Ginny, would you like to cringe strange ginny? Do you know what i cringe at all the time i cringe at people who are not wearing vesty shoes, wow ginny, the up and coming wet weather season is upon us in seattle and i'm not keen on wearing boots. So you know what my go-to option is genie. My fetchy shoes tell me your experience with the vesti shoes. Every time it rains outside.

I make sure to wear my vessies because they're 100 waterproof, and even if it's not raining they're super stylish. So you could just wear them anywhere like for any outing and they're, so easy to keep clean. Look at how sparkly these are they're, truly an everyday sneaker that you can just leave in the front of the house and wear out whenever you want all right gene. Let's give them a live demonstration, can you insert cinderella like shoe? Putting on music doesn't fit you're, not my princess vesti's are my go-to shoes by the door check them out in a link below at for your pair of essie shoes when you finally reach the age to start dressing like a dad? Oh no, it's the donkeys! Oh, isn't that the um, the dollar shave club? It is oh, no, not the new wow that dramatic lighting.

It's too tight, oh no, the hair! This music is amazing. I'm not gon na lie. This feels like the greatest cinematography yeah. That's a movie.

This is a goddamn drone shot here, 12 year old's discussion while playing warzone. I know but she's gay and you blatantly said you don't support lgbt or you don't support gay people. Oh, do you don't support lgbtq, you realize lgbtq isn't only um gay. Is this still call of duty, so you're saying if you're trans you're, basically just still a guy? No, maybe they didn't want to be a woman or a male.

It's their decision. What's the matter with that? No, like i'm, i i genuinely do care because i do want to have this argument. That's yeah like there's discussions to be had during war zone, huh yeah! That's that's just not what you imagine when someone's playing warzone yeah. You think it's! Your mom your mom last night, i'm like no i'm not.

Where are you like? They start making monkey noises. Oh that's just excuse me yeah, it's so good to see you! Oh no um i'll have a tea. Actually, i don't drink coffee yeah. Just when everyone else started drinking it in college, i just kind of resisted.

I actually don't have any anxiety, and i think this is a big part of it. I've made it this far without it. So why start now? I just don't like anything, that's addictive! Oh, you know it makes your teeth yellow. I actually never really feel tired.

As long as i get 13 hours of sleep, you want to say it. Those are some pretty valid reasons. It's just you. Don't you don't need to laugh that way after the end? Well, but that's kind of what that sounds like to a coffee, drinker, you're, just cool look: coffee is expensive and it's never done anything for me.

So why would i spend money on it or even spend the time to make it? If i don't feel like it's really improving my life, it's a dollar like it's, not it's not like. We think like we're, cool or like superior in any way. It's just like it. Just i don't feel any different when i drink it: okay, respect that when the highway is at a dead, stop and the dads emerge to investigation uh is the home depot can't do music, that's god they all have to that's.
That's a man's job right. There yeah. They all start cutting out, don't worry about it honey. I got this, i'm the man of the house, here's my job.

Let me check this out, don't worry about it and then you're out there people what's happening yeah, i don't know. What's going on, damn little nice axe can skate, and today i want to be doing some errors. Maybe a big twist. Let's go, let's go wow little knox, you're really good.

What are you serious? I don't see color little gentlemen. Oh, what a respectful little kid yep! There's the tip of the hat where he does know when you tip the hat you're supposed to go like you're supposed to bow wow every every princess is like super impressed. Yeah cause a little kid being like. Why does this belongings ready it's cute and nice as it is? Why is this cringe? Oh cause.

It's like middle east. That's him, can you do me a favor. Go, get me anything, go get me anything, go on, go get it bring it here. Find me something find it go, find something go, go, get it hurry, go, go, go, go, go, go.

What are you going to get me? Go find something. Oh thank you. That was a good girl. How do you dog meat girl, real life, is that why they're called retrievers, hey, that's doberman? Is that why they're called doberman? What, in the name manning these jobs, the hospital had no beds, i'm straight up in the parking lot yeah! That's really funny.

Do you think she's laughing out of like actual humor or like because she's losing her, i think she's losing her? Do you get to go back inside of sleepwear learn to sit and sleep finding out bob ross cheated on his wife? After thinking, he was the perfect man who could do no wrong, and now my guard is back up. You want to know why my generation jinzy doesn't have any role models. It's because we crucify them all. There seems to be a fundamental lack of understanding about the duality of human nature and the reality that there's no such thing as a purely good person.

So, instead of accepting the fact that good people can do bad things, we throw the whole baby out with the bath water, and then we lament that the fact that we have no one to look up to that's nice, but bob ross. She knows what yeah you cheated on his wife. You need that. No, but here's the thing.

I still think he's done a lot of great things, but he cheated on his wife. That's that's the only thing i'll remember with him now gene. That's my only memory! Let me i'm gon na paint just kidding. I'm just gon na keep eating this happy little accident accident accident.
The happy little accident were you stuck in the wrong woman. No literally, he literally says like there are no access. Happy little accidents like you, don't make mistakes. Let's do a glam look at something so bad, oh he's actually doing it.

I'm gon na be so upset if he does make up so much make her better than ginny no freaking way it's gon na be okay. How i've put on makeup. I know it's not that easy. I like struggle to put on eyelashes.

He literally just went like yeah. I can't even put those on. I can't curl them. I guess you can't do that either.

It's not funny your dad takes over this show at a restaurant. Literally, oh where'd, he get that violin. Oh my god! Look at that kid, the kids going bonkers. What does he know this song right yeah? How does the kid know what's going on he's, so talented watch milo slowly, tolerate and fall in love with their dog beckham hi milo? I saw you from across the room you're the new kid in town.

The is that this is my territory. What is this? I thought it was supposed to get better at least the dog's like showing oh, he wants cuddles. Now he likes. Is this look like a romance between them? No they're, a girl like the girl's like no.

Maybe this is a situation where it's like you know. In a jail cell, where they lock up two men and there's no woman around so they end up having to you, know, be good friends and find an emotional connection, yeah. Of course, all right. I bet i can get you to say the number five all right.

What's uh, what's one plus one three, you got ta answer the right question the answers mark. What's two plus two, four okay, what's four plus four, eight, what's eight plus one nine, i told you i'd get you to say nine, i told ah, okay yeah, i got ta use that in some way. That's too funny it's too good! Well, obviously, you can't use it on you because you're just sitting there, yes, he literally sits on his ass all day. He's never had a.

Why do you still like him? Do you know why? Because he's flippy, he shits on your bed and pees your cereal. Why do you still like him because he's a cat, you you you like some food, i bring some yeah yeah. What's up here that well so what's there to eat, i don't know what there is. I didn't eat anything yet.

Okay, i'm so happy to see you! I'm always happy to see you me too stay well. Okay, please! Damn grandmas are so cute. I feel like it's just it's just programmed to grandmas like they have like a few lines, and one of them is just like. Have you eaten yet? Oh, that yeah is programmed in yet.

Yes, you want some that's about fruit for some reason when i'm at a gas station yeah and then after i pay. I like wait, because i'm scared that someone else will come out and add more gas to their car and it's gon na still charge to my card. No, but i'm just getting that's how that works. I just get scaled.
Let me show you how good my kids have it: playstation mounted tv, another mounted tv, headset, headset, giant tv xbox, whole gaming, pc xbox, another mounted tv, so when their grades start to slip because of the video games, you know what i got to do. I have to sit down and have a conversation with them. I have to tell them that i noticed their grades dropped and i need to see if there's something going on with them, mentally or emotionally. I have to have a conversation with them and teach them about healthy boundaries when it comes to technology.

I have to stop blaming video games for things that i have the power to control in my own home wow. So the answer is not to play video video games and destroy all the tvs of a hammer. Oh my god, i feel, like every asian mother needs to watch this video. They wouldn't believe it they'd be like what does she know? Yeah they'd be like.

Let me see actually that report card - that's amazing, jenny, she's, truly dying a dozen. You know we need more mothers like this i'll, be like this i'll, be a great mother and i'll be a great father. Let me go get some milk. Oh no she's gon na die shitty because she's a cow that cow just bunted, her sister like you, but there's, there's no dis.

I know what's up with this cat like, why is he so on edge and this cat just doesn't give a? I feel like this cat's got like severe anxiety, because this cat, like is normal and enjoys life, want to know. I got these forearms, but his glasses are so cute. Ah his eyes three of the hardest things for people to say. I was wrong.

I need help and wish to chester sauce worse. It gets harder, the more you see it, absolutely, no one little kids of ipads, oh no, oh yeah! It's really weird, like kids. Electronics are always like really greasy and nasty right, really so accurate, like i've. Seen like children's hospitals - and i see them yeah with their ipads - they literally do like, and did you hit it when you use like people's controllers and they're like greasy and or is it just like the people that i knew just people? Okay, it's a girl who applied to be my roommate on craigslist in 2015.

- oh my god, nice they're bed mates now they've graduated from roommates to science. Never in my 17 years have i received a note from a substitute as disgraceful as this. Oh god, why? It's so accurate. Is this how you all act when i'm gone like children? Oh you're, not in sixth grade anymore, okay, you're in seventh grade it's time to start acting like it huge difference and for those of you who decided to misbehave yesterday, i have your names.

Yeah my expectations for this classroom are very clear, so for the next 15 minutes, you will write in silence an apology to your substitute teacher who, by the way, might not ever come back to the school due to your behavior dude. This is like word for word. When she came out and did that slow, like pause and then her first word, i'm like oh, i feel like i'm back in school right now. I'm like.
Why is this brings back memories. It died, i'm back in grade school all right, since we can't find any real tick-tock cringe. I shall offer you my collection, the body like that, a face like that and legs like hers, she's going to be a victoria's secret supermodel. Isn't there a job? You should be doing here.

I assume i assume you work here. I think this is a foot locker, i think you're supposed to be selling shoes. Maybe that's how she sells the shoes you know like. Maybe some guys actually are doing that.

They're, like you know what i'll take your entire stock, i think more, so the manager hired her for that they're. Like hmm, she will sell borscht shoes, yeah yeah, oh no, i dropped my gamer headset. I hope nobody speaks when i go to pick it up. That would be awful.

Are you actually? You know this is actually like pretty funny, though, i'm about to punch her out. Why do these girls keep choking themselves? They're, not choking she's, just really. Why is she cute she rubbing her neck like that she's just really sick, mommy, i'm 12.? Why do you call me mommy, i don't know and we'll see you guys next time make sure to subscribe and then genie will give you her water. If you want to drink some water, delicious genie, flavored, all right, we'll see you next time, peace.

I think some responses.

10 thoughts on “Tik thot memes you should be ashamed of for watching”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars responders united says:

    Dont drink coffee check out black rifle coffee or deathwish coffee im a firefighter and emt those two will be your best friend they have been for me

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WindyStig says:

    Americans always try and over-pronounce Worcestershire Sauce. If i was to write phonetically how we say it generally in the UK we just say 'Wuster Sauce', or 'wustersure sauce' if we aren't being lazy. Worcestershire is a county in the UK and even that they would just pronounce something like wustersure.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Dietmeyer says:

    I really want Henry to do the voice over for the next Planet Earth documentary. He’s not allowed to be told what animal is what before hand though.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minwell it’s a nickname Be grateful says:

    I made myself sick drinking multiple cups of coffee at work and after 3 weeks I couldn’t do it anymore it was the only thing to drink besides water so just started bringing tea to make my own. Literally made myself sick now just a sip brings back memories of being sick at work stuck there trying not to vom on my clients.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bluexwings says:

    I don't drink caffeine anymore. But not because I don't want to, it's a health thing. I miss my caffeinated coffee terribly. 😩☕💔

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Gamer from Wonderland says:

    Yea, old people always try to stuff you with food :/
    I mean, its cute and nice and all but….
    Try to say no when there so cute and caring and try to stuff you with more food right afther you already have eaten more than enough.
    Try to eat and keep the food inside.
    Reason i never eat when i know i wil be around old people. Just to be save 🙂
    I cant say no to cute people like that.
    Instead i submit and try to give them something nice in return

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xGhostSniper says:

    That bob Ross clip reminded me of some quote: "one good deed isn't enough to redeem a man, but 1 bad one is enough to condem them"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Robertson says:

    Young man, I know your show is not of the utmost when it comes to professionalism, but why must you insist on always taking the Lord's name in vain? Do you have no respect for your creator? Or are you just that deft that it doesn't matter? Please, I implore you to stop, or you will forever receive a negative vote from me no matter how cute the girls are.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SteamLance says:

    The people who take down statues because that person did bad things, need to listen. Yeah it was a different century and a different time, but they also did good things as well because no one is perfect

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canes Venatici says:

    Not drinking coffee because it can mess up my sleeping shits and I know that I can get easily addicted. I had it once when I was sleepy at night and got works to do. Opened my eyes like nothing could. Will never use it again unless I really need to. In war it would be useful.

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