Ginny, are you interested in doing some mxtar reddit, my guy? Am i ever want one it's healthy, but you know what else is healthy for eugene good sleep? Yes, and do you know how do i get good sleep? I use my mental sleep mask every single night to block out the sun because of my vampiric sleep schedule. Man, sleep makes the best sleep, mass and functional sleep accessories, but there's more demands than that. Everything they do is fueled by their drive to enable better lives through better sleep and regular naps. And let me tell you: this has improved my life because sleeping always allows me to be way more productive during the day way.

More focused, i'm way more energetic in these videos and just healthier life, and i'm just happier in general, yeah and out of all the sleep masters are by far the most comfortable because they don't touch your eyeballs. Actually, they just encapsulate it in this warm soft fuzz and it's also incredibly customizable to whatever your face is shaped. Like you know, if you have frog eyes, you can put them apart. If you have like bds, you can put them together.

So if you're interested in getting your mana sleep mask, go down a link, description below and click on it and buy one of these get good sleep, starting from today crusaders when youtube tries to demonetize henry and jeannie veteran fans heart questions: oh kinky fans youtube. I like that, i feel very avenged by this cartoon. I really like that he kept the kinky fans in there as well. You know because those definitely exist.

I think they're, the majority god bless editor for yet again. Gracing us of genius antics warm butt, cheeks wet wet did. Can i put this in here? I think it's kai. Can you explain yourself please? No, because i really don't know i just sometimes find a good beat and then i go with it.

Okay, why do you want your wedge to be wet? Do you understand what you're, implying here, but day three days since the last mxr plays uploaded? This is a really good photoshop that actually looks like it was in the show. I'm sorry guys the youtube strike has been holding us back. What are these two wrong answers? Only hey youtube's favorite content creators that that hurts like, oh wow, chad, makes undercock stealing someone's girlfriend. He said wrong answers.

Only oh wait. Can i be stealing my own girlfriend. You can't steal, what's already yours, oh, are you mine yeah? Are you mine, yeah? This is mine day two of five, sir. Please me to youtube: where are they that was really well done? Wow yeah? They are the same guy.

Oh my god really unbelievable. I didn't know that in your chest it's called wearing a tight shirt. This was like the heaviest i ever was. Oh, you look happier in the second one.

Yes, i decided i will embrace my skinny body body positivity. I, like you as yourself, skinny body you're, just saying that, but in your dreams you dream otherwise kind of. Would you kill me for 10 million dollars, yeah easy yeah? What kind of a question is that? Is this smile? Your plea bargain, because it's not really working. No henry dolphins are mammals.
The fan base. How does henry know this? I know this because they have vaginas right. Snakes, don't have vaginas or snakes mammals. Every broken clock is right twice a day, faster lineage, i'm at burger king with my burger queen blasphemy.

It is prophesied that the burger king must marry the dairy queen and shall have a daughter named wendy, a son named carl jr, and they will have two jesters that serve them. One named ronald, who is a clown and the other named jack who lives in a box. They will be guarded by the noble five guys and the head of their army will be colonel sanders on their wedding day. They will be married in their beautiful olive garden and they shall forever live in a pristine white castle that has a giant taco bell hanging from it wow that was really weird, never connected the fast foods together.

But now it's a big story. I guess there's so many like fast food places out there that you can technically craft the story like out of anything craft, one out of um in and out. I gave her the in and out when henry and genie don't upload a video for the day. Apparently we're dead 1994 to 20, 21 27.

That's just gon na say like let's go procreate. Oh i thought it's two, four, six, eight. Who do we appreciate? Oh? No, no one was thinking that not in the subreddit, but i guess it makes sense, because she's wearing a hentai haven. So i guess you wouldn't really be procreating.

I don't know it just. Why did you just say that then, because i just saw the double h's and i figured like - maybe that's what they're thinking right, even though i thought that was a lightning bolt. Guys, literally only want one thing and it's disgusting is that a boy is that a girl, that's a girl, but that's so cute, absolutely disgusting spending time with your four-year-old daughter, you tell me there's an entire anime of a guy that takes care of his small daughter. There's many animes where a guy takes care of his daughter because the mom died or the mom left.

I just want to hear about the one where he goes to the store if the milk never comes back kayla's all this time watching the latest video they're talking. Okay, sad face. Okay, they kiss. Can you cry? I i didn't choose that the uh, the editor's thought thought to keep it in.

Usually, if it were me, i would just cut it out. They didn't want to see that sappy stuff - that's disgusting! Oh my god! It arrives, it actually works out yeah and it's not cardi b hope this doesn't happen to henry, don't judge a man's kinks if he wants to wear that. That's none of your business wait. But how come it's a tear away? How does that happen? He wants his wife to do that for him tonight, just tear it away.

He makes it easy for you. Yeah amex sorry got another strike: oh dude, the red one yeah. I remember that scene amex or plays the type of content. I have zero interest in yet i watch every single video because this girl is insanely gorgeous g never believes me when i say it, but is this not concrete evidence genie to the point where people who watch something that they're actually not that interested in every single Day of their life, i think that guy was high.
How about you listen to skater boy here he says: yeah i mean yeah. She is gorgeous, i think, you're gorgeous. Well, he keeps stealing my chin. No henry calls genie mommy emergency meeting.

She needs mommy she's, a hot mama. I don't like when you call me that no, what no it sounds good. What the is this you finished this. How did i sit here for an entire hour and a half and not even realize that you were drinking a white clock hello? Did you see that am i like that? Like daft mom, you're nearing your 30s, i want grandkids before i die so help you find a girl.

Tell me: what's your preference, i want a cat girl with the gun. I want an army girl with the gun. Girls have done girl with lots of guns, but also she's got to have big boobas and look anime 2d yeah good luck with that hun. So i guess, if you're like a girl that, like really needs, help getting guys, then just shoot guns, yeah play games and shoot guns.

I've gone five days found a new mxr plays upload. We're here. Don't you we're back sun we're here? Let's give them a warm hug on the microphone. Hugs do not transfer like that ginny yeah, but do not work like that.

How does that shake like that shaking even after he's been decapitated, but i can't believe how like unbelievably like perky and pink his nipples? Are it's insane? I wish i had nipples like that mom we have guests and i turned on some anime for their children on your computer. I don't have any anna and then you hear all the five-year-olds like and you're like. Oh, no, oh! No! No! No! No! Where did they have the best time of their life genie and they're like mom? Can we come over here every single day? This is the pen just for like little boys with little girls i'll go watch an enemy come on father. I know what a pissory is.

Your girlfriend and your mom switch bodies. You have to duck one of them to change them back. Who do you duck? These are the ones whoa henry henry henry henry henry. You have to say you have to say your answer.

No, i don't know yes you're serious. It's not even my mind, i won't even let it cross my mind's face yeah my mind is clear and empty thoughts right now. You answer it. I can't you think about it.

The best way to spend time after day in college america's shorts and old mxr plays videos with czech beer and glass. I hope all crusaders doing well. Yeah sounds like a good time like that glass of beer. I cheers to you new sound effect for windows.

Billy billy billy billy billy he's about to get his us demonetized man. Jesus christ then stop slapping my chest. That's the new sound! That's windows! 12 right there. Today i learned that tigers cannot purr to show happiness, tigers, squint or close their eyes.
This is because losing vision lowers defense, so tigers only purposely do so when they feel comfortable and safe. So when a tiger looks at you and he goes like huh, you kill him because he let his defenses down. I'm kidding. That's really cute wow.

It's it's near! Your home, i miss home, i feel, like they've saved our lives. You guys have saved yes, what just genie. What's what pocky you're fired? Wait? What the is this they're over here come get them come on boys. That is disgusting.

Where can i find the the x button to to get rid of that off? My screen, guys tell me, doesn't want to ask, but he wants oh well there. It is. He wants to ask for sauce, oh guys, where are they finding all of these formats because they all look so accurate honey? I got you triple pump. What is slow motion? The only way you get it is.

If you hit the clock with your slipper, you chipboard deep blue. Could you do that? No here throw this. Don't just don't throw this! My office is fragile. Jenny walking a cheetah who's jenny.

This isn't going very well for her, who is jenny? It's this apparently, where the is she in the panda suit, her name's jenny. Apparently, i think he meant eugenie, no, i'm pretty sure he's banned banned him from this reddit. Oh, my god, i didn't know the doc. No, oh hi kitty.

Why is his tail so high up he's on his shoulder now? What damn this is lucky as hell genie? When is it my turn for a cat to come on me and just cuddle he's like this is a good spot. His head send me all the halloween shorts i'll, send you my cheese. What have you slack jawed knuckle dragging in lyric suckers done with mixer plays, oh, my god. Oh my god, okay, guys, okay yeah! We we appreciate it keep doing it.

Just usually. People are like no, but we're like no stop stop doing that. Don't grow on trees. They grow here at my gummy animal farm, i'm jane and i raise breed and slaughter gummy animals yeah it'd be so hard to resist, not eating these and that the females go to full size, whereas the males stay bite-sized.

What can intimidate the males? So we need to help them once the mama bears are ready to pop i'm right there ready to catch them, babies and get them ready for consumption. Now there are a few ways to slaughter. There's suffocation, blunt force trauma or you can just go for the jungle at the end of the day. I can rest assured, knowing my gummies are ethically raised before making the world a sweeter place.

Very well said: can you imagine sentencing all men to death by snoozing like that, just like jamming them in these little gummies are like living the dream right they just. Oh, did you see this kong right here, henry you're not ugly at all you're, a hot handsome hunk of a man if you weren't dating genie, i'd shoot my shot at you go for it, faye, always pray before you eat. Thank you, lord, for this fat ass. In front of me today i shall go to town in your name, the lord's, like don't use my name.
Don't do that. Please imagine one of these triplets is your girlfriend. One day you come home, drunk af and really you get confused and you they're dead fishing mailed decision mail we're getting next time boys. Is there a limit to how many clones of each other guys are really hyped? No, there isn't if there could be 100 lits guys.

Yes, okay, okay, you gon na go, oh, oh! No! It appears i'm stuck. I know what i have to do, but i don't know if i have the strength to do it. You do just push the open button and let her go. No, that's not what he has to do.

No, he has to push when the opportunity presents itself in such a perfect manner that reenacts all the memes and the points you know what you must do open the elevator. That's it for this video make sure to smash that like, if you believe, kylo ren has the power to do what he needs to do all right and we'll uh we'll see you guys next time, peace.

15 thoughts on “I know what i must do but i don’t know if i have the strength to do it”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loki Eleven says:

    fast food pumpkin man, My dude ,this is what all hero's strive for.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armo664 says:

    Ok, for real… what's the anime with the father and daughter story called? I want to melt in the feels by the wholsomeness.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eevee Nation Gaming! says:

    Anyone got the Sauce on that Fast food multiverse family tree?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kv Yonda says:

    I haven’t been to sleep in 2. Days I’m buying the mask hopefully it helps

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baker on a Burner says:

    We are emotionally invested in you two dorks!! I've been watching since you were mxr plays alone pre jeannie you two are adorable I hope you read this but WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Be happy have fun enjoy life you lucky sob jeannie I love you your adorable take great care of that stubborn ass. Again I love you guys and do some.mxrs kitchen your braided bread is a staple in my house

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lelouch Britannia says:

    New Crusaders have entered the Fray… The Pandalorians (play on Mandalorians for those that need explanation)

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Rhodes says:

    When you did the hug, I curled up in a ball and I could feel the hug and I liked the hug and it felt warm and I cried a lil.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebirth Zin says:

    Am I hearing them right or are they both saying "fission" instead of "mission" lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sammuelkain says:

    First 😏 how does Jeannie knows about HH 2 even ask Henry if "that's Hentai Heaven" logo on the shirt & not a⚡🤔… & 2nd 😁✔️ YES, GO OPEN her LIKE THE ELEVATOR 😅! ✌️😎

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J says:

    Jeaninii is gorgeous. I always watch their videos muted. Just so I can see her more clearly.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lordofalltime says:

    the burger king prophecy is only missing the Pizza Hut!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrotatoSpartan says:

    Henry and Jeannie, I've got to know, have you ever listened to your outro at 1.25X speed? It sounds so upbeat and keeps me in a good and happy mood while working in this dump we all know and refer to as Walmart.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Cook says:

    …….."you know what u must do jeanie" lmfao

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars highlander31527 says:

    Hour and a half to finish a white claw?
    If you drink something that weak, it should be gone about ten seconds after you open it because you are that desperate for alcohol.
    The only thing more disgusting than white claw is La Croix.
    I was certain that the guy who gave me one was playing a cruel joke on me the first time I tried La Croix.
    No, he had a case of them in the fridge, and actually liked them.
    This discovery led me further down the path of understanding that zoomers are brain damaged.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryce Ratcliffe says:

    The girl in the "HH" shirt is Ran Mitake, not actually the Hentai Haven mascot. Someone just changed her shirt.

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