Today we're doing mxr reddit, that's really exciting, i'm so happy, but you know what gets me more excited than that: a rock card, my ridge wallet. If you pull this out, all the women around you will just get on their knees and just bow down. These are all real facts because they cannot handle the fact that your wallet can hold up to 12 cards, plus room for cash room for cash, but it's so slim and so compact and you can slip it in, looks like nothing's there and there are 30 colors In those juicers, but this one is my favorite, followed by this one. Ah so get ten percent out today, with free world relationship with returns, we're gon na reach dot com, slash mxr, that's, mxr use code, mxr been watching mxr for around a decade.

He moves to cali where you live, you move to washington and so does he. He moves into a house that you built. Okay, so actually stream told me a crusader built this house, but i thought they were lying, so i'm kind of like uh. Oh, you built this house.

Why does it have so many problems that god damn i'm just kidding? I love this house. I absolutely love it. You know. What's really weird is that it's strangely poetic because, like thanks to crusaders, were able to live in this house and thanks to a crusader, put his blood, sweat and tears into it.

We're living in this house at least he won't expose the location yeah. It's it's really hard to confirm because he doesn't want to like release any information about our house. I mean rightly so: yeah! Look where genie's hands are that's okay, you just got ta, go straight down and then he'll be fine. Oh that sounds on my lap.

He gets his children, it it shoots into a tunnel that goes directly to his island. Be careful, kids, always look to the end of the hockey. Still there. I still end up as jeffrey, very classy.

Very classy wait. What was i doing? You know. I just didn't. Keep going up and down wait but henry.

Why is my hand there hold on? Why would i oh do you know why it goes up and down? Why? Because you shake your leg in recordings yeah we need like a henry like cam, like you guys, should see. My my leg just always happening yeah like sometimes the screen shakes as well. Would you rather wake up to your waifu every single day or find the cure to cover 19.? Some of you may die. That is a sacrifice i am willing to make.

Well, this is an easy answer. Of course, i'd find the kurdikov in 19, because i have my waifu that i wake up to every single day. There's only really one correct answer for me here, just kidding where's o2. What would you do ginny? You know: there's preventative measures also just wear masks and wash your hands okay, so you want to wake up to zero too.

It's a sacrifice, i'm willing to make panda queen might enjoy this. Did you enjoy? That? Did you like that very thoroughly? I like that. I cannot see his butt because he's so fat. I was like looking for his penis.

Where is he where's his penis? Only true gamers will understand. I have a question for the men. What the do you want wait? Did you just break that? Well, that's a huge heatsink, so he wants a maid to build him, a pc honestly. What man would say no to actually this needs to be a service.
I feel like you need to make this like an actual business. You make so much money, and so we have a drawing and then the real life counterpart, which is actually uh shockingly very similar son masturbation, can make you blind. Oh no, oh, not the dad. He can't see any more.

He can't see his nose, oh god he's so cute. I have four eyes and it's all thanks to you asakuya. Why are you looking her? Oh okay, is it just me or do y'all you all see it too? Oh, my god, i see it. Are you jerry genie, henry getting a little too touchy? The fan base? Look i'm just he does that yeah.

He he touches my leg. That's what all of you do when you drive your girls around in the car. It's a new crusade house. We have a new holy land and hopefully the holy land will stop moving around and it'll stay once this is the final holy land.

This is the promised land. This is it guys. We've made it pitcher 10 we're setting up here and then, two weeks later, we move again. We can only do this so many times.

Okay, this is a serious debate. Would a brontosauruses if a brontosaurus were to have a necktie? Would it be tied at the top of the neck or at the bottom of the neck? We can understand the picture genie. I don't think we can. Why not? Why doesn't anyone argue for the middle, because that's this is where your adam's apple is.

That's just uncomfortable. Okay, so by your argument, you should tying it at the bottom yeah. Okay, too, it's pretty obvious too. It wouldn't even be on a shirt.

It'd just be hanging downwards, henry's putting his hands between gina's legs. She realized. Okay! Is it so wrong to just put my hand on genie's leg? You do that with your best buddies too right, like when you're with your bro and you're sitting down you're like who's, that skip-off player, who touched the other basketball, 18 minutes, and no one played more than 29., but yeah bros. Do it to their bro yeah.

I do that to my bros too. In fact, he even rubbed. We have a new contestant whoa. This guy's challenging the cosplay, no goddamn way how he has.

He has some real balls genie. I don't think he knows what he's up against invisible, invisible, i'ma, keep it real. If you're chief, she ain't even got to be visible. You really don't honestly, might even be better really.

I heard that men are very visual creatures yeah, but you put a shirt over and it's like she's there. What if she takes it off, because you know well at least he knows like she's hot henry. How do you know she's hot? You can't even see her? Oh, my god, it's right there! That's how you know. She's high found these on twitter.
You know the line cute. Okay, that's the sizeable human being next to a rather small human being. She is now gaining up on her against the wall. This human being seems to aim to utilize her massive size to perhaps assassinate the smaller figure, using her genitals in an act described as death by sustain.

Is that what they wanted? You give the people what they need henry and that that's why you are beloved and maybe watch a different kind of series. Okay, so g doesn't like squid game. Have you ever considered squirt game? I would be surprised if, like you know, the japanese made some kind of like porno about this. Like there's some weird ones out there you know, would you care to elaborate? No, i don't want to elaborate.

You know people would watch that, especially this is called squirt game, probably more people than who watch squid, triple layer, cake triple layer cake. Oh my god also what's happening. I think they're playing frogger but like they got stuck in between each other. They just they couldn't make it over, so they just kept on coming on top of each other.

All right, then, ah, moving on for christmas, i wanted dragons be realistic. I want you to recognize animals correctly. What color do you want your dragon? So is henry a slug henry snail. I'll be honest.

I i don't think i know the difference either. Okay, animals are hard. There's a lot of animals out there. You know, maybe you should question your own knowledge of animals.

Maybe you might be wrong. Maybe i might be right we're reading biology all crusader. Marine biologists are like, oh, my god, when your mom says she'll, take you to the lego store tomorrow and it's tomorrow, mom mom mother. It is time, but you said: we'd go to toys r! Us today, you said you'd.

Take me to mcdonald's. Henry kids go make her smile. Oh it's so cute. Are you insinuating? I married a dog honey.

Look at this post. Why am i a shark okay? Is this like the number one meme now is this? It is this what i'm known for, if you can name that breed correctly, it's a corgi, see you guys see so no more memes about that. It's a red panda, exactly what they are when your dad tries to hug you, but neither of you are racist. No emotion, yeah, it's kind of like me.

Unfortunately, genie see me and my dad's reaction. This is like the most emotionless like robotics like if it's me and my dad, i'm like damn he's like mmm right and then i see you and you're done you're like so. I'm i'm flying back to the opposite side of the country and he's like, but we don't need to express it. We can feel it innately.

I think that's what you say as an experience. You know no, it's real when my friend, who i taught to play challenges me the squad. The friend me. Oh, i know this.

You finally have gotten to that level. Huh now meet me in the field of battle, sometimes like the people, you teach actually like get really really into the game even more than you do. That's what i did with hearthstone friend austin got me into it down the line. I got a super overpowered, handlock deck that was worth a lot of money and kicked his ass.
You kicked his ass yeah um interesting. You don't believe in my smarts and my abilities. I do you think my friend austin's, smarter than me yeah, you even acknowledge. I always felt like i was always the dumbest out of all my friends.

I wouldn't call you, then i met jeannie, that's just a joke. I don't care if it's small, what is important is how you think about your partner right here that little buddy you hear that little buddy wow is this like a relatable dojin helps men feel better about their weebies. Do you think spongebob's hung? I know. Squidward's hung from his nose.

His wiener doesn't satisfy her. You know something else: okay, doggy 10.. Where, where is that doggy going, he doesn't give a oh smart. You brought back a rope to do what now you can tie it and then tie it to what to the dog the dog's gon na pull it for him.

Oh my god, stop that stress and that's smart. This is a german shepherd. German shepherds are smart. That's why we're getting a white german shepherd? Oh my gosh! That's hell, yeah what a breed huh! All he wants is like they did it good good, yeah they're, so smart and all they need is a head pad.

Manga anime adaptation. Upgrades people upgrades the camera. Man. Just like started, you know, like acted out in case you weren't sure, yeah yeah.

I wasn't really sure how animators use their cameras yeah sauce, my ruko chin, oh whoa, oh i'm, okay, uh, i'm all right! No, how does it go from like this to like up close shot of her crotch? Look at the amount of detail like they put into this, drawing like there's so many lines to like to pick the creases in there? Like you know, this guy spent like a solid afternoon just drawing this underside right here, it's me or your video, while you're obviously more important to me than some silly games. I'm deeply concerned that you'd end a relationship over something so trivial. I'm afraid this relationship can no longer continue, not because i'm choosing video games over you, but because you displaced your lack of respect and give me this ridiculous ultimatum. It's a solid, well thought out very well spoken response.

What, if it's, that he literally spends no free time with her because he's always on video games like literally none, and she says it's me or your video games now you know how i feel about you playing final fantasy by this title. I said games, it's always games, so i'll, listen to him. I should do that. This is all they want, but back in my day, we fought in wars.

How do you think these guys would feel about this like if someone stopped them on the battlefield? Like excuse me, how do you feel about that? I just lost my brother. I lost my brother like one minute ago. What's your height, five, eight? Okay, what's your weight? What what? What are the numerical digits that appear when you stand on a waiting scale? Why does it matter? Why did my height matter didn't think you're a do you think you're bad? Oh, she got shut down. She even fought it too, like she kept on going back as if she had like a reasonable argument, or she thought she was gon na win this really that's what matters for men wait.
No, it doesn't matter to us, but why? Wouldn't you tell us? No because girls, very obviously like we asked about your height because it matters clearly, so i would think y'alls would ask, what's your boob size actually we'd like to know about the circumference of your ass? Okay, that too, you could say like how tall you say. Five seconds a lot of women would be quite offended. Well then, when when she says well, that's a discomfort of your ass, i don't know the circumstances i need to know before jesus - oh my god, that's actually spot on. I can get mines to fix this genie.

There are plenty of mods i'll fix the skeleton he's. An amateur he's, still he's still playing the vanilla game. I can get you bouncing breasts as well. The most realistic i mean he doesn't have footballers two pounds.

I can make that happen. Oh, yes, the eternal quest for ass yeah. I can see like how some guys could see that as like their lifelong quest. You know you ever see that in the sky, that's a pretty fascinating quest and i wish you the best on your journey good.

Sir yeah. I don't get why people like final fantasy. That's why genie? That's! Why that's why people like final fantasy 7, oh and also for uh? What's the other girl for arif as well, and what's the third one barrett best one, it is the third one. That's who i flew around when ginny had a deep voice.

No, but the good thing about me is all my cousins are basically guys, so none of them will know which one i'm talking about so genie. What is this? Incestuousness incest is wincest yeah. Why does your voice sound like that wait? Is this pitched down? No, but the good thing about me is all my cousins are basically guys, so none of them will know what you take like a shot at testosterone before you recorded this. No, no! No, but what i'm saying is like i feel like this was pitched down.

I'm talking about you'll say i'm talking about like you're, like accent no, no, because i would only talk like that. If i did this on purpose like this type of voice, you know but like the normal voice is like this yeah, that's weird! I if someone tells me that this wasn't pitched out i'd, be so shocked. Brazilian sports, don't you! This is science! This isn't a sport jeans, i mean it could be a sport. Maybe it is a sport.

It's a sport in brazil. This is real right. They have team team numbers as well and uh whole outfit, wow, they're, really good at this game. Look at that.
That was worth a lot of points i'm so proud of these women. How far women's rights have all right that is it for mxr reddit, make sure smash, light to bring ginny back to life and subscribe to the channel. So we get 2 million bye, bye peace. I think so much.

13 thoughts on “I love brazilian televised twister”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AceTheWorrior says:

    I am a simple follower, if I hear Henry say "death by snu snu" or the legandry nut-button, I like.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suburban Outdoorsman says:

    For the brontosaurus question.the tie should be at the bottom of the neck because the tie is meant to cover the buttons of a collared shirt, and to provide an extra explosion of color to your outfit as well as make everything look uniform. The only time a tie at the top of the neck would make any sense is if he was wearing a turtleneck collared shirt in which the tie would have to go all the way down to cover all the buttons. However bow ties are an entirely different argument.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Ahman says:

    "Man, german shepherds are smart… that why we're getting a WHITE german shepherd"

    *insert obligatory "ayo?" here*

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kriss_941 says:

    I feel Henry on the thing about hugging your dad… I honestly don't think I've ever given my dad a hug…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouTube Purchases says:

    Dinosaur would wear necktie at number 2. Neckties go under the collar of a shirt. Shirts rest around the shoulders. Humans exist that have unusually long necks. They don't wear shirts that button all the way up to their chin lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zera Dramov says:

    Its always refreshing to see you guys making great content. My lil daughter can´t contain her exitement once she knows about a new video being uploaded while seeing Jeannie as her big sis. Thanks to that we don´t have to expand the family for the time being. The content may not be suitable for her sometimes but its still better than watching some stupid tv shows.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Prince says:

    I knew Henry couldn't resist saying "death by snu snu". And yes, that's what we wanted 😆

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Burglaz Official says:

    “Do you think Spongebob is hung?”
    Henry asking the serious questions!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yuki Nedakh says:

    Yua Sakuya the speed that i typed that was unimaginable, and she was thoroughly researched :")

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunshine Flower says:

    Slaps leg
    Henry: You do that to your bro's too, right??
    Bro's: 😓😓

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Halstead says:

    Jeannie's chair is shedding a lot of pleather. It looks like my chair, good reminder that I need to get a new chair.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nightman Cummith says:

    It was always at the bottem for the tie. Doing it the other way it how you set a noose

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T1geres says:

    The brontosaurus tie goes at the bottom, we don’t wear ties at the top of our neck!

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