Does zelda want to watch some tick-tock memes today, i'm not zelda does link want to watch some tick. Tock memes, i am most certainly not link. Does mario want to watch some tick-tock memes today, okay, wait. This is the best thing i've ever seen.

My big dog stepped on my little dog's tail, mid-photo shoot and my little dog 100 held a grudge. Why is the big dog so happy about it? Yeah i've never seen a dog have so much like smug. Emotion, like yeah he's so smug. What the heck! The big dog's like just don't look down, don't look down, don't look at him.

He won't acknowledge it. If i don't look at him, give them tons of money, it's fantastic. I have 300 gigabytes. Okay, it's just a camera.

I know i'm not gon na lie. Even i was like: oh, oh, wait: okay ow! What kind of a dirty mine do you have? I saw a ketchup, cute, cuddly cat and not a monstrous black. That's for sure ginny! All right will that be paper or plastic important. Oh god, please take your receipt.

Okay, well like seeing the squirrels we have in their yard. That is very true. He's like all mouth, just and jean literally leaves like these nuts like outside on their fence every day for these squirrels, do they everyone's carrying it in their hand, are they putting no? They all it is like a big walnut right takes one cheek and then he like shoves it out. Well, that's because if they hold it in their hands, they can't run yeah and they have to go, bury it somewhere.

So yeah, that's. Why he's like my puppy was attacked by a snake? He looks like peter griffin. He looks so chubs looks like quagmire. This boy has a girl in a hotel room alone and he's setting up his xbox.

He has his priorities. What is the girl gon na do talk? What does an xbox do? Take you into a different world, immerse you out of this hotel room. Maybe he just wants to respect the fact that you're, a human being and not just object and treat you like his bro and be like hey. You know, let's play some games like just because you're opposite sex, i mean got ta.

You know five, six, seven, nine! What how's, this even fair, you know is he allowed to play in the nba, because that's not fair, you know, what's you know, what's the crazy thing is this guy still probably wouldn't even make in the nba like that's how competitive it is. Why is your mouth making that noise? Why is your mouth making that noise wait? There's something in his mouth, it's so freaking loud dude. What the hell is, that is it a bug drop. It is a cicada that has got to be uncomfortable drop it.

It's so bizarre, like he just doesn't feel good either. He just maybe he likes the sound in his mouth. He's like it's like it's a vibrator in his mouth. This feels kind of good he's like dropping cicadas, trying to fart quietly on the roller coaster.

Quiet, wow, real quiet, we'll find that one. Your timing was off. You should have waited for it to go completely down, then the screams and the wind dude is literally allowed. Like ninety percent of the time and the one ten percent of the times you decide to do that, the things i do for cat, it's not worth it bro.
It's not it's! Not! Let's go home man. What are you doing, i'm so sorry dude. It's called led strip the ceiling of a room. I want to do that.

That's pretty small! Do you want to do that? Yeah i mean just for, like i suggested that you're like oh, it's, not it's not gon na be classy. If it's not like hidden behind something, i mean for rooms not out there out there, it's kind of kill like a try yoshi before my room, i'm saying the difference. Oh my god, you were doing nine in the thirty. Why? Because i'm in the hood, that's a good answer i'll be speeding this too, but you got me in the car.

No, i'm sorry, ain't got no guns i'll, be right back and grab you well, that's how you serve and protect the community. Oh hell, yeah! That's dude! That's the most reasonable comp i've ever heard. Why are you going 90 because it's the hood it's like got to run away from? How are you without picking up weight? Oh god, just don't eat jesus christ like that spongebob episode you eat it, but then you just like vomit it out and just like reform it. It's called bulimia right, yeah, that's a disorder! Why? The hell am i just now seeing this? It's just like a tasty video that is so smart.

Is it? Is it that smart though yeah cause, then you get the chicken fat going on, but you could also do the same thing by laying them flat and then just putting the veggies underneath it anyways, like. I don't understand i was feeding this girl and this happened to my feet. Why did that happen? Is it like some sand people under there when you like, rub against something tough? Oh my god go see a doctor. Please there's just no such thing as a guy being 5 11..

If he were 511, he would just round it up to six feet. Why? If he says he's 511 he's five, nine and a half, i think people just want to escape like the five feet round. You know, because girls are like allergic to that stuff, like they hear like five and then like they, don't even care about the second digit they're, just like they already shut off from you. You know like they're like who are you thanks for picking out my hair emergency yeah, someone stole my weed.

Somebody stole your weed yeah. I had a dog tag. Next, you know it's gone and you think that the police are going to come out and take care of that. For you, i don't know.

If that's a service protect okay, well, having weed is illegal. So if we go out there, then we could end up arresting you all right, never mind all right, that's it! What if you're in like washington, where it's legal, then yeah, i think that's wrong. She should be like oh shoot, who stole it like. They should actually go out and find it yeah.

Maybe we should maybe we should call. You know. Iron. 911.

Sorry. 911 telling me all these people take professional photos right, professional photos, professional photos, but this guy can just use his logic camera from a stream. I bet you didn't even take this picture, someone probably clipped it. What of course, you'd be the only one that just doesn't give a that's crazy.
They got everybody else to take a professional photo and he's just like. I refuse even pewdiepie how many millions of subscribers, but there's no no convince an xqc man. Nothing was going to get in to take a real phone. Research shows that most women at one point in their life possess highly intelligent dna.

Unfortunately, most women will spit it out. Oh my god, it's a true statement right. If you're talking statistically as a male, i probably possess lots of extremely high iq like individuals within me. You know me too.

Let's, let's combine our smart dna. Let's call making a baby yeah yeah, let's make a baby men likes me until i tell them my age no way i was going to say like like 17 like like, i was going to say 20. or something that was wrong. It's too strong.

20S. Oh, my god, is she wearing yeah, don't point out, you will get in trouble, you're the one who first i couldn't help, but to witness these beautiful lanterns at the top they're, both very pointy and perky, and there are two of them you're trying to find a Song, i heard only knowing the melody, i'm pretty sure everyone's trying to before they just be like la la la la la la la na na na da yeah, sometimes you're, just not desperate. You know sometimes they're right. Orcas are the most disrespectful animal on the planet and that's exactly what happens when no one can check you other than humans.

The only thing that can take on an orca and wind is a bigger orca because of the top of the food chain, orcas bullied the entire underwater census and they legitimately traumatize great white sharks. If jaws happens to encounter an orca near their hunting grounds, they'll abandon the area for up to a year and for good reason, orcas actually figured out that if they flip over sharks, they can induce tonic immobility paralyzing the shark, while the bunny dolphins take its liver Heart testies and probably it's life too killer whales haven't seen punching seals up to 80 feet in the air, just like a vehicle researchers believe they do this to either paralyze the seal or loosen the skin. But there's always that chance that these psychopaths do this, because they find joy in putting a seal in the clouds. They're also intelligent enough to work together to create a wave, that's so powerful that it knocks the seal completely off wow.

Just when he thinks he's safe. On the beach steroid flipper reminds him it's an oracle's world and he just lives. What the like an eight to twelve thousand pound equality symbol. They can launch themselves up to fifteen feet in the air, really bad news, if you're a bottlenose in the wrong hole holy and they should have stingrays just cause they can and because this ocean oreo has a range of almost everywhere a grocery list of almost everything And their weaknesses only exist in fiction.
The homicidal sea panda is truly a cheat code. The homicidal sea pin that's pretty much. What it is yeah actually rather like sharks, are actually the good guys. You know they're actually really nice and they actually don't try and hurt us like it's just they think that we're fish or something like that yeah.

Sometimes they get confused because like they, they rely on their nose. So if you start smelling like fish, it's like he'll get you also. If there's blood he's like must be food, you know, yeah sharks are actually nice what'd. You make see you next time on the backyard.

See you next time. Did she write this in all of her friend's yearbooks like see what you see you want to do: she's a genius she's, just a potty mouth australian and then, when people like expose her first she's just like i just miss you next time and people believe because She's a little girl when i say that people don't believe. That's that's what i'm trying to say. How does he know why do dogs know these things? Wait he wasn't even facing him yeah.

He wasn't he's like billy. I could see you me off from the back. You can sense. The disrespect i don't understand like is this just in their dna to know this yeah he's like the outside, looks pretty nice and i'll die.

What did i say this is like a puppet master he's like controlling somebody with that's not how a human moves right living in a third world country? Hey. That's us! Seattle! We live in seattle, hey! That's seattle, yeah! It's crazy because like when, when you're driving the highways, sometimes you just see like the homeless campus inside of the forest, and it looks like there's a kid in forest villages. Also, we don't actually live in seattle. You know we live in at how about we look at this really cute pig.

Excuse me: do you have time to talk about our lord savior jesus christ? Oh my god. It's so cute, that's a quick little too huh and then they get huge and then they're not that fast or are they fast? That's my job? Why didn't they teach it like this? What's 14 of 50, you might be thinking. How am i supposed to know? Well percentages are reversible, so 14 of 50 is the same as 50 percent of 14. 50 just means half.

So what's half of 14. seven, that's easy! It's seven! What what follow for more tricks? Oh wait! Fourteen percent of fifty, so i would just think of it. Fifty percent fourteen percent of a hundred, which is which is fourteen, but then fifty is half it. So it's seven.

Do you wan na say, like that's literally my lunch, like 40 of a hundred, what's an easier number to work with than than fifty it's a hundred where you did more stuff. So what's fourteen percent of a hundred just say, what's fifteen fifty percent of fourteen? That's the same thing you're doing right now, yeah, but for me it makes more sense. Yeah. I guess that's fighting my teammates.
That is a dance move. That's a dance move! I think people just kind of look at you funny. If you do that, i like that one i like that one, it's actually pretty tough like you got ta, have good hip control. You know why are french people so mean we're not mean yeah, we own this nobody's.

True, you don't have to sugarcoat everything like there's too much sugar in america. Already, yes, yeah sugar sugar is only from very well said. You just love that accent yeah yeah wow. He looks like um ken from like barbie or something i can't yeah.

They look like. He had surgery all different states: dance, new york, okay, i haven't been in new york in a while yeah i killed yeah, okay, yeah, that's true! All right! We are in california, we've been in california, yeah yeah, a lot of hip shaking dude new york. Dances like that, really i haven't been in new york in a while, but um california is really freaking accurate. Did you like that? Did you like that genie? Did you want to watch this? Do you, like the cartoon version better or the actual human gina loves those korean haircuts right and the korean fashion as well? It's the most korean thing.

I've ever seen genie wishes. I looked and dressed like that this one's for the korean girls. Your body is literally edited yeah, actually a little literal, hourglass huh wow. You are genetically blessed.

It's almost like a a little too much this one where she looks like like a bowling pin, but that's the thing like wow look at those beautiful sparkles in the back. They look fake, oh, they are fake they're, not even real sparkles, because they're sparkling like all over clothes and the back. Oh my god. I almost believed there for a second, oh really.

I thought it was real. I was like what how did she achieve like such a it's, a cool lighting effect. You know what else is very real genie: the decline of our channel and the quality yeah you're right all right. That's it for tick.

Tock memes be sure to subscribe to the channel, and jenny will jump on you as mario. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time. Peace.

10 thoughts on “Tik thot memes that exhibit excessive sloot behavior”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rassilon says:

    Who's going to tell him that mother's gen determines the intelligence of their offspring?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Abdi says:

    come on don't lie I know where you live guys XD I found it … don't ask how cause I found a lot of people XD but don't worry its just a hobby I don't use it or anything XD

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Kelley says:

    But Henry! By cooking the chicken like that, you could get perfectly crispy skin, evenly around all sides of the chicken

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Dave says:

    Interestingly, there's one thing that orcas have been well-documented to NOT eat. Humans. There's only ever been a single case where an orca has even bitten a human, meaning that sharks, despite not killing many humans, have still killed an infinite amount of times more people than orcas have.

    on a completely unrelated note: Jeannie looks super good in that zelda cosplay

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PaulN07 says:

    The smartest thing that the homicidal sea pandas do is not mess with humans because they know we are the top of the food chain

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ev0wizard says:

    The one time a shirtless guy comes out and Henry trying to cover Jeannie's eyes while Jeannie has to hear and see about Henry watching girls daily 🤦‍♂️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HyruleWarrior 964 says:

    Henry:Does Link want to watch tik tok memes?
    Me: So you have chosen death…
    (Jk, Henry. I'm used to people calling Zelda Link and vice-versa, so you good)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maskedathiest says:

    "me too". hmmm let me see. how many eggs will the average woman have? let us use a high number of 400 possible viable eggs.
    400 lol?
    the average ejaculate from a male contains around 20 million sperm.. dont see the "me too" adding up on this day.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sug Madic says:

    Jennie will jump onto you: happy noices
    As a mario : my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LORD RYAN98 says:

    This maybe dumb but to me she looks like she is dressed up as the blue mega force power ranger

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