We hope you had a happy thanksgiving wow and that you bought everything you want in a black friday, but you're missing one more thing: it's our sweatpants from crusade.store. Now we announced this a week ago, but that video got age restricted, cause youtube sucks, but we're reminding you now that there's still 24 hours left to purchase it. We worked incredibly hard on this, like all of our releases. If you go to our website, which has a beautiful photo, the stunning model uh, i wonder who that woman is with the flawless skin, the beautiful rib cage and you go to request page.

You can actually begin your quest eyes down here and our talented artist. Yuki has created this sexy blacksmith, who's selling it to you. Engine has been a story to go along with it, some of the best stuff. Let me read you a line here and with that the man strolled back to town with buttocks still shining in bear, oh and not only did ginny make these sweatpants canon to the lore.

It also comes with seasons, greetings in the form of a card. Look at how adorable this is it's the cutest thing ever and on it. You'll find ginny's special written letter for you. Thank you for the purchase for domestic.

It should definitely arrive before christmas it'll ship in four to five days for international. It should also ride before christmas, unless there are delays which is totally possible due to covey all right, i'm back to the video gee. Are you excited to be doing some tick-tock memes tick-tock? Only the funniest tick-tock memes for you ginny now try not to laugh. Okay or i will kill you.

Okay, i'm just kidding. You can laugh all you want. That's why we're doing this probably won't laugh, not gon na laugh. Now that my life is on the line.

Knock them out. What's this, what what's this? Oh, my god, there's chocolate here, i'm too weak! Oh there's a sticker on here! I don't think brothers hold their sisters like that insert my face in one of these guys faces like sunshine yeah, you wouldn't catch me doing that with my sister. That's just sorry brandon, oh my god! Oh i don't think he expected dude. That water was like straight down boy, be humble, you think you can face the wrath of your bimbo jesus that pose yeah finn.

Does it really well right? You finished so pretty yeah like i feel like she does it better than actual woman. She needs to take a tutorial from him on how to become a woman. I i do i do finn. Please teach me how to i've never seen genie do this pose before i can do it all right.

Go it's the same thing. Oh you're, so sexy gene. Oh wow you're, so unbelievably attracted right now show your breast fed baby, your boobs, oh yeah, it's dinner time baby bring those nipples to mama yeah men. Look like that too.

When they see the boobs yeah, they start crawling yeah. They forget how to walk they're. Just like it's, it's the same, be a pumpkin and this happened. Wait but you're, not a cat, you're recording this.

That's what cats do it's so cute, but he likes it. So you start carving the pumpkin, but you don't realize there's a dog in there. Why are you the way you are you just hear the word henry. Your girlfriend touches your butt you're done.
I don't understand, that's off machine, it's tributary certain places. No, it's not the same. It's exactly within the limits. Let me touch your butt men's butts and women's butts are not the same wow.

This is going to open yeah. I think the door was open because you didn't hear anything break yeah. It was open. There wasn't any lock on it.

Dude, beautiful hair you're, so bad you've upgraded i'm. So i love you can't believe he would do that. He thought he was doing a figurine. It's pretty cool, it's pretty cool! Oh, you know what he's making now he's doing whatever you do.

Don't go back down better. What are you doing? Do not fly through this destiny? He's making some balls go away. Do it he had a whole, like 3d effect, going on too how it's like skinny here, just like pops out. That's amazing.

That really looks like it's like sticking straight at you. Oh, my god, it's god's, really impressed pronouncing english words in japanese, mcdonald's, ultraman, burger king. What we don't say those words here: no there has to be every language has a word well yeah, but no, you need a word. A language is not complete without the word.

Japanese sounds like really cute right, but there's also like a million syllables as well make a japanese person pronounce earth. It's cute, though so they say: earth man asman. I love earth. I love us.

Do you see this reggie don't eat him. I like how he's like? Oh, no, i'm just looking because i love him right and then oh, it's like so tasty, so tasty got ta, eat crazy. Don't you think because they like like small spaces and they like feeling encapsulated? Don't you think all cats are basically bored fetishes, like the dog looks at the owner like? Did it too bad anyone else ever just uh take their pet catfish out for a walk when it floods wait. That is such a cool idea.

It was someone like steps on him, he's just kind of hard he's like no one expects like a catfish ayo derek. Now, if you put two fingers on your cheek, it's impossible to tilt your head to the left, it's a trap. Did you know yeah? Why? Because you do well, i didn't, i didn't think i just thought like when you said you can't tell your head right. I was like you can, so it's obviously trying to set you up for something.

I've honestly never met somebody who just gets me the way that he does stop we're in public. Oh, my gosh shrek wants some shreks. Let's have some shrek, let's have some tricks, but yeah. This app is kind of scary like.

Why did they make this app? Please? Don't ever use this genie, i don't want to be held by shrek. Would you everyone have some shreks, no photoshopping, my friend and seeing what she says not with me. Looking like it, my i like your eye eyes. What drugs are you? What? No it's not e.t? It's some said, i don't know she doesn't look too bad like if you have like a thing for sid like you might work out, you know actually like wide gaps between your eyes.
Yeah. If you, if you find sit attractive, then photoshopping the boys and seeing if they notice another one. Okay, that's so noticeable that one honestly is not that bad yeah, but i also like the fact that he doesn't give a he's like yeah whatever. I look like that.

Music, the more painful the better and the more incomprehensible the lyrics. That's the trends. Honestly, this is already what kanye west music sounds like he's the head of the curve genie. What do you guys call these, because apparently everyone calls them something different.

The first one is ponytails. The second one is an air sip, the third one is chips, and the fourth is icees. Okay, i'm here to stop all this foolishness. Seeing the first one's a hair tie, shorty obviously doesn't know what the actual ponytail is.

The second one airsip airsip, you need to fix up your head top shorty because that's a waterfall third one's chips. Fourth, one is really icees shorty. My rolly is icy. My chain is icy.

That's a freezy fam, that is a freezy. Those were freezies yeah cause. Icees is the one that like drinks, it's in a cup yeah, it's a it's a drink, slushy! No, no, no, an icee is like you get a spoon and you eat the ice huh. No guys this is called.

I don't know it's 7-eleven, you get icees. Those are slushies, icees, slushies, they're, slurpees, go pikachu, come out, i'm gay, oh pikachu, wait! That's james, he doesn't own a pikachu, that's not gage doesn't have boobies what is what's going on my three wiener dogs watching a movie in their mini living room? Oh, my god that is so nice just for your dogs. This is nicer than our actual living room. Can you make something like this for us? I know what the it's so cozy, ah like how like the table.

Lamps are basically like floor lamps for them. I know they're tiny, hey, hey john how's, it going man. Are they like across the universe, john how's, it going new van. I, like it nice nice, hi, the kids.

Ah awesome: oh mine yeah, you know they can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but when they run to each other, they go like this yeah and then they they're always like yeah they're, always in the stands. Why? Like we're? Not girls, so we don't go like. Oh my god like. Oh, it's so good to see you like guys if they do that, that's just gay right, they're, officially gay like why do you have a wife so guys have to be like yeah dude, like i'm, not going to put my hands on you at all, but we're Going to be very emotional, hold it back or else they want to be like, or else they just feel like.

Oh, i miss your buddy. Oh so much! Oh excuse me, the men's restrooms are over there. Oh, oh sorry, i thought you were sorry what oh, the men's restrooms over there. My bad, no wait: um man, sir ma'am, oh no, i mean the men's.
Restroom is over there, she's, not lying she's. Just simply stating a fact. You can still go to the respective. The sky is blue.

She is quite stunning for a man, woman man, you even your cookies, are like my boy is confused right now. Have you ever seen, twilight that wouldn't even you're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is a white, nice cold, your eyes change, color. How old are you 17.? How long have you been 17? A while, i know what you are saying out loud, say it vampire.

Have you ever seen twilight. I want to watch this version of twilight. So bad, i think they got the mannerisms down like they did the way she goes like they're shitty acting, she always goes, and then the dudes, just like stone cold, like no emotion face, it's twilight cringe or what, like dance moves to scare off guys at the Club, what are you talking about these? Are sexy, can't no, that one will get guys? Oh yeah, guys we'll be all over there. I don't know about that.

One. I don't know man guys are pretty desperate at the club dude. If you saw a girl doing this snake, do you think the desperate guy would really go for that they'd be like finally, a girl that no guy is going after now, it's my chance. Meanwhile, every guy is thinking that at the same time and she gets all of the guys at the club - really yeah - that's what's gon na happen.

This is what it chews like to feel five gum. This is what it feel. This is what it feels. This is what a jews this is.

This is who he has way too much. This is what a jews like to feel this. This has come this yes, this is what this is where this is, it looks. This is what's chewing out of his body.

This is what gums five five gums. There's stimulate your senses. Yes, senses stimulate, okay and someone. Please explain why america uses fahrenheit and not clitoris, no sweetheart.

I don't want to give you this. Where did you get that information? Okay, i knew something was wrong when she said foreign height, i'm like clitoris, but i think clitoris is that little ball hit a baby on pbs you talking about that kid caillou. The clitoris is that one day on december 25th, you give each other gifts and you celebrate the birth of the lord and savior jesus christ. You're thinking of christmas yeah, i know the clitoris is that math subject we had to take in high school calculus, that's called calculus, it's crazy.

It's a genuine mystery for most men like we still don't know. I know we have google but like it's not helpful, like we need to demonstrate sex. That has failed us all. Where is the g-spot? Will we ever find out stay tuned for the next episode? What when he says? Where should i finish yeah? No, you ain't! No psycho, oh no, the phone died junior.
I don't understand what she's. What is she trying to say here at the finishing line? Where should you finish the finishing line finish where the finisher? Where is it? Where is the clip? Where is your vas deferens? I know where that is where it's in the ring, but where's the clitoris. You know the mass deference right yeah. Where is it it's in the brain yeah? It is, i don't know it's in the ring honey.

You need to study what you're doing? Yes? Okay, that's a super, but where is the clutter? Yes, this video does not inform that's really cool where the clutter can you please show us where they're going? I already know where buddy button and booba is she's, trying really hard she's, showing us every part of the body but she's not specifying where exactly it is, though i need some help. The mystery continues. That's it for our tick. Tock memes make sure to smash like because that's the only choice now, since the dislike button is going away.

No, it's still in the brain all right. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace, bye,.

14 thoughts on “Tik thot memes that get far too personal”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars superant19 says:

    I can't purchase the pants! I don't get paid until the 1st of December! Damn I hope you bring them back.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jair says:

    A mere mortal dared to try to go up against the great power of water, his arrogance blinded him and then he suffered the pubishment for such sin may he find be more intelligent now that he learned that it cannot be defeated

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Barhead says:

    I didn't even know that it was thanksgiving! And I didn't know it was Black Friday! Life is good for Dani XD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redneck Rage says:

    sorry, I pressed dislike just to see if it actually does nothing but then I pressed like

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Friendly Neighborhood Degenerate says:

    Jeannie: You know where the vas deferens is right?
    Henry: The brain
    He is correct, it is situated near the male second brain, usually dominant in mating advances

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eyal Lev says:

    fyi, henry is completely correct, the vas deferens is in the brain, or at least, it's a part of the male organ that is used to make all the bad decisions …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Shishlev says:

    Oooookay…. Adv on a 16th minute instead of first one? Yeah, got me good. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IchiroFuma says:

    I like how it looks like she's having a brain aneurysm at the end cuz he doesn't know where it is.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Modest Magpie says:

    yells in batman voice: Where is the clitoris?!? You wouldn't give it to an ordinary citizen!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CurrentlyBlazed says:

    Dammit, you guys are so entertaining.

    I legitimately enjoy your content. You both have such a good dynamic and the editors are on point as well

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwilightWolf032 says:

    "Bitch" has a different meaning in Japanese, it means "slut".
    That's why she didn't say it, I guess.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brai The Kai killer says:

    i really thought she was gonna say bitchy or something but not saying anything made me laugh more

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rhoades says:

    And also fin beautiful guy / girl a I just do the plugging idk guy just works a guy from your friendly neighborhood Florida man

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daciana Trif says:

    Fun fact: James from pokemon was shown with "boo bees"(avoiding YouTube being annoying) in at least one episode of the anime

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