeah, these these kids were like the only kids that mattered in the entire class in the entire school really yeah. Can anyone name me a significant ravenclaw cho, oh yeah, but that's because it was harry's love interest.

If harry didn't give a about her, she wouldn't have showed up at all. Was cho actually ravenclaw. I think so. I just took a wild guess.

Oh, oh, i just thought of joe and i was like i feel, like she's, a ravenclaw based off of her aesthetic pov. Your ping is over 9 000.. Is he okay? Is he all right holy crap dialogue? Hello? Do people still have dial up internet? Is that still a thing you don't remember like the aol discs like they would send your house honey? I only discovered the internet when i was like 12.. When did you get excited? I was watching happy tree friends when i was 12.

and some other things. Money can't buy happiness me with money, though i get a new pc, mcdonald's. Every day mountain dew steam gift cards for gams i mean that's, that's what you say when you're not depressed see the danger zone is when these things like stop making you happy. This thing will always make me happy, though i'll always feel joy guys.

I can't believe she spent two thousand dollars on a purse. Women are so extravagant also guys well, that's kind of worth it, though, like henry how's that worth how often can you do like that much damage? Okay, two thousand dollars. Do you do that you can carry every day. He does that for ten minutes done.

This is the best goddamn 10 minutes of your life. This is an experience but you're not even killing it experiences over material items genie. It's a lesson you women should learn me. Finally, realizing the word alphabet comes from the first two greek letters alpha and beta.

Does it actually? No, that's not true, because then it would be called alpha beta, but that's alphabet. So it's more like alpha bet like that. Let's do the alpha. That makes a lot sense in the alpha beta pizza hut, taco bell free food from mom nah.

I i always wanted taco bell or pizza hut. Okay, how do you feel sodium and the fats? No? No. If someone came to you and said pizza and taco bell free food, of course you want like what you can't have or you want what is rare to you when you're about to mess up doing something, but your crush is watching. I saved you kid and i let you back on yours, oh wow, all planned what a chad doesn't that do something for you like like watching a guy like save, save a child, but he was about to be the one killing the child.
So not right. I feel like your ovaries are just like. Oh my god give me the iron sperm you're speaking all the english now playing too much final fantasy teacher. What do you understand about the food chain me? I am the top of the food, you have the prey and then you have the predator.

You have the apex predator apex, predator new student from australia is having trouble adapting to life at my u.s school, but also what the hell is happening on the left say dude. My penis grew like two inches last night. What they're crossing swords, i think they're just they're, just saving water, so you can cross streams and it's okay yeah, but as long as the tips don't touch, oh okay, there's something very important. I forgot to tell you what don't cross the streams, but you can cross the street.

I don't really know what the requirements are. What are you asking me non-native english speakers when they find out it's britain, business and not weaseness business, who thought it was breezness business? Why do they put the eye in there just like wednesday? You know like why? Why do they do like wednesday, like what the is the nes? That's, what i'm talking about with salmon? Don't miss the owl salmon salmon s-a-m-o-n salmon normal punching bags get punches russian punching bags. Is there somebody inside in russia punching back punch you, which one do you use? I haven't seen anybody use any of these in years this whole knives. I've seen the v, but the v doesn't mean smiley, it's more of like, like you're being smug about it.

Yeah, it's a sly one yeah, it's a sly one yeah! These are like. Okay, that's only germans, like i don't know who can use this. One me in 2040 tells my son to remove games from his pc. Him removes desktop icons, me don't a bullshitter.

Oh my god did this work on our parents because they didn't know jack about computers. Really, i don't think so. I think that's so funny. My dad.

Could have left work, looked it up and been like? Well, your dad's smart, but like other parents, you know not so much the four horsemen of picky eaters, chicken, nuggies mac and cheese pizza and hot dogs. Do you like these? I'll be honest? I only like the pizza ginny's so picky that even the four horse and a piggy she doesn't even like, maybe because she's like korean picky, you know so like hers, is like kimchi, spam, ramen and still pizza, no, no, no hamburger, spaghetti pizza and rice. I will not deny rice no word: rhymes with purple orange or silver purple hinge, sliver, no silver and sliver. There is that's a different sort of rhyming fiber.
That's not technically a word. It's a sight! It's a word to me, god, damn it! The villain can't be that bad. The villain remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you right as she touched your legs. It was me, barry i'd, be off at super speed.

So seem like it's right as a woman's touch. Congratulations, are you happy? You jumped off of high school here. Oh fbi is going to get you now chris hansen, my dad shaves his beard. Every year.

On my birthday this year we decided to try some new looks the scotsman, the strongman, the biker, the tiger team, the suburban dad. That's a dad wait, that's your dad! Oh! That is her dad they look like they could be a couple. I was going to see brother sister henry. Maybe they live in alabama, what a bond! What if your kid came up and said, daddy, can't please film a tick tock, don't get away with me from that cringe.

I want to be a part of this. People will care about you again cringe you're cringe, i'm your son. How many hugs do you need a day? Eight hugs? We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance.

We need 12 hugs a day for that's not true. I survived years without any hugs years. Maybe that's why your shows you're. So stunted and growth can i get a hug one, two three four five yeah that feels good man, parents, our kid's, a teenager - now, i'm afraid pretty soon he's going to be having sex drinking and going to parties me at age 20..

I feel like that, makes their kids even more miserable, even though it's completely okay, you know, is it okay or are we copium henry because we are? This is copium if you're, if you're in your teens, you should experience these things, because that's the only time you'll be able to experience them with no consequences, but really you don't have to no one. No one cares, but also you're a loser. If you didn't do this, okay, i hate restaurants to make you say like yeah. Can i have the big wet daddy burger? Please thanks.

Do you like that small, medium or throbbing extra throbbing, with drippy tippy, sauce prince i've, never heard of that like the presidential salad, but it's just a salad. Remember what's wrong with that. Can i get a presidential salad, because it's not a presidential salad, it's just salad. Once all the boomers are dead, do y'all want to change to metric or not? No, i'm, okay.

I'm used to america numbers i'm used to knowing what miles i'm going. Yeah nah maters! You can wait till after i'm dead and then do this. So i don't have to change fire, and hot is the only way to go everybody when i suddenly gained consciousness at my fourth birthday party. Why did he just stop yeah once you realize that other people have thoughts? That's when, like kids, start becoming shy and not themselves anymore, you know, but prior to four they're, just like so free spirited smile at them.
Maybe they'll smile back, but this smell is fine. How come you can't do that smell normal? This smile right there, okay smile, my parents, please don't start anything on thanksgiving me. The war on drugs is racist, psychedelics have medicinal values. People who use drugs deserve compassion.

Imperialist, u.s, drug policy is the reason. Drug cartels exist. What holy this kid's like? Where can they pour that video psychedelics have medicinal value, that's so deep and mature god damn? How would you know have you used psychedelics this kid's too smart ginny me, i'm not that competitive. Also me, when a kid challenges me at mario kart, you just brought piss to a fight yeah.

I remember playing like kids in video games and a part of me was like yeah yeah. I don't, i don't care, but then the other part was like. I had to win, let's be honest: you're really competitive. No, you, you are yeah, i mean you're, really competitive and when you lose it's because either your forearm was feeling weak that day or you just didn't feel like competing.

I hit the spot. I said no, i'm like i hit the spot. That's you, that's you, wife. Are you still at home depot me yeah, i'm just looking at things i want, but can't afford, like this beautiful shower curtain, what a place to shoot like a thotty photo right home depot.

That's great all right! That's it for memes! Make sure you just smash that like if you want to touch those hikers, just kidding, smash that like, if lumber's just too damn expensive these days, guys all right, we'll see you guys next time the high peace.

16 thoughts on “Brand friendly home depot memes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OFF AIR says:

    jump a purple hurdle, forage me an orange, how much silver for a guilder
    Yes, im the real slim shady

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LiquidCookie says:

    "He does this for 10 minutes. Done!" – Jeanne
    I think what you meant to say was 25 seconds xD

    The minigun shoots 6000 Rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO per minute. The price that I found was 520$ per pack of 640 rounds.
    So from the 2000$ you can buy 2.464 Rounds.
    2464 Rounds /6000 Rounds per Minute = 0,41 Minutes or 24,64 seconds.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umptyscope says:

    First buy me some of those four inch screws
    The ones that go with the chrome door hinge, Bruce.
    Then, please paint them in the orange hues
    That I saw the guy who painted the floor winch use.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiny Phreak says:

    Jeannie: "Can anyone name me a significant Ravenclaw."
    Me: "Luna Lovegood! Moaning Myrtle!"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saigyl says:

    a bag is a bag, there's not much difference between a 3k purse and a 30 dollar purse, but a minigun, that's a minigun

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathanael Samaroo says:

    Bro are you kidding me, tf am I supposed to do with a purse. That is, quite literally, something everyone has at least seen, carried or owned at some point or another. Now a minigun; how many fucking people can say with 100% honesty that they got to hold and more importantly, "let loose" with a minigun. Not many I bet.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Der Skalde says:

    The day names are that way, because from what they derive from, at least as far as my knowledge of language goes.
    Wednesday comes from wodan/wotansday, the germanic form/equivalent of Odin, same as Thursday (Thorsday, although, the way it's written nowadays, it could just as well instead of day of Thor be day of the thurs/thursir, which would be giantsday), and friday (frigg/friggasday, day of frigg, the wife of Odin).

    About words that rhyme, I'm not a native english speaker, but I'm pretty sure I heard some people use the word pilver (no idea how it would be written or what it means), which sounded relatively close to silver.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Meigs says:

    Mrs Marple had a turtle named Purple,
    Who's silver shell failed to deliver,
    The orange source of course.

    *Say it aloud, they work.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Egor Leontev says:

    Latin bits in English language can make u flip u every day. Check out Dexter and Sinister.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke A Yarrington says:

    Jeannie: Name me a single important ravenclaw.
    Me: … Luna F-_-ing Lovegood!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Allen III says:

    I busted out laughing when she got her big hug. Yeah you got anymore of the hugs man lmao

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Williams says:

    I lost it at Jeannie's "You're not even killing anyone!" Implying spending $10,000 on shooting a gun is absurd unless you happen to be killing someone then its fine.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpeedingSpoon2 says:

    Some reasons as to why you should switch to the metric system;
    1: imperial was created by the British Royal family.

    2: It’s easier. metric works on conversions of 10 (rather than arbitrary conversions) where each point of defined by a measurable phenomenon. For example 0 degrees is water’s freezing point while 100 is its boiling point.

    3: Most of SERN uses the metric system, including NASA. Bonus point a disturbing number of space accidents have resulted from conversion errors from converting imperial units to metric. This is a huge wast of time, money and lives (when it goes wrong).

    4: now imperial is defined by metric units. For example 1 inch is defined as 2.54 cm while 1 gallon is 4.546 litres. So in a way you are already using the metric system.

    5: only 3 countries in the world still use imperial. This wastes time and money when trading as people need to convert when trading goods.

    TLDR; imperial is an outdated system, is more complicated to remember, is not used for most scientific institutions, wastes time, money and it’s units are defined by the metric system.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Almonte says:

    i've never been so triggered by a drawing of a frog… huh, that's a new

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obi Juan says:

    I almost spit my drink when Jeanie said, the two guys are crossing swords.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Da Hu says:

    I keep getting all these notification of sexy women hitting on me, but by the time I come see the comment they left me, it’s already gone 😢

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