Smell, that's right! Oh anyways! Today we're doing our next level, but you know what else is next level genie, my ridge wallet, the light sleek and industrial wallet that fits in your back pockets that fits in your side pocket. It holds up to 12 cards plus room for cash on the back me and janie, we really like it, but if you don't trust us for whatever reason, there's thirty thousand five star reviews so get ten percent off today, with free worldwide shipping returns by go to Ridge.Com mxr, that's, mxr use code, mxr, pet bird, a jungle. Miner has been trained to go out and look for cash, then bring it home with them. Oh what okay? I think you trained what i think he's taking that much money.

Can you train, like a thousand of these birds, to do this he's starting to make it sound like a bird ring? Oh my god, it's not a drug ring! It's a bird ring. My man didn't even get a handshake in the end. What what holy crap? There's a lot of bounces, whoever his opponent is, is a jackass. What how could he give him yeah what a horse sort of loser? God, damn this guy's saving his co-worker at the last moment after ladder slips? Oh, dear god, and then they had a moment get off now: no, no, no stay yeah.

That was that was like a perfect catch, really good, really strong, it's so romantic and that's how they got married when you're getting tired of illegal parking. Oh no, no yeah! I get that it's illegally parked, but is this still not destruction of property, or is this okay? Who has the strength to do that? Can you do that this guy's, like terrified yeah, this is good jesus christ. Thank god. I parked on the right side of the road, otherwise, the three blue men, the men in blue, are coming a caddy, hits a hole in one in front of a golf legend.

Wow, that's good form, no way, no way. Perfection, absolute perfection, yeah, it's got ta feel real good huh. This is probably like his heroes. Oh my gosh they're they're, so amazed, they're clapping.

Usually they go like we're like the pope meets baby. Pogba ah got ta stop for me before dude. Even the guards are like that's adorable. Please bless my baby.

Oh, so that's how you get a kiss from the pope. Well, your baby cute little baby. Do you think if i dressed as the pope you'd give me a kiss on the cheek cheek? You have like the pacifier and you're, like i think, he'd be like tackle that man tony hawk lands a 720 at prime age of 52. yeah his knees getting a lot of love.

Huh yeah there you go. Oh okay, tricky it's tricky, no, no, no respect or love for the skateboard huh. It's like all right off now, skateboard that was all me was like no delivery. Bike gets boxed in my car.

Well, that's annoying wait! Why would this car do that he's dumb? Wait? Did you see what he did? Is he imagined now yeah he's measuring my butt and will i get out? Oh wow? Okay, that's a solution. Yeah asian men got that uh that that the mystery power you know, like they're, secretly very strong. I wonder when that guy came back, he's gon na be like wait. Somebody moved my car right, i've seen five generations, but six generations.
That's amazing! No there's! No more! There can't be another one. No! What does this feel like baby factories, or something like as soon as they get fertile? They got ta like spawn out another one has to be right because there's no way with that gap yeah. Do they all kids at like 14? Unless that mom is like 120 or something yeah, it's got to be weird like senior moms, moms, moms, mom, mom's mom. You want to get going.

Mom, mom, russian, competitive, swimmer, yulia yefimova, homeworkout! Oh, you can do that to practice. I guess that really works out your uh core and lower back strength. Oh someone's holding her down nobody's holding her down. Is it the same though, because there's no water resistance, she's trying to be a dancer or a swimmer? I don't know no more.

That's incredible! Body control, though i probably just go slam right on the floor: she pulls off a really good worm: she's, a competitive earthworm. Next olympic hundred meters, sprint gold medalist it's about to outrun the comps. I guess so. Why would you out sprint armed cops, yeah! There's a lot of gear on them.

Okay, guess all that gear doesn't matter. Is that a sniper gun like what is that you're, not gon na use those on civilians and by having it it slows you down. So i don't really understand. Well, that's a forged hammer! Oh, my god, look at the height the amount of force.

Can you imagine like a human there? It's like guts everywhere. You know. All you see is red, but underneath the red lies green. This has everything very interesting fashion.

Very nice. Okay, i can feel the soul on that. Is he just a random civilian yeah? Okay, pretty cool! That's! No! No, because i saw like the hips like pop up over there for a second henry. The focus is on this man's amazing sex.

No, no! That's cool but like what's going on over there, oh, my god, why can't you focus on the sex? What do you think this got? The upvotes for was the saxophone player, or is it what she was wearing and those hips just every day we stray further from god. Every day miami fan saves cat from falling from upper deck. Oh, what what yeah someone's got? Ta catch that cat? Oh! No! Oh! No, oh god, oh oh they did, they did the casting. What's going on, the cat just starts scratching his face, this giant squid egg.

We see this. No, that's not. It is that the squid yeah, that's a squid egg. Henry the squid is the size of a human yeah.

It's pretty disgusting, if that's the egg, how big's the mom? How big was her? Uterus parents were speeding to the hospital with their unconscious child. The police initially pulling over the car for speeding rushed the kid to the hospital instead, oh, oh man, oh there's, two of them. What wait wait? Did the police ask like hey what if they're like? Oh good good, let me load you in his car. Please excuse me: oh that's good, that's good! They got the kit to the hospital.
I should just have an unconscious kid in my car, the whole time. So when the you know cops pulled me over for speeding, i would just be like henry: that's not the point of having the unconscious kid garrett who has down syndrome. Bench pressed a school record, 355 pounds. Oh boy, oh boy, whoa, really clean! Get that leg drive! Wow yeah, that's kind of what i was thinking too he's kind of lacking a bit of leg drive there.

He should be pushing down, but his feet are coming off yeah proper form. He could probably do 400.. The runner gave up on gold medal but proved he has a heart of gold. Oh jesus christ, that's brutal, come on.

Oh no was that guy gon na get gold yeah. He was going to wait. How did this guy get here, so he got he's too exhausted. He got to the finish line.

First yeah. There you go, but he died while getting there yeah dude. I don't think i could. If i see the man who's going for gold right, he's, literally breaking down and like crawling i'd, be like i'm just gon na i'll help, you shop owner, saves woman's life from wall of dust on 9 11..

This is 9 11.. Oh! No! Not the wall of dust, oh god, oh my is out there. My is out there. Oh, my god, whoa right, oh my god, you saved my life.

You saved my life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

That's so cool! Thank you. Thank you. Okay. You see this as cool.

Meanwhile, i'm like wow like so many people died here. They even put like the the hard music in the back. This is like an actual like the future is now. Oh man wait.

How is that working? Oh, that truly, is the future. Wait i need this explained to me. I guess he's pulling the wheels when he walks that looks sick, though yeah i, i kind of want to see how he stops. Oh, is that a fire station yeah he's like guys if the thing's on fire please help.

Why does it just look like an office he's running the wrong way? Bro, it's pretty convenient though he doesn't have them come to me. He's like here i'll, go to you. It's pretty smart, though he like google naps like yeah near as far as dishes. Oh sweet.

Can i take extra spicy? Oh wait! It's on fire, what, oh, my god, delicious, not hot enough should have dipped in a volcano first and then presented it to me. I like how he has to circle it like. May the blessings of this be upon you. I appreciate hot food yeah, but not that hot, i'm okay, i'm not trying to diet, though jacket fisherman found a mammoth tusk in the river.

It probably appeared there from the thawed permafrost, the tusk weighs about 50 kilograms. Damn this is a heavy ass fish. That's not a fish, oh crap, that thing's huge, oh crap, it's like straight out of skyrim like we're playing skyrim. Now now you got ta, go find your soldier you're gon na find your soul there.
It's like all that matters help herself to the khajiits. Oh, my bro, god, the we've been fitting in our inventory. The whole time shoving up your cow, a robot, to be controlled by neurons from a rat's brain. This is the first time machine that can truly think and learn.

This robot is controlled by the neurons from a rat's brain. Its sensors collect data that is transmitted to the rat's brain by bluetooth. The brain kept in the bell jar then sends commands back to the robot's wheels. What wait? What the brains in the bell jar is controlled by a rat is a rat okay like how this music was like behold, the next level of science and technology.

This is a robot freaking. The out like what is going on neurons, can only survive for around three months. Several rap brains have been used to control the robot. Does the rat gain consciousness, then? How does that work? Is he looking for food, then yeah? The rats like what kind of hell am i existing in now yeah sublime class, made a problem with chocolates laid out in braille, and i want you to uh.

Just read it. I said it says it in braille: okay, the music's kind of loud, oh my god. What the hell these two high schoolers found. True love.

Can't you still ask her because she can't see, but she can ask she can hear you yeah. That's true blind love, braille genie: okay, student pilot loses engine during flight yeah concord tower cessna 117 tank is here. Uh about nine miles to southeast requesting full stop half hotel. Oh no, i'm losing my engine, i'm sputtering in and out and losing power.

I've pulled carb heat roger, i'm uh. Looking for a field here, i'm going to try to drop in oh nice, convenient field, i'm uh, going to attempt to landing in a field right now, 117 tango state, roger i notified charlotte. I got people saying how does your engine just drop out like this like watching this? I don't want to get a pilot's license if your engine just falls out nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, keep it steady. I have touchdown nice perfect.

He just reached the end of that field too. Dude flying planes, man, this engine just disappears. He's like okay, oh guess, i'll just die michael phelps, with the longest televised put ever at 160 feet. Yes, michael phelps see a gopher now yeah.

Why are they all invading golf? This is what you do when you're retired and rich you retired. Yes, why? Because he's old now ginny, that's the longest televised point: ball lands in pawn fells. My time has come: he's not gon na swim for the ball different channels. Different ants: wait: wait! How wait! I don't know.

Oh my god. They can do that at the same angle, i'm confused when you're. There, though, like in person like what are you looking at wars, peace, slavers, freedom, ignorance, yes, big brothers, watching i read 1984 recently. Can somebody explain like how this is possible? Big brother, okay, the 25th balkan indoor championships of what uh sprints hurdles? Look at all these talented women chiefs they're about to blow your mind.
This is so amazing has four million views gina, which one are you cheering for number three right number. Five number three. Why number three reasons number three and two? Oh my! I see why you're really watching this. How do you get into that sport, like you're good, at running away from like jumping over you're a criminal you're like wait? A second? Alright, that's it for next level.

You know what else would be next level hitting that subscribe button you're, taking your enthusiasm for watching our videos to the next level. Thank you. So much for watching we'll see you next time. Peace,.

10 thoughts on “By god, the way she hurdles over those obstacles is amazing!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vamporace says:

    Did you know that helicopter soon-to-be-pilots have to master landing without engine in order to get their license? So I'd guess plane licenses also require that kind of skill 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Jersey Ninja says:

    Hang on…does Jeannie actually think people clap like that in golf? Lmaoooo 😂. Nahhh…they clap like normal, they just get quiet when the dudes about to hit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asik Banget says:

    Different channels can show different ads because of a technology called, rather mouthful that is, virtual replacement perimeter. This has been used in televised English Premier League matches since 2017

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dialectical Monist says:

    "I see why now"

    All the men "saw why" in the first second of the video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MELEKH HA OLAM: Back For Blood says:

    They instituted a policy from that day forward of bringing all fires to them. Unfortunately I couldn't do that in the case of my vehicle that caught fire, because it was the engine that was engulfed in flames.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Rose says:

    I would like to subscribe, but after viewing once I do not like your language, You both must be unschooled if you can not speak without swearing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dragon draws says:

    Did anyone else burst out laughing when she said and I quote "Why can't you focus on the Sax"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Gealtach says:

    I did it, it's over, now I have to go write some more…actually no, it's like 2 am, I'm going to bed, actually yeah, I'm finishing this writing thing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soulreaper 1981 says:

    Six generations probably means they all got pregnant at sixteen.
    Aaahh they must be so proud

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AaronAlso says:

    IDK if this is how they do the different adds. Probably a few ways of doing that. One might a sort of rolling shutter effect on the LED display. So, each broadcast is synced to a different set of adds.

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