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When you buy a variety after retirement. Okay, that's not a ferrari! That's a lamborghini! It's a lamborghini! Oh, let's cry a little bit. Okay they're! Definitely not buying this car. If they don't even know that this is not a ferrari, okay, well, i think they're definitely not buying it by the fact that they can't really get out.

I feel like this is actually good because it kind of makes you realize how unhealthy and how the shape you are henry he's like that doesn't mean you should become immobile after retirement. It's not that! Well, why don't you get to that age and try using your knees and hips and back maybe it'll motivate you to like keep your joints in good shape? I will see you when you're 60 to kill a friend. Oh wait. This person actually trying to kill her dude, what that's terrifying - oh my god, never walking next to the bus is my friends anymore.

I don't think that bus is actually there. Oh, she clips through it watch that's computer graphic that looks so real wait. So the bus was real. I'm confused her head literally looked like it clipped through the she tried to kill her through it all to release a pitch, and then nurse back to health after is injured flying to their window.

Hey wait! What the heck was that that's a bunny henry, it looks like a fur dust. It's it's a cat. No, it's a bunny, it's not good. What is that yeah? I feel like we just like.

Let him go on the ground and like like why throw him release and then walk away, and if that butthole decides to find a window again, you're like all right, that's her fault to be a bartender he's trying to get rid of the foam on the top. Oh, my god, but it's still it's still the same amount of foam every time did i ever tell you the definition of insanity, because that is what you are doing. This is a perfect loop. At least he seems like a good person he's trying to give you like max amount of beer right, but he's wasting the beef he's getting somewhere.
No, the bubble is the same. That's a good place. You know trying to give the customer the bang for the buck there to steal an egg. Oh, but now he's stuck oh, no.

He has to peek about yes, if you get out to get out yeah, you didn't think this one's through yeah he's like you went through the top slot. You don't need that just yank yeah there you go, i'm out he's like it was so cute, though i'm not gon na lie, he's like well, i'm my head's too big. I got ta to bully a small cat wow what to throw a rock scared of the protesters, but you this is what you're scared of here. This is what you're up against.

I probably would have gotten hit by that rock i'm just as unfit, and i wouldn't be able to run away in time, so i'd be like, ah to open up a food truck. No, no, no! No! Don't touch my truck. I touched this truck. Oh my god.

He's so scary, i love how she thought that he was gon na be happy to see her yeah. It's like bro you just it's pretty much private property that you just busted into right. Yeah! That's! What is his! What is her problem? Yeah pretty much this pretty girl's, not used negative reaction. That's pretty much this! In a nutshell, all their life guys have only been nice to them.

Now they meet like a like a grumpy old man. They're like oh, my god. People are mean this world isn't beautiful and rainbows and butterflies to walk through a garage man. Where are you going? Where are you oh she's, trapped in there forever? Could you please, it probably says like do not enter? Oh yeah she's? Oh no.

This is amazing. How how freaked out would you be right now level, one start survive the zombie apocalypse. Oh mike yeah. I don't like how the camera doesn't show anymore.

Oh okay, why didn't you choose to like jump on top or anything yeah? That's what i would have thought like when i saw that car in front of me - and i was in that lot - i would have been like holy. Is this thing going to run me over wait, ran over trapped, minority injuries guard saw and rescued her. She was at the hospital. Oh thank god.

I was like there's no way she died to scare the monkey. Wait. I didn't notice. There was a dog there.

It's a lie. It's a lion! Oh my god. It is what the this gives me. Such asian mom vibes like if you bite back she's like how dare you like your family, to defend toyota supra from a hailstorm storm.

It's my perspective. Oh man, dude. That sucks does that actually, like ruin the paint job of cars not hail, nobody expects hail genie. Just like how nobody expects a spanish position find a guy who will hug and protect you from hell like this could protect his car.

He probably wouldn't even do that for his girlfriend. I know his girlfriend meanwhile passed on the ground getting hit with hail he's like my baby. If your girlfriend were here and the super were here, and you had one cardboard box, what would you do come here super to change her mind about skydiving yeah he's got to kick her out pretty much yeah there you go. You can't change your mind.
Yes, you can no, you got to sleep, no, if you're, not if you're not out of here, leaping with her because like what, if she's frozen who's gon na unparallel, it's not his problem. What, if she's paralyzed, i guess, she's dead, i said, don't worry to be keanu reeves no, but that actually is like how he behaves like he's always crashing and, like you know, by the third movie, i'm just like grandpa stop, so you could go home. It's okay! Stop no, no, no, the doggy is going grams to blame the car in front of you. We saw this okay, so people kept on saying that we were wrong and that the footage was released and it was actually the lambo to blame.

Apparently she released her footage and i'm confused and people said that she did that in revenge on the lambo for hitting her earlier wait, so the lambo hit where her rear. That's true, i don't know man so, okay, here's! My second question: right: if the lambo hit you right, why would you hit him? You shouldn't hit him back. You should report him to the police because you have his license plate right and if she has footage of that even better, but don't hit him back. This bloke is trying to make a quick getaway after his lover's husband came home from work early go right there palmetto.

Is he trying to come back up? If i knew that guy was up there, i don't care how tall that place is i'm jumping down i'd? Rather, do that than find out whatever that guy's going to do with my balls yeah chances either. Oh he's gone. He's gone, oh my god! Yes, you survived. Oh, has he spotted the camera? Oh man get out of here.

Let's go online, come on god get it. He was still there holy he's sprinting. Oh my god, it's gold, i love how they just successed go. These cameramen need their own show.

Their commentary is gold. Why british people so funny genie to steal a snack? Oh no kitty, or maybe the cat's like this stuff's bad for you. Let me throw it away for you. He gets real food, that's what he gets.

You know for stealing snacks, that's not cool man. That is not cool! You belong in the trash, not stealing this. This is just here for the taking huge difference to demonstrate the safety of a folding ladder, so it was about to get clapped by this ladder. It's a very easy situation to operate.

You just push the buttons in right here on the two sides. The two little buttons and all you do is push them in and that will release it and what right here push the button and that releases it and then after you let go it locks, hey! Listen just walk right up and i tell you it's very safe. It's durable and they're like scaring me so really now it's locked in place. Okay, i don't think sure it is yeah.
Oh god, harold are you? Okay? Actually i didn't have it locked. You have to lock it once you lock it you're, okay, but it is very safe to operate. I don't i don't think so. So if you need to call for it all right, exactly zero products that night, not a single product, it's funny how it folded in it's like now, it's locked, it's like! No, no! No! I think it's, i think it's broken dude.

This guy knows that he, his whole career is basically just gone like he completely ruined this product that they must spend like years developing patenting. No one will ever buy that again to hit and run he's on. Are you serious? Oh, my god. I leave you right now.

Dude, are you he's all the cars he just sped up the gall on this guy yeah. That's got to be really awkward here when he has to come out and be like uh, yeah, yeah man. I didn't see it. Okay, you don't think that's funny.

Did you hear the guitar on that thing, dude that was freaky hilarious? Oh my god beautiful! That's it for there's an attempt smash like if you'd like to feed henry more yanians all right. Thank you! So much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace.

14 thoughts on “What in the name of christ is she doing to this poor guitar”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Erb says:

    NOTE: city busses have a guard just in front of the rear tire to keep people from killing themselves but jumping under the rear tires. It pushes the head/body out from under the bus

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burt Da newbb says:

    Where is the video of the girl walking into the garage found at. I want to use that and show people why they need to pay attention and not be on there phones when walking

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars colkestrel says:

    I don't see why dudes would chase the man that was banging their woman. IMO the guy did you a favor but showing that your woman is a hoe and you just move on. Should be able to get everything in the divorce as well.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Infarkt says:

    The custom in skydiving has been, if you go to the door you jump, stay in your seat and it is ok to back out.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Ludwig says:

    @Henry, I don't know what you do with your time off camera. However, if you just sit around most your time being completely sedentary, regardless of how healthy you feel now, you will be worse than the old man getting out the lambo by the time you're his age…Also, if you wait till you feel the pains you've waited too long.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Filthy Lemur says:

    Holy God that "bartender", I was never actually a bartender but I trained to be one and that is NOT HOW YOU POUR THE BEER!!!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Throw Acnt says:

    I'm still amused at the stupidity of men going after men who are banging their wife. News break buddy I think you have bigger issues at home.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Duysen says:

    that last one man ive seen some bad guitar performances but damn that was bad ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธi dont like heavy metal but id much rather hear heavy metal than that crap

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Beaulieu says:

    I am a Chad Henry thumbnail appreciator but I also enjoy Jeannie thumbnails even if it hurts my street cred.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MGCXIII says:

    The Lambo sidewinded her car and drove over red light almost hitting a cyclist, so she rear-ended him in order to get him to stop.
    They're both idiots.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Ward says:

    the Lambo accident was originally the Lambo driver's fault because he sideswiped the front corner of the Audi when he went around her to make the turn. She just made it worse by chasing and rear ending him on purpose to make him stop. so basically… they're both dicks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J I says:

    the husband reaction when he saw the dude was everything LMAO, i relayed it and i laught everytime XD

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaMorte says:

    Henry: 'It's a cat'
    Rest of us: 'At this point I'm surprised he didn't think the pigeon was the cat'

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UpperRobin29 says:

    Nah the Lambo hit and ran and the woman tried to chase him down. The light was yellow at the intersection so she sped through and didn't know that the Lambo was right there. It looks like they're both assholes.

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