Hello jitty, it's very nice to meet you hello. You finally meet. I finally arrived she's. Finally, here i finally emerge you need a knife.

Did you like comics, bloody ones, adamandeve.com ginny? Why should people shop at adamandeve.com because they have the highest standards for products in the adult industry? Those very good toys and ginny, adam and eve, is heavily committed to public services, they're invested in local charities, schools, community groups and the make a wish foundation. So what are you waiting for? Go to adamandeve.com use, discount code, mxr, get 50 off one item and free shipping, the us and canada some exclusions apart? Oh hey there buddy wow, you're, so friendly you like scritches yeah. You do wait. Aren't you allergic to cats? What's your point, this is henry henry's like oh cute cat pets.

It touches his eye reasons. I've cried while pregnant emotional scenes in lord of the rings. I couldn't tell if i wanted pizza or not the all-consuming fear that i'm bringing a child into an irreparably broken world that values neither human life nor the planet that sustains it and that i'm dooming them to an existence of suffering costco instead of mozzarella sticks. Oh, i would cry, i think we went all the way into costco traveled all the way into that isle, and it wasn't even there and it's not the sadness of i couldn't tell if you want the pizza or not it's that you don't know what'll make you Happy, oh my god.

I don't know what makes me happy. Females are weird men, i don't understand them. It says male who looks at booba and thighs and go oh. I can understand that yeah they're, simply balls of fat henry it's more than that god damn it.

You take the blue pill, the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe you take the red pill. You get high as you sneak into the nightclub and scare everyone of your weird dance moves. Eventually, you yourself she's like say no more, i'm ready. Okay, wait i mean well.

Would you rather like live a boring mundane life or like have memories and stories i'll have a boring one day in college, but it's it's like. Would you rather live or not live at all? Do you think there's someone out there that does like so much crazy every day that they remember every single day of their lives. If you do crazy every single day, then nothing's crazy anymore, you stole my syndrome line. Damn that witch is attractive, if only i knew what to say.

Hey talk just like that. I can hear your thoughts how to approach come here. You dork, i'm still not sure what i should say, though. No, it's fine, you don't you don't need a response, because she can hear your thoughts.

I feel like this is what it's like to be an introvert. I, like your wand, dad i can't sleep. The boogeyman is under my bed, uh again with this timmy. Fine, hey turn that down this guy's dead.

No, it's not shut up foggy wonderland. Isn't that a song what's wrong with uh disco well cause. I guess it is kind of sweet. This girl's not dead.
I can't does anyone still listen to disco? Nobody listens to the disco, i'm not wearing a costume. I'm here to still take your holy full-size standards, never mind margaret we're good, that's what we should have give out this halloween ginny full size, snickers like like the huge premium bars. You know you know it's funny, because you on almond joys and a lot of kids took almond joys, henry he gets almond joysticks. No, my sister likes almond joys.

I think you're, the picky one yeah well. Your sister also only eats the yolk of the eggs and throws away the whites what what a monster chin, what the brain, without getting better men, i would stop feeling miserable, but actually means learning to deal with the feeling you. So that means when genie is feeling sad. I should just be learning to deal with it just deal with a genie just get better right.

I'm just kidding your emotions are valid. I support all of them and you're completely justified and feeling that way. I love you. Tardigrades can survive sub-zero temperatures, the vacuum of space heartbreak it's over brandon.

Well, i don't think he survived it. Okay, i think there's a little passive aggressiveness in that k over there. She never losers. Wait what wait? What did she say? I i'm not sure i don't see the end, they died all right.

I thought it was going to be in the word like losers, like what's what's a loser losers? No, that's! She said: loser losers, you're a loser for reading that as loser huh. A perfect human-shaped hole. You'll never find me here later so kelsey. How did last week's game of hide-and-seek go? I don't want to talk about it.

That's why sometimes it sucks like if you're too good, no one finds you and then you realize you've been hiding in the same spot, for entire races. Doing nothing and just like waiting for someone to find you and you hear the bell ring and it's like. Oh guess i won't be found, and i just wasted my whole recess cramped up in a small, tiny space. Four creepiest fan series, ash ketchum is actually dead and the entire series is just his dying dream.

Harry potter is actually dead and the entire series is just his dying dream. Spongebob squarepants is actually dead and the entire series is just his dying dream. Jerry seinfeld is actually dead and the entire series is just a dying dream. Yeah i feel like this is like every conspiracy theory for every show.

Henry liang is actually dead and the entire channel is just his dying dream. You don't even have a girl, it's not creative because, like anybody can apply this to anything, but then all the little kids are like. Oh my god, i i always knew it all along hey. How are you feeling i want to rip my ovaries out? Got it here, let me get the pliers for you.

I meant emotionally, not literally here come spread. Those likes really. I mean spread out your emotions to me, so i can hear them. Finally, cornered you huns uh, oh how's, hans gon na get out of this one han's number one fan blam literally shot him through the heart fell him in the water: hey, they didn't show him die, so he's.
Definitely, okay survived boom boom, hey still technically didn't, show it. Ah decapitated head, i'm really dying. This isn't a dream sequence or elaborate trick. Oh no blind blame now burn all the remains, so you can't be cloned or anything.

Oh. No. This is what i felt when oberyn died. Oh yeah, i was like really.

I was like yeah. His eyes are just gone, but he's fine, i'm like, oh, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! It's because, like too many movies kill a character off but like don't, really kill a character off and then they use it as like plot trick, like oh, my god, he's still alive. That's why i like game of thrones, just kill him and make it obvious like from the start. You know none of these games turning 30.

i'm turning 30 rubber ducky is like all right. My phone number is here: you go my date of birth july, 2nd the year. You got to keep scrolling back 1997.. It's not really that many scrolls, though right just blows my mind that, like there are people that are born in like 2012, looking insane like what and they are speaking beings in this planet on this planet, and i'm just like some of you watching right now were Born in 2010, it's crazy.

I hope not, if you're a bit too young to be watching these videos stop take my hand and i'll lead you to the flower fields, to a forest to the mountains, to the desert to the desert whoa. She was frankenstein's monster's girlfriend. All along what's wrong with frankenstein frankenstein's monster, is that why he's not on the shots, because he's too ugly to be in the shots henry? No, so when am i getting some grand babies mom, i have 40 000 in student debt first divorced at 24 currently broke and the world is on fire. How am i supposed to support a baby through this honey? God will provide the help florida jezebel god is like i got you the cash now, i'm gon na just take the wheel yeah, but um why'd.

He steal from the bank. That's kind of up. Why can't god steal from the bank um, because thou shalt not steal, go forth my legions and ravish them? I guess we'll get to it. General! Wait! No ravage! I think i meant radish, but i heard these soldiers were like did all have like butt sex with each other, because there were no females around right back in the day.

It's okay to be gay. It still is. It still is: okay, no! No, as in as in like what do you do, it was, it was more widely accepted. I feel like beatleship g4 miss e5.

You cheated used echolocation suck it mouse, learn to get better genetic traits, be a bet like me also good night, because it's day time - and i should be sleeping id here - you go, things are good. That was fast. Your birth here doesn't start with the 20.. Oh, oh i'm turning 30.
and now my stupid friends are having stupid children. I like how that just one steam and made him age like another 20 years, dude dude. I think it's everyone still thinks. I'm a teenager though.

Well you look like a teen yeah yeah. Whenever people come over a house or was it your parents, oh my god, it you should be like, and then i called genie, i'm like here's, my mom. No, no, it's a joke like you, don't actually look like this is because then they see someone else as equally as young and then they get the point. Somebody saved me: how do you look young? You could be a teenager too why'd.

You look at the camera like that. Why can't i look at look at our fans, you know it's the expression you gave them after you said you could look like a teenager too. No, i'm just looking at them. Nothing can beat the power of friendship.

Nothing, not even god. Oh you, oh god, that's actually the power in the comments kill gods. They do green flag red flag. If the flag is green move, if the flag is red, don't move red flag.

She keeps running this. Stop. I think i can change. Him seems like it's usually a woman that want to change the manhunt.

Do you ever hear like guys that want to like change the woman yep, who you know a lot of guys? Oh okay, you're! Not seeing me, you included your god. Dude blame the algorithm. The follower count is dropping significantly and god is like. Am i not being funny enough? It's because you don't upload every day you don't perform miracles as often no he's just not funny enough.

Ginny he's lost it all his charm, maybe he's not spending enough. Like mr beast, only wrote one book and expects people to see interest. That's what i'm saying perform some miracles and you'll see uh youtube like uploads. Once a month has one hit book.

One he's gon na understand why his channel is dying. So here's what i don't get elves lived for thousands of years right indeed, and how old is the kid he'll be two centuries old in just a couple decades, so he's like 180 years old and still acts like a child. Do you always just mature super slowly? If you can have the freedom and responsibilities of a child for hundreds of years, would you turn it down? Fair enough? I don't know i like adulthood, like you, probably like candy candy, like after an hour. You know you probably have to go to sleep like it.

I'm just turning into an apple. Are you trying to achieve enlightenment? No, i'm gathering energy too reply to a long text. This is me to a t. Ah you just say like gotcha, you just say like smiley face.

Just just just react with the the heart sign. You know so do a reaction. You don't even have to respond just leave them on red henry now class. This is a boa constrictor.

Don't worry son, it's not going to bite. As you can see, the constrictor isn't biting. It kills its prey by choking yeah. Why would you say: don't worry, it doesn't bite this.
Let him cause he's not lying she's still on the neck of a kid she should have known by the name: constrictor yeah. I think that kid's laughing at her death right, poor stacy, what a idiot! Finally, that is dead. Then i get chat to myself. You built a whole backstory for these two cute characters.

What are you doing? I'm resting the dough. Can you close your eye for a moment? Okay, i i done what? What is that ginny? What what is that mate? Can we resolve this? I'm sure some guy would eat that pizza henry all right, that's it for our comics! Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace she's a little a little too weird for an outro. All right can you just say goodbye.

14 thoughts on “When you don t need to add yeast to the pizza dough”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Oak says:

    When you study history and know the “back in the day gay” was largely the rape of apprentices (little boys) and the sexualizing of male youth Persians and Greeks touted were why the church “banned homosexuality” (forced priests to not have the same quarters as boys and restricted their sexual acts) because Christ had that whole “it’s better to tie a rock around the neck and drown people who harm children”.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alidan says:

    anyone 22 or older, I just dont see the big deal with getting older, then again, I have 0 life.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spk1121 says:

    Somewhat related to the Roman meme today & the guy shaving in yesterday's episode, it's odd to think how some American Civil War generals had a lasting impact on popular culture. Sideburns are named for the man who famously sported them, Gen. Burnside. Gen. Hooker's army had such a massive camp following that, well, you can deduce the rest! 😅

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zedravenfeather says:

    God provides miracles were he can get more followers, develop countries already have his book and would discredit any mircacles cause of disbelief, out in the world where people are being persecuted, death being the first consequence of believing in Him is where most of his miracles are being performed. Missionaries are there to take part in them, hear about them, or be them and when they come back the rest of the world call them liars cause they would rather live in world without God then be confront with truth that he exist.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars duddernator says:

    Directly after seeing the reference to The Enigma of Amigara Fault, I had to Pause and come down here to the comments to see how many people pointed that out.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seven Yang says:

    Schools sponsored by Adam and Eve like "This field trip is generously sponsored by Adam and Eve, the best supplier…"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mods_a_ton says:

    inbefore they get demonetized or a strike because jeannie looks heavily beaten up even though it's just cosplay. God i hope they'll be fine

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Odom says:

    I wonder if Jeannie or Henry made the battleship bats echolocation sound lol!! That was ear piercingly high pitched!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oskar Wyrwa says:

    No one questioning the dudes magazine in his rifle is in the reverse way? Cartoons alter reality beyond our understanding sometimes

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real YouTube Commenter says:

    Adam & Eve invests in schools?

    Student: Puts earbuds in
    Student: Hears buzzing

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAY KAY says:

    There are Americans watching this video old enough to legally drink alcohol that are younger than my mountain bike.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grunkle says:

    Henry, I will forgive you almost anything from now on. "Looser" <> "Loser": you are entirely correct. Bugs the crap out of me when people get that wrong.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Pozniak says:

    Game of THRONES?! Are you F'g kidding?! There's an entire army that came back from the dead, not to mention John Freaking Snowballs!!! 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Vantine says:

    Me: [Listens to sponsorship at beginning of video. Discovers Adam & Eve is involved with public services, invested in local charities, schools, communities, groups, and Make-a-Wish]

    Me: "Wow, we just sold fruit, magazines, and had cake sales and car washes. We could have made a fortune selling vibrators, dildos, compilation DVDs, lingerie, and other sex toys…"

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