Gene guess what we're doing today, video memes? How do you know because you're trying to go into the folder to your drive to open video? Oh, she learns oh uh, the door. Is this guy deaf or something? How does he not hear the road through his car? Also, wouldn't the tesla be warning, you like hey, it's probably beeping as well, but it can't be fake because, like no one, no one actually would do that for a skit. Oh god, that's the mood, oh god, i feel like. Oh no, it's a big mood.

Okay. I like how he's still chasing it down like. Maybe i can still fix this car. It's fine everything's, fine, hey man! Look over there, god damn it! What is this guy? Even looking at like for that long kid? There's there's blinds over there dude! That's a really small bird, oh dude, that's brutal! I don't think you're supposed to kick the player you're supposed to kick the ball.

Why did it seem? Like you weighed about 0.5 pounds, nobody gets ranked off like that. I think it is video game. I think it's a video game right. They asked him what gaming chair he was using no like if you sit on like one of those chairs that that's actually really extremely bad for your back.

At the same time, gaming chairs are also crap as well. Hence henry gave me: the gaming chair gives himself the nice chair, but you're only here for an hour and then you leave. I have to sit here all day, so i deserve the nice chair, okay, right, honey - and this is seven-year-old me after looking through my mom's court job. Is it weird that if, when i go to victoria's secret - and i see them double d's, i too just want to be like because they are so big, they look very welcoming and enveloping.

So it's like comfy and so i'm just like and they look kind of cozy you, like men, man, woman, child you just wan na. I am a pansexual polyamorous non-binary pansexual polyamorous, non-binary vegan, oh my god, epic harry potter spell. But the thing you're casting is laviosa. What are you incorrect, that is, this guy's, the devil, evil pure evil, but so smart.

So smart he's he's a villain genie, but it's a villain. You, you have to admire yeah through respect you're like hmm, who is that pikachu? Okay, oh gyarados, anal, beads, no huh! It's pikachu: how have you learned every halloween party this year? Ah yeah hey everyone so original plus, like especially if it's a very easy constant to do. You know everybody's gon na do it to reflect who we are and what we hope to build. I am proud to announce that, starting today our company is now yeah.

I heard about this. What do you mean? It's not called facebook anymore. What it's called that's stupid, it's the future! Ginny you just don't understand. You're stuck in the past, embrace the metaverse she's got a solid head on on those shoulders.

Cheating dude that light didn't stand a chance. The five other lights are like bumped up children too cold, no nope nope, going back in there that the us would like to know your location. So they could pick up that oil. But that's why pizza tastes good right, because you're, basically just consuming.
What do you avoid? Well not to that degree, fat adds to the anxiousness of the cheese. People say that, like scientifically, if they calculate like napkins, actually don't soak up a significant amount of oil, but i don't believe it ginny. I don't believe it for a second okay. 100.

Do wait. Can you say that said scientists research says that dabbing napkins to absorb oil has no significant effect on the calorie reduction of pizza, and i don't agree with that. There's no way today, i am going to make a new video, so please subscribe subscribe, whatever yeah he's. Definitely gon na get a million likes, but he's not gon na get a single subscription because no one will be able to tell what he's trying to say.

Maybe he wants he'll get that. What's that i can't sabota. Why are you so good at that? Thank you. So indians can't say subscribe.

It's kind of like how irish people can't see purple burglar alarm now some scottish people, that kind of say purple purple, bug podpo bug, purple bugler alarm wait. So this is a struggle if a burglar broke into a scottish guy's house, okay and the police are like what happened he's like. How do i tell him, someone robbed my house he's like who came in sir burglary. I've seen that one, but there was because sheep have like, like npc brains right.

It's like you know how the sheep behave in minecraft, that's actually how they behave. Really. Three, your virtual assistant, i'm siri, your virtual assistant. Well i'll tell you what you're fat little you're boring you don't sound ian right.

This would try not to laugh that one would have got me for sure. I don't know british humor just gets me. I don't know what it is about it, but and like the really trashy like ghetto british people, especially don't do it do not do it. I swear to god he's a good boy.

No he's not he's not a good boy. Oh, he is a good boy. That's right, you put it back, he's a good boy. Thank you he's like wow, what shocking cats being good boys? What universe is this? I thought the cat was going to be like.

Oh, okay go ahead and, like snap, the out of it. What is that? That's? Not your baby, what the is oh! This is so awesome in my heart. It must be so nice and cuddly and warm under there right, because how floofy he is! Oh, oh! No! Oh, oh! Oh okay! Oh okay! Does he go through his intestinal tract and into the vacuum seems kind of gay? I just have to go through if that guy was a girl. Why are they so angry all the time i hate those monkeys, they're, the worse guys, i finally made it to new york city.

That's the new york city experience baby. You made it enjoy what dude this is literally. The first iteration of bonk go to horny jail. Yes, because he bonked him, he bombed him because he was horny.
You dumb horny, oh he's too powerful. How did he make it hop from there? I've hit a lot of like gutters, but, like i've never been in the angle, the spin. That's really impressive. Grandma stop right there.

You know i haven't done this in a while. I haven't done this in a while. Grandma stop grandma stop joking! I will catch you grandma! Oh our grandma's adorable. I love to see the youth inside of grandma ginny.

She may be old on the outside, but inside she's still a child, any asian grandma. That granny would just take off her slipper at least genie's grandmother. When i rip a girl's, blouse off, you know it's when baby yoda rips a girl yeah, it would still be pretty wrong right. Yeah did his ability to measure that without knowing where that was incredible, it's the beer sense, the beer sense.

He feels it. Beer sense. No thank you that guy's a hero, who is this guy, absolutely amazing. He even found the card just to tell the camera.

No he's done the world of great service. Today my dad tried adderall for the first time. Oh wow yeah sure you can do that now. I want your shirt, wow, wumbo wing.

I wonder if a fall from this hike would be enough to kill me for here to go. Why is it whenever i'm having fun it's wrong? Another day, another migraine yeah yeah, it's weird, because when you're younger or for me you're like squidward's the worst character, but then you become squidward, you are the squidward, oh and you're, no longer patrick you're, no longer spongebob. Oh, i was no longer badger. Squidward was really the main character of spongebob god he was so ahead of his time genie.

Oh, oh whoa, not some force right there. The level of testosterone in this room is tremendous cheating. These two are participating astounding, no, not november and every day, not nutting. The thrust just gets stronger.

I bought this entire island. I brought in a bunch of my subscribers and gave them a chance to win tons of money and every time someone gets eliminated, i had 100 000 into the prize pool. I don't care how long this takes. Whichever one of you leaves last wins, 40 million dollars, i'm pretty sure squid game was inspired by mr beast, i'm pretty sure they watched mr b's challenge like we can take this further, but isn't mr beast? Basically, this he's making these people do what he wants for his enjoyment.

This is mr b's end game right here. He just hasn't gotten there, yet yeah he's making his way there. Oh, what the okay he's, not that much of a good boy, i thought doggies were good the ferocity wow, what the that was, the sexy, zoo i've ever heard. He turned a very cancerous trend into something amazing.

I mean, i guess it's a pretty sweet trend. Nah! It's pretty cancerous, it's okay! You can't no salesman mister. Would you like to play a game with me? Play rage shadowless, yes, start now for free hell, yeah he's like no! No get that away from me. Get that away from me and uh that uh porsche.
Obviously, blended the uh, the attack by the mercedes, but oh, have you not seen that video? Did he literally just scream like that on national tv? I don't know, i said it did huh. How did you teach your cat to do that? I feel like he messed up, but it looked like way cooler than he expected and then he was like yeah. I totally meant to do that do that from titanic. Okay, i'm the king of the world, no, not that one, the one where they make love.

No! What what was that extremely awkward tension? Are they brothers and sisters? They look really similar. Oh it's really convenient, but that actually is a really nice benefit. So since i don't have those i just have to like, you know, put my head on the the hard table, but her do you think one perfect, you can sleep for this lecture, all right, that's it for video, meme gene. How was it i loved it? I thought it was really funny smash light if you wish you had boobs like this and and please subtitle, thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time, peace.

Thank you! So much.

18 thoughts on “Stop, don’t do that to the poor table please no”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirSnufflelots says:

    I've never watched a single Mr Beast video and I never will. But from what I know of him I don't get the appeal at all. He's just another clout chasing hypebeast.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Gomez says:

    I feel like the editor who does the ding censors should maybe tone the volume down a bit, I listen to these videos loud to hear Henry speak but then out of no where a ear shattering ding pops up.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew John Grabow says:

    I like the 30 Rock segment where Liz Lemon is telling her friend how great New York City is. Then someone walks up to her and spits in her mouth. Now THAT'S funny! By the way, I watch this channel mostly to look at Jeannie.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaMorte says:

    Henry: 'What the fuck is that?!'
    Rest of humanity: 'C'mon Henry! Surely you can recognise a kitten?! A kitten!'

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Fason says:

    Hey guys I'm not trying down anyone's day I just wanted to say thank you for the content you guys provide for us. My mom went to ICU bc of her having her oxygen on and smoking at the same time and burnt her face. I know I dont know y'all personally but I was jus hoping I could get some prayers for her. It would mean the world. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaklex says:

    Because the oil from the pizza is NOT where the calories come from, it comes from the cheese and dough, plus the other toppings….

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Psalms 32:10
    10 Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    John 16:24
    24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    James 1:21
    21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Psalms 23:4
    4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Isaiah 57:19
    19 creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near," says the Lord. "And I will heal them."

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Micah 4:5
    5 All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Please stop disrespecting God, and his only begotten Son Jesus who died on the Cross For ALL OF OUR SINS SO WE COULD LIVE AND ROSE 3 DAYS LATER.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Ephesians 3:16
    16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    PLEASE change your sinful, evil, wicked ways, get a good and close relationship with God before it's too late I don't want you to go Hell I want to spend the rest of eternity with you and all my friends and family
    Hell is going to pain, suffering, torture, torment for eternity, and it's going be eternal damnation

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Jesus is King, Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and only way to Salvation, Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins so we can live and Rose three days later.
    God is good, God is great, God is AMAZING, God is Wonderful, God is Almighty, God is All-Powerful, God is All-Knowing, God is Eternal, God is Holy, God is JUST, God is the Father and Creator of everyone and everything.
    God created all of us in his image, God created oxygen so we can breath, God created every living thing on Earth, God created Heaven and Earth.
    God provides us with our eyes, our ears, our brain, our heart, our immune system to fight off viruses and bad bacteria, our souls, God provides everything. God provides us the ability to see, to hear, to walk, to talk, to breathe, to touch, to feel, to eat, to drink. God provides everything.
    God protects everyone on Earth from Satan and his demons and a daily basis.
    God provides everyone on Earth with everything they need to survive on a daily basis.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    1 Corinthians 3:18
    18 Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FTW_DK says:

    Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    It doesn't matter what you've, done Jesus loves you and you can be saved. Repent, ask for forgiveness and have faith in him.

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