You're, seeing when um travis scott fell through the stage is that what that is all right gene? Would you like to do our teenagers? I would like to see our teenagers not do. I would like to do it i'm going to do some teenagers totally not going to be taken out of context. My school lunch had maggots in the apples. Applesauce is not supposed to be blue.

I would have thought that was just like the blueberry jam. It's 70s day and this kid is dressing for 1717.. Oh, he missed the memo. No, he pulls it off.

Alexander hamilton, alexander alexander alexander hamilton, we hold an 18 year old 16 year old 12 repeatos in the back. That's us, you think we'll still look at the sub when we're 52. I hope not. My parents left and said to hand candy to kids and bottle to parents what what holy she's so consider that's alcohol.

I mean alcohol is pretty much candy for adults right speaking of. Can you stop i'll, be right? No ginny. What should i get my big brother for his birthday help a dildo he's 17 and he's a straight male who is muslim? That's why it would be hilarious. Oh, my god, you're insane gift me a dildo.

Do it use code, mxr, do it coward, you're beautiful want to be spoiled spoiled? What do you mean i'd? Give you two thousand dollars a week starting tonight, just to talk no nudes at all. I do not prepay, i will go higher if you're good. My max is six thousand dollars say yes, daddy. If you want that, i'm 15, all the better i'll, even raise my price up to three thousand dollars.

Given your age. Where does it say that is that just you are you pissed, hillary head? Are you finally, the max now twelve thousand dollars if you're good, i pretended to be a 15 year old girl to talk to recruit for 6k? Can you imagine, being a 15 year old girl how much money you can make by selling your morals? That's what you're gon na say think about the money, the empire you could. The empire you can build with that kind of power basis will be quaking. Unhealthy coping mechanisms where are y'all sitting isolation or food isolation? You yeah, i always sat um at table one really when the school shooter came in i'd, be the first to be out, you'd be the first to get shot.

Oh yeah, that too, oh no hey! I always wanted to say something to you. It's that i had these affection towards you for a very long time. I always thought that talking to you will not be easy, but that didn't matter much in 11th and it made me feel that these feelings are a little more than usual. I know you cannot reciprocate at the same and i'm sure you see me as someone from school and nothing much more than that, but don't worry i've, no such feelings.

Now it has long gone though, but sometimes the affection suddenly starts crawling back to me. When i see your face, it's only fine if you block me on social medias, i've enjoyed our company together for a very short time. I hope things will be awkward between us in case we run into each other in the future, and i'm really thankful for this blessed chronovirus. If it wasn't for that, i would have really asked you out, and i know what'll be the outcome.
I'm truly sorry for driving the bottom out of nowhere, and i really appreciate, if you don't say anything about this to anyone. I wish all the best of luck. Hope you find peace in your sad moments. Good luck! Thank you wow, my son.

This is not the way to go. My son wait. Wait, let's see if it's not the way to go, hey blank, i'm actually flattered to know this uh. We will always be good friends and yeah.

I won't share this to anyone and i'm not blocking you at social medias and all come on. We will be good friends as always feel free to talk anytime. You just dropped a bag of guilts on this poor female, but the thing is like you said: i have no such feelings now, so it's like yeah, why do you say, got a little heartbroken, yeah you're, the one. You just said that you have no feelings.

Yeah. Only somebody with feelings would spend this much time. Writing a essay about this hi. Please don't think i'm a weirdo, but how tall are you? Why just want to know? To be honest, i think you're kind of cute.

I just want to know beforehand, because i want to ask you out: i've seen you around school, just walking to class. I just wanted to ask you up before it gets too late. You know what i mean. Oh cool, let's see what you mean yeah.

We can hang out when are you available, i'm fully occupied this week. Just tell me when you're available, i can pick you up, then i'm 5 for the by the way, okay, never mind off what no. This is a troll force, even if he's far off in the distance, you would have seen that he's the guy's five four you will know he was short yeah. Okay, also, what kind of girl starts off like how tall are you yeah? It's like, maybe like hey? How much do you weigh what's your cup size by the way, huh? Don't answer that some girls give each other the emptiest compliments i've ever heard: oh babe you're! Just oh my god, like i can't what the did you just say: they're, just so emotional and feeling so strongly that they they can't put into words, because it's just so strong of a feeling that nothing in words can be sometimes girls like wear a dress.

You just come on you're like right right right. I need your age and your height. I need stats for projects. Don't answer this question.

Don't answer this question? Kids. Kids, know! Kids! No, you don't do this! Stop! Oh! No guys! No, don't say it! It's a big trap: no hentai hoodies spot in the wilds. They allow this at school teachers. Don't understand.

Do you think, like the high school girls, respect that a guy that has like balls? Doesn't he give a crap knows all the sauce, all the best hentai? If there's any teenage girls out there, reply in the comments leave your your name but also leave your age and your height. What do you mean? I just took my bra off. Oh no thanks! Why not? Because i'm not interested, you think, i'm ugly nope just not interested not into girls. I am i'm just not interested.
Oh, he just destroyed her genie. She will live with this crippling, crippling self-doubt for the rest of her life. I hope you're. Okay, stop falling down the stairs, how the ground tastes little man there's three types of friends: no, that's just all one person! Well, you can't raise the j well because this is already a given.

So now i want to add something new to the equation: how the ground tastes now we're getting some new information here you know: do it again, guess what this photo i took is soda mountain dew, oh you're, smart looks frosty. I was so wrong, hey. How are you i'm good? What about you same things? 48 male alabama and you um 17. holy, never mind, yeah good on you dipping, though oh wow there's a 40 year old male like trying to find love on reddit.

I don't know of any 48 year olds on reddit. True, where are you supposed to find your love? The only people you're going to find are teenagers, maybe he's looking for that. One person - that's like i'm 17, but it's fine, i'm 17, but my mom's not home, want to make out r bonk partol, hmm bonk me daddy. Ladies and gentlemen, my sister, your sister, communicates with you on reddit and she's.

What god is some real alabama? I guess i peel the lime. Why i'm getting just like hot and sweaty, like just thinking about eating that lime dye this place is hard to leave them. That is diabolical. I would be like.

Oh my god, this is the most rotten spoiled orange in the world. No, but at least they buy it so they're like. Ah, should schools provide condoms to students? Yes, because today, kids have sex. Like rabbits, don't be silly wrap your willy yes, because it can help to prevent teenage pregnancies and other harmful diseases.

I believe that they should be available for students to use yes, because you can't make love without a glove. Yes, because it help can help reduce stds and make a safer environment. Yes, because most students have sex so just make it safe. Some students can't control themselves, wrap it before you tap.

It don't be a fool cover your tool, no because it would only promote sex and spread stds. I don't care, i'm gay. Well, obviously he wins wait. Don't you still use a condom, though, if you're gay, because it prevents like hiv - oh yeah, you should i feel like.

Maybe this could be bad because it's telling them that it's normal to have sex at this age like we're, giving you condoms, just go and do it national, throw short people day on october 21st. You can throw anyone under 5'4 with no permission needed. Oh my god. Oh, my gosh, you just made the catching.

I i made the cut yeah. You just made the cut. No. I did, but if kai and yuki were here - oh, my god, they'd be punted.
Working on updates 108 complete it's going back to the first eight percent and making sure that it was done right. That's what 108 is okay, you know we fully completely reached 140, looks like they're, making kids versions for everything. Now messenger messenger. Kids, youtube youtube.

Kids! Our posting, our teenagers, wait. What's our post yeah, i've never heard of posting jews.02 seconds after a child is born. Oh just loving the aspect ratio on this. You know you're that penis little kid give me that foreskin, hello boy.

What did they do with all the foreskins they um sell them for for coke. I meant like for what purpose they uh. They cook it up and create little foreskin pizzas. I was drawing the rock, but i ended up joining myself.

Oh wow, your plumber's, quick dude. If you're trying to draw johnny, since you did a fantastic job, that's johnny, 10 out of 10.. I'm i'm sorry! That's his plumber! That's my plumber! Too genie! You don't have a plumber right, there's pods! Good! Oh! Is this acting give this man an oscar genie that was such amazing my parts, no more pots he's gon na die from death from snooze new huh, no he's gon na die from his pods being destroyed and thanos did to oblivion. Your battery percentage is the centimeters of your penis.

Why is you instantly checked how many centimeters, how many centimeters, how do you? How do you show me show me, show me how many we'll just pretend we didn't see it? How many centimeters, how many seven you make you know my phone is always a low battery charge. What's 18 centimeters inches 18 centimeters is 7.09 inches. No percentage is centimeters. Oh actually, yeah wait.

What i have seven inches wait what we did. If you have 100, then you're huge, like how you're very happy now minus 99 999 source of credit, this animation is freaky, who the hell made this henry. I think i have to be on some type of drug to understand what the happening i went on a trip without being on drugs. It's why it's called posts.

Oh, my kids at 30 am right. You feel like they're made for like a different species like this. Isn't mean for us. Are you a sock, because i think we would make a good pair? Are you a sock, because i want to argue with chickens because i think you're impeccable? Are you a chicken? Because this is you? This is your humor right here.

This is exactly what you do. I feel like henry. What do you think when i say warm your vagina, i'm like what about mom and you're like vagina, get me out of this school man go back to teenagers and henry will say: oh my god, this one's. So some color too holy dear god, and they said nothing about that.

This school is very progressive, he's probably a good excuse. What is they stepped on a lego, then? What is the white stuff? The snot coming from the peens and the legos are teachers, this dumb. That they don't know what they're looking at people don't really know what that is, you know really yeah. It could be milk, it could be snot, it's a cartoon.
It's up to your judgment. I had a teacher. Look it over and essentially said you can draw the conclusions yourself, but since nothing is being shown, it doesn't violate, dress code. I think that's how like people get away with, like i hagale thumbnails, on youtube as well, because it's up to your interpretation, she could be making that facial reaction to anything honestly.

She could have ate a cake and had that facial reaction. Yeah very true, very true. The highly detailed, though, can only be known as frosting from that cake, so it should be fine why'd, you just call it it's cake. Oh pov, you're, an overthinker time to make up scenarios in my head to go along with the songs i'm listening to.

Does that mean you're an overthinker? I do that, sometimes all the time people always try and draw their own meaning from songs. Yeah, it's pretty normal. I do this all the time i wanted to see. Travis scott falling off the stage again yeah and the way he falls he's like yes, he just rolls off screw coke and pepsi, which way do you all do your bees yeah? Who the does up? Nobody does up it's three.

There is another yeah. I do three. There's only one way to do. It is three.

If you do anything other than three, i don't trust you. I don't trust it. That's pretty severe. Okay, that's a severe judgment.

How do we always get tied up? Do you remember totally spies? Yes, yeah, like wasn't such a good show, it was a good show and didn't they always get tied up in like every episode. I love their gadgets. Why? Why did they always get tied up? Dude did you know there was one where they got force-fed cookies? That was very they put like the cookies at like waist high level. What no! Oh, okay, all right! That's it for our teenagers, make sure to leave a like if it is perfectly okay to enjoy totally spies.

Yes, any last words jeanie all right. Peace, oh.

17 thoughts on “Totally spies was a weird show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alanwilld says:

    People who write their B in any other way than number three never learnt to write with a fountain pen

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Partime_artist says:

    There is a kid at my school who wears that type of stuff and a lot of other kids who have some sus sticker's on hydro flasks, phones, and backpacks.
    I'd say that kid is cool

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danibones says:

    the animators of Totally Spies knew what they were doing… like, it's one thing to say "oh yeah, the bad guys captured them and tied them up", but like, to use shibari techniques? Really? Come on bro…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zachary M says:

    Henry: "What's your cup size btw?"
    Jeannie: starts deflating

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pim Astfalck says:

    for that coping mechanism thing i just think up ways to run a government and solutions too problems governments have (no idea if they would be successful but still)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atlas Shrugged says:

    3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, am I cool? Do you love me, are you proud now Dad?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay B. says:

    Depends on the school's dress code policies. Some policies may just cover on how much skin is allowed to be shown, while some dress code policies may go as far as allowable prints

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Proper Menace says:

    The use removed foreskins to makes wallets. If you rub them they turn into briefcases

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Sullivan says:

    The cartoon is Iran's leader laughing at China's leader who has been unfavorably compared to Winnie the Pooh.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Robbins says:

    Everything has microscopic holes the microscopic holes in a condom are 5x the size of an aids virus you want to be safe know your partner

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eden Archive says:

    They are sold to make burn bandages, beauty creams for women and also sold to labs for various other research purposes.
    That's what they use foreskins for. It's big business and the only reason it is legal to sexually mutilate newborn baby boys, while it is illegal to do the same to girls.
    There is no medical reason for it. It's money. And sick religion.
    Girls get UTI's at infinitely higher rates than boys. It would be like cutting off their inner and outer lips as a precaution against it and to keep things clean. Same logic/excuse.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Bntz says:

    A coworker n I were just have a conversation bout this not to long ago

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Throw Acnt says:

    That kid rejected himself before being rejected by that girl, all out of fear and self loathing. That's why there's a partial truth to those "law of attraction" people, it's not necessarily anything mystical, it's that if you keep filtering the world through your perception that you don't deserve anything and that things will happen a certain way then you will likely act and do as if it were true and thus it will likely be true.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deadgmaster says:

    lmao the pick about the hentai hoody, Nope totally not seen except by the anime club teachers, who usually watch that stuff themselves, had a classmate walk around with a shirt promoting Futa, I had no clue, google didn't prepare me, and some Things you cannot un-see…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Mclellan says:

    For the centimetres for size, I charged my phone to full before watching so…..

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Biker says:

    I really appreciate the teen who confessed and said they got a little heartbroken. People get confused. Sometimes saying you loved someone but not anymore can be heartbreaking to the person saying it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Lind says:

    Seems I'll scare all the girls away with my 1' 5.717" member then…

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