Wow look at genie, she looks so blurs today. Do i look like a red panda? You look like uh. Oh wait! Wait you look like this. Oh! Is that actually how that works? At that rate, why not actually shoot him if you're gon na stab him, because it's a film, oh yeah, actually right, she's, killing him he's sad anyway, blur's barbecue it looks off about this? Is that the only one that was like looking for something else? What for a good good old sausage - but this is this - is better - takes a picture of a crocodile crocodile works out.

Climbs ladders plays the violence you climb. That ladder gets punched in the face. He can't do any of these. Oh, his life is just okay, okay, so crocodile can't do he can sing oh, but he won't be he's on the spotlight.

He can't cook either cause his nose is gon na burn and he got a disadvantage. Oh, that's so depressing he can play cello what if he wants to do these things, you can't do those things blurs spidey straw. When you go to get a drink, you poke your eyes out. They knew what they were doing in the design, because someone had to test for ease of use, i guess and then like all right scientists, oh my god.

No, my hide your kids yeah. Why don't like instagram girls like dress up in these they're, like the perfect, like instagram like yoga, pant, show off your ass? You know henry. Maybe we don't want to do that to our childhood tv shows. What's up, what's up, how much do you think, like some guys on like twitch, would like pay to like eat? One of those you know if they were like her two or three no pay for her to eat, one of those? No, they want to eat it.

Oh 10 million 10 million, some say they've just appreciated once they've touched those boobies blurst in your dream: here's a chocolate heart and he's like, and it's because he's a cashier worker and he's scanning it for her. Oh poor guy, maybe th! That's his only chance to experience what it's like to receive chocolates from a girl. It's got ta be one they check out of the store. I bet you scroll down.

There's gon na. Be six numbers. Oh, never mind. Oh thank god! You just got so scared.

Why would you think you're sad? Because i've been scared, you want to see him. Do it with her she's a kid genie he does look like. Maybe he could be like an ugly bastard in hentai. That's why we're so scarred? Oh, my god, my hero, one person who inspires me is mom.

Oh my gosh. This is like a horror movie is his mom like dead and buried somewhere, and you just like, drew her rotting corpse. She may be dead, but i know she's watching over me. In that case, this is pretty accurate.

You know if she actually is dead right now. That is what she looks like bliss, cleopatra and caesar salad. She does not look amused honey, you're supposed to be the actual kaiser, not caesar dressing salad. It's pretty clever.

I just have as cleopatra blurs john marston red dead redemption he's very cute. Yes, he is very cowardly like how this guy, like completely redrew the entire image genie's playing red dead. Does he remind you of a cheerleader sure, a very edgy, cheerleader sure yeah i mean who says you can't do a cheer and blow someone's brains out shaka at the same time, right blurs bob ross, no you're ruining his image. Bob ross wasn't a fighter.
He was a lover, wasn't he a veteran? He fought in wars. We don't use the word murder here we like to call them accidents, happy little accidents, we're just going to ignore the guy on the right and johnny get in here. That's lovely! Couldn't they wait until after he finished the shower? Teddy knows this family's close or you can just step in there and butt ass naked? No one minds, oh no! They up alex. I finally found someone that doesn't understand animals like i do.

Is there actually an animal called a turtle lion? Hey siri? What's a turtle lion? Oh it's an avatar! Oh! I saw this. Oh this guy, oh god! Oh he's flexing hard. Okay, i'm scared of kangaroos dude. That's not a kangaroo! That's ronnie coleman! We got ta find a way to like insert kangaroo jeans in us.

You know get like super jacked like a kangaroo. I guess at that point you just insert like gorilla jeans. I want to see a gorilla fighter kangaroo. You would wish for the colosseum days to return.

I swear. What are those nasty days of glory? No, those are days of horrible bloodshed and violence whoa. What is this human and he looks like he's from sesame street yeah? He looks like big bird, but, like the human yeah he's human big bird. Do you think that like helps him like pick the leaves off the taller trees? For what purpose does he need to pick leaves for survival? Are you honestly calling him a giraffe? Is he not a giraffe? No, i think he's very much who man blur's last samurai, the king, that's a railing.

No, the kitty killed him or that's the handle. How could you even be mad dying like that? I just feel like i accept it. I accept his death. It is an honorable one blair's cheating is that rick is that bulma? Is that the girl from dragon ball z? Is that from society what's happening here? Why would he care, if rick were doing it with bulma? That's not bulma.

By the way? That's that's like uh android, 64, or something okay blair's hello kitty. Why is there nothing wrong with that gun, yeah, it's gatling gun and there's barbed wire um, but there's nothing wrong with liking it! No! I, like gatling guns, miniguns barbed wire that war destruction, but he also loves halo keys. My username on steam is war. Dude dude, hello, kitty lover blurs dog.

Oh, he looks like a human wait. Oh god, i thought this was photoshopped, i'm sorry but like who would want this dog wait. Are you sure human is looking? Are you sure that's not photoshopped, because the lips cannot be that color, like if dogs were like all look like this. Do you think we'd still keep them as pets? That's a bit harsh, of course, sweat.
I think zuckerberg is overworking his core. I think that's powerful. She told you not to worry about you blur max, that is a skyrim axe, yeah till death. It's a nordic axe! This reminds me of the disney ride.

Do you remember the haunted mansion there was that one with the bride carrying a thing and it turns into like an axe and she's like till death? Do us part, and then she like shout outs to this guy you're supposed to color him in with crayons, but he looks way. Funnier like this. I think wait. Why do they make that it's hilarious? He looks like he turned into a yeti.

You know, like he just said uncontrollable body hair but then like bleached away so fluffy blurs mythbusters. Can you wank off your friend while he is driving and survive, busted wait they're, not even british they're american. Can you wake off a fellow brother while you're? Never my busters! What the hell is wrong with you. Yes, that character is based off of blue jay right.

You ever seen a blue jay. No, not in real life, really yeah. We have them on the east coast. Really you see them every once in a while or cardinal it was either a blue jay or cardinal.

It was red or blue and then you'd freak out. You tell your sister like yo, i just saw saw a blue jay should come running and be gone. No one cares: huh yeah, sweden just took the gold medal in weather, forecast fashion. Oh my god.

It's a cat and he's summoning the power of lightning wait. They let you just wear that i thought you had to wear like a certain time. Maybe it's casual fridays blurs battery unexpected the battery's, actually, the light bulb. Who saw that coming? Did you see that coming ginny? I didn't see that coming whoa? Have you seen this cat? That's not a cat! Now i have yeah.

I have not seen this cat no and i kind of wish. I didn't see it. Oh no, oh god. It's cruel, ginny's only 10 for god's sakes, true, and they already gave him balding yeah.

I knew like a 13 year old kid that started balding as well. In elementary school yeah, i was tragic. Kid was like 13, where you look like 40. You know really sad stuff.

Is this cosplay? No, it's not it's. Putting your head in a piece of cardboard wouldn't qualify. That is this cosplay? No, it's not! No! It's cute sure burst fridge, that's the fridge of a man, someone that owns a lot of chickens. Oh words: how to basics fridge! First mythbusters! Now you don't know what how to basic is.

Why do you kiss me when i don't know something? It saddens me where's banana lounge. Oh oh, oh holy that banana's thick dude, most girls, don't have booty cheeks that look like that. Ginny. Do you think that banana like wants to be stuffed in the mouth? You know yeah say: oh yeah eat me daddy.

First, fried shrimp, you get orange socks, you get one, a big yellow, blanket onesie and you put it over and you turn into delicious, fried shrimp. I think he's done with anime characters. He's already done. Some japanese dishes yeah just real life stuff in general.
Creativity, though, still on point first shelf that is actually pretty sick. I'm confused, though it kind of looks like um, like it's clipping through the wall like here, you're building, something like the fallout system. That's what's happening like you, messed up the positioning and you turned off clipping. Okay, now that it's actually really cool.

I actually like that art piece. It is beautiful. Yeah where's, sign language check this out. I put googly eyes on my fingers in the church.

Noob, it's like obama. Do you know what time it is? Oh wait. I don't have a watch. I have to mention obama time watch.

You know what eat by him. What makes you think they are fake. Ah, there's only one thing reflected in the mirror: yeah! That's true: it's the same thing when you like bury people with boob jobs, you know and then, when they dig them up later, like all you see, is silicon, so many repercussions blurs pie. Oh wow, it's a water, pine yum, it's low calorie, really good for your diet, i'll pass blair's spider dance.

Is that a person? Oh, my god, he's really good. It's incredible! He actually looks like a spider. This is why i don't understand modern dance or contemporary dance. There's like now we present is this actually modern, spider-man.

It's like! What's the symbolism here, it's like son, you, you want to go, watch spiderman! This is the spiderman worst birthday party wow. That looks really depressing huh. What are those balloons are those just inflated but hey. If you have nothing compared to compared to this is the greatest birthday ever right.

Let's see what i have to wear today. Oh look, it's just a bunch of nude men, okay, never mind, then. So what would you do if you found this in your closet run, because why are there naked men in my closet? I don't know. Why is this naked man a lamp? What would you do if you found a bunch of men in your closet suck is just kidding all right? That's it for blurst images, make sure to smash like if you want your closet to be filled with woman and red pandas.

What if these are red? A million times yes, okay, thank you! So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace.

17 thoughts on “I think i downloaded the wrong teletubbies”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zlatan says:

    those teletubbie girls are disgusting. You can actually see their cellulite through their clothes.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NutTraces says:

    Anyone else get that Old Kung – Fu dude vibes from Kill Bill?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LordZhadex says:

    Jeannie would make a cute Paimon with voice and all. โค๏ธ

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEATHrocket777 says:

    Floridian here. We have both blue jays and cardinals on the East coast.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Genadek says:

    I suppose the fake wear on a shirt/hoodie was the next evolution in cloths after torn jeans

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vault Scribe says:

    Jeannie keeps testing the gay chicken train on Henry and everyone keeps losing lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saskafrass says:

    You can loved your pets, just not LOOOOVVVVVE your pets. re:blursed dog. BEST ONE LINER IN A MOVIE EVER. That puppy looks the product of interspecies dating.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stauros Menexes says:

    Is it me or Jeanne looks like the monkey King from forgotten kingdom( not sure about the name of the movie, the character was played by jet Lee)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Venom says:

    yay for sabaton hello kitty + mini gun they are epic

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris simpson says:

    Jeanie looking like Sun Wukong from that one Jackie Chan movie where a dude goes back in time to ancient China

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hal Ninethousand says:

    For those wondering about the huge ass gun… Sabaton. A power metal band that primarily does music about military events.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheHolyKnight says:

    the hello kitty image was a picture of the singer of sabaton. the gun and barbed wire might have something to do with the partnership with "world of tanks"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Lambert says:

    Day 319: no seriously this format for the video titles is very common on this channel lol. But also cute costume Jeannie. Day 392. Day 272. Day 267. Day 255. Day 246. Day hundred-thirty-six of telling yous that I love you both โค

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EvolutionaryRevolutionary says:

    It's not cosplay, it's cosPRO. eh? …EH? ..k, nevermind.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars callum holland says:

    Apparently when I was really young I was TERRIFIED of the baby sun

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars enrique chavez says:

    Are you guys going to post more video on mxr plus??

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romuland Meier says:

    I am a bit sad that Jeanny was not there today.
    But at least he finally made a crossover with Killians Experience.

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