How about we uh do some sad today? Okay, how would you describe scent asian dating means now genie, i'd love to get into these memes? But you know what else i'd like to get into very soon. These boxes of swords wow from he's back whoa. This katana, oh my god, wow it even matches the skirt they've, also now come out with a crusader box no way. Oh, my gosh, the jean also comes with six random knives, blades and swords, and it also comes with three pop culture or sword related accessories.

For example, a legend of zelda: if you use promo code mxr plays at checkout, you got some free extra items added to your order and it makes for a great christmas present i'll, buy you chicken wings. If you uh, i'm not giving you for chicken wings, damn it wow, really men do you think, like chicken wings will immediately like i give food, she give like what i thought it was equal trade. Did you love chicken? It's a little sad that she already knows that this is what he was trying to do. He doesn't even diet.

Happy birthday, thanks, no problem, mine's tomorrow, happy birthday! Thank you! No problem, mine's tomorrow. This is the saddest thing i've ever seen. Well, how come that person? Why are you still trying birthday like that's it? Thank you with one exclamation mark, thanks with the two. Can you at least like throw like one, you know like confetti emoji yeah.

Can you at least say happy birthday tomorrow. Just watch relieve the span of this cycle of anxiety and depression of not having a fellow friend who kills hey gorgeous. How are you hey, gorgeous, hey, gorgeous, hey, gorgeous, hey gorgeous, hey gorgeous, hey gorgeous, hey gorgeous, hey system, malfunction hey, but you got the girl. Wait.

Really yeah, i thought these were like the last people to like actually get the girl. I don't think this is a good message, though yeah yeah, this is gon na inflame like yeah. If you harass women and send the messages like every month, it'll totally work out. Hey, how are you this already seems sketchy? I do not think i know you, but i like to be your friend on facebook.

If you do not mind mohammed, i am tired, bro, it's late. Let's not do this anymore and then the next one is but bob's a vagana. What is this actually like? Was hannah wallace like what, if she just talks like a muhammad like he's like so desperate, though that he still like responds like in that? That slight hope that, like you, maybe it's not a robot. This guy's buying his handicapped, blow-up doll, a diamond ring and y'all's baby daddy, won't even take you to the waffle house.

Well now: oh that's real talk, though genie this silicone silicon doll is getting more special treatment than you. How does that make you feel? Well, i mean fair though, because the silicon stall is quiet, doesn't fight back, doesn't complain, yeah, it's because she doesn't talk back, told you. Damn. I told you that's all what all men all men want, just the woman who won't talk back too much just i like it.
When my woman talks talk. I love that love. It fbi, isaac, god. We got a voice when you stand next to your crush and someone says: y'all should date and your crush says ill yeah.

I feel that man, okay, no! No! No! It's because, like it depends on what age you are but like let's say, even if you like them, everyone just automatic responses because they don't want to be like you know, maybe we should like that's creepier. I mean like this happened to me too, like me and this girl on our floor. We went upstairs or whatever to like investigate something and then when we came back, everyone was like whoa like what were you two up to, and i was like haha. That's really funny she was like ew gross.

I was like on the stage my co-worker started crying because her boyfriend broke up with her through text and my manager said: that's why we stay off our phones at work. I mean he is kind of right, though right like if you weren't on your phone, like you'd, still be working at a pretty decent capacity for the for the company right, true and like you're, actually getting paid to do the work. Yeah you're not getting paid to cry as harsh as it sounds that guy has so many red flags, stop talking him, i'm a flagpole, so you're long and rigid, and he can mount you right because you mount a flag on nice. Henry what's happening, jesus christ! It's the short ribs that mama leaves is cooking up.

I smell it. Oh yeah, my girlfriend got drunk last night and texted me this hey. I just want to let you know, i'm beautiful, thank you and good night. I actually kind of like that.

I think it's really funny. She shows a lot of personnel she's, an entertainment like she entered the stage like i'm beautiful she's got some sense. Sakura presents sasuke to her mother. You deserve better.

I love him mom, i'm talking to him. Oh my god. Yeah sorry socks. Nobody likes you not even your mom soccer dude.

Even your mom knows you're the useless wife jesus her. We should spice things up in the bedroom, say no more battle dinosaur head gloves: oh crap, that's actually pretty epic, because now i just wanted to make them kiss or fight i'd rather make them kiss him. Okay me, why did you text me in that chat? This is not a tone. It's a letter, it's a tone.

It's a letter. It's a tone. Fine! If you're gon na do k you, you should do at least two k's okay, because that's like, like you, actually had some effort, even though it's not really honestly, when you text me, okay, i'm like i feel like kk, is the most acceptable form followed by okay And then k by itself as you move to the right, it shows you care less. However, okay spelled out like k-a-y, that's, okay! That's all right! This could be us, but i'm the magikarp wait.

Who who is this? I don't know, i think it's an edit axe is cheating on misty. Missy was never with ash. Oh those must have been in the fan. Fictions that i've been reading.
I'm just kidding there's nothing wrong with being a magikarp. You know what he bombs into genie: nothing if no one cares for him and just leaves him out in the ocean like that. I was into a gyarados. You don't deserve me at my gyarados.

If you can't take me at my neck flopping on the ground. That's all you could do. Why do us? Men always got ta shoot our shot. There's a woman's new basketball association too.

Why can't you just say the wnba genie, women's national basketball, association too? It's cause women, don't know how to shoot their. It's because women aren't good at shooting their shot. Have you not seen the wmv wlba is a perfectly good example of why women shouldn't shoot their shots. Look i'm not getting crucified here, you're, the one.

Have you seen the highlight reels for the wnba, how it feels when she drives you around? Oh, my god, i do that to my leg, yeah, oh yeah, you do yeah. It makes me feel safe and warm inside. Knowing that my girlfriend is right there, when i need her, okay, okay, buddy, you know where your leg was. I thought that was.

Maybe you should look before you crap. I don't know why men go to bars to try and meet women. Go to target the female to male ratio is like ten to one and they're already looking for crap. They don't need yeah, it's true love target genie because they have the fake plans well because they have everything they have the snackos, the fake plants to the stuff.

For their kids that their baby daddy's left them with, but the issue is how do you engage them? You know, how do you engage them at a bar you'd, be like hey girl, the back of your head. Look ridiculous! That sounds really mean. No. It means like the banker heads like ridiculous yeah.

That's me. Oh okay, i heard you the first time and it still sounds me my flirting skills. I have a huge crush on you very big. Like dinosaur.

That's cute tell me that doesn't work yeah, that's actually are you serious. Some guys will be like obvious crush on you very big. Like my dick, like see, that's not cute yeah. No! You just use dinosaurs, that's cute, like whenever you have the urge to use the word like substitute of dinosaur.

It'll. Get you much further. My dinosaur is very itchy doctor. My dinosaur has been erected for 48 hours.

Doctor, please narrate in morgan. Freeman's voice go for it. I don't have a morgan freeman, you do go, go, go me. Where do you want to eat wherever you pick his fine narrator, whatever he picked was not fine yeah, that's just me just being deep.

That's it and there's something stuck in your throat. You meet a girl, she likes computers. She built her own pc, that's impressive! Oh my god, a girl that builds her own pc. Is there crazy, like, like that's all it takes for a girl to be impressive if she can build a pc? Meanwhile, every and no one gives a we've been trying so hard for a baby.
We've been raw every day for the past few months, i'm back in voice yeah whenever people are like we've been trying so hard for a baby, i'm just like nice, but also i'm sorry but nice. That's so sad, though, because at some point it's not for pleasure. It's for like pure purposes for mating sure the guy doesn't feel that way every day. Imagine if you do it every day you got ta, keep giving it's got, ta, be exhausting for a guy call.

My the giving tree man punches great white shark to save his wife. I have to bring this up every argument. Honey. You need to clean the dishes, that's a great way to try to save your life that doesn't have anything to do with the dishes.

It's your turn, but i punched a great white shark to save your life. Does that not mean anything to you? It does but that's separate i'll. Do it again, that's a dolphin. It doesn't matter how well you take care of her kisses playing with her hair feeding.

Her hugging her after every fight, she will say this. I don't think you love me anymore. Do you understand the fault of your logic now? No, because you don't do any of those things if you did all this is too much real life. No, if you did all those things, then i feel like okay, you could be the greatest boyfriend in the world, have everything down to the last hug and kiss and compliment, but then you pissed her off in a fight.

None of that even happened doesn't matter. You know it's true, i don't mind if you're divorced. However, if you are divorced, i prefer your ex-wife dead same as ex-girlfriend. This is dating app all right.

Let me just go ahead and go kill my exes all right, where's that knife that we just got today i'll, do it with the zelda knife, i'm cold! Oh, you can powder. My sweater takes it off, puts it on baro. She doesn't understand that meaning huh. This.

Never happens, i told you outside i'm like henry i'm cold and you're like i am too i'm not cold. Now it's it's hot! In here, it's hot in here we faked the proposal just to get free dessert wait. I don't think it was fake from him because he gave you a ring. No, these are just they're, just terrible people really to be honest, yeah.

I can't believe you'd go that far to get like what is that a creme brulee? You know you can just be like okay, it's my birthday today and they'll. Just believe you, like you know you don't actually have to fake these things. You can just say it when you weren't finished talking about your day and she reaches for your god. Damn it.

Why can't these understand genie? Then it's it's more than just the sex. Okay, it's about the emotions, the connection right, hmm, no, but that leads up to you know. I saw a date roasting the whole restaurant. I think this is just me and then jean just tells me to stop, because you were being really mean, like someone worked really hard like people who don't understand the cause of these just trash, i'm like come on, may he lose an inch off his every time.
He disrespects me, so it shall be. Isn't that also punishing for you as well. Now your boyfriend has no pee. I don't think he wants that.

May he grow in it a healthy, loving relationship, nasty, disrespectful wow. You have both clean, respectable sex boring. Am i right? You scare me: what are you talking about? You just said the clean one is boring, no, i'm i'm just like being the the poster of the meme. I actually you know i'm a very christian man and i wait for marriage and then and the disrespectful nest.

Lord, i'm not rushing you for my soul, mate, i'm just asking for the tracking of yes. Your soulmate is currently at a shipping station in russia. It'd be something to look forward to for sure right. Could i at least have an eta on it? I am so lonely why i must live this life alone in solitude.

Don't touch me yeah. What is it with cats? Females on social media females in general? Hmm, everyone wants to pet she's like no. I went out to buy bread and when i saw her, i decided to steal it all right. I think you could do something else to just catch.

Your attention just buy the bread yeah. Why is that police outfit so tight. Is that supposed to be like that me taking pictures of my boyfriend versus him taking pictures of me all the time? No, but that's because you look beautiful in every position that is such a lie anywhere any face anything you're, always beautiful. No, it's true, then you're, always beautiful and yeah.

Well, you make you demand. I take like five different photos. That's because you're a bad photographer. You want to take this to the bedroom, all right, i'll grab this end, you get the other sands and then they had ravenous intercourse on it in the bedroom.

No, oh i mean they just uh sat on it in the bedroom. Yeah say not to hang your feet off the bed because a monster will eat them. I think she should seek some medical attention, think she might have sleep apnea or something like she's. A real tosser.

You know, except the only thing she's tossing, is that it's like. That's it for said, you'll, be sad. If you didn't subscribe to the it's this channel, i'm into it, oh i'm making you feel guilty i'll. Give you the sticker i'll give you.

I will be the monster that eats your box all right. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see all right, bye, bye.

11 thoughts on “Please don’t come any closer”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erich Schiller says:

    I just feel like you don't love me anymore 😢


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars derpnerpwerp says:

    Fuck the company! Everyone texts at work to some extent. The manager definitely texts. It's one thing to be on your phone all day long.. but looking at it every hour or so is normal. Also they could have looked at their phone while they were on break

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Jefe Americano says:

    Pausing early to say I actually own that second sword they pull out of the box. Don't know who manufactured it, but I bought it a long time ago, when I was at a gun show but too young to buy a gun. (Where the hell was the gun show loophole?!) Can't claim it's anything very special, but it also didn't cost much. It amazes me that I still see those things every now and then. That model has even been in movies (with budget limitations, clearly), though I don't remember which ones.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Gealtach says:

    So, I'm single and working on it, but I'm absolutely with Henry on this. I don't like having my photo taken by anyone, because if I don't see what I look like, my confidence makes me think I'm an 11/10, but when I see that, I see myself as more of a 6.5/10. Granted, 10/10 is like, whoever the hottest man on Earth is, but I see all the things about me that I'm working on/can't fix. I know I look good, better than average, and with my workout/diet I'm doing I look better by the day, but there's always something about me I'm not a fan of. On the other hand, I never want photos taken of me when I'm 'at my best', dude looks like he's modelling. I want photos I can remember.

    It's 'this is from that place where I looked good that day' vs 'oh this is from Outback, I remember cause we were talking about how you hated whats-her-name, Jenny? Jenny stole your pen. Damn those fries were good tho'.

    You know?

    Sorry, I'm procrastinating finishing this part of the novel I'm writing, I shouldn't, I'm like 100 days past the deadline and only 54k in, and I'm not finished, but I've been really depressed the past few months, and I'm just getting over having Bells Palsy for the 3rd time in my life. Or 2nd, I can't even remember anymore. If you're reading this, I'm not 100% past anything yet, but I'm getting there. I'm cooking again, getting out of bed after only spending 1.5 hours unable to leave, and cleaning up my room/the house. Progress is one step at a time.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Benner says:

    If my little sister ever got a boyfriend (if ever), I would have to tell him he could do better.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Benner says:

    You’ve got a Kukri sword. Not only are the Gurkha who wield them badass warriors, but that’s the kind of sword they stabbed through Dracula’s heart in the original novel.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalin V says:

    Jeannie, can you please not scream so much? Even at the lowest volume setting, where I can barely hear Henry, when you scream I immediately have to go and apologize to my neighbors. Thnx.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Animelytical says:

    The "I don't think you love me anymore" bit. 💀💀💀

    Did Henry slide it in there (pause)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sinsanatis says:

    girls building pcs or being into computers is a rare sight. most will just game and whatever about the pc. just that it has rgb.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyLifeBeDone says:

    Jeannie:You could make them fight
    Henry:I'd rather make them kiss dinosaur hands kissing ensues along with mu mu mu kiss noises

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prime Technophilia says:

    Here in Australia Targets are full of absolute garbage made in China.. Must be different in the USA.

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