Wow, look at how early we're recording today. Do you see the sun? It's beautiful. It is, but not quite as beautiful as the earrings on genia today jean's all fancy today. It's not for me, though, because somebody else is visiting and you know what else is the first huh today we're reacting to gorn ramsay's hell's kitchen? Oh that's one of my favorite shows of all time: ginny.

Okay, it never ceases to amuse me. Oh chef almost serves chef, james, pregnant wife, rod, chicken, i'm ready for some it's raw. Are you good? It's cooked enough, just cooked it up right! Dude! Are you? Do you need a second opinion? Yeah second opinion: what it's not pausing, your chili, i'm gon na pause. It at some point one of us has to give up his space bar.

I thought you'd give up, so i was gon na pause yeah. This keyboard is two space wise, so we conflict on pausing, but you need a second opinion on whether that's what i thought i thought they were professional chefs. I don't know if he would kick that back. Oh, he kicked that back.

Barry. Are you serious that shouldn't go in the window no way in hell man that looked like pretty okay to me, but see i see. Maybe you need a second apparently too far away. He was this close from gwon ramsay, ripping him a new one yeah at least his friend came by and was like stop.

The women are just one ticket away from finishing slice. Your wellington, i'll, walk with the bass together, i'm walking with gardening dude. The women are like perfect, like spawn on everyone's working together. It's like a symphony of sounds one command.

One voice got it done. Yes, chef paired, ready ready. What was she cooking that can't be the bee falling? No, that cannot that's something else. Does it look very appetizing yeah? I wouldn't want to eat it, but i'm sure it's! It's fine! Here's the wellington's over there! Here's the report service, please good job.

Ladies, they did last ticket. They made it through good job. Ladies great job, the dining room is full with children jump into the blue team and help me get their entrees out. Let's go all of this, all of them ramsay, even when he says red team, good job like couldn't use.

Can you smile like good job? Do you think that's what they do out in the battlefields of world war ii? Ginny good shot, good job, it's like no genie, i'm taking you! I've got raw chicken here, it's from my wife, oh oh, that was pretty bad for chef, james's, wife, pink chicken. You see that chicken that's really wrong like i, i can't even believe, like a professional chef, can make a chicken that raw. I guess it's because of like the conditions they're in you know, they're stressed like they're in a huge rush time, so it's like really hard for them to ensure that everything is timed correctly, because as home cooks, you know you have plenty of time, but i'm also Like why don't they just use a meat thermometer? No time chef, james's wife is pregnant, which, which means you are a baby killer, you're, not murdering one person, but two you clearly do not like babies or mothers for that matter. Disgusting, behavior, cheating, girls, oh my gosh.
I can't even look chef james in the yard, he's like a triple black belt in taekwondo, this dude, probably yeah chef james, not like me, chef james, look like someone from russia who will be like you try to poison my wife. You want to check your chicken make sure it's good, it's not good, yet i don't know i'm kind of underwhelmed. You know i i thought gordon ramsay would like it's wrong like he looks. He looks so calm about this, like maybe he's just seen like too many raw chickens.

At this point so many times you can be disappointed before you just lose all things. He makes some like more red metaphors, the chicken's so raw. It's it's still running on the we're playing stardew valley and the chickens still run see i'm not going ramsey. So i need him to come up with some everyone's cooked.

Actually, if you, if you cook chicken properly, there is a little bit of pink. If you do it extremely low temperatures, but that looks good. That looks really good. Like the vegetables look great little brussel leaves yeah, but you have to wait like an hour and a half to get it to make sure that it was perfect.

I'm stronger and stronger every day and my little baby to me, not all of you where capes and in this case the hero to james's wife, was gordon ramsay, our gene, that was nice but gordon ramsay was too kind there. That's not what i'm here for. Okay, i'm not here for successes. I'm here for some ripping.

Let's watch gorn furious over burnt pizza. I can already see come on one result. Why does this guy's eyes? Look like he's constantly got. You know that edit, where they like make everything wider.

Oh they bulge. It yeah, like they bulge it like he looks like he has. The constant mean bulge ended on children's meals, will be served alongside their parents appetizers to avoid a dining room full of grumpy children. What the heck is that? What is that kid eating he's got he's? Got led race braces, that's the thing led braces.

I i guess you know how they like you see, rappers, they got gold, yeah he's just like i trump all of them. With my lightning teeth. I love pizza. When i go grocery shopping, all i get is like frozen pizzas and stuff.

I don't i that would make me concerned if a sh, if a guy who's cooking, my pizza, is like i love frozen pizza. I'm like i don't i'm scared. Please say it's like digiorno at minimum. You know like not that celeste, like one dollar he's looking at, though i'll be like what is this ovens wait.

I thought pizzas were made in microwaves. I thought you put. No, it was like the clothing like what's the option, what did the box say how many scallops in the burger chef behind you pizza for soda just fun? You all okay, wait! A second he's, the guy who messed up with pizza, he's like you, what the no so actually i'm a little surprised because, like i feel like half the pizzas, i get at pizzerias. Look like that at the bottom, like it happened so often that i almost thought that was like normal yeah.
That's just a little little bit of cancer. You know just how mama likes it. Hey look, there's no garnish around there. That's not the biggest bit! Look at that there for kids, just goddamn whenever i use the microwave that doesn't happen, i told you we should use the microwave dude, i'm telling you that that pizza.

When i was a kid i wouldn't eat it dude i was eating the one dollar celeste pizzas. Okay, i would eat that if i i've eaten worse and my potential for cancer might be high, but it was yummy dan, slow down. A second think what you're doing please, damn you can't brush the headphone in front of the pizzazz. Yes, you can't what he was brushing the oven while there's pizzas in there, but it doesn't touch the pizza though, but it's still ashes and like things can fly on top, but you don't clean it on top, look go easy on the poor fella.

This is the first time he uses a pizza, oven, okay, that was, he just saw one for the first time like a minute ago. All right so he's just trying to figure things out. I should have known it was coming. I mean the kid's a little bit of a train wreck and if this kid can't make a simple pizza, i need to step in and pump him out.

Let me he needs to pump him out like pump him like you're, like oh, like like blow him yeah like pump him out, stop he's going up jesus there, robber sucks, overcoat, rubber, rubber, looking to touch that one there. Those look really thin for scallops that one scallops, the only scallops, that's like redeemable, i think that's why it's overcooked, it doesn't look like it has a good sear on it either, which is really unfortunate. It's probably because it's so thin. That's why i love when going around he just pokes through he's like stop there yeah you got ta, you got ta touch everything wait.

Does that mean whenever i go to a restaurant yeah people like have been constantly poking my food yeah. If it's mark up here white, he fingers it, you get five testers genie, one two, three four five go jaclyn go you've got the easiest. Appetizer wait. Did she even say anything to him me? I you.

Well, i mean she. She admitted herself. She was like yeah me and he going around like. Yes, you it's like genie.

Look at the camera, you that's basically what he just did, look at the camera and then as as i'm looking like, hey i'm like what you i'm like what mary's in the corner. Just working very beautiful dishes and he's like he's like what i've been doing my job while the red team starts over on their first ticket out in the dining room, the hungry guests, look for other ways, i'm glad they're still alive genie, i'm glad they haven't perished. Yet from salmonella chip ramsay's in these people control their children in the blue kitchen jesus, i don't know like, especially if you're in like ramsay's restaurant here, i guess gordon ramsay's too nice to children, but here's the thing, though right the cameraman needed to show restless children Because they're taking too long if every child is well behaved and then there's him be like it doesn't make for good television. No, it does not doesn't make a good shot, see behind behind chef.
One pizza go, please all right guys. Let's i don't even get to see the pizza dan did it. I didn't get to see the pizza. He finally figured out how ovens work.

Huh yeah he did go dan. Both teams have managed to bounce back averting disaster in the dining room, uh patience yeah. I want to smile hmm it's like that. Uh computer meme, you know from like the 1990s that kid just got the computer from me he's like that.

One was satisfying, but it's mostly just like the yous that are funny like. I want to see some like real raw insults. This one looks good. This is something i would feed my dog with the score tied.

It all comes down to janelle and michael today i prepared for you a goat and wild mushroom ragu. Is that just a piece of bread just in sauce and then just like one sprig of rosemary, oh yeah, there i didn't, i completely missed the rosemary. This doesn't look appetizing to me, but who knows you know your dish is actually really tasty. How can that be? So tender and literally melt in your mouth, it's almost like soft on the polenta yeah.

Oh it's polenta. I don't think i have to say this, but please don't mess this up. Essentially, it took a little bit of a risk because it is the rib and i know it requires a long cooking time underneath i have the couscous a lot of fresh herbs. It's really hard to tell from like this quality, yeah zucchini, oh, that is zucchini yeah.

Oh, my god, that's that's so fancy the way they just like cut little strips of it and fanned it out. That's the extent nice all i know cooking ribs in 45 minutes and not even having a pressure cooker. I mean that's a risk right. I wouldn't do it yeah, because ribs, especially if you want to make it like, fall off the bone and yeah super soft that takes hours, that's real, tough, it takes hours.

So i don't know what genius method there is to ever make it like good. Oh, no. That's a fail. This is like something that i would feed my dog that was terrible just how he had to like rip it off.

Oh god, oh my god did you like start twitching? Oh god? No! No! No! No! I can't afford a week in the dentist. No chef mike okay, you know i can't afford a week at the dentist or yours got the best ones. This dude was like i he took like two chews. I was like nope, not even worth it, not even worth using my teeth on this thing.

You've got all this fufu going on and the hero is the zero. I mean it's pretty much dude he's he's so good at describing things the hero is the zero. Do you think he comes up with these? Oh my god, or do you think he like? Has these like pre-written burns? You know before every show he's like i'm gon na use this this this, this wow red team, congratulations great job! Yeah! I mean we kind of saw this. I mean they have dan on their team.
Hey dan got a good pizza out dan, the microwave pizza man. That was a very strong finish. Thank you chef. Thank you.

I think the best dish so far out of all of them was janelle's. Amazing amazing amazing um dad you look like you're about to like punch a man dan. Did you make a goat dish? Yes, sir, can we just taste it just for argument's sake, redeem yourself, rough cut, goat right there, it's a roasted red pepper that looks kind of raw, but it's also lamb but yeah. I i'm kind of like cheering him on here.

You know i kind of like the guy i feel like he needs redemption arc here. I would have picked this dish over the ribs. I mean that's delicious next time. Maybe talk your teammates into choosing your dish over uh, the other dish.

You guys all of you, my dish should have been up there according to chef and y'all still have no faith. That's fine underestimate me. It should have been him soon, i'll microwave you, oh no, damn yeah! I guess that's what happens when you like up too many times just like you know, stop trusting hell, no we're not showing them your dish, yeah. Okay, how about susan drops her lamb? That sounds fun susan.

I know what i'm thinking of the chef table. Yes, yes! Well, hannibal on card one lamb, lamb requested medium, yes, chef, let's go susan, that lamb's got ta, be perfect. We already know, what's gon na happen to the lamb chef, ramsay, obviously feels confident. That's.

Why he's put me on the meat station by myself? I need to make you made the wrong choice. Then he didn't account for pokemon season's delicate limbs. Can i fly you? Can slice everything's? On point i mean it looks good. This is really raw, never mind slams, our son of a never mind.

Are they like allergic to thermometers, or do they confiscate them from the kitchens? This way they have more highlights like during the tv show yeah, because, okay, if you have a thermometer right, there's a guarantee that you won't mess up, she uh. She was timing. It with her uh with her spongebob little spongebob - oh no, and there it is gore ramsay, doesn't sound angry. He just sounds very disappointed and lost in hope as soon as it hits the ground like.

No, it's fine pick your five second rule. It's not that major! Yes, chef, oh my god, i can't believe you got damn lamp for the vip table. Was she serving the lamb? No, that's got ta be a different one. How long on that lamb still need five minutes.

Five minutes out on the chef table, i'm highly aware that they screwed up our order. That's it! Hence. I will drink wine to like numb myself in somewhere yeah, i'm pretty sure they were talking like the entire time, but the the editors just put that one line yeah it. No, it's just like complete silence.
You're, just like i'm highly aware that they up my order in the medium land. Four minutes is susan. Gon na be ready in four minutes: hey blondie yeah airhead hold on five minutes jeff, so she is making a new one. Okay, good damn it's not offensive bro.

He basically just insinuated blondes rare heads and dumbasses hey. He didn't he. He asked blondie how long this is hey. Blondie airhead.

He did. Oh, my god, i'm getting different times. My fish are overcooking because susan can't, let me know how much longer, what's all this for oh yikes, oh god i mean i'll, eat those. It looks like a stone that you find on the beach yeah that top one, but the bottom ones look good yeah.

No! You can't leave stuff on the pan for too long or else it's it's gradually game over. It's never cooked all that yeah chef. Oh no! How long has it been sat there? It's been sitting here for five minutes: jesus christ. You could take it out of the pan, so the residual heat doesn't cook it, but then it starts going cold.

You could you could also warm the the plate and then put it down and then put on a warm plate, but that warm plate only lasts for so long. I guess she's gon na have to eat it right i'll eat it. Oh yeah, i meant like eat the insult from gordon ramsay. Oh it didn't help that meat was giving us inaccurate times.

So hello for the chef table, it'll be seven minutes, chef, seven minutes changing the time. She says four minutes, five minutes, seven minutes! It's like what is the time, what, if like the vips, are just like like what, if he cuts them and they're just like having the greatest conversation, they're, so happy, there's like man, i'm just glad that i'm here they're like oh, this bread and wine, just so They're like no, you must look upset. You must be staring at the kitchen look anxious in there. Okay, we will do so.

I mean we really can't afford to have anything done improperly: two wellington, two hell of a two lamb, how long three minutes jeff and unfortunately we're depending on dan what, unfortunately yeah it's gon na be up to dan we're depending on diane and then when they need It to depend on him the most they're like nah, you din, slicing gorgeous, i'm on the meat station tonight, riding so low spotlight is on me, okay, but his lame actually like yeah. It looks decent, that's solid. It looks great. It's a perfect lamb service.

Please! Oh michael, you see that lamb dan, yes, chef, perfect, i know all right dan, i don't think anyone's on your side anymore. Man dan lost it, because gorner refuses to acknowledge his lamb he's. Just like damn look at that man that coat yeah, i kind of felt bad from on the pizza part, but now i'm just like okay, you know what maybe he deserved it yeah, maybe he's a cocky little little yeah. I cooked it good job, guys dan you're, doing awesome buddy.
Thank you winner. I'm like charlie sheen. All i do is win, okay! No! No! No! No! No, don't tell him that his ego is going through he's already cocky enough. Okay, this one chef leaves parchment paper on fish.

Let's hope this wasn't chef, dan's fault. I thought it was rule. How does this happen in like every three minute clip like something's wrong use the thermometer or something i don't get it? Also? It doesn't help that gordon ramsay always looks up like really sneakily he's always like he always has to like. He always has to like finger.

The food too, like he's always gon na be like they've, always got a finger. Yeah, i'm just like man. How about you? Just stick a thermometer in there like. Why are you getting like henry? What is your obsession with thermometers? They don't got thermometers.

Oliver is raw. It doesn't bother you at least now you're, not bothered hey. Look, she doesn't care anymore. What do you expect for her? To start weeping see another thing they they do sometimes in these shows is they take like shots from not at this moment to make it seem like they were, not responsible, i'm pretty sure they acknowledged it, but they just took a shot from like 10 minutes like Earlier when she was just standing there doing nothing, because he wasn't addressing her yeah yeah, the men, i'm right behind you, oh no are delivering their last set of entrees to the past.

The ways is cooked perfectly. Thank you, chef, good job, oh no, chef, ramsay! Dad is gon na be like i feel, like dan's, just like a walking up, though, like at any moment like something wrong is going to happen. I'm just waiting for a genie coming right up behind me, they're relating it. Now all of you come here see those six glamorous.

Ladies slightly older, gordon, oh god, it's a car, that's glamorous! Oh and ladies, i like he always how he always has to point to like whoever they're serving to be like. You see those people, those are the people you're killing tonight. These people will die because your shitty food, okay, because grannies are gon na, go home and make cookies for their grandchildren, and you deprive cookies look what you're doing to them. Man, you're killing them the piper.

You got the parchment on it. Man was that the crust on the part see he freaking put the crust the breadcrumbs on top of the parchment, without even oh, my god, that's hilarious, that's really bad too, because you can never tell the parchment. Was there yeah? You would just think that was the crust i mean, and then you need paper. A lovely lady she'd be like tastes, a little fishy, but it's fish.

They need like the extra fiber. You know by the time you swallow it it's too late, you're on the floor. With tom felipe doing cpr on you who the one day, would you want don philippe doing cpr? Look at that smile, oh, who the one day me come here joke you should be ashamed. I am.
I am ashamed. What what the they remind me of my physics, question: textbooks from back in the day yeah, if there's height in the distance of the slope, is exactly yeah, i'm like only i feel like i got ta find the area of this. You know, oh, i feel like. I got ta go find the velocity of the sweatshirt.

That's gon na be rolling down off of that paper to a senior always looks like he's holding in the poop, like he's always holding a poop he's like paper to a senior disappointing. I just i love the look of disgust like he's like you should be ashamed of yourself like he doesn't just like insult you or bring you down. He like makes you ashamed of who you are, and your actions paper senior despicable disgusting human. While the merit starts over on the phone, he didn't even need to say a word.

He could just be like oh rap, and that really like hits you down here. You know we got this. Hi shut the up high fiving each other last ticket. It's the same ticket two loans and two tickets.

Wait. What do you mean it's the same ticket as in? Like you guys, never even finished this yeah? I don't think they did anything they just like made a mistake and they're all salary like yeah. We did it. Girls, what did we do? I don't know, but we we did it girls, we did something shut the up.

I don't want this positivity when you're failing on the last ticket. Now that you've made it to the end of the video you're cool enough to join our brand new channel, just because you made it to the end of this video yeah, okay, there's a link down below to subscribe. Please do we're going to upload more videos like this, where we react to different, shows and just experimental videos that yeah you won't find here at mxr plays, and this is this is the first time we're announcing it, and this is going to be the only place. We announce it so you're extra special, it's an exclusive group for just our closest fans that that watched, the entire video but yeah.

I hope to see you there. I'm really excited for the channel. We're gon na do a lot of exciting things and i want you to be there. I want you to witness you're awesome.

Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you guys next time, peace.

12 thoughts on “Henry and Jeannie Watch Hell’s Kitchen”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moyo Maher says:

    Jeannie's outfit is dang beautiful , 10/10 , nice fresh look 👍
    Henry's been to the gym huh , must have been arm day before recording 😆

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emerson Clarke says:

    Henry, what's up with your arm, why are you so veiny, are you healthy? I hope you are because I love your content but I feel like I want to make you a sammich or something. You used to have a bamin 6 pack my dude!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB THECOOK says:

    First off I can give them a little bit for cooking in front of Ramsey and Hell's kitchen during the rush. That being said I personally have worked half of a 16-year career in a fine dining restaurant cooking and perping food for a place like one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants. In a professional kitchen you NEVER use a probe thermometer. It pokes holes and the delicious juices to run right out. We cook by touch sight sound and smell NOT a thermometer unless you working pastry, so yeah your food has been touched by The Cook's hands more than likely. After a while though you can tell me temperatures just by the feal it gives back from the tongs. In fine dining restaurants hot food hot plates cold food cold plates. After the food is done cooking you have 90 seconds before it starts losing quality.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walt of All Trades says:

    Me: watches this while eating baby carrots with ranch
    Also me: "Ha, raw chicken, fookin idiots!"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crazie Ghost says:

    Man, i gotta back to watching Hells Kitchen. Gawd damn, i am missing out on this…even it's old but still very amazing to watch.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Router says:

    So, funny thing, I found your other channel by misspelling “plays” on the search bar and saw this video after I already subscribed to that channel I didn’t know about beforehand.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soul Seeker says:

    Thermometers aren't used on the show because Gordon doesn't use them in his restaurants and he was taught without them during his time in France. He expects great chefs, which every single one of these mouthbreathers claim to be, to know when a dish is done, which also leads to more of his creative outbursts at contestants and sometimes guests if they push their luck.

    So many people claiming he acts completely different compared to the UK version of the show, which only lasted 4 seasons with less episodes and more forcible input from the producers (if any of you people claiming he's faking for the camera knew anything you would know that he shut down HK UK because they wanted to turn it into a celebrity clip show and that isn't what he wanted to do), if you pay even an ounce of attention to the US incarnation of the series, he usually starts out calm and pretty chill during the dinner services and is calm and friendly at every other time during the show until some moron screws up and continues to do so.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chaba Choo says:

    Gordan explains in one episode that, because they are professional chefs, they should be able to cook items without the use of a thermometer.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars General Yap says:

    If I ever left the table like those children, you wouldn't find my dead body anywhere, I would be strangled into 1st grade

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amin Khan says:

    If you use an thermometer on the meat all the juice will come out and it my become dry …you should be able to tell by touching it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForemostCrab7 says:

    I don't think Gordon used Blondie and Airhead together as to insuate that all blondes are idiots, but rather, she is the only one who has Proper blonde hair, the others are more what they would called a Dirty Blonde since there is so much brunet in it.
    And he called her an Airhead cause she was being an idiot.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForemostCrab7 says:

    i think. I THINK!!
    That they are not allowed to use thermometers because they need to learn how to properly cook Without one.

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